axios returns __ob__: Observer... when called from Vuex action under Nuxt - axios

I use Nuxtjs and Vuex to maintain state. I want my store actions to fetch data from api endpoints.
code in my store action looks like this:
async loadTodos({ commit }) {
const data = await this.$axios.$get('todos')
console.log('todos:', data)
// commit('set_todos', data)
in dev console, network tab, i see the data coming back perfectly from the server. 4 records with status 200.
in the console, i get garbage. 4 records, each starting with {ob: Observer}.
What am i doing wrong?
the same code, when put in regular page, in asyncData, works perfectly. (means, the syntax is ok)
Any idea or direction is greatly appreciated.


How to do actions when MongoDB Realm Web SDK change stream closes or times out?

I want to delete all of a user's inserts in a collection when they stop watching a change stream from a React client. I'm using the Realm Web SDK for this.
Here's a summary of my code with what I want to do at the end of it:
import * as Realm from "realm-web";
const realmApp: Realm.App = new Realm.App({ id: realmAppId });
const credentials = Realm.Credentials.anonymous();
const user: Realm.User = await realmApp.logIn(credentials);
const mongodb = realmApp?.currentUser?.mongoClient("mongodb-atlas");
const users = mongodb?.db("users").collection("users");
const changeStream =;
for await (const change of changeStream) {
switch (change.operationType) {
case "insert": {
case ...
// This pseudo-code shows what I want to do
changeStream.on("close", () => // delete all user's inserts)
changeStream.on("timeout", () => // delete all user's inserts)
changeStream.on("user closes app thus also closing stream", () => ... )
Realm Web SDK patterns seem rather different from the NodeJS ones and do not seem to include a method for closing a stream or for running a callback when it closes. In any case, they don't fit my use case.
These MongoDB Realm Web docs lead to more docs about Realm. Unless I'm missing it, both sets don't talk about how to monitor for closing and timing out of a change stream watcher instantiated from the Realm Web SDK, and how to do something when it happens.
I thought another way to do this would be in Realm's Triggers. But it doesn't seem likely from their docs.
Can this even be done from a front end client? Is there a way to do this on MongoDB itself in a "serverless" way?
If you want to delete the inserts specifically when a (client-)listener of a change-stream stops listening you have to implement some logic on client side. There is currently no way to get notified of such even within Mongodb Realm.
Sice a watcher could be closed because the app / browser is closed I would recommend against running the deletion logic on your client. Instead notify a server (or call a Mongodb Realm function / http endpoint) to make the deletions.
You can use the Beacon API to reliably send a request to trigger the delete, even when the window unloads.
Client side
const inserts = [];
for await (const change of changeStream) {
switch (change.operationType) {
case 'insert': inserts.push(change);
// This point is only reached if the generator returns / stream closes
navigator.sendBeacon('url/to/endpoint', JSON.stringify(inserts));
// Might also add a handler to catch users closing the app.
window.addEventListener('unload', sendBeacon);
Note that the unload event is not reliable MDN. But there are some alternatives which maybe be good enough for your use case.
Inside a realm function you could delete the documents.
That being said, maybe there is a better way to do what you want to achieve. Is it really the timeout of the change stream listener that has to trigger the delete or some other userevent?

Is there a way to save ParseObject without make a HTTP request to the REST API?

I didn't find very much about this topic, so I wonder if it is an easy task to achieve or if it's actually not possible. My problem is that I have a lot of HTTP requests on my server even if a Cloud function is called only once. So I suppose that all the object updating / savings / queries are made by using the REST API. I have so many HTTP requests that several hundred are going timeout, I suppose for the huge traffic that it's generated.
Is there a way to save a ParseObject by executing the query directly to MongoDB? If it's not possible at the moment can you give me some hints if there are already some helper functions to convert a ParseQuery and a ParseObject to the relative in MongoDB so that I can use the MongoDB driver directly?
It's really important for my application to reduce HTTP requests traffic at the moment.
Any idea? Thanks!
Here an example to reproduce the concept:
Make a cloud function:
Parse.Cloud.define('hello', async (req, res) => {
let testClassObject = new Parse.Object('TestClass');
await, {useMasterKey: true});
let query = new Parse.Query('TestClass');
let testClassRecords = await query.find({useMasterKey: true});
return testClassRecords;
Make a POST request:
POST http://localhost:1337/parse/functions/hello
Capture HTTP traffic on port 1337 using Wireshark:
You can see that for 1 POST request other 2 are made because of the saving / query code. My goal would be to avoid these two HTTP calls and instead make a DB call directly so that less traffic will go through the whole webserver stack.
Link to the Github question:
The Parse Server directAccess option should do the magic for you. Please make sure you are initializing Parse Server like this:
const api = new ParseServer({
directAccess: true

How to "getSelectedOption" from carousel on Dialogflow JSON Fulfilment V2

I am working with DialogFlow , I created a carousel on My Welcome-Intent, then I created a actions_intent_OPTION to get the Option on fulfilment.
the thing is.. I cant get this carousel selected option... How can I get the option in JSON? This is my function:
'carrousel': () => {
let responseToUser = {
fulfillmentText: 'Your Option was.. ' + option // displayed response
and I am trying to get the carousel selected Option like this but the response is UNSPECIFIED
var option = request.body.queryResult.parameters.tipo;
If you're using DialogFlow you might be able to simply do:
app.intent('actions.intent.OPTION', (conv, params, option) => {
//Whatever you want to do with the option }
The option parameter will be what's selected by the user. There's more detail on the Response Documentation.
(I use Firebase hosted code, and this approach works for me.)
If you need it from the raw JSON, you seem to have to dig deeper into the request. From what I could tell when trying to access it, the user's selected option is under:
From there it goes into a list with all previously set contexts. If you get the right context (which will be actions_intent_option), you should then be able to access the option by selecting:

Why when I upload of file-list the server-side code get an empty list?

First of all here's my jsFiddle, so you can see what I'm talking abuout.
I'm using blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload to manage files in the GUI of my asp-net application (server-side code is OK). If I manage the upload one-by-one I am able to upload that file successfully but as I try to submit the whole list the server does not recognize data and get only an empty list.
Here's the piece of code where my issue is:
//initialize fileupload()
//I call this function when I add file(s) to the list
add: function (e, data) {
//I do some more actions here
//Then I define this function when the submit button is clicked
$('#submitButton').click(function () {
//fix this?
So, what am I doing wrong?
Your server should support multipart forms!
A solid handler for ASP.NET is Backload

node.js and different connections for different "sessions"

I've got a node.js application that 'streams' tweets to users. At the moment, it just searches Twitter for a hard-coded string, but I'd like to allow users to configure this in the URL (eg. by visiting /?q=stackoverflow).
At the moment, my code looks a bit like this:
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
// page rendering skipped
io.sockets.on('connection', function (socket) {'user', {track: 'stackoverflow'}, function(stream) {
stream.on('data', function (data) {
socket.volatile.emit('tweet', data);
The question is, how do I make it so that each user can see a different stream of tweets simultaneously? At the moment, it works fine in a single browser tab, but it falls over as soon as a second one is opened - and the error is fairly deep down inside Am I misusing it?
I haven't fully got my head around yet, so that could be the issue.
Thanks in advance!
Every time a new request comes in, you are redefining the connection callback with io.sockets.on - you should move that block of code outside of app.get, after your initialization statement of the io object.