How to change Font Family using setState in Flutter? - flutter

I want to change my Text Widget font family on button click.
Which means I created a Container and in this Container I added multiple text style widget with GestureDetector widget. So whenever I click on Particular font family, I want to change my Text widget Font-Family.
Any suggestion for doing this type of functionality.

Hope this works or modify accordingly:
code inside your Text Widget:
Text("Your Text",
style: tapped
?TextStyle(fontFamily: 'Your-Font-Family')
:TextStyle(fontFamily: 'Your-Second-Font-Family'),
code inside Gesture Detector:
child: your child widget,
onTap: () {
setState(() {
tapped = !tapped;
and remember to define bool tapped; in your widget class.
Still, if you face any difficulty, add the code to comment so I can help you out.

Use a variable to store font name
reference it in your text Widget
then call setState to update the value of variable and UI
String fontName;
//your TextWidget
Text("some text for testing",
style: TextStyle( fontFamily: fontName )
//function to update the value
_updateFont(String name){
fontName = name;
make sure you are importing the fonts to be used
add them in pubspec.yaml file under fonts
- family: font1
- asset: assets/fonts/font1.ttf


Flutter: How to programmatically change the font weight

I am new to flutter and trying to build a text field with basic options just as in word (underlineing, changing fontsize and weight,...)
I was able to write a code for changing the font size and I tried the same for font weight, but i wasn´t able to make it work.
As I am also new to Stackoverflow I am having troubles with inserting my working code properly...
So my question is, if you could share your version of changing the fontweight of a text in a textfield via buttons just like in word.
Thank you!
Firstly, use stateful widget, then make variable:
bool isBold = false;
Then use a Text widget like this:
Text(‘hello’, style: TextStyle(fontWeight: isBold ? FontWeight.bold : FontWeight.normal))
Next you need a button for user to toggle fontweight option:
MaterialButton(onPressed: () => setState(() => isBold = !isBold))
You can change fontweight of the textfield by using style property of Textfield
style: fontweight=Fontweight.bold),

How to change a state of a widget that is generated from list in flutter

My problem is simple. I was building a ListTile from the list of documents I get from firebase by iterating through the results. The ListTile contains a leading icon, a title, and a trailing favorite IconButton. The list tile shows perfectly as I want it to. But the problem arises when I try to change the color of the IconButton while a user taps on it. For some reason, the code I wrote isn't doing the trick. What i tried to do was to set the value of the IconButton's color by a ternary which uses a class variable named isFavorited. What i wanted it to do is change the color of the IconButton when i tap on that same IconButton. Here is my code block:
// Builds a tile for each brought up names of taxistops
if (retrievedData.isNotEmpty) {
retrievedData.forEach((element) {
if (element.contains(query) ||
element.contains(query.toUpperCase()) ||
element.contains(query.toLowerCase())) {
ListTile listTile = ListTile(
leading: Icon(Icons.local_taxi),
title: Text(element),
trailing: IconButton(
icon: isFavorited
? Icon(,
color: Colors.amber[400],
: Icon(Icons.star_border),
onPressed: () => {
setState(() {
isFavorited = true;
onTap: () => close(context, element),
Any help is appreciated! Thank you in advance!
I think the problem is because you are adding the widget in the list you should preview it directly inside the widget father (ListView) so it can do the setState correctly and not inside a list you created as a data structure to store elements.
I think that's the issue if it still doesn't work I would need to see how you are showing the list.

Check for color during widget test?

The goal is to verify the color of a RaisedButton.icon
During my widget tests, I have the ability to look for text with find.text as well as icons with find.byIcon. There is no built in method for finding color.
How does one do the equivalent of find.color?
And example of my code is
color: Color(_isAttendingEvent ? 0xFFD9FFB3 : 0xFFE3FFC7),
icon: Icon(_isAttendingEvent ? : Icons.star_border),
label: Text(
_isAttendingEvent ? 'Attending' : 'Attend',
I'm trying to determine whether there is color: Color(0xFFD9FFB3) or color: Color(0xFFE3FFC7)
And I'm not sure if this is possible
I am not sure with RaisedButton.icon, but if it is just an icon you can try using:
expect((tester.firstWidget(find.byType(Icon)) as Icon).color, Color(0xFFE3FFC7));
If it not the first icon widget that appears on your screen, you can specific an index of it by:
expect((tester.widget(find.byType(Icon).at(/*index*/)) as Icon).color, Color(0xFFE3FFC7));
Note: To find a widget colour, you need to cast that widget to be something that contain a color property
For example:
To find Material color you can use:
expect((tester.firstWidget(find.byType(Material)) as Material).color,;
To find Container with BoxDecoration color:
expect(((tester.firstWidget(find.byType(Container)) as Container).decoration
as BoxDecoration).color,;
To find Text color:
expect(((tester.firstWidget(find.text('text')) as Text).style).color,;
To find Appbar Material. color
final appbar = tester.widget<AppBar>(find.byKey(Key("appbar")));
To find Text color Material
final text = tester.widget<Text>(find.text("text"));
expect(, Colors.grey);
expect(, 15);
Update you flutter version. It's working now, i am able to access color in widget test. My current flutter version is "Flutter 1.15.18 • channel dev".
Earlier it was not working with version "Flutter v1.12.13+hotfix.5"
Hope this will help. More details here
If you're using a TextButton, ElevatedButton, or Outlined button, the background color will be a MaterialStateProperty. You can verify the color in almost the same way as mentioned above:
(w) =>{}),
'button color',

check if text Widget has style

I am trying to add a default style to a Text Widget, but I need to be able to overwrite it.
this is what I am trying right now.
var newTitle = title;
if (title is Text) {
Text titleText = title as Text;
newTitle = Text(, style: TextStyle == null ? TextStyle() : TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold));
So I want to check if it has style if not add the default style to it, otherwise use overwriten
Flutter provides a simple way to do this by providing a DefaultTextStyle widget, which can be used to specify a default texty style for the subtree. If a child Text widget already defines a style, the specific Text style will be used.
child: title,
style: TextStyle(fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),

Flutter editable text on canvas

I am trying to add an editable textbox to the canvas in Flutter, that will bring up the keyboard once selected.
I am using a custom painter to print text to a canvas (shown in the code below). Is it possible to make this text editable, or add a text input element over the canvas at a particular offset?
import 'package:flutter/material.dart' as Material;
class CanvasPainter extends Material.ChangeNotifier implements Material.CustomPainter {
void paint(Canvas canvas, Size size) {
Material.TextSpan textSpan = new Material.TextSpan(style: new material.TextStyle(color: new Maaterial.Color.fromRGBO(r, g, b, 1.0), fontSize: font.fontSize.toDouble(), fontFamily: 'Roboto'),text: "Hello there");
Material.TextPainter tp = new Material.TextPainter( text: textSpan, textAlign: TextAlign.left, textDirection: TextDirection.ltr, textScaleFactor: ratio);
tp.paint(canvas, new Offset(50.0,50.0));
Not the best solution, but I could solve similar issue with OverlayEntry.
create an OverlayEntry, put a (hidden) TextField into it with a FocusNode and TextEditController.
after added the overlay entry, request focus on the focusNode, so the keyboard will open.
Add an onChanged to the TextField, and notify the painter somehow (e.g. valueNotifier) on text change.
In the TextPainer use the TextEditController.text value