How to test a Try[T] in ScalaTest correctly? - scala

I've checked the answers specified in the post
How to test a Try[T] with ScalaTest correctly?
But if I had to do any assertions after the function call or if I have to check the assertions within a for { } yield { } block then I'm following the below given approach:
def test(a: Int, b: Int): Try[Int] = Try {
a / b
it.should("succeed").in {
(for {
res <- test(0, 1)
} yield {
assert(res === 0)
// assume more assertions are to be made
}) match {
case Success(value) => value
case Failure(exception) => fail(exception)
it.should("fail").in {
test(1, 0).failure.exception.getClass.mustBe(classOf[java.lang.ArithmeticException])
The problem with above approach is that, for the success case if any issue happens in the unit test logic then it'll show the error pointing to the line case Failure(exception) => fail(exception) and not on the line where the actual error occurred. If the test case is huge then it'll be difficult for the user to find where exactly the error occurred.
So is there a better way to unit test the functions which returns a Try[T] without moving the assertions outside the for { } yield { } block?

The TryValues trait (documented here) is designed to help with this:
class MyTestSpec extends FlatSpec with Matchers with TryValues {
"tryTest" should "succeed" in {
// Normal tests
test(0, 1).isSuccess shouldBe true
test(1, 1).isFailure shouldBe true
// Use TryValues conversions
test(0, 1).success.value shouldBe 0
test(1, 1).failure.exception should have message "should be zero"


Executing a code block even after catching an exception in Scala

In my current method, I am trying to make a series of calls and if any of them fail, I want to be able to continue running the remainder (while capturing the Exception that was thrown). I am having a hard time figuring this out in Scala.
So in this example, I want to kick off each of these calls - RunA, RunB and RunC but if RunB throws an exception, I want to print that and continue kicking off RunC after that.
var result = Try {
new RunA()
new RunB()
new RunC()
} catch {
case e: Throwable => e.printStackTrace()
Outside of having them all individually wrapped in a Try/Catch, I am sure there are better ways to do this which is why I am hoping someone can help with this.
I looked at the 'Ignoring' exception but it appears to completely ignore the exception which I want to atleast log.
First, don't mix try { ... } catch { ... } up with scala.util.Try{ ... }.
You can
import scala.util._
val runA = Try{ new RunA }
val runB = Try{ new RunB }
val runC = Try{ new RunC }
and then deal with the exceptions as you see fit. For instance, if you want to print and continue, you could deal with the try statements right there:
def getOrPrint[A](f: => A): Option[A] = Try{ f } match {
case Success(x) => Some(x)
case Failure(e) => e.printStackTrace; None
getOrPrint{ new RunA }
There can be more elegant ways for such things with scalaz (e.g. read an article here for some inspiration:, but with "only" Scala you can do something like this:
import scala.reflect.ClassTag
import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure}
def tryAndLog[T: ClassTag] = Try {
implicitly[ClassTag[T]].runtimeClass.newInstance.asInstanceOf[T] // new instance
} match {
case Success(_) => true
case Failure(ex) => ex.printStackTrace ; false
def tryRunAll = {
val A = tryAndLog[RunA]
val B = tryAndLog[RunB]
val C = tryAndLog[RunC]
A && B && C // returns true if all invocations succeeded, false otherwise
You are mixing scala.util.Try with try {} catch {} which are different concepts. Try wraps function into Success(result) or Failure(error) class, and try-catch is like Java try-catch. I suggest you something like this:
class RunA
class RunB
class RunC
class Result(a: RunA, b: RunB, c: RunC)
implicit class LogFailure[T](t: Try[T]) {
def logFailure: Try[T] = t match {
case scala.util.Failure(err) => err.printStackTrace(); t
case _ => t
val tryA= Try(new RunA())
val tryB= Try(new RunB())
val tryC = Try(new RunC())
val result: Try[Result] = for {
a <- tryA.logFailure
b <- tryB.logFailure
c <- tryC.logFailure
} yield {
// do smth with a, b, c
new Result(a, b, c)
If A, B, C will be successful you'll get Success(Result) if one of them failure you'll get Failure with first exception, however all of them will be logged (printed stack trace)

What is the proper way to return from an exception in Scala?

In a non-functional language, I might do something like:
try {
// some stuff
} catch Exception ex {
return false;
// Do more stuff
return true;
In Scala, however, this pattern is clearly not correct. If my scala code looks like this:
try {
// do some stuff
catch {
case e: Exception => // I want to get out of here and return false
// do more stuff
How do I properly do that? I don't want to use the "return" statement, of course, but I also don't want to drop through and "do more stuff" and eventually return true.
You want to represent a computation that can either succeed or signal that an error has occurred. That's the perfect use case for the Try monad.
import scala.util.{ Try, Success, Failure }
def myMethod: Try[Something] = Try {
// do stuff
// do more stuff
// if any exception occurs here, it gets wrapped into a Failure(e)
So you're returning a Try instead of a Bool, which is infinitely more clear and idiomatic.
Usage example:
myMethod match {
case Success(x) => println(s"computation succeded with result $x")
case Failure(e) => println(s"computation failed with exception $e.getMessage")
If you don't even care about the exception, but you just want to return a value in case of success, you can even convert the Try to an Option.
def myMethod: Option[Something] = Try {
// do stuff
// do more stuff
// return something
// if any exception occurs here, it gets wrapped into a Failure(e)
myMethod match {
case Some(x) => println(s"computation succeded with result $x")
case None => println("computation failed")
To respond to the question in the comments, you can do
Try {
// do stuff
} match {
case Failure(_) => false
case Success(_) =>
// do more stuff
// true
although I would suggest to return something more meaningful than a Boolean, whenever it makes sense.
Of course this can be nested
Try {
// do stuff
} match {
case Failure(_) => false
case Success(_) =>
// do more stuff
Try {
// something that can throw
} match {
case Failure(_) => false
case Success(_) =>
// do more stuff
but you should consider putting the Try chunks into separate functions (returning a Try).
Ultimately, we can take advantage of the fact that Try is a monad, and do something like this
Try { /* java code */ }.flatMap { _ =>
// do more stuff
Try { /* java code */ }.flatMap { _ =>
// do more stuff
Try { /* java code */ }
} match {
case Failure(_) => false // in case any of the Try blocks has thrown an Exception
case Success(_) => true // everything went smooth
scala> def f() = try { ??? ; 1 } catch { case _: Throwable => 2 }
f: ()Int
scala> f()
res2: Int = 2
scala> import util._
import util._
scala> def g() = Try { ??? ; 1 } recover { case _ => 2 } get
warning: there was one feature warning; re-run with -feature for details
g: ()Int
scala> g()
res3: Int = 2
HTH. Small functions helps.
Another hint:
scala> def j() = Try (1) map (_ + 42) recover { case _ => 2 } get
warning: there was one feature warning; re-run with -feature for details
j: ()Int
scala> j()
res4: Int = 43
try-catch expression is not good for functional programming.
Anyway, an easy solution that still uses try-catch:
val result = try {
// do some stuff
Some(/* The final expression */)
catch {
case e: Exception => // Do something or nothing
result match {
case Some(r) => // Do something with r
case None => false
You can use scala.util.Try for cleaner and more functional-styled code.
Refer to
I faced a similar problem like you, but the answer in the Stackexchange CodeReview helped me a lot.
Successful or erroneous cases can be represented by several Scala type.
If you consider the error in the meaning of "something is missing" (e.g. file not found), you can use Option[T] (e.g. Option[File]), with case values None or Some(T). Then orElse, getOrElse or fold and map/flatMap functions can be used to dispatch cased.
You can also use Either[E, T], with (by convention), in Left(E) case the error value (e.g. a String as error message), and in Right(T) successful T value.
Monads Try[T] or Future[T] can be used in the same way.
In the field of I/O, the very nice scala-arm lib provide type ManagedResource[T] that wrap either successful (T) or erroneous (List[Throwable]]) result of computation based on resources.
Valudation types in Scalaz are also useful for such cases.
'util.Try{ do some stuff }.isSuccess'

ScalaTest: Assert exceptions in failed futures (non-blocking)

import org.scalatest.{ FlatSpec, Matchers, ParallelTestExecution }
import org.scalatest.concurrent.ScalaFutures
import org.apache.thrift.TApplicationException
class Test extends FlatSpec with Matchers with ScalaFutures with ParallelTestExecution {
it should "throw org.apache.thrift.TApplicationException for invalid Ids" in {
val future: Future[Response] = ThriftClient.thriftRequest
whenReady(future) {
res => {
intercept[TApplicationException] {
Question: How do you assert expected failures in Futures without blocking? The above doesn't work, the exception is thrown before the intercept block.
I know this is probably a bit late, but ScalaTest provides this feature out of the box (I believe since version 2) by mixing in the ScalaFutures trait, or using it directly in your test functions. Behold!
test("some test") {
val f: Future[Something] = someObject.giveMeAFuture
ScalaFutures.whenReady(f.failed) { e =>
e shouldBe a [SomeExceptionType]
Or you can perform some other assertions in there. Basically, if your future doesn't fail like you expect, the test will fail. If it fails, but throws a different exception, the test will fail. Nice and easy! =]
cheeky edit:
You can also use this method to test anything that returns a future:
test("some test") {
val f: Future[Something] = someObject.giveMeAFuture
ScalaFutures.whenReady(f) { s =>
// run assertions against the object returned in the future
Most recent edit!
I just wanted to update this answer with more useful information based on newer versions of Scala test. The various spec traits now all have async support, so instead of extending, say, WordSpec, you would instead extend AsyncWordSpec, and instead of relying on the whenReady calls as above, you would just map over your futures directly in the test.
class SomeSpec extends Async[*]Spec with Matchers {
test("some test") {
someObject.funcThatReturnsAFutureOfSomething map { something =>
// run assertions against the 'something' returned in the future
This was buried in a comment as well, but Scalatest's FutureValues mixin has you covered.
Just use f.failed.futureValue shouldBe an[TApplicationException]
Note: leaving this answer because the OP found it helpful, but for Scala Futures see the other answer.
This is a bit boilerplated, but Waiter from AsyncAssertions:
import org.scalatest.{ FlatSpec, Matchers, ParallelTestExecution }
import org.scalatest.concurrent.{ ScalaFutures, AsyncAssertions, PatienceConfiguration }
import concurrent.Future
import concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits._
import util._
class Test extends FlatSpec with Matchers with ScalaFutures with ParallelTestExecution with AsyncAssertions {
it should "throw for invalid Ids" in {
val f: Future[Int] = new Goof().goof
val w = new Waiter
f onComplete {
case Failure(e) => w(throw e); w.dismiss()
case Success(_) => w.dismiss()
intercept[UnsupportedOperationException] {
import concurrent.Future
import concurrent.ExecutionContext.Implicits._
class Goof {
def goof(delay: Int = 1): Future[Int] = Future {
Thread sleep delay * 1000L
throw new UnsupportedOperationException
def goofy(delay: Int = 1): Future[Int] = Future {
Thread sleep delay * 1000L
throw new NullPointerException
def foog(delay: Int = 1): Future[Int] = Future {
Thread sleep delay * 1000L
In other words,
class Test extends FlatSpec with Matchers with ScalaFutures with ParallelTestExecution with AsyncAssertions {
it should "throw for invalid Ids" in {
val f: Future[Int] = new Goof().goof
import Helper._
object Helper {
implicit class Failing[A](val f: Future[A]) extends Assertions with AsyncAssertions {
def failing[T <: Throwable](implicit m: Manifest[T]) = {
val w = new Waiter
f onComplete {
case Failure(e) => w(throw e); w.dismiss()
case Success(_) => w.dismiss()
intercept[T] {
Or, if you have multiple futures and you want the first non-conforming future to fail the test:
trait FailHelper extends Assertions with AsyncAssertions with PatienceConfiguration {
def failingWith[T <: Throwable : Manifest](fs: Future[_]*)(implicit p: PatienceConfig) {
val count = new java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger(fs.size)
val w = new Waiter
for (f <- fs) f onComplete {
case Success(i) =>
println(s"Bad success $i")
case Failure(e: T) =>
println(s"Failed $e OK, count ${count.get}")
w(intercept[T](throw e))
if (count.decrementAndGet == 0) w.dismiss()
case Failure(e) =>
println(s"Failed $e Bad")
w(intercept[T](throw e))
with usage
class Test extends FlatSpec with Matchers with ScalaFutures with ParallelTestExecution with FailHelper {
it should "throw for invalid Ids" in {
val sut = new Goof()
import sut._
val patienceConfig = null // shadow the implicit
implicit val p = PatienceConfig(timeout = 10 seconds)
// all should fail this way
//failingWith[UnsupportedOperationException](goof(), goofy(3), foog(5))
//failingWith[UnsupportedOperationException](goof(), foog(5))
failingWith[UnsupportedOperationException](goof(), goof(2), goof(3))
Inspired by this unloved answer.
ScalaTest 3.0 adds async versions of the spec traits like AsyncFreeSpec:
import org.scalatest.{AsyncFlatSpec, Matchers}
import scala.concurrent.Future
class ScratchSpec extends AsyncFlatSpec with Matchers {
def thriftRequest = Future { throw new Exception() }
it should "throw exception" in {
recoverToSucceededIf[Exception] {
Addition to Brian Low's answer, I found a nice explanation for recoverToSucceededIf. This is available in all Async styles (from ScalaTest 3):
Failed futures can be tested in two ways: using recoverToSucceededIf or recoverToExceptionIf
recoverToSucceededIf is used for asserting the type of the exception the future ends in:
"return UserNotFoundException" when {
"the user does not exist" in {
recoverToExceptionIf is useful when you want to test some of the exception's fields:
"return UserAlreadyExistsException" when {
"adding a user with existing username" in {
recoverToExceptionIf[UserAlreadyExistsException] {
}.map { ex =>
ex.message shouldBe s"User with username: $username already exists!"
See the whole blog from Tudor Zgureanu
What's new in ScalaTest 3
You can also try this Something Simple and Short
test("some test throwing SQL Exception") {
val f: Future[Something] = someObject.giveMeAFuture

waiting for "recursive" futures in scala

a simple code sample that describes my problem:
import scala.util._
import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent.duration._
class LoserException(msg: String, dice: Int) extends Exception(msg) { def diceRoll: Int = dice }
def aPlayThatMayFail: Future[Int] = {
Thread.sleep(1000) //throwing a dice takes some time...
//throw a dice:
(1 + Random.nextInt(6)) match {
case 6 => Future.successful(6) //I win!
case i: Int => Future.failed(new LoserException("I did not get 6...", i))
def win(prefix: String): String = {
val futureGameLog = aPlayThatMayFail
futureGameLog.onComplete(t => t match {
case Success(diceRoll) => "%s, and finally, I won! I rolled %d !!!".format(prefix, diceRoll)
case Failure(e) => e match {
case ex: LoserException => win("%s, and then i got %d".format(prefix, ex.diceRoll))
case _: Throwable => "%s, and then somebody cheated!!!".format(prefix)
"I want to do something like futureGameLog.waitForRecursiveResult, using Await.result or something like that..."
win("I started playing the dice")
this simple example illustrates what i want to do. basically, if to put it in words, i want to wait for a result for some computation, when i compose different actions on previous success or failed attampts.
so how would you implement the win method?
my "real world" problem, if it makes any difference, is using dispatch for asynchronous http calls, where i want to keep making http calls whenever the previous one ends, but actions differ on wether the previous http call succeeded or not.
You can recover your failed future with a recursive call:
def foo(x: Int) = x match {
case 10 => Future.successful(x)
case _ => Future.failed[Int](new Exception)
def bar(x: Int): Future[Int] = {
foo(x) recoverWith { case _ => bar(x+1) }
scala> bar(0)
res0: scala.concurrent.Future[Int] = scala.concurrent.impl.Promise$DefaultPromise#64d6601
scala> res0.value
res1: Option[scala.util.Try[Int]] = Some(Success(10))
recoverWith takes a PartialFunction[Throwable,scala.concurrent.Future[A]] and returns a Future[A]. You should be careful though, because it will use quite some memory when it does lots of recursive calls here.
As drexin answered the part about exception handling and recovering, let me try and answer the part about a recursive function involving futures. I believe using a Promise will help you achieve your goal. The restructured code would look like this:
def win(prefix: String): String = {
val prom = Promise[String]()
def doWin(p:String) {
val futureGameLog = aPlayThatMayFail
futureGameLog.onComplete(t => t match {
case Success(diceRoll) => prom.success("%s, and finally, I won! I rolled %d !!!".format(prefix, diceRoll))
case Failure(e) => e match {
case ex: LoserException => doWin("%s, and then i got %d".format(prefix, ex.diceRoll))
case other => prom.failure(new Exception("%s, and then somebody cheated!!!".format(prefix)))
Await.result(prom.future, someTimeout)
Now this won't be true recursion in the sense that it will be building up one long stack due to the fact that the futures are async, but it is similar to recursion in spirit. Using the promise here gives you something to block against while the recursion does it's thing, blocking the caller from what's happening behind the scene.
Now, if I was doing this, I would probable redefine things like so:
def win(prefix: String): Future[String] = {
val prom = Promise[String]()
def doWin(p:String) {
val futureGameLog = aPlayThatMayFail
futureGameLog.onComplete(t => t match {
case Success(diceRoll) => prom.success("%s, and finally, I won! I rolled %d !!!".format(prefix, diceRoll))
case Failure(e) => e match {
case ex: LoserException => doWin("%s, and then i got %d".format(prefix, ex.diceRoll))
case other => prom.failure(new Exception("%s, and then somebody cheated!!!".format(prefix)))
This way you can defer the decision on whether to block or use async callbacks to the caller of this function. This is more flexible, but it also exposes the caller to the fact that you are doing async computations and I'm not sure that is going to be acceptable for your scenario. I'll leave that decision up to you.
This works for me:
def retryWithFuture[T](f: => Future[T],retries:Int, delay:FiniteDuration) (implicit ec: ExecutionContext, s: Scheduler): Future[T] ={
f.recoverWith { case _ if retries > 0 => after[T](delay,s)(retryWithFuture[T]( f , retries - 1 , delay)) }

How to deal with exceptions in Scala Futures?

I implemented a simple job processor that processes subjobs within futures (scala.actors.Futures). These futures themselves can create more futures for processing subjobs. Now, if one of these subjobs throws an exception, i want the job processor to reply with an error message for that job. I have a workaround solution for discovering failed subjobs, but i'm not sure if that's the best solution. Basically it works like this:
sealed trait JobResult
case class SuccessResult(content: String) extends JobResult
case class FailedResult(message: String) extends JobResult
for(subjob <- subjobs) yield {
future {
try {
} catch {
case e:Exception => FailedResult(e.getMessage)
The result at the top level is a recursive List of Lists of Lists... of JobResults. I recursively search the List for a failed Result and then return an error or the combined result depending on the types of results.
That works but i'm wondering if there's is a more elegant/easier solution for dealing with exceptions in futures?
The way you do it now, is essentially what scala.Either was designed for. See
Modern scala futures are like Either in that they contain either a successful result or a Throwable. If you re-visit this code in scala 2.10, i think you'll find the situation quite pleasant.
Specifically, scala.concurrent.Future[T] technically only "is-a" Awaitable[T], but _.onComplete and Await.ready(_, timeout).value.get both present its result as a scala.util.Try[T], which is a lot like Either[Throwable, T] in that it's either the result or an exception.
Oddly, _.transform takes two mapping functions, one for T => U and one for Throwable => Throwable and (unless i'm missing something) there's no transformer that maps the future as Try[T] => Try[U]. Future's .map will allow you to turn a success into a failure by simply throwing an exception in the mapping function, but it only uses that for successes of the original Future. Its .recover, similarly can turn a failure into a success. If you wanted to be able to change successes to failures and vice-versa, you'd need to build something yourself that was a combination of and _.recover or else use _.onComplete to chain to a new scala.concurrent.Promise[U] like so:
import scala.util.{Try, Success, Failure}
import scala.concurrent.{Future, Promise}
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
def flexibleTransform[T,U](fut: Future[T])(f: Try[T] => Try[U])(implicit ec: ExecutionContext): Future[U] = {
val p = Promise[U]
fut.onComplete { res =>
val transformed = f(res)
which would be used like so:
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration.Duration.Inf
def doIt() {
val a: Future[Integer] = Future {
val r = scala.util.Random.nextInt
if (r % 2 == 0) {
throw new Exception("we don't like even numbers")
} else if (r % 3 == 0) {
throw new Exception("we don't like multiples of three")
} else {
val b: Future[String] = flexibleTransform(a) {
case Success(i) =>
if (i < 0) {
// turn negative successes into failures
Failure(new Exception("we don't like negative numbers"))
} else {
case Failure(ex) =>
if (ex.getMessage.contains("three")) {
// nevermind about multiples of three being a problem; just make them all a word.
} else {
val msg = try {
"success: " + Await.result(b, Inf)
} catch {
case t: Throwable =>
"failure: " + t
for { _ <- 1 to 10 } doIt()
which would give something like this:
failure: java.lang.Exception: we don't like even numbers
failure: java.lang.Exception: we don't like negative numbers
failure: java.lang.Exception: we don't like negative numbers
success: three
success: 1756800103
failure: java.lang.Exception: we don't like even numbers
success: 1869926843
success: three
failure: java.lang.Exception: we don't like even numbers
success: three
(or you could "pimp" Future into a RichFutureWithFlexibleTransform with an implicit def and make flexibleTransform a member function of that, dropping the fut param and simply using this)
(even better would be to take Try[T] => Future[U] and call it flexibleFlatMap so you could do async things in the transform)