How to rename fields in MongoDB output? - mongodb

I am new to MongoDB, my native language is Spanish. So I'm not sure how to find what I need.
I will try to make myself understandable.
I do this query and the result is an array.
For example :
Users.find({passport:123, (err, result) => {
//output of result
I want to know if there is a more effective way to do something so that using some function from mongodb I can customize the output to avoid doing something like this:
Required Output :
is there any way to process the output information directly from mongoDB?

You need to use MongoDB's Aggregation to do that :
/** Filter docs based on criteria */
$match: {
passport: 123
/** Transform fields into required form */
$project: {
name: "$nombre",
lastname: "$apellido"
Test : MongoDB-Playground
Ref : $match , $project


Pymongo - Query mongdb for first array elemnet by query of list of values

Given collection:
"_id" : "1.1000038",
"recomendation" : [
/* 2 */
"_id" : "1.1000069",
"recomendation" : [
I need to query the MongoDB for a list of values and get the first element of the list of values
here is the query by mongo syntax
I don't want to filter it on the python side because it's can be too big.
I didn't find any documentation on it
desire output:
Pandas DataFrame
_id recom
1.1000038 1.6739718
1.1000069 1.9185509
I don't know pymongo so well, but you need this query:
First $match by _ids into the arreay (this is like the find you have).
And later use $project to create the field recom (you can use "recomendation" to overwrite the existing field) and set the value as the first into the array.
"$match": { "_id": { "$in": [ "1.1000069", "1.1000038" ] } }
"$project": { "recom": { "$arrayElemAt": [ "$recomendation", 0 ] } }
Example here
Looking the doumentation it seems you only need to copy and paste this query.

MongoDB - Query on key name of an object

I'm new to MongoDB. I'm using laravel-mongodb.
I have a document in tree structure. I need to get documents for a specific year. Here is the image of how my data is:
I need to select all documents that have the period 2017. my problem is that the period is a field of type object. And the value is the index. Does anyone know how I can do this?
You can try below query :
/** As we need to filter on key but not on key's value,
* So convert periodos object to an array which makes {k : 2017, v : value of 2017} etc.. */
$addFields: {
periodos: {
$objectToArray: "$periodos"
/** Filter docs to check periodos has 2017 */
$match: {
"periodos.k": "2017"
/** convert periodos array back to object to its original type */
$addFields: {
periodos: {
$arrayToObject: "$periodos"
Test : MongoDB-Playground
You need to use $exists operator
db.collection.find({ "periodos.2017" : { $exists : true } })

I am building a mongoose aggregate for search mongodb documents

I built an aggregate for searching according to a filter. The things that the user can search for are optional, So is there any way to make the match optional - for example the user can select a date, If he didn't select, I want the aggregate function not to use match date
[ {
$match : { date : userSelectedDate }, { else : elseSelection}
} ]
If no date is selected => cancel the date matching and match anothers
I would try to build the query document dynamically.
var query = []
if (userSelectedDate){
query.push({ $match : { date : userSelectedDate }})
The solution was in mongoose documentation using: Aggregate#append(ops)
Appends new operators to this aggregate pipeline
after having the aggregate
aggregate.append({ $project: { field: 1 }}, { $limit: 2 });
so now I can use if(condition) before appending
mongoose documentation for append

In mongodb know index of array element matched with $in operator?

I am using aggregation with mongoDB now i am facing a problem here, i am trying to match my documents which are present in my input array by using $in operator. Now i want to know the index of the lement from the input array now can anyone please tell me how can i do that.
My code
var coupon_ids = ["58455a5c1f65d363bd5d2600", "58455a5c1f65d363bd5d2601","58455a5c1f65d363bd5d2602"]
{ $match : { '_id': { $in : coupons_ids }} },
/* Here i want to know index of coupon_ids element that is matched because i want to perform some operation in below code */
function(err, docs) {
if (err) {
} else {
Couponmodel Schema
var CouponSchema = new Schema({
category: {type: String},
coupon_name: {type: String}, // this is a string
As suggested by user3124885 that aggregation is not better in performance, can anyone please tell me the performance difference between aggregation and normal query in mongodb. And which one is better ??
I read this question on SO mongodb-aggregation-match-vs-find-speed. Here the user himself commented that both take same time, also by seeing vlad-z answer i think aggregation is better. Please if anyone of you have worked on mongodb Then please tell me what are your opinion about this.
I used sample json data containing 30,000 rows and tried match with aggregation v/s find query aggregation got executed in 180 ms where find query took 220ms. ALso i ran $lookup it is also taking not much than 500ms so think aggregation is bit faster than normal query. Please correct me guys if any one of you have tried using aggregation and if not then why ??
I read this post where user uses below code as a replacement of $zip SERVER-20163 but i am not getting how can i solve my problem using below code. So can anybody please tell me how can i use below code to solve my issue.
{$map: {
input: {
elt1: "$array1",
elt2: "$array2"
in: ["$elt1", "$elt2"]
Now can anyone please help me, it would be really be a great favor for me.
So say we have the following in the database collection:
> db.couponmodel.find()
{ "_id" : "a" }
{ "_id" : "b" }
{ "_id" : "c" }
{ "_id" : "d" }
and we wish to search for the following ids in the collections
var coupons_ids = ["c", "a" ,"z"];
We'll then have to build up a dynamic projection state so that we can project the correct indexes, so we'll have to map each id to its corresponding index
var conditions =, index){
return { $cond: { if: { $eq: ['$_id', value] }, then: index, else: -1 } };
Then we can then inject this in to our aggregation pipeline
{ $match : { '_id' : { $in : coupons_ids } } },
{ $project: { indexes : conditions } },
{ $project: {
index : {
$filter: {
input: "$indexes", as: "indexes", cond: { $ne: [ "$$indexes", -1 ] }
{ $unwind: '$index' }
Running the above will now output each _id and it's corresponding index within the coupons_ids array
{ "_id" : "a", "index" : 1 }
{ "_id" : "c", "index" : 0 }
However we can also add more items in to the pipeline at the end and reference $index to get the current matched index.
I think you could do it in a faster way simply retrieving the array and search manually. Remember that aggregation don't give you performance.

MongoDB update. Trying to set one field from a property of another

What I'm trying to do is pretty straightforward, but I can't find out how to give one field the value of another.
I simply want to update one field with the character count of another.
db.collection.update({$exists:true},{$set : {field1 : field2.length}})
I've tried giving it dot notation
db.collection.update({$exits:true},{$set : {field1: "this.field2.length"}})
As well as using javascript syntax
{$set : {field1: {$where : "this.field2.length"}})
But just copied the string and got a "notOkforstorage" respectively. Any help?
I only get the "notOkforStorage" when I query by ID:
{$set : {field1: {$where :"this.field2.length"}}})
Try the following code:
db.collection.find(your_querry).forEach(function(doc) {
doc.field1 = doc.field2.length;;
You can use your_querry to select only part of the original collection do perform an update. If you want to process an entire collection, use your_querry = {}.
If you want all operations to be atomic, use update instead of save:
db.collection.find( your_querry, { field2: 1 } ).forEach(function(doc) {
db.collection.update({ _id: doc._id },{ $set: { field1: doc.field2.length } } );
Starting Mongo 4.2, db.collection.update() can accept an aggregation pipeline, finally allowing the update/creation of a field based on another field:
// { "_id" : ObjectId("5e84c..."), "field1" : 12, "field2" : "world" }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5e84c...") },
[{ $set: { field1: { $strLenCP: "$field2" } } }]
// { "_id" : ObjectId("5e84c..."), "field1" : 5, "field2" : "world" }
The first part {} is the match query, filtering which documents to update.
The second part [{ $set: { field1: { $strLenCP: "$field2" } } }] is the update aggregation pipeline (note the squared brackets signifying the use of an aggregation pipeline). $set is a new aggregation operator and an alias for $addFields. Any aggregation operator can be used within the $set stage; in our case $strLenCP which provides the length of field2.
As far I know the easiest way is the read and write aproach:
//At first, get/prepare your new value:
var d= db.yourColl.fetchOne({....});
d.field1== d.field2.length;
// then update with your new value;
Your are using exists in the wrong way.
Syntax: { field: { $exists: <boolean> } }
You use of $where is also incorrect
Use the $where operator to pass either a string containing a JavaScript expression or a full JavaScript function to the query system
db.myCollection.find( { $where: "this.credits == this.debits" } );
db.myCollection.find( { $where: "obj.credits == obj.debits" } );
db.myCollection.find( { $where: function() { return (this.credits == this.debits) } } );
db.myCollection.find( { $where: function() { return obj.credits == obj.debits; } } );
I think you should use Map-Reduce for what you are trying to do.