flutter ad's only display in test mode - flutter

I try to implement ad mob package in my flutter app. I have create my admob account, I choose reward ad, I have my Id bloc and my appId, I have add my google-services.json in the app folder,I have completed the manifest.
My problem is when I use
.load(adUnitId: RewardedVideoAd.testAdUnitId, targetingInfo: targetingInfo)
It's OK I can see video ad after press button, but it's not my unitID
If I use my UnitID like that
.load(adUnitId:"ca-app-pub-xxxxxxxxxxxx/xxxxxxxxx", targetingInfo: targetingInfo)
I have no video ad after press button
I have this error
error in showing ad: PlatformException(ad_not_loaded, show failed for rewarded video, no ad was loaded, null)
I have since long time a bug with release mode, so I launch only in debug mode, it can be the source of my problem ?
Are there a delay of use after creation of admob account or bloc ?
thank you

ads show when u publish your app in the store so if the test ads work's fin than your ads work perfact


Google play leaderboards not updating the score after new score has been reported

I have been struggling with this problem for a few days... I have google play services set up, my achievements work properly, but the leaderboard doesn't seem to want to work.
This is the code that reports new score to the leaderboard:
public static void AddScoreToLeaderboard(string LeaderboardId, long score) {
Social.ReportScore(score, LeaderboardId, success => { Debug.Log("Leaderboard updated: "+score); });
When the function is called i get the debug message saying that the leaderboard has been updated but when i go back to the leaderboard which i display with this:
public static void ShowLeaderboardsUI()
The leaderboard is completely empty...
Any help will be appreciated.
So another user on github suggested this and it worked for me.
I had same problem with my game but i resolved that.
Follow the steps carefully:
1-Go to https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials
2-Remove all credentials
3-Go to https://play.google.com/apps/publish
4-In all applications tab click on your game
5-Then from left menu click on Release Management and then go to App signing
6-Copy the code of SHA1 from the App signing certificate part
7-Go back to https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials
8-Create credentials and choose OAuth client ID
9-Choose application type (it was android for me!)
10-paste the code you copied from part 6 in Signing-certificate fingerprint field
11-Write the package name of the game exactly in Package name field the click on create
12-Go back to https://play.google.com/apps/publish
13-click on Game Services and then click on your game
14-Click on Link apps from left menu
15-click on Link another app
16-Choose your platform (android for me!)
17-write a name
18-click on Package name field and choose your package name there
19-save and publish the linked app that you just created
20-compare the OAuth2 Client ID from linked app that you just created with Client ID in credentials you created in part 11
21-if they have the same code the leaderboard will work fine!
Hope it solves your problem!

Admob unitid not workigng with reactnative but test unit id does work?

I am facing a weired situation where i have implemented a googleadmob in react native app.
didFailToReceiveAdWithError={this.bannerError} />
where ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111 is the test id provided by googleadmob
but when i created new Adunit ID and replaced test id with the newly created ad unit id i am unable to any ads Why ??
Note : i am working on dev environment i guess it won't affect but still ..
Try to remove testDeviceID="EMULATOR" when you run on real device.
Sometimes AdMob may take some times to active the ad unit, please ref to: How long does it take for an AdMob Ad unit ID to become active?
One more point, did you input your payment info on AdMob website, AdMob needs your info to serve your ads.

InterstitialAd object is there in Admob and Facebook

Background : I am trying to have the Interstitial Ads from Admob and Facebook separately (Not via Mediation) . The facebook Ads will be triggered if the App is installed from Amazon App store.
Question : I need to declare the variable interstitialFromAdmob and interstitialAdFromFacebook. interstitialFromAdmob is for the Ad from Admob and interstitialAdFromFacebook is for the Ad from Facebook. For this Admob and Facebook has used the same Object InterstitialAd. Hence I am unable to declare the variables pointing the Admob and facebook separate. Please let me know how to resolve this
InterstitialAd interstitialFromAdmob;
InterstitialAd interstitialAdFromFacebook;
This is a very common case.
For those classes have duplicated short class name, a long or full path class name shall be used.
For examples, you can use:
com.facebook.ads.InterstitialAd internstitialAdFromFacebook;

Charboost Ad not dispalying in my app

I am integrating chart boost Ad into my iOS app. But it is not displaying any Ad.
I used the following code in 'applicationDidBecomeActive' method, to display the chart boost.
Chartboost *cb = [Chartboost sharedChartboost];
// Begin a user session
[cb startSession];
// Show an interstitial
[cb showInterstitial];
What is the problem with this? Is there anything else that I have to do?
Thanking You in Advance
You can refer following links:-
The second link contains example code too, so you can refer that, and your code just need to be written in appdelegate file with proper chartboost_id and chartboost_secret. [cb showInterstitial] should be in the controller you want to display ads.
Is it giving you any error message ? You don't want to show us your appId and appSignature or you are assigning the same appId and appSignature.
If you have not created them yet please go through this link
1.Create an account.
2.Choose Apps tab then Add App
3.Fill all fields.
After that use that appId and appSignature in your code. You will able to show Interstitial popup.
If you want to show More Apps list too then you will have to add a Campaigns.
Select Campaigns tab then add Campaigns > Publish in Network and fill the detail. After that edit your app choose More App Page fill the added Campaigns name in that device and click on save. Now you can use [[Chartboost sharedChartboost] showMoreApps]; method too.
Note: If you are testing it on simulator and app is not live your Chartboost's app's test mode should be enabled.

Chartboost in iphone project / Chartboost usage in iOS

Integrated chartoost sdk in to iPhone game. (Landscape game)
#define CHARTBOOST_ID #"55c9f216f6cd4572f3975566"
#define CHARTBOOST_SIG #"9cc8122cfb05bfe0e171f46990180147e8b6f23c"
[Chartboost startWithAppId:CHARTBOOST_ID appSignature:CHARTBOOST_SIG delegate:self];
[Chartboost showInterstitial:CBLocationHomeScreen];
But it is not displaying any ads. Help me to find what's wrong with settings in Xcode or account in chart boost.
Notes_Warning :
Hi All, don't use Chartboost, instead try google Admob or other ads network. Because Chartboost - a cheater! I used Chartboost in my games, game got good ranking in Cambodia - reached #1 in Racing/games. Game got good downloads too...But Chartboost said we used many device in Cambodia and downloaded game...its not true...we are not from Cambodia...I tried to send message to Chartboost many times...but they didn't respond and suspended my account. They even didn't pay my 7463$. Really its a heart attack for us. Now we removed Chartboost and used Admob and earned our development cost from Admob easily. So avoid Chartboost avoid getting cheated!!! Truth always wins...Always do good.
Be a good person but don't try to prove it. Just go away from bad cheaters!!!!
Notes_Warning :
Hi All, don't use Chartboost, instead try google Admob or other ads network. Because Chartboost - a cheater! I used Chartboost in my games, game got good ranking in Cambodia - reached #1 in Racing/games. Game got good downloads too...But Chartboost said we used many device in Cambodia and downloaded game...its not true...we are not from Cambodia...I tried to send message to Chartboost many times...but they didn't respond and suspended my account. They even didn't pay my 7463$. Really its a heart attack for us. Now we removed Chartboost and used Admob and earned our development cost from Admob easily. So avoid Chartboost avoid getting cheated!!! Truth always wins...Always do good. Be a good person but don't try to prove it. Just go away from bad cheaters!!!!
Now its working fine. We need to add publishing campaign in our chartboost account. Here
[Chartboost startWithAppId:CHARTBOOST_APP_ID appSignature:CHARTBOOST_APP_SIGNATURE delegate:self];
[Chartboost showInterstitial:CBLocationHomeScreen];
Some other way to see test Ads:
Add your device UDID in publishing campaign
Enable test mode in App settings.
Perhaps there has been an error in loading them. I would implement the delegate methods as described in the docs, particularly the didFail method:
// Called before requesting an interstitial from the back-end
- (BOOL)shouldRequestInterstitial:(NSString *)location;
// Called when an interstitial has been received, before it is presented on screen
// Return NO if showing an interstitial is currently inappropriate, for example if the user has entered the main game mode
- (BOOL)shouldDisplayInterstitial:(NSString *)location;
// Called when the user dismisses the interstitial
- (void)didDismissInterstitial:(NSString *)location;
// Same as above, but only called when dismissed for a close
- (void)didCloseInterstitial:(NSString *)location;
// Same as above, but only called when dismissed for a click
- (void)didClickInterstitial:(NSString *)location;
// Called when an interstitial has failed to come back from the server
// This may be due to network connection or that no interstitial is available for that user
- (void)didFailToLoadInterstitial:(NSString *)location;
It may also be because the Campaign is not filling adverts and you have not added the devices as test devices to force the adverts to be filled.
This is easily missed since at first adverts may be filled - only during testing they'll just stop mysteriously.
There is a setting in Chartboost:
Edit the Campaign you are using for testing
Under "Campaign Logic" click the "Show Test Devices" button.
Click "Add Test Device" to add each device.
Enable each device and Save the Campaign.
(Don't forget to un-tick them when live - since I assume that missing that will mean those devices keep seeing adverts but you probably want to see how the app really behaves)
You need to set
cb.delegate = self;