Deadlock on transaction begin - postgresql

I use a Postgres 12 with autocommit = off and try to avoid deadlocks by using explict locking. When I execute:
SELECT * FROM account WHERE id = 12345 FOR UPDATE;
where id is the primary key of account. Sometimes I get a deadlock on the second statement. I would have expected the execution to wait until all other locks on the line were released instead.
The server log usually shows me several (> 1) conflicting transactions for this. But all transactions working with a user should also lock the row as above.
How can such a deadlock as above occur and how can I avoid these deadlocks?
Edit: Amazingly, the locks of the other processes that the server log shows me are also in completely different tables, e.g.:
HINT: See server log for query details.
CONTEXT: while locking tuple (2892,8) in relation "account"
LOCATION: DeadLockReport, deadlock.c:1146
LOG: 00000: process 17583 detected deadlock while waiting for ShareLock on transaction 1091990904 after 1000.057 ms
DETAIL: Process holding the lock: 17438. Wait queue: .
CONTEXT: while updating tuple (4588,22) in relation "subscription"
Edit 2: I found a second deadlock in the logs which is interesting:
Conflicting process A:
SQL statement "SELECT 1 FROM ONLY "public"."account" x WHERE "id" OPERATOR(pg_catalog.=) $1 FOR KEY SHARE OF x"
SQL statement "WITH inserted_rows AS (
INSERT INTO payment_token (
account_id, ..., blocking_time
account_id, ..., the_blocking_time
SELECT * FROM inserted_rows"
The first statement comes not from my code directly, while the second Is part of a stored function.
Conflicting process B:
UPDATE account SET address_id = $2, update_time = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE id = $1


How to avoid deadlock when delete/update the same record in the Postgres

I have a scenario when I play with Postgres.
We have one table with primary key, and there are two concurrent process, the one can update record, another process can delete record.
Now we are facing deadlock, when two processes play with update/delete the same record in the table.
I google how to avoid deadlock, someone says to use "SELECT FOR UPDATE".
Suppose there are two statements as following
update table_A set name='aaaa' where cid=1;
delete table_A where cid=1;
My question is,
(1) Do I need to add "SELECT FOR UPDATE" to both statements or just one statement in order to avoid deadlock?
(2) Could you give a complete example how to add "SELECT FOR UPDATE" ? I mean, what does it look like after you add "SELECT FOR UPDATE"? I never do it before, I want to learn how to add it.
SELECT ... FOR UPDATE locks the selected rows so that any other transaction can neither perform an update nor a SELECT ... FOR UPDATE on these rows. These transactions must wait until the transaction with the first SELECT ... FOR UPDATE releases the lock on the rows again.
If SELECT ... FOR UPDATE is the first statement in all transactions, no deadlock can occur. Because no transaction can lock other lines, which could be used in the further course of other transactions.
So your two transactions should look like this:
-- some other statements
UPDATE table_A SET name = 'aaaa' WHERE cid = 1;
-- some other statements
DELETE FROM table_A WHERE cid = 1;

Cannot rename database due to prepared transactions

I'm trying to rename a database using:
I got an error message saying there is another open session. I killed it using:
SELECT pg_terminate_backend(
FROM pg_stat_activity
WHERE pg_stat_activity.datname = 'xxx' AND pid <> pg_backend_pid();
However, I then got an error message saying there are 2 prepared transactions pending. I made sure to kill all processes in the background with:
SELECT pg_cancel_backend(pid) FROM pg_stat_activity WHERE pid <> pg_backend_pid();
But still, I am not able to rename the database.
I then saw there is a view by postgres called pg_prepared_xacts that shows me the prepared transactions (shortened the gid for a better overview), and indeed, there are two of them:
transaction|gid |prepared |owner|database|
5697779 |4871251_EAAAAC|2022-08-05 15:50:59.782 +0200|xxx |xxx |
5487701 |4871251_DAAAAA|2022-07-08 08:05:36.066 +0200|xxx |xxx |
According to the Postgres documentation on prepared transactions, I can execute a Rollback on the transaction id - which is what I did:
I made sure to execute the ROLLBACK with the same user, but it shows an error message saying that the transaction does not exist...
How can I get rid of it / kill it in order to be able to rename the database?
Thank you for reading and taking time to respond.
From here Prepared transaction:
An arbitrary identifier that later identifies this transaction for COMMIT PREPARED or ROLLBACK PREPARED. The identifier must be written as a string literal, and must be less than 200 bytes long. It must not be the same as the identifier used for any currently prepared transaction.
and from here Rollback prepared:
The transaction identifier of the transaction that is to be rolled back.
Lastly from here pg_prepared_xacts:
gid text
Global transaction identifier that was assigned to the transaction
So to rollback the transaction you need the global identifier assigned in the PREPARE TRANSACTION as shown in the gid column in pg_prepared_xacts.

postgres SKIP LOCKED not working

Below the steps I followed to test the SKIP LOCKED:
open one sql console of some Postgres UI client
Connect to Postgres DB
execute the queries
FROM generate_series(1, 4) AS id;
check rows are created in that table:
TABLE t_demo
select rows using below query:
FROM t_demo
WHERE id = 2
it is returning results as 2
Now execute the above query again:
FROM t_demo
WHERE id = 2
this second query should not return any results, but it is returning results as 2
To prevent the operation from waiting for other transactions to
commit, use either the NOWAIT or SKIP LOCKED option
(emphasis mine)
if you run both queries in one window - you probably either run both in one transaction (then your next statement is not other transaction" or autocommiting after each statement (default)((but then you commit first statement transaction before second starts, thus lock released and you observe no effect

PostgreSQL: deadlock detected SELECT FOR UPDATE in transaction

I have the following schema
ID - Primary Key
I am using following query to select and update
select * from table where ref_id = $1 and is_active is true for update;
UPDATE table set status = $1 where id =$2;
Explanation for above
1) Select query result will be used to lock all the rows with provided ref ID and that result is used for some business logic
2) Update query to update the STATUS of a row which is part of same ref ID
postgres#machine ERROR: deadlock detected
postgres#machine DETAIL: Process 28297 waits for ShareLock on transaction 4809510; blocked by process 28296.
Process 28296 waits for ShareLock on transaction 4809502; blocked by process 28297.
Process 28297: select * from jobs where ref_id ='a840a8bd-b8a7-45b2-a474-47e2f68e702d' and is_active is true for update
Process 28296: select * from jobs where ref_id ='a840a8bd-b8a7-45b2-a474-47e2f68e702d' and is_active is true for update
postgres#machine ERROR: deadlock detected
postgres#machine DETAIL: Process 28454 waits for ShareLock on transaction 4810111; blocked by process 28384.
Process 28384 waits for ShareLock on transaction 4810092; blocked by process 28297.
Process 28297 waits for AccessExclusiveLock on tuple (113628,5) of relation 16817 of database 16384; blocked by process 28454.
Process 28454: select * from jobs where ref_id ='a840a8bd-b8a7-45b2-a474-47e2f68e702d' and is_active is true for update
Process 28384: select * from jobs where ref_id ='a840a8bd-b8a7-45b2-a474-47e2f68e702d' and is_active is true for update
Process 28297: select * from jobs where ref_id ='a840a8bd-b8a7-45b2-a474-47e2f68e702d' and is_active is true for update
This table is used in highly concurrent and distributed application (100's in parallel with same ref_id) and thats why i wanted to avoid distributed lock by having select and then update in same transaction.But i am facing with this deadlock error I don't know why explicit locking is not working.
Expected behaviour is that any other job with same reference ID must wait if any one else with same reference ID has acquired the lock
Help me figure out what I am missing or another workaround for this. I am still not clear even after explicit locking and being within transaction why is deadlock occurring.
As Laurenz said, in this simple case you should be able to eliminate the possibility of deadlock with an ORDER BY in your locking query.
A deadlock arises when, for example:
Process A acquires a lock on row 1
Process B acquires a lock on row 2
Process A requests a lock on row 2 (and waits for B to release it)
Process B requests a lock on row 1 (and waits for A to release it)
...And at this point, the processes will be waiting on each other forever (or rather, until the server notices, and kills one of them off).
But if both processes had agreed ahead of time to lock row 1 and then row 2, then this wouldn't have happened; one process would still be waiting on the other, but the other is free to proceed.
More generally, as long as all processes agree to follow the same ordering when acquiring locks, it's guaranteed that at least one of them is always making progress; if you only ever try to acquire locks which are "higher" than the ones you already hold, then whoever holds the "highest" lock will never be waiting on anyone.
The ordering needs to be unambiguous, and stable over time, so a generated primary key is ideal (i.e. you should ORDER BY id).

Locking in Postgres function

Let's say I have a transactions table and transaction_summary table. I have created following trigger to update transaction_summary table.
rec_cnt bigint;
-- lock rows which have to be updated
SELECT count(1) from (SELECT 1 FROM transaction_summary WHERE receiver = new.receiver FOR UPDATE) r INTO rec_cnt ;
IF rec_cnt = 0
-- if there are no rows then create new entry in summary table
-- lock whole table
INSERT INTO transaction_summary( ... ) VALUES ( ... );
UPDATE transaction_summary SET ... WHERE receiver = new.receiver;
SELECT count(1) from (SELECT 1 FROM transaction_summary WHERE sender = new.sender FOR UPDATE) r INTO rec_cnt ;
IF rec_cnt = 0
INSERT INTO transaction_summary( ... ) VALUES ( ... );
UPDATE transaction_summary SET ... WHERE sender = new.sender;
language plpgsql;
Question: Will there be a dead lock? According to my understanding deadlock it might happen like this:
|__table__| <- executor #1 waits on executor #2 to be able to lock the whole table AND
|_________| executor #2 waits on executor #1 to be able to lock the whole table
|_________| <- row is locked by executor #1
|_________| <- row is locked by executor #2
It seems that only option is to lock the whole table every time in transaction beginning.
Are your 'SELECT 1 FROM transactions WHERE ...' meant to access 'transactions_summary' instead? Also, notice that those two queries can at least theoretically deadlock each other if two DB transactions are inserting two 'transactions' rows, with new.sender1=new.receiver2 and new.receiver1=new.sender2.
You can't, in general, guarantee that you won't get a deadlock from a database. Even if you try and prevent them by writing your queries carefully (eg, ordering updates) you can still get caught out because you can't control the order of INSERT/UPDATE, or of constraint checks. In any case, comparing every transaction against every other to check for deadlocks doesn't scale as your application grows.
So, your code should always be prepared to re-run transactions when you get 'deadlock detected' errors. If you do that and you think that conflicting transactions will be uncommon then you might as well let your deadlock handling code deal with it.
If you think deadlocks will be common then it might cause you a performance problem - although contending on a big table lock could be, too. Here are some options:
If new.receiver and new.sender are, for example, the IDs of rows in a MyUsers table, you could require all code which inserts into 'transactions_summary' to first do 'SELECT 1 FROM MyUsers WHERE id IN (user1, user2) FOR UPDATE'. It'll break if someone forgets, but so will your table locking. By doing it that way you'll swap one big table lock for many separate row locks.
Add UNIQUE constraints to transactions_summary and look for the error when it's violated. You should probably add constraints anyway, even if you handle this another way. It'll detect bugs.
You could allow duplicate transaction_summary rows, and require users of that table to add them up. Messy, and easy for developers who don't know to create bugs (though you could add a view which does the adding). But if you really can't take the performance hit of locking and deadlocks you could do it.
You could try the SERIALIZABLE transaction isolation level and take out the table locks. By my reading, the SELECT ... FOR UPDATE should create a predicate lock (and so should a plain SELECT). That'd stop any other transaction that does a conflicting insert from committing successfully. However, using SERIALIZABLE throughout your application will cost you performance and give you a lot more transactions to retry.
Here's how SERIALIZABLE transaction isolation level works:
create table test (id serial, x integer, total integer); ...
Transaction 1:
DB=# begin transaction isolation level serializable;
DB=# insert into test (x, total) select 3, 100 where not exists (select true from test where x=3);
DB=# select * from test;
id | x | total
1 | 3 | 100
(1 row)
DB=# commit;
Transaction 2, interleaved line for line with the first:
DB=# begin transaction isolation level serializable;
DB=# insert into test (x, total) select 3, 200 where not exists (select true from test where x=3);
DB=# select * from test;
id | x | total
2 | 3 | 200
(1 row)
DB=# commit;
ERROR: could not serialize access due to read/write dependencies among transactions
DETAIL: Reason code: Canceled on identification as a pivot, during commit attempt.
HINT: The transaction might succeed if retried.