I'm using typescript. Ionic 4. Firebase firestore. Not anuglarfire.
my algoliasearch is throwing me an error. This is my first time using ionic.
This expression is not callable.
Type 'typeof . has no call signatures.
import * as functions from 'firebase-functions';
import * as admin from 'firebase-admin';
import * as algoliasearch from 'algoliasearch';
const db = admin.firestore();
const algoliaClient = Here---> algoliasearch(functions.config().algolia.appid, functions.config().algolia.apikey);
Just found the solution here: https://discourse.algolia.com/t/error-ts2349-this-expression-is-not-callable/9905
Summary: Just replace import * as algoliasearch from 'algoliasearch' with import algoliasearch from 'algoliasearch'.
There are a couple of examples on the AWS SDK how to get the credentials, e.g.:
But when I run these snippets I cannot import AWSSecurityTokenServiceClientBuilder:
// note that the AWS SDK is pretty brittle across versions.
import $ivy.`com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk:1.7.4`
import $ivy.`org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-aws:2.7.3`
import com.amazonaws.auth.profile.ProfileCredentialsProvider
import com.amazonaws.services.securitytoken.model.AssumeRoleRequest
import com.amazonaws.services.securitytoken.AWSSecurityTokenServiceClientBuilder
var clientRegion = "*** Client region ***";
var roleARN = "*** ARN for role to be assumed ***";
var roleSessionName = "*** Role session name ***";
var stsClient = AWSSecurityTokenServiceClientBuilder.standard()
.withCredentials(new ProfileCredentialsProvider())
var roleRequest = new AssumeRoleRequest()
var roleResponse = stsClient.assumeRole(roleRequest)
var sessionCredentials = roleResponse.getCredentials()
import com.amazonaws.services.securitytoken.AWSSecurityTokenServiceClientBuilder
^cmd16.sc:13: not found: value AWSSecurityTokenServiceClientBuilder
var stsClient = AWSSecurityTokenServiceClientBuilder.standard()
^Compilation Failed
Compilation Failed
scala version 2.11.12
spark version 2.3.4, that means that I am tight to hadoop-aws 2.7.3, which depends on aws-java-sdk 1.7.4 :/
AFAICS, this class is not part of the AWS Java SDK until version 1.11.0.
You have to instantiate the AWSSecurityTokenServiceClient class yourself instead, without using the builder.
Call this constructor:
val stsClient = new AWSSecurityTokenServiceClient(new ProfileCredentialsProvider())
I'm currently using Grails 2.4.5 and used AmazonWebService plugin for grails 2.4.5
I'm trying to create a new recordset on route53 using this plugin.
On my BuildConfig.groovy I used this plugin fro aws web services.
compile ":aws-sdk:1.10.44"
I need your help guys regarding route53 change resource record sets.
I got an error below when I tried to change route53 resource record sets.
Invalid request: Expected exactly one of [AliasTarget, all of [TTL, and ResourceRecords], or TrafficPolicyInstanceId], but found more than one in Change with [Action=CREATE, Name=app.sample.com., Type=A, SetIdentifier=null] (Service: AmazonRoute53; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidInput; Request ID: 2ca80154-78a7-11e9-b5e7-f7bc7c79e5e6). Stacktrace follows:
Message: Invalid request: Expected exactly one of [AliasTarget, all of [TTL, and ResourceRecords], or TrafficPolicyInstanceId], but found more than one in Change with [Action=CREATE, Name=app.sample.com., Type=A, SetIdentifier=null] (Service: AmazonRoute53; Status Code: 400; Error Code: InvalidInput; Request ID: 2ca80154-78a7-11e9-b5e7-f7bc7c79e5e6)
This is my code.
import com.amazonaws.services.route53.AmazonRoute53Client
import com.amazonaws.services.route53.model.AliasTarget
import com.amazonaws.services.route53.model.Change
import com.amazonaws.services.route53.model.ChangeAction
import com.amazonaws.services.route53.model.ChangeBatch
import com.amazonaws.services.route53.model.ChangeResourceRecordSetsRequest
import com.amazonaws.services.route53.model.ChangeResourceRecordSetsResult
import com.amazonaws.services.route53.model.RRType
import com.amazonaws.services.route53.model.ResourceRecord
import com.amazonaws.services.route53.model.ResourceRecordSet
import grails.plugin.awssdk.AmazonWebService
import grails.transaction.Transactional
class AwsRoute53Service {
AmazonWebService amazonWebService
ChangeResourceRecordSetsResult changeRecordSet() {
AmazonRoute53Client route53Client = amazonWebService.route53
AliasTarget target = new AliasTarget('hostedZoneIDHere', 'app.sample.com.')
List<ResourceRecord> resourceRecords = new ArrayList<>()
resourceRecords.add(new ResourceRecord('dNSNameHere'))
ResourceRecordSet recordSet = new ResourceRecordSet('app.sample.com.', RRType.A)
List<Change> changes = new ArrayList<>()
changes.add(new Change(ChangeAction.CREATE, recordSet))
ChangeBatch changeBatch = new ChangeBatch(changes)
ChangeResourceRecordSetsRequest request = new ChangeResourceRecordSetsRequest('hostedZoneIDHere', changeBatch)
return route53Client.changeResourceRecordSets(request)
Can you tell me what is the problem with the setup?
I would be glad if you can help me with my problem right now.
Thank you guys.
I already solve this problem. below is the working code.
import com.amazonaws.services.route53.AmazonRoute53Client
import com.amazonaws.services.route53.model.AliasTarget
import com.amazonaws.services.route53.model.Change
import com.amazonaws.services.route53.model.ChangeAction
import com.amazonaws.services.route53.model.ChangeBatch
import com.amazonaws.services.route53.model.ChangeResourceRecordSetsRequest
import com.amazonaws.services.route53.model.ChangeResourceRecordSetsResult
import com.amazonaws.services.route53.model.RRType
import com.amazonaws.services.route53.model.ResourceRecord
import com.amazonaws.services.route53.model.ResourceRecordSet
import grails.plugin.awssdk.AmazonWebService
import grails.transaction.Transactional
class AwsRoute53Service {
private static final String DOMAIN_NAME_SERVER = "${System.env.DOMAIN_NAME_SERVER}"
private static final String HOSTED_ZONE_ID = "${System.env.HOSTED_ZONE_ID}"
AmazonWebService amazonWebService
ChangeResourceRecordSetsResult changeRecordSet() {
AmazonRoute53Client route53Client = amazonWebService.route53
GetHostedZoneResult hostedZoneResult = route53Client.getHostedZone(new GetHostedZoneRequest(HOSTED_ZONE_ID))
HostedZone hostedZone = hostedZoneResult.getHostedZone()
ResourceRecordSet resourceRecordSet = new ResourceRecordSet()
new ResourceRecord().withValue(DOMAIN_NAME_SERVER)
ChangeResourceRecordSetsRequest request = new ChangeResourceRecordSetsRequest()
new ChangeBatch()
new Change()
return route53Client.changeResourceRecordSets(request)
I'm completely new to Express/Postgresql and I'm trying to learn them to create a web application. After some poking around, I decided that I wanted to develop my back-end with TypeScript. I successfully converted all my other files from JavaScript to TypeScript, but I still can't figure out how to initialize the pg-promise connection in TypeScript!
I've been trying to follow the TypeScript guidelines in this link here. https://github.com/vitaly-t/pg-promise/tree/master/typescript
// Initialize the PostGres database conneciton for use throughout
the entire application
import {IMain, IDatabase} from 'pg-promise';
import * as pgPromise from 'pg-promise';
const pgp: IMain = pgPromise({
query(e: any) {
console.log('QUERY RESULT:', e.query);
receive(data: any, result: any, e: any) {
console.log(`DATA FROM QUERY ${e.query} WAS RECEIVED.`);
const connection: any = {
host: 'localhost',
port: 5432,
database: 'RushHub',
user: 'RyanArifin',
password: null
const db: IDatabase<any> = pgp(connection);
export {
I currently am getting the error "TS2349: Cannot invoke an expression whose type lacks a call signature. Type 'typeof pgPromise' has no compatible call signatures." This error is coming from when I try to set my initialization options. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
This is standard TypeScript configuration flag - esModuleInterop. When set to true, the import syntax is import pgPromise from 'pg-promise';, and when false, which is the default, the syntax is import * as pgPromise from 'pg-promise';.
The library gives you example for the default TypeScript configuration.
In my Meteor app I have a collection definition like this:
this.collections.Messages = new Mongo.Collection("messages");
Now I try to connect to it from a react native meteor like this:
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import Meteor, { createContainer } from 'react-native-meteor';
import MessageListComponent from '../routes/messageList';
export default MessageListContainer = createContainer(() => {
const messagesHandle = Meteor.subscribe('userMessage');
const loading = !messagesHandle.ready();
const messages = Meteor.collection("messages").find().fetch();
return {
}, MessageListComponent);
But it's return below red error message on device:
undefined is not a function (evaluating '_reactNativeMeteor2.default.collection("messages").find().fetch()')
What is the problem guys?
Try eliminating the fetch() from your messages const:
const messages = Meteor.collection('messages').find();
The fetch converts the cursor into an array, and probably isn't necessary here. Also, this line is the only one where you have double quotes, but I'm not sure that that is relevant.
I need to override the DS.Store.findQuery in Ember cli. that is no problem in itself.
The problem is importing the _findQuery method from the 'finder' file -- in that new app/store.js file
this._findQuery doesnt work
in the 'shimmed' component/ember-data
the prototype is
function ember$data$lib$system$store$finders$$_findQuery(adapter, store, typeClass, query, recordArray
Has anyone some advice on the required import statement.
here is some failed attempts
import DS from 'ember-data';
import Ember from 'ember';
//import _findQuery from 'ember-data/lib/system/store/finders'; NOPE
//import _findQuery from 'ember-data'; NOPE
export default DS.Store.extend({
findQuery: function(typeName, query) {
var type = this.modelFor(typeName);
var array = this.recordArrayManager
.createAdapterPopulatedRecordArray(type, query);
var adapter = this.adapterFor(type);
Ember.assert("You tried to load a query but you have no adapter (for " + type + ")", adapter);
Ember.assert("You tried to load a query but your adapter does not implement `findQuery`", typeof adapter.findQuery === 'function');
var x = _findQuery(adapter, this, type, query, array); // <-- URGH HERE
return promiseArray(x);
I'm not sure that you are able to import it in the way you describe, you could do it on the Adapter though.
You should be able to override it per Adapter, or if you want to do it everywhere, override on your application Adapter.
Like this
import DS from 'ember-data';
import Ember from 'ember';
export default DS.ActiveModelAdapter.extend({
findQuery (typeName, query) {
// do your stuff here