Unreal control possession issue - unreal-engine4

I created a Third Person project in Unreal engine. Everything was working fine for a while. Meaning, I was able to control the player when I previewed the game (play). Due to something I probably did, at one point I could no longer control the player in the preview mode. Instead, it seems that I am controlling the default player -- sort of a camera that hangs up in the sky. I checked all the settings Including the "Default Pawn Class" in the project settings, as well as in the world settings.
Not sure what I did wrong or what settings do I need to change. I would love to get some help.

By mistake, I was running in the simulate mode. I change back to the "Selected Viewport" mode and everything is back to normal.


Touch is not working with Unity UI Toolkit buttons

I'm having a weird issue, may be a simple fix.
I've got a UI only "game" using the new UI Toolkit. It's a little kind of a drawing program. I've got a draw area in the middle with "tool buttons" on the sides. Everything works fine with Mouse, Pen, and touch when drawing (using scripts I can access all types of pointers), but for some reason touch doesn't work with the UI buttons only.
What's even weirder is that touch on UI buttons works when testing directly in Unity Play mode (I've got a touch screen laptop), but doesn't work when I make a Build.
In my Project Settings -> Input System Package, I've got Pen, Mouse, and Touchscreen active under "Supported Devices"
The new UI Toolkit is so new there's no help or similar issues I can find online.
if its still relevant:
I had the same issue and used "Standalone Input Module" instead of "Input System UI Input Module" in EventSystem. It says it's the old option, but it works for me :D
I add the touch screen here and it works now.
Just a follow up since I ended up finding my answer somewhere else.
In the "Input System UI Input Module" component in the EventSystem, I changed the "pointer Behavior" to "Single Unified Pointer" and that fixed it. Not sure if that's just a work-around, but it works great now.

Save data from game to editor? [duplicate]

Apparently this is some beginner's question (and that I am) but it's driving me crazy and I couldn't find any mention:
I Occasionally forget to exit Play mode and go on building my UI making objects and changes, only to realize that I'm still in Play Mode and as soon as I unpress the play button, these will be purged! I suppose the Unity Editor has its reasons for allowing editing of Scripts/Scenes while in Play Mode (would be happy to hear some examples-maybe testing scenes?) but my main question here is:
Is there some way for me to prevent this behavior? Or at least some trick that you use to prevent me from making changes while in play mode? (Other than becoming paranoid about it and checking constantly...)
Thank you
PS. sigh time to head back to Unity and rebuild that UI that I lost...
Other Unity coders have had this problem before me and they came up with a neat solution.
Setting the UI to a different colour while in playmode "Playmode tint".
You can read the details here (originally posted 2009 but I have checked it still works in latest Unity 5.3):
There is no settings to prevent changing things during play mode but there are ways to reduce the chances of losing changes during play mode.
1.Edit->Preferences... -> Colors. Now, on the right change Playmode Tint to red. That will remind you you are making changes in play mode.
2.Click on the gear icon of each component you change during play then click Copy Component. When are done with playmode, select the component you want to keep its changes. Click the gear icon again and this time, Click Paste Component Values.
3.Write an Editor Plugin that will do that for you. This is hard but possible.
Use event to find out when entering playmode. Store all GameObject public important variables such as transform/rigidbody properties in a list.
Wait for the stop event to fire then ask your self which GameObjects to overwrite settings to. Then overwrite the properties of the selected GameObjects That's it.
Usefull APIs for this:
EditorApplication.playmodeStateChanged += callBackFunc;
Note: According to Unity roadmap, a feature that enables you to save playtime changes is in construction and will be released soon but the above seems to be the only way at this time.
You can select objects you want to keep while in play mode, copy them with Ctrl + C, and then just paste them back in with Ctrl + V after returning to edit mode. Then you can eithr delete the originals from the scene or copy values from individual components like #Programmer suggested.

Unity3d editor: how to prevent changes from being undone upon exiting play mode?

Apparently this is some beginner's question (and that I am) but it's driving me crazy and I couldn't find any mention:
I Occasionally forget to exit Play mode and go on building my UI making objects and changes, only to realize that I'm still in Play Mode and as soon as I unpress the play button, these will be purged! I suppose the Unity Editor has its reasons for allowing editing of Scripts/Scenes while in Play Mode (would be happy to hear some examples-maybe testing scenes?) but my main question here is:
Is there some way for me to prevent this behavior? Or at least some trick that you use to prevent me from making changes while in play mode? (Other than becoming paranoid about it and checking constantly...)
Thank you
PS. sigh time to head back to Unity and rebuild that UI that I lost...
Other Unity coders have had this problem before me and they came up with a neat solution.
Setting the UI to a different colour while in playmode "Playmode tint".
You can read the details here (originally posted 2009 but I have checked it still works in latest Unity 5.3):
There is no settings to prevent changing things during play mode but there are ways to reduce the chances of losing changes during play mode.
1.Edit->Preferences... -> Colors. Now, on the right change Playmode Tint to red. That will remind you you are making changes in play mode.
2.Click on the gear icon of each component you change during play then click Copy Component. When are done with playmode, select the component you want to keep its changes. Click the gear icon again and this time, Click Paste Component Values.
3.Write an Editor Plugin that will do that for you. This is hard but possible.
Use event to find out when entering playmode. Store all GameObject public important variables such as transform/rigidbody properties in a list.
Wait for the stop event to fire then ask your self which GameObjects to overwrite settings to. Then overwrite the properties of the selected GameObjects That's it.
Usefull APIs for this:
EditorApplication.playmodeStateChanged += callBackFunc;
Note: According to Unity roadmap, a feature that enables you to save playtime changes is in construction and will be released soon but the above seems to be the only way at this time.
You can select objects you want to keep while in play mode, copy them with Ctrl + C, and then just paste them back in with Ctrl + V after returning to edit mode. Then you can eithr delete the originals from the scene or copy values from individual components like #Programmer suggested.

Unity Interface select on Click in Scene View

Unity won't let me select objects on my scene without first selecting the object in the Hierarchy. This was all I could find on the issue.
However, it seems that they decided that closing and opening the scene window fixed the bug, but not so with me. Also note that I am on a blank project. Its been really difficult to work around this bug.
I have even uninstalled Unity and reinstalled with the hopes that this would solve the problem, but unfortunately it did not. Thanks for any help ahead of time.
Honestly this is such an odd problem that I'm having difficulty knowing how to try and fix the problem. I also reported the bug as recommended below by NoƫlWidmer, but even the staff who was very kind had no idea how to deal with the problem, and the advice he gave also didn't change a thing. Truly, I don't even know what more information I can give you guys because as I said I literally opened a new Unity project for the first time after reinstalling and was unable to select without first clicking on the hierarchy. Is this just a special freak case that landed with me or has this happened to anyone else?? Also I'm using a two year old Windows 8 Laptop with literally nothing installed on it but the Adobe suite and a few other game developer necessities, so my computer most likely is not the source of the problem.
Edit: a Clue??
Well I was messing around with the scene and hierarchy view in full screen, and I noticed something interesting after clicking on the object in the hierarchy and moving the object in the scene view:
Unfortunately my PrintScreen doesnt show the actual mouse, but as you can see the scene view acts as though I'm clicking on the object, but here at the same time I saw my real mouse off down to the right! Also while I've selected an object on the scene editor and I move my mouse off the scene window things get a bit off and the mouse will pop up on other sides of the window and so on. I don't know if that's normal and its that way for everyone or if it's just me and it might help figure out what's going on.
Man I've really been liking Unity but if this keeps up I think I'll have to drop it and find another software, because I certainly will never be able to design anything worth while if I have to select the object on the hierarchy every time for every single object.
Some bug for me on Mac platform. I resolve just entering and exit from fullscreen mode.
Probably may also work change layout with top-right combo.
I had similar issue while using older versions of unity (in addition inspector window lost the focus repeatedly). In my case rearraging editor windows and saving custom window layout solved it. As far as I remember, I just moved scene view outside Unity window (on the second screen) as well as hierarchy view, and saved resulting position as a new window layout.
Not sure if there is anything else I can tell about it, it's pretty mysterious problem.
I'm overwhelmed with joy right now!! The problem was indeed a bug. I was working on a project and moving objects around (still using the hierarchy to select objects) and then a split second later for absolutely no reason Unity decided to start working the way it should've!!! I guess its just one of those issues where you just have to cross your fingers and hope it'll resolve itself. I'm so glad this dumb issue resolved itself because I was about to tear my hair out and succumb to using another computer for my unity design, or even worse another software. Thank you to everyone who helped!

why does the screen on my phone turns white when it detects the target?

I'm new to augmented reality, and I'm using vuforia 4.2.3 and unity 5, I followed all the steps trying to make a test run and whenever the camera detects the target the whole screen turn white, I've tried many thing but none of them worked, can someone help me?
I had a problem that sounds similar.
There is a known bug that causes white screen, could be related to that? See here for more info.
What worked for me was to change the VideoBackground.shader code, as described on that thread.
Go to Project>>Qualcomm Augmented reality>>Shaders
Double-click VideoBackground. This opens up Mono.
In the code, change where it says:
to this:
Save, rebuild etc.
Worked for me.