Modifying remote variables inside ScriptBlock using Invoke-Command - powershell

Is it possible to modify remote variables? I am trying to do something like the following:
$var1 = ""
$var2 = ""
Invoke-Command -ComputerName Server1 -ScriptBlock{
$using:var1 = "Hello World"
$using:var2 = "Goodbye World"
When I try this I get the error:
The assignment expression is not valid. The input to an assignment operator must be an object that is able to accept assignments, such as a variable or a property.
So obviously, it doesn't work using this method, but are there any other approaches I could take? I need to use and modify those variables in both a remote and local scope

So what you are trying to do wont work. But here is a work around.
Place your data you want returned into a hashtable and then capture the results and enumerate over them and place the value into the variables.
$var1 = ""
$var2 = ""
$Reponse = Invoke-Command -ComputerName Server1 -ScriptBlock{
$Stuff1 = "Hey"
$Stuff2 = "There"
Return #{
var1 = $Stuff1
var2 = $Stuff2
$Reponse.GetEnumerator() | %{
Set-Variable $_.Key -Value $_.Value
This will return

What you're trying to do fundamentally cannot work:
A $using: reference to a variable in the caller's scope in script blocks executed in a different runspace (such as remotely, via Invoke-Command -ComputerName, as in your case):
is not a reference to the variable object (to the variable as a whole),
but expands to the variable's value, and you fundamentally cannot assign something to a value.
In the case at hand, $using:var1 effectively becomes "" in your script block (the value of $var1 when Invoke-Command is called), and something like "" = "Hello world" cannot work.
The conceptual help topic about_Remote_Variables (now) mentions that (emphasis added):
A variable reference such as $using:var expands to the value of variable $var from the caller's context. You do not get access to the caller's variable object.
See this answer for background information.
As for a potential solution:
Make your script block output the values of interest, then assign to local variables, as shown in ArcSet's helpful answer.


Get-Variable defined in a scriptblock from a psm function

I have the following piece of code:
$x = 'xyz'
& {
$y = 'abc'
The foo function is defined in the foo.psm1 module which is imported before the script block is started.
Inside the foo function, I call Get-Variable which shows me x but it doesn't show y. I tried playing with the -Scope parameter: Local, Script, Global, 0 - which is the local scope from what I understood from the docs, 1 - which is the parent scope.
How could I get the y variable inside the foo function?
I'm not looking for a solution such as passing it as an argument. I want something as Get-Variable but sadly it doesn't see it for some reason.
Based on the comments received, probably more context is needed.
Say that foo receives a ScriptBlock which is using the $using: syntax.
$x = 'xyz'
& {
$y = 'abc'
foo -ScriptBlock {
Write-Host $using:x
Write-Host $using:y
I'm 'mining' these variables as follows:
$usingAsts = $ScriptBlock.Ast.FindAll( { param($ast) $ast -is [System.Management.Automation.Language.UsingExpressionAst] }, $true) | ForEach-Object { $_ -as [System.Management.Automation.Language.UsingExpressionAst] }
foreach ($usingAst in $usingAsts) {
$varAst = $usingAst.SubExpression -as [System.Management.Automation.Language.VariableExpressionAst]
$var = Get-Variable -Name $varAst.VariablePath.UserPath -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
This is how I'm using Get-Variable and in the case presented above, y cannot be found.
Modules run in their own scope domain (aka session state), which means they generally do not see the caller's variables - unless (a module-external) caller runs directly in the global scope.
For an overview of scopes in PowerShell, see the bottom section of this answer.
However, assuming that you define the function in your module as an advanced one, there is a way to access the caller's state, namely via the automatic $PSCmdlet variable.
Here's a simplified example, using a dynamic module created via the New-Module cmdlet:
# Create a dynamic module that defines function 'foo'
$null = New-Module {
function foo {
# Make the function and advanced (cmdlet-like) one, via
# [CmdletBinding()].
[CmdletBinding()] param()
# Access the value of variable $bar in the
# (module-external) caller's scope.
# To get the variable *object*, use:
# $PSCmdlet.SessionState.PSVariable.Get('bar')
& {
$bar = 'abc'
The above outputs verbatim abc, as desired.

PowerShell update a list variable with values returned from within the invoke-command [duplicate]

Is it possible to modify remote variables? I am trying to do something like the following:
$var1 = ""
$var2 = ""
Invoke-Command -ComputerName Server1 -ScriptBlock{
$using:var1 = "Hello World"
$using:var2 = "Goodbye World"
When I try this I get the error:
The assignment expression is not valid. The input to an assignment operator must be an object that is able to accept assignments, such as a variable or a property.
So obviously, it doesn't work using this method, but are there any other approaches I could take? I need to use and modify those variables in both a remote and local scope
So what you are trying to do wont work. But here is a work around.
Place your data you want returned into a hashtable and then capture the results and enumerate over them and place the value into the variables.
$var1 = ""
$var2 = ""
$Reponse = Invoke-Command -ComputerName Server1 -ScriptBlock{
$Stuff1 = "Hey"
$Stuff2 = "There"
Return #{
var1 = $Stuff1
var2 = $Stuff2
$Reponse.GetEnumerator() | %{
Set-Variable $_.Key -Value $_.Value
This will return
What you're trying to do fundamentally cannot work:
A $using: reference to a variable in the caller's scope in script blocks executed in a different runspace (such as remotely, via Invoke-Command -ComputerName, as in your case):
is not a reference to the variable object (to the variable as a whole),
but expands to the variable's value, and you fundamentally cannot assign something to a value.
In the case at hand, $using:var1 effectively becomes "" in your script block (the value of $var1 when Invoke-Command is called), and something like "" = "Hello world" cannot work.
The conceptual help topic about_Remote_Variables (now) mentions that (emphasis added):
A variable reference such as $using:var expands to the value of variable $var from the caller's context. You do not get access to the caller's variable object.
See this answer for background information.
As for a potential solution:
Make your script block output the values of interest, then assign to local variables, as shown in ArcSet's helpful answer.

Cannot modify a script-scoped variable from inside a function

I am currently making a script which is supposed to connect to 42 different local servers and getting the Users of a specific group (fjärrskrivbordsanvändare(Remote desktop users in swedish :D)) from active directory. After it has gotten all the users from the server it has to export the users to a file on MY desktop
The csv file has to look like this:
Stockholm Candymakers;Pedro
Here's the code as of now:
$MolnGroup = 'fjärrskrivbordsanvändare'
$ActiveDirectory = 'activedirectory'
Set-Variable -Name OutputAnvandare -Value ($null) -Scope Script
Set-Variable -Name OutputDomain -Value ($null) -Scope Script
function ReadInfo {
Get-Variable -Exclude PWD,*Preference | Remove-Variable -EA 0
if (Test-Path "C:\file\frickin\path.txt") {
Write-Host("File found")
}else {
Write-Host("Error: File not found, filepath might be invalid.")
$filename = "C:\File\Freakin'\path\super.txt"
$Headers = "IPAddress", "Username", "Password", "Cloud"
$Importedcsv = Import-csv $filename -Delimiter ";" -Header $Headers
$PasswordsArray += #($Importedcsv.password)
$AddressArray = #($Importedcsv | ForEach-Object { $_.IPAddress } )
$UsernamesArray += #($Importedcsv.username)
$CloudArray += #($
function GetData([int]$p) {
for ($row = 1; $row -le $UsernamesArray.Length; $row++)
# (If the customer has cloud-service on server, proceed)
if($CloudArray[$row] -eq 1)
# Code below uses the information read in from a file to connect pc to server(s)
$secstr = New-Object -TypeName System.Security.SecureString
$PasswordsArray[$row].ToCharArray() | ForEach-Object {$secstr.AppendChar($_)}
$cred = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential -argumentlist $UsernamesArray[$row], $secstr
# Runs command on server
$OutputAnvandare = Invoke-Command -computername $AddressArray[$row] -credential $cred -ScriptBlock {
Import-Module Activedirectory
foreach ($Anvandare in (Get-ADGroupMember fjärrskrivbordsanvändare))
$OutputDomain = Invoke-Command -computername $AddressArray[$row] -credential $cred -ScriptBlock {
Import-Module Activedirectory
foreach ($Anvandare in (Get-ADGroupMember fjärrskrivbordsanvändare))
gc env:UserDomain
$OutputDomain + $OutputAnvandare
function Export {
# Variabler för att bygga up en CSV-fil genom Out-File
$filsökväg = "C:\my\file\path\Coolkids.csv"
$ColForetag = "Company"
$ColAnvandare = "Users"
$Emptyline = "`n"
$delimiter = ";"
for ($p = 1; $p -le $AA.Length; $p++) {
# writes out columns in the csv file
$ColForetag + $delimiter + $ColAnvandare | Out-File $filsökväg
# Writes out the domain name and the users
$OutputDomain + $delimiter + $OutputAnvandare | Out-File $filsökväg -Append
My problem is, I can't export the users or the domain. As you can see i tried to make the variables global to the whole script, but $outputanvandare and $outputdomain only contains the information i need inside of the foreach loop. If I try to print them out anywhere else, they're empty?!
This answer focuses on variable scoping, because it is the immediate cause of the problem.
However, it is worth mentioning that modifying variables across scopes is best avoided to begin with; instead, pass values via the success stream (or, less typically, via by-reference variables and parameters ([ref]).
To expound on PetSerAl's helpful comment on the question: The perhaps counter-intuitive thing about PowerShell variable scoping is that:
while you can see (read) variables from ancestral (higher-up) scopes (such as the parent scope) by referring to them by their mere name (e.g., $OutputDomain),
you cannot modify them by name only - to modify them you must explicitly refer to the scope that they were defined in.
Without scope qualification, assigning to a variable defined in an ancestral scope implicitly creates a new variable with the same name in the current scope.
Example that demonstrates the issue:
# Create empty script-level var.
Set-Variable -Scope Script -Name OutputDomain -Value 'original'
# This is the same as:
# $script:OutputDomain = 'original'
# Declare a function that reads and modifies $OutputDomain
function func {
# $OutputDomain from the script scope can be READ
# without scope qualification:
$OutputDomain # -> 'original'
# Try to modify $OutputDomain.
# !! a NEW variable in the scope of the FUNCTION is created, and that
# !! new variable goes out of scope when the function returns.
# !! The SCRIPT-LEVEL $OutputDomain is left UNTOUCHED.
$OutputDomain = 'new'
# !! Now that a local variable has been created, $OutputDomain refers to the LOCAL one.
# !! Without scope qualification, you cannot see the script-level variable
# !! anymore.
$OutputDomain # -> 'new'
# Invoke the function.
# Print the now current value of $OutputDomain at the script level:
$OutputDomain # !! -> 'original', because the script-level variable was never modified.
There are several ways to add scope qualification to a variable reference:
Use a scope modifier, such as script in $script:OutputDomain.
In the case at hand, this is the simplest solution:
$script:OutputDomain = 'new'
Note that this only works with absolute scopes global, script, and local (the default).
A caveat re global variables: they are session-global, so a script assigning to a global variable could inadvertently modify a preexisting global variable, and, conversely, global variables created inside a script continue to exist after the script terminates.
Use Get/Set-Variable -Scope, which - in addition to supporting the absolute scope modifiers - supports relative scope references by 0-based index, where 0 represents the current scope, 1 the parent scope, and so on.
In the case at hand, since the script scope is the next higher scope,
Get-Variable -Scope 1 OutputDomain is the same as $script:OutputDomain, and
Set-Variable -Scope 1 OutputDomain 'new' equals $script:OutputDomain = 'new'.
(A rarely used alternative available inside functions and trap handlers is to use [ref], which allows modifying the variable in the most immediate ancestral scope in which it is defined: ([ref] $OutputDomain).Value = 'new', which, as PetSerAl points out in a comment, is the same as (Get-Variable OutputDomain).Value = 'new')
For more information, see:
Get-Help about_Variables
Get-Help about_Scopes
Finally, for the sake of completeness, Set-Variable -Option AllScope is a way to avoid having to use scope qualification at all (in all descendent scopes), because effectively then only a single variable by that name exists, which can be read and modified without scope qualification from any (descendent) scope.
# By defining $OutputDomain this way, all descendent scopes
# can both read and assign to $OutpuDomain without scope qualification
# (because the variable is effectively a singleton).
Set-Variable -Scope Script -Option AllScope -Name OutputDomain
However, I would not recommend it (at least not without adopting a naming convention), as it obscures the distinction between modifying local variables and all-scope variables:
in the absence of scope qualification, looking at a statement such as $OutputDomain = 'new' in isolation, you cannot tell if a local or an all-scope variable is being modified.
Since you've mentioned that you want to learn, I hope you'll pardon my answer, which is a bit longer than normal.
The issue that's impacting you here is PowerShell Variable Scoping. When you're commiting the values of $outputAvandare and $outputDomain, they only exist for as long as that function is running.
Function variables last until the function ends.
Script variables last until the script ends.
Session/global variables last until the session ends.
Environmental variable persist forever.
If you want to get the values out of them, you could make them Global variables instead, using this syntax:
$global:OutputAnvandare = blahblahblah
While that would be the easiest fix for your code, Global variables are frowned upon in PowerShell, since they subvert the normal PowerShell expectations of variable scopes.
Much better solution :)
Don't be dismayed, you're actually almost there with a really good solution that conforms to PowerShell design rules.
Today, your GetData function grabs the values that we want, but it only emits them to the console. You can see this in this line on GetData:
$OutputDomain + $OutputAnvandare
This is what we'd call emitting an object, or emiting data to the console. We need to STORE this data instead of just writing it. So instead of simply calling the function, as you do today, do this instead:
$Output = GetData
Then your function will run and grab all the AD Users, etc, and we'll grab the results and stuff them in $output. Then you can export the contents of $output later on.

Setting a global PowerShell variable from a function where the global variable name is a variable passed to the function

I need to set a global variable from a function and am not quite sure how to do it.
# Set variables
function foo ($a, $b, $c)
# Add $a and $b and set the requested global variable to equal to it
$c = $a + $b
Call the function:
foo 1 2 $global:var3
End result:
$global:var3 is set to 3
Or if I called the function like this:
foo 1 2 $global:var2
End result:
$global:var2 is set to 3
I hope this example makes sense. The third variable passed to the function is the name of the variable it is to set.
You can use the Set-Variable cmdlet. Passing $global:var3 sends the value of $var3, which is not what you want. You want to send the name.
$global:var1 = $null
function foo ($a, $b, $varName)
Set-Variable -Name $varName -Value ($a + $b) -Scope Global
foo 1 2 var1
This is not very good programming practice, though. Below would be much more straightforward, and less likely to introduce bugs later:
$global:var1 = $null
function ComputeNewValue ($a, $b)
$a + $b
$global:var1 = ComputeNewValue 1 2
As simple as:
function changeA2 () { $global:A="0"}
I ran across this question while troubleshooting my own code.
So this does NOT work...
$myLogText = ""
function AddLog ($Message)
$myLogText += ($Message)
AddLog ("Hello")
Write-Host $myLogText
This APPEARS to work, but only in the PowerShell ISE:
$myLogText = ""
function AddLog ($Message)
$global:myLogText += ($Message)
AddLog ("Hello")
Write-Host $myLogText
This is actually what works in both ISE and command line:
$global:myLogText = ""
function AddLog ($Message)
$global:myLogText += ($Message)
AddLog ("Hello")
Write-Host $global:myLogText
You'll have to pass your arguments as reference types.
#First create the variables (note you have to set them to something)
$global:var1 = $null
$global:var2 = $null
$global:var3 = $null
#The type of the reference argument should be of type [REF]
function foo ($a, $b, [REF]$c)
# add $a and $b and set the requested global variable to equal to it
# Note how you modify the value.
$c.Value = $a + $b
#You can then call it like this:
foo 1 2 [REF]$global:var3
The first suggestion in latkin's answer seems good, although I would suggest the less long-winded way below.
PS c:\temp> $global:test="one"
PS c:\temp> $test
PS c:\temp> function changet() {$global:test="two"}
PS c:\temp> changet
PS c:\temp> $test
His second suggestion however about being bad programming practice, is fair enough in a simple computation like this one, but what if you want to return a more complicated output from your variable? For example, what if you wanted the function to return an array or an object? That's where, for me, PowerShell functions seem to fail woefully. Meaning you have no choice other than to pass it back from the function using a global variable. For example:
PS c:\temp> function changet([byte]$a,[byte]$b,[byte]$c) {$global:test=#(($a+$b),$c,($a+$c))}
PS c:\temp> changet 1 2 3
PS c:\temp> $test
PS C:\nb> $test[2]
I know this might feel like a bit of a digression, but I feel in order to answer the original question we need to establish whether global variables are bad programming practice and whether, in more complex functions, there is a better way. (If there is one I'd be interested to here it.)
#zdan. Good answer. I'd improve it like this...
I think that the closest you can come to a true return value in PowerShell is to use a local variable to pass the value and never to use return as it may be 'corrupted' by any manner of output situations
function CheckRestart([REF]$retval)
# Some logic
$retval.Value = $true
[bool]$restart = $false
CheckRestart( [REF]$restart)
if ( $restart )
Restart-Computer -Force
The $restart variable is used either side of the call to the function CheckRestart making clear the scope of the variable. The return value can by convention be either the first or last parameter declared. I prefer last.
Set the variable as a global variable outside of the function and then set the value inside of the function.

What does $script: do in PowerShell?

I've seen this syntax on a variable before and not quite sure exactly what it is:
$script:Foo = "Bar"
The syntax $script:Foo is most commonly used to modify a script-level variable, in this case $Foo. When used to read the variable, usually $Foo is sufficient. For example rather than write this:
$script:foo = ''
function f { $script:foo }
I would write this (less verbose and functionally equivalent):
$foo = ''
function f { $foo }
Where $script:Foo is crucial is when you want to modify a script-level variable from within another scope such as a function or an anonymous scriptblock e.g.:
PS> $f = 'hi'
PS> & { $f; $f = 'bye';$f }
PS> $f
Notice that $f outside the scriptblock did not change even though we modified it to bye within the scriptblock. What happened is that we only modified a local copy of $f. When you don't apply a modifier like script: (or global:), PowerShell will perform a copy-on-write on the higer-scoped variable into a local variable with the same name.
Given the example above, if we really wanted to make a permanent change to $f, we would then use a modifier like script: or global: e.g.:
PS> $f = 'hi'
PS> & { $f; $global:f = 'bye';$f }
PS> $f
The script: prefix causes the name on the right hand side to be looked up in the script scope. Essentially data which is local to the script itself. Other valid scopes include global, local and private.
The help section for scope contains a bit of detail on this subject.
help about_Scopes