Azure devops - minimal code coverage pull reqeust - azure-devops

I have an Angular 9 project and I am trying to get the minimal code coverage working on an pull request in Azure devops conform the documentation. However the minimal code coverage isn't working, probably missing some step....
Steps to reproduce:
Create an new Angular 9 project: "ng new DefaultWebsite"
Create build pipeline and edit the karma and protractor config conform Microsoft "Build, test, and deploy JavaScript and Node.js apps" documentation
Add and "azurepipelines-coverage.yml" in the root of my project to enable the code coverage check in an pull request conform the Microsoft "Code coverage for pull requests" documentation
Disable some test in de app.spec.ts file, so the code coverage isn't 100% any more, it now is 77%. Changed the minimal code coverag in the yml file to 95% so the pull request cannot be complited conform the theory and it should give an "Coverage status check failed" error conform the Microsoft documentation.
However when the pull request is started there is an code coverage check below the 'Status' part. When the build (with unit and e2e tests) is done, there is no code coverage error which I espect te see below the 'Status' part.
Pull reqeust with code coverage check Pull reqeust build completed
When I look at the build there are test results and code coverage results.
Build test result Build code coverage result
When I look at the code coverage result I see an Line coverage of 75% which should be an minimal of 90% conform the yml-file.
Karma config file
// Karma configuration file, see link for more information
module.exports = function (config) {
const process = require('process');
process.env.CHROME_BIN = require('puppeteer').executablePath();
basePath: '',
frameworks: ['jasmine', '#angular-devkit/build-angular'],
plugins: [
client: {
clearContext: false // leave Jasmine Spec Runner output visible in browser
coverageIstanbulReporter: {
dir: require('path').join(__dirname, './coverage'),
reports: ['html', 'lcovonly', 'text-summary', 'cobertura'],
fixWebpackSourcePaths: true
coverageReporter: {
type : 'html',
dir : 'coverage/'
junitReporter: {
outputDir: './coverage', // results will be saved as $outputDir/$browserName.xml
outputFile: 'junit.xml', // if included, results will be saved as $outputDir/$browserName/$outputFile
suite: '', // suite will become the package name attribute in xml testsuite element
useBrowserName: true, // add browser name to report and classes names
nameFormatter: undefined, // function (browser, result) to customize the name attribute in xml testcase element
classNameFormatter: undefined, // function (browser, result) to customize the classname attribute in xml testcase element
properties: {}, // key value pair of properties to add to the <properties> section of the report
xmlVersion: null // use '1' if reporting to be per SonarQube 6.2 XML format
reporters: ['progress', 'kjhtml','junit'],
port: 9876,
colors: true,
logLevel: config.LOG_INFO,
autoWatch: true,
browsers: ['ChromeHeadless'],
singleRun: false,
restartOnFileChange: true
Protractor config file:
// Protractor configuration file, see link for more information
const { SpecReporter } = require('jasmine-spec-reporter');
const { JUnitXmlReporter } = require('jasmine-reporters');
process.env.CHROME_BIN = process.env.CHROME_BIN || require("puppeteer").executablePath();
exports.config = {
allScriptsTimeout: 11000,
specs: [
capabilities: {
'browserName': 'chrome',
chromeOptions: {
args: ["--headless", "--disable-gpu", "--window-size=1200,900"],
binary: process.env.CHROME_BIN
directConnect: true,
baseUrl: 'http://localhost:4200/',
framework: 'jasmine',
jasmineNodeOpts: {
showColors: true,
defaultTimeoutInterval: 30000,
print: function () { }
onPrepare() {
project: require('path').join(__dirname, './tsconfig.json')
jasmine.getEnv().addReporter(new SpecReporter({ spec: { displayStacktrace: true } }));
var junitReporter = new JUnitXmlReporter({
savePath: require('path').join(__dirname, './junit'),
consolidateAll: true
status: #Code coverage status will be posted to pull requests based on targets defined below.
diff: #diff coverage is code coverage only for the lines changed in a pull request.
target: 95% #set this to a desired %. Default is 70%.
Azure Build pipeline steps:
"steps": [
"environment": {},
"enabled": true,
"continueOnError": false,
"alwaysRun": false,
"displayName": "npm install",
"timeoutInMinutes": 0,
"condition": "succeeded()",
"task": {
"id": "fe47e961-9fa8-4106-8639-368c022d43ad",
"versionSpec": "1.*",
"definitionType": "task"
"inputs": {
"command": "install",
"workingDir": "Project\\Frontend\\DefaultWebsite",
"verbose": "false",
"customCommand": "",
"customRegistry": "useNpmrc",
"customFeed": "",
"customEndpoint": "",
"publishRegistry": "useExternalRegistry",
"publishFeed": "",
"publishPackageMetadata": "true",
"publishEndpoint": ""
"environment": {},
"enabled": true,
"continueOnError": false,
"alwaysRun": false,
"displayName": "npm custom - test ",
"timeoutInMinutes": 0,
"condition": "succeeded()",
"task": {
"id": "fe47e961-9fa8-4106-8639-368c022d43ad",
"versionSpec": "1.*",
"definitionType": "task"
"inputs": {
"command": "custom",
"workingDir": "Project\\Frontend\\DefaultWebsite",
"verbose": "false",
"customCommand": "run test",
"customRegistry": "useNpmrc",
"customFeed": "",
"customEndpoint": "",
"publishRegistry": "useExternalRegistry",
"publishFeed": "",
"publishPackageMetadata": "true",
"publishEndpoint": ""
"environment": {},
"enabled": true,
"continueOnError": false,
"alwaysRun": false,
"displayName": "Publish code coverage from Project\\Frontend\\DefaultWebsite\\coverage\\cobertura-coverage.xml",
"timeoutInMinutes": 0,
"condition": "succeeded()",
"task": {
"id": "2a7ebc54-c13e-490e-81a5-d7561ab7cd97",
"versionSpec": "1.*",
"definitionType": "task"
"inputs": {
"codeCoverageTool": "Cobertura",
"summaryFileLocation": "Project\\Frontend\\DefaultWebsite\\coverage\\cobertura-coverage.xml",
"pathToSources": "",
"reportDirectory": "",
"additionalCodeCoverageFiles": "",
"failIfCoverageEmpty": "false"
"environment": {},
"enabled": true,
"continueOnError": false,
"alwaysRun": false,
"displayName": "Publish Test Results Project\\Frontend\\DefaultWebsite\\**\\junit.xml copy",
"timeoutInMinutes": 0,
"condition": "succeeded()",
"task": {
"id": "0b0f01ed-7dde-43ff-9cbb-e48954daf9b1",
"versionSpec": "2.*",
"definitionType": "task"
"inputs": {
"testRunner": "JUnit",
"testResultsFiles": "Project\\Frontend\\DefaultWebsite\\**\\junit.xml",
"searchFolder": "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)",
"mergeTestResults": "false",
"failTaskOnFailedTests": "false",
"testRunTitle": "",
"platform": "",
"configuration": "",
"publishRunAttachments": "true"
"environment": {},
"enabled": true,
"continueOnError": false,
"alwaysRun": false,
"displayName": "npm custom - e2e",
"timeoutInMinutes": 0,
"condition": "succeeded()",
"task": {
"id": "fe47e961-9fa8-4106-8639-368c022d43ad",
"versionSpec": "1.*",
"definitionType": "task"
"inputs": {
"command": "custom",
"workingDir": "Project\\Frontend\\DefaultWebsite",
"verbose": "false",
"customCommand": "run e2e",
"customRegistry": "useNpmrc",
"customFeed": "",
"customEndpoint": "",
"publishRegistry": "useExternalRegistry",
"publishFeed": "",
"publishPackageMetadata": "true",
"publishEndpoint": ""
"environment": {},
"enabled": true,
"continueOnError": false,
"alwaysRun": false,
"displayName": "Publish Test Results Project\\Frontend\\DefaultWebsite\\e2e\\**\\junitresults.xml",
"timeoutInMinutes": 0,
"condition": "succeeded()",
"task": {
"id": "0b0f01ed-7dde-43ff-9cbb-e48954daf9b1",
"versionSpec": "2.*",
"definitionType": "task"
"inputs": {
"testRunner": "JUnit",
"testResultsFiles": "Project\\Frontend\\DefaultWebsite\\e2e\\**\\junitresults.xml",
"searchFolder": "$(System.DefaultWorkingDirectory)",
"mergeTestResults": "false",
"failTaskOnFailedTests": "false",
"testRunTitle": "",
"platform": "",
"configuration": "",
"publishRunAttachments": "true"
"environment": {},
"enabled": true,
"continueOnError": false,
"alwaysRun": false,
"displayName": "npm custom - prodBuild",
"timeoutInMinutes": 0,
"condition": "succeeded()",
"task": {
"id": "fe47e961-9fa8-4106-8639-368c022d43ad",
"versionSpec": "1.*",
"definitionType": "task"
"inputs": {
"command": "custom",
"workingDir": "Project\\Frontend\\DefaultWebsite",
"verbose": "false",
"customCommand": "run prodBuild",
"customRegistry": "useNpmrc",
"customFeed": "",
"customEndpoint": "",
"publishRegistry": "useExternalRegistry",
"publishFeed": "",
"publishPackageMetadata": "true",
"publishEndpoint": ""
"environment": {},
"enabled": true,
"continueOnError": false,
"alwaysRun": false,
"displayName": "Publish Artifact: app",
"timeoutInMinutes": 0,
"condition": "succeeded()",
"task": {
"id": "2ff763a7-ce83-4e1f-bc89-0ae63477cebe",
"versionSpec": "1.*",
"definitionType": "task"
"inputs": {
"PathtoPublish": "Project\\Frontend\\DefaultWebsite\\dist",
"ArtifactName": "app",
"ArtifactType": "Container",
"TargetPath": "",
"Parallel": "false",
"ParallelCount": "8",
"FileCopyOptions": ""


VS Code not debugging with different angular configuration

I created a new configuration in my angular.json and I cannot make VS Code debug.
My VS Code is debugging OK when I use the default configuration.
I created a new configuraton in angular.json as below:
"newProjectRoot": "projects",
"projects": {
"MyProject": {
"projectType": "application",
"schematics": {
"architect": {
"build": {
"configurations": {
"production": {
"development": {
"fred": { <================================================
"buildOptimizer": false,
"optimization": false,
"vendorChunk": true,
"extractLicenses": false,
"sourceMap": true,
"namedChunks": true,
"fileReplacements": [
"replace": "src/environments/environment.ts",
"with": "src/environments/environment.fred.ts"
"defaultConfiguration": "development"
"serve": {
"configurations": {
"production": {
"browserTarget": "fuse:MyProject:production"
"development": {
"browserTarget": "fuse:MyProject:development"
"fred": { <=====================================================
"browserTarget": "fuse:MyProject:fred"
"defaultConfiguration": "development"
On package.json I created a new script
"scripts": {
"ng": "ng",
"start": "ng serve --port 8093",
"start-fred": "ng serve --configuration fred --port 8093", <====================
On my launch.json I added a new config to start that script
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "ng serve Chrome",
"name": "Fred ng serve Chrome",
"type": "chrome",
"request": "launch",
"preLaunchTask": "npm: start-fred", <=================================
"url": "https://localhost:8093",
"webRoot": "${workspaceFolder}"
"name": "ng serve Edge",
It builds OK and I can navigate the app by manually going to the URL on the browser but I cannot debug. VS Code hangs with no error message and never starts the debug session.
I don't know where else to look. As I said before, I can debug OK when I use the default (development) configuration

How do I use Argo Workflows Using Previous Step Outputs As Inputs?

I am trying to format my workflow per these instructions ( but cannot seem to get it right. Specifically, I am trying to imitate "Using Previous Step Outputs As Inputs"
I have included my workflow below. In this version, I have added a path to the inputs.artifacts because the error requests one. The error I am now receiving is:
ATA[2022-02-28T14:14:45.933Z] Failed to submit workflow: templates.entrypoint.tasks.print1 templates.print1.inputs.artifacts.result.from not valid in inputs
Can someone please tell me how to correct this workflow so that it works?
"apiVersion": "",
"kind": "Workflow",
"metadata": {
"annotations": {
"": "Building from the ground up",
"": ">= 3.1.0"
"labels": {
"": "false"
"name": "data-passing",
"namespace": "sandbox"
"spec": {
"artifactRepositoryRef": {
"configMap": "my-config",
"key": "data"
"entrypoint": "entrypoint",
"nodeSelector": {
"": "linux"
"parallelism": 3,
"securityContext": {
"fsGroup": 2000,
"fsGroupChangePolicy": "OnRootMismatch",
"runAsGroup": 3000,
"runAsNonRoot": true,
"runAsUser": 1000
"templates": [
"container": {
"args": [
"Hello World"
"command": [
"image": "docker/whalesay:latest",
"imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent"
"name": "whalesay",
"outputs": {
"artifacts": [
"name": "msg",
"path": "/tmp/raw"
"securityContext": {
"fsGroup": 2000,
"fsGroupChangePolicy": "OnRootMismatch",
"runAsGroup": 3000,
"runAsNonRoot": true,
"runAsUser": 1000
"inputs": {
"artifacts": [
"from": "{{tasks.whalesay.outputs.artifacts.msg}}",
"name": "result",
"path": "/tmp/raw"
"name": "print1",
"script": {
"command": [
"image": "python:alpine3.6",
"imagePullPolicy": "IfNotPresent",
"source": "cat {{inputs.artifacts.result}}\n"
"securityContext": {
"fsGroup": 2000,
"fsGroupChangePolicy": "OnRootMismatch",
"runAsGroup": 3000,
"runAsNonRoot": true,
"runAsUser": 1000
"dag": {
"tasks": [
"name": "whalesay",
"template": "whalesay"
"arguments": {
"artifacts": [
"from": "{{tasks.whalesay.outputs.artifacts.msg}}",
"name": "result",
"path": "/tmp/raw"
"dependencies": [
"name": "print1",
"template": "print1"
"name": "entrypoint"
In the artifact argument of print1, you should only put name and from parameters
- name: print1
artifacts: [{name: results, from: "{{tasks.whalesay.outputs.artifacts.msg}}"}]
and then in your template declaration, you should put name and path in your artifact input, as follows:
- name: input1
- name: result
path: /tmp/raw
This works because in the argument of you task (in the dag declaration) you tell the program how you want that input to be called and from where to extract it, and in the template declaration you receive the input from name and tell the program where to place it temporarily. (This is what I understand in my own words)
Another problem I see is in print1 instead of printing to stdout or using sys to run the cat command, you run cat directly, this (I think) is not posible.
You should instead do something like
import sys
import os
os.system("cat {{inputs.artifacts.result}}\n")
A very similar workflow from the Argo developers/maintainers can be found here:

Azure DevOps server import pipeline functionality ignores Approvers definition

I have the following definition in my pipeline that I am running on Azure DevOps Server Version Dev17.M153.3
After saving the change I can see the following content has been added to pipeline definition
"approvals": [
"rank": 1,
"isAutomated": false,
"isNotificationOn": false,
"approver": {
"displayName": "Aouslender, Alexey",
"url": "http://tdc1tfsapp01:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection/_apis/Identities/2d86d86b-fe02-4e22-aa53-4315cdb3821c",
"_links": {
"avatar": {
"href": "http://tdc1tfsapp01:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection/_apis/GraphProfile/MemberAvatars/win.Uy0xLTUtMjEtMzMwNDk4NzQ2Ni0xODkxMDA3NDIzLTI5MjUxNTc3OTctNDU4NDA1"
"id": "2d86d86b-fe02-4e22-aa53-4315cdb3821c",
"uniqueName": "DOMAIN\\PXXXXXX",
"imageUrl": "http://tdc1tfsapp01:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection/_apis/GraphProfile/MemberAvatars/win.Uy0xLTUtMjEtMzMwNDk4NzQ2Ni0xODkxMDA3NDIzLTI5MjUxNTc3OTctNDU4NDA1",
"descriptor": "win.Uy0xLTUtMjEtMzMwNDk4NzQ2Ni0xODkxMDA3NDIzLTI5MjUxNTc3OTctNDU4NDA1"
"id": 3546
Now I am exporting pipeline, using export option. Then I am deleting pipeline and importing it using exported json file.
The imported pipeline missing the Approvers definition, nevertheless I can see the definition in exported json.
"preDeployApprovals": {
"approvals": [
"rank": 1,
"isAutomated": false,
"isNotificationOn": false,
"approver": {
"displayName": "Aouslender, Alexey",
"url": "http://tdc1tfsapp01:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection/_apis/Identities/2d86d86b-fe02-4e22-aa53-4315cdb3821c",
"_links": {
"avatar": {
"href": "http://tdc1tfsapp01:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection/_apis/GraphProfile/MemberAvatars/win.Uy0xLTUtMjEtMzMwNDk4NzQ2Ni0xODkxMDA3NDIzLTI5MjUxNTc3OTctNDU4NDA1"
"id": "2d86d86b-fe02-4e22-aa53-4315cdb3821c",
"uniqueName": "DOMAIN\\PXXXXXX",
"imageUrl": "http://tdc1tfsapp01:8080/tfs/DefaultCollection/_apis/GraphProfile/MemberAvatars/win.Uy0xLTUtMjEtMzMwNDk4NzQ2Ni0xODkxMDA3NDIzLTI5MjUxNTc3OTctNDU4NDA1",
"descriptor": "win.Uy0xLTUtMjEtMzMwNDk4NzQ2Ni0xODkxMDA3NDIzLTI5MjUxNTc3OTctNDU4NDA1"
"id": 3535
"approvalOptions": {
"requiredApproverCount": null,
"releaseCreatorCanBeApprover": true,
"autoTriggeredAndPreviousEnvironmentApprovedCanBeSkipped": false,
"enforceIdentityRevalidation": false,
"timeoutInMinutes": 0,
"executionOrder": 1
Am I missing something here or is it actually a Microsoft bug?
It's by design. Following properties in the release definition are not imported: Agent Queues, Deployment Groups, Deployment Group Tags, Approvals, Variable Groups and values of secret variables.
Generally if in the same team project you can Clone the release definition directly.

Azure DevOps Pipeline - Release API - Update Release Definition add and remove a templated stage

We have a Azure DevOps Pipeline Release Definition, and i am looking at putting in place some automation for a new 'Stage' to be created from a template when a pull request is triggered on branch x, and the stage to be removed when the branch is deleted. i will be using github actions for this.
The API doc's are not super easy to follow.
My question are:
is this possible, dose the API support making such adding and removing of stage's to a _releaseDefinition ?
if so is there any examples on how to do this ?
The api you should use is Update-definition api:
PUT{org name}/{project name}/_apis/release/definitions?api-version=5.1
For the request body of adding stage/removing stage, it in fact only made changes into environments parameter:
One stage definition corresponds to one grey code block.
Adding stage: Add a template JSON code block of stage definition(the grey one display in my left screenshots). This code structure is fixed.
Removing stage: Remove the complete corresponding stage definition.
Here is the one complete stage definition sample:
"id": -1,
"name": "Stage 3",
"rank": 3,
"variables": {},
"variableGroups": [],
"preDeployApprovals": {
"approvals": [
"rank": 1,
"isAutomated": true,
"isNotificationOn": false,
"id": 7
"approvalOptions": {
"requiredApproverCount": null,
"releaseCreatorCanBeApprover": false,
"autoTriggeredAndPreviousEnvironmentApprovedCanBeSkipped": false,
"enforceIdentityRevalidation": false,
"timeoutInMinutes": 0,
"executionOrder": "beforeGates"
"deployStep": {
"id": 8
"postDeployApprovals": {
"approvals": [
"rank": 1,
"isAutomated": true,
"isNotificationOn": false,
"id": 9
"approvalOptions": {
"requiredApproverCount": null,
"releaseCreatorCanBeApprover": false,
"autoTriggeredAndPreviousEnvironmentApprovedCanBeSkipped": false,
"enforceIdentityRevalidation": false,
"timeoutInMinutes": 0,
"executionOrder": "afterSuccessfulGates"
"deployPhases": [
"deploymentInput": {
"parallelExecution": {
"parallelExecutionType": "none"
"agentSpecification": {
"identifier": "vs2017-win2016"
"skipArtifactsDownload": false,
"artifactsDownloadInput": {
"downloadInputs": []
"queueId": 247,
"demands": [],
"enableAccessToken": false,
"timeoutInMinutes": 0,
"jobCancelTimeoutInMinutes": 1,
"condition": "succeeded()",
"overrideInputs": {}
"rank": 1,
"phaseType": "agentBasedDeployment",
"name": "Agent job",
"refName": null,
"workflowTasks": []
"environmentOptions": {
"emailNotificationType": "OnlyOnFailure",
"emailRecipients": "release.environment.owner;release.creator",
"skipArtifactsDownload": false,
"timeoutInMinutes": 0,
"enableAccessToken": false,
"publishDeploymentStatus": true,
"badgeEnabled": false,
"autoLinkWorkItems": false,
"pullRequestDeploymentEnabled": false
"demands": [],
"conditions": [],
"executionPolicy": {
"concurrencyCount": 1,
"queueDepthCount": 0
"schedules": [],
"owner": {
"displayName": "{user name}",
"id": "{user id}",
"isContainer": false,
"uniqueName": "{creator account}",
"url": "{org name}/"
"retentionPolicy": {
"daysToKeep": 30,
"releasesToKeep": 3,
"retainBuild": true
"processParameters": {},
"properties": {
"BoardsEnvironmentType": {
"$type": "System.String",
"$value": "unmapped"
"LinkBoardsWorkItems": {
"$type": "System.String",
"$value": "False"
"preDeploymentGates": {
"id": 0,
"gatesOptions": null,
"gates": []
"postDeploymentGates": {
"id": 0,
"gatesOptions": null,
"gates": []
"environmentTriggers": [],
"badgeUrl": "{org}/_apis/{project name}/Release/badge/3c3xxx6414512/2/3"
Here has some key parameters you need pay attention: id, owner, rank and conditions.
id: This is the stage id you specified to stage, its value must less than 1. Any value that less than 1 is okay here.
owner: This is required. Or you will receive the message that notify you the stage must has owner.
rank: The natural numbers greater than 1. Here I suggest you increment it based on other stages.
conditions: This is the one which you can configure which stage the current new one will depend on. The nutshell is it used to specify stage execution location of release.
When you updating release, you must pack and set the whole release definition as request body. Get the original one, add new customized stage definition part into it. Then update to api.
In fact, I suggest you do adding a stage with UI for test. Then go History tab of release definition page. Then choose Compare difference of three dots.
We provided you the difference of definition in the panel(left panel is the original, the right is updated), and you can clearly get what you should focus on to apply your idea.

TFS 2015 Rest API - Create Build Definition

I'm trying to create a build definition in TFS using his api rest for it.
This is the microsoft docs for TFS Api Rest
I get status code 200 but...
This is what i get when I look into Tfs build definition
Anyone knows why this is happening?
Your second link provided a screenshot that a build definition with no tasks. It seems you had created a build definition successfully, but you didn't add tasks in the build definition.
Check your rest api to see whether you have "build": [] parameter with "task" in it as the following example shows:
"build": [
"enabled": true,
"continueOnError": false,
"alwaysRun": false,
"displayName": "Build solution **\\*.sln",
"task": {
"id": "71a9a2d3-a98a-4caa-96ab-affca411ecda",
"versionSpec": "*"
"inputs": {
"solution": "**\\*.sln",
"msbuildArgs": "",
"platform": "$(platform)",
"configuration": "$(config)",
"clean": "false",
"restoreNugetPackages": "true",
"vsLocationMethod": "version",
"vsVersion": "latest",
"vsLocation": "",
"msbuildLocationMethod": "version",
"msbuildVersion": "latest",
"msbuildArchitecture": "x86",
"msbuildLocation": "",
"logProjectEvents": "true"
"enabled": true,
"continueOnError": false,
"alwaysRun": false,
"displayName": "Test Assemblies **\\*test*.dll;-:**\\obj\\**",
"task": {
"id": "ef087383-ee5e-42c7-9a53-ab56c98420f9",
"versionSpec": "*"
"inputs": {
"testAssembly": "**\\*test*.dll;-:**\\obj\\**",
"testFiltercriteria": "",
"runSettingsFile": "",
"codeCoverageEnabled": "true",
"otherConsoleOptions": "",
"vsTestVersion": "14.0",
"pathtoCustomTestAdapters": ""