Expose float2/vector2 property from shader to Unity material inspector - unity3d

In a Unity shaderlab shader you can expose shader properties to the material inspector in the editor. This can be done by placing the properties you want to expose in the Properties section like so
_SomeFloat("A Float", float) = 5
Unity defines a list of properties in the documentation here.
However this does not include any form of float2 or vector2, just single Float or Vector which consists of xyzw.
I tried setting the property type to float2 And Vector2
_SomeFloat("A Float", float2) = (5,5)
_SomeFloat2("A Float2", Vector2) = (5,5)
which both return the error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected TVAL_ID at line 7
or trying to cut down the Vector in half by setting only half the members
_SomeFloat("A Float", Vector) = (5,5)
which return the error Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ')', expecting ','
I could just use the Vector type and only use its xy, but that makes for unclear UI as there are now two unused elements in the inspector, and could not find a Property Attribute or Drawer (Such as HideInInspector) that allows you to hide the zw values from the inspector.
So is there a way to expose a float2 using a property type? Or maybe an alternative where you can place two float properties next to each other in the editor like Tiling/Offset drawer is in the standard 2D property type (Maybe something similar to [EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal][2])?

From quick search I've found there's MaterialPropertyDrawer that can be extended to add custom tags in shader inspectors (ref: https://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/MaterialPropertyDrawer.html).
Thus, you could use Vector property in shader, create custom attribute, let's say, [ShowAsVector2] and make MaterialPropertyDrawer for it, which would only show two input fields, and assign their value to vector's x and y values. This would result in shader property written as:
[ShowAsVector2] _Position2D("Position", Vector) = (0, 0, 0, 0)

This is an extension to #tsvedas's answer.
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
/// <summary>
/// Draws a vector2 field for vector properties.
/// Usage: [ShowAsVector2] _Vector2("Vector 2", Vector) = (0,0,0,0)
/// </summary>
public class ShowAsVector2Drawer : MaterialPropertyDrawer
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, MaterialProperty prop, GUIContent label, MaterialEditor editor)
if( prop.type == MaterialProperty.PropType.Vector )
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 0f;
EditorGUIUtility.fieldWidth = 0f;
if (!EditorGUIUtility.wideMode)
EditorGUIUtility.wideMode = true;
EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = EditorGUIUtility.currentViewWidth - 212;
EditorGUI.showMixedValue = prop.hasMixedValue;
Vector4 vec = EditorGUI.Vector2Field(position, label, prop.vectorValue);
if (EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck()) {
prop.vectorValue = vec;
editor.DefaultShaderProperty( prop, label.text );
Simply put this script in an Editor folder, and you should be able to only see the x and y coordinates.


Why Does My Mesh Combiner Script Make Child Objects Invisible And Change Their Placements?

To further optimize my game, I wanted to combine the meshes of the hallways so that the frame rate would be higher. the code is intended to take all of the children inside of an empty game object(titled walls, floors, etc.) and combine their meshes into one. However, whenever I ran the script, all of the child objects would appear in completely random positions and were invisible. How can I make so that the objects all appeared at their original position and were visible?
How I set up the code is that I would place any repeated objects in an empty gameObject to easily categorize them (titled as Walls, Floors). Afterwards, I would assign the script to the empty gameObject and expect every repeated object in the empty gameObject to combine.
Here's an example:
Here's The Code:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
// Copy meshes from children into the parent's Mesh.
// CombineInstance stores the list of meshes. These are combined
// and assigned to the attached Mesh.
public class CombineMesh : MonoBehaviour
void Update()
void CombineMeshes()
Quaternion oldRot = transform.rotation;
Vector3 oldPos = transform.position;
transform.rotation = Quaternion.identity;
transform.position = Vector3.zero;
MeshFilter[] meshFilters = GetComponentsInChildren<MeshFilter>();
CombineInstance[] combine = new CombineInstance[meshFilters.Length];
int i = 0;
while (i < meshFilters.Length)
combine[i].mesh = meshFilters[i].sharedMesh;
combine[i].transform = meshFilters[i].transform.localToWorldMatrix;
var MeshFilter = transform.GetComponentInChildren<MeshFilter>();
MeshFilter.mesh = new Mesh();
GetComponentInChildren<MeshCollider>().sharedMesh = MeshFilter.mesh;
transform.rotation = oldRot;
transform.position = oldPos;
Answering late in case anyone happens to be searching for this information.
Unity's documentation is uncharacteristically unhelpful, as is the internet in general.
Lengthy Explanation
Kayra's Code Corrected
Working Code: Helper Functions
Working Code: CombineMeshes
Lengthy Explanation:
Two things to keep in mind are
Meshes are defined via a Vector3[](see meshFilter.mesh.vertices), describing the coordinates of each vertex relative to its meshFilter's transform (so local space). This is very important later on.
There is no black magic involved - math is not black magic ;)
First, you should understand "transform.localToWorldMatrix" and "transform.worldToLocalMatrix"
These are very misleading names - all these Matrix4x4 actually do in Unity, is describe the linear transformation between
{position: Vector3.zero, rotation: Quaternion.identity, scale: Vector3.one} and
the given transform's {position, rotation, scale}.
Its telling you by how much to move in which direction, by how much to rotate in which direction, and by how much to scale.
In fact: transform.localToWorldMatrix == transform.worldToLocalMatrix.inverse -- they're the exact same thing, just flipped around.
See "Khan Academy" or "3blue1brown" on YouTube for great explanations of Linear Transformation
We usually don't use Matrices in Unity, because we can access/modify the position, rotation, and scale directly -- for us, it's just a different way of storing the same information.
I wrote some working code to visualise what's actually happening in Unity:
/// Demonstration of how transform.localToWorldMatrix works - very important for understanding CombineInstance.transform
/// Place two 3D objects in your scene, attach this script somewhere, and assign the 3D Objects to the public variables
/// This script will auto-run inside a coroutine 2 seconds after Start(), because I use the InputSystem package and maybe you still use if(Input.getKeyDown()).
/// It's the easiest way I know of to guarantee working code in your scene
public class StackOverflowExample : MonoBehaviour
public Transform parent;
public Transform child;
private IEnumerator exampleMethod;
/// <summary>
/// Just setting some conditions, in case you try out this code
/// </summary>
private void Start()
parent.position = new Vector3(5f, 0f, 3f);
child.parent = parent;
child.localPosition = new Vector3(2f, 0f, 2f);
//Only doing this because I use the InputSystem package, and others maybe don't (yet...)
exampleMethod = TransformMatrixExample();
//Only doing this because I use the InputSystem package, and others maybe don't (yet...)
private IEnumerator TransformMatrixExample()
//wait for 2 seconds just because...
yield return new WaitForSeconds(2f);
//parent.position = parent.position - parent.localToWorldMatrix.GetPosition();
// Commented out on purpose. Would result in 0,0,0 parent.position, because parent has no gameObject parent...
//and therefore break the demonstration:
child.position = child.position - parent.localToWorldMatrix.GetPosition();
// child.localPosition (see the inspector) now states (-3f,0f,-1f)
// however, child.Position (just unparent the gameObject in the inspector) is now (2f,0f,2f)
When you tell each CombineInstance what Matrix4x4 to use in
combine[i].transform = meshFilters[i].transform.localToWorldMatrix;
you are describing by how much to offset each soon-to-be-combined mesh's vertices' coordinates before combining it.
Once again, we usually access/modify the position, rotation, and scale directly - Mesh.CombineMeshes() uses a 4x4 matrix.
Here Matrix4x4.GetPosition() returns the vector leading from Vector3.zero to parent.position - which is contained inside that matrix
We are effectively moving the child object to the place it would be if the parent were at coordinates (0f,0f,0f).
The same thing happens with rotation and scale.
In the while-loop in your code, there's a statement:
combine[i].transform = meshFilters[i].transform.localToWorldMatrix;
The problem with this is that if the parent object (or the mesh you want to merge into) is not positioned at Vector3.zero, all the meshes will still pretend otherwise and offset themselves by the wrong amount. That is why you have to move the parent.transform.position to vector3.zero before assigning to the CombineInstances[].
So in my code example above:
parent.position = new Vector3(5f, 0f, 3f);
child.localPosition = new Vector3(2f, 0f, 2f);
If I first move the parent to V3.zero, the results given by transform.localToWorldMatrix.GetDistance():
combine[i].transform = meshFilters[i].transform.localToWorldMatrix :
parent's offset: V3(0f,0f,0f) --> parent.position
child's offset: V3(2f,0f,2f) --> child.position
This works because now, the vector from child.position to V3.zero == vector from child.position to parent.position.
If I were to use the transforms without first moving the parent to V3.zero, I would get the following results:
combine[i].transform = meshFilters[i].transform.localToWorldMatrix :
parent's offset: V3(5f, 0f, 3f) --> parent.position
child's offset: V3(7f, 0f, 5f) --> parent.position + child.localPosition
Because transform.localToWorldMatrix returns the vector from zero to that transform.position.
Remember Point1 of things to remember?
Vertex coordinates are defined in local space relative to their meshFilter's transform.
In other words:
all of parent mesh's vertices will offset by an additional V3(5f,0f,3f) --> parent.position
all of child mesh's vertices will be offset by an additional V3(7f,0f,5f) --> parent.position + child.localPosition
The statement is effectivley telling Unity the following (pseudocode):
foreach (Vector3 v in meshFilters[i].mesh.vertices)
v += meshFilters[i].localToWorldMatrix.GetPosition();
//and now append my vertex to the new MeshFilter's mesh...
//in other workds: Pretend that my parent is at 0,0,0 and I'm in the right spot already
The exact same principle holds true for rotation and scale. You can probably decipher that from the working code later on.
kayra yorulmaz's Corrected Code
I'm assuming that CombineMesh.cs is attached to the "Floors" gameObject,
and that "Floors" transform.rotation = (0f,0f,0f).
The Quaternion operations will be explained shortly.
So the kayra yorulmaz's code would have to be written as follows:
using UnityEngine;
// Copy meshes from children into the parent's Mesh.
// CombineInstance stores the list of meshes. These are combined
// and assigned to the attached Mesh.
[RequireComponent(typeof(MeshCollider))] //because otherwise line 72 might throw an exception...
public class CombineMesh_Corrected : MonoBehaviour
void Update()
void CombineMeshes()
Vector3 transformOffset = transform.position;
MeshFilter[] meshFilters = GetComponentsInChildren<MeshFilter>();
CombineInstance[] combine = new CombineInstance[meshFilters.Length];
int i = 0;
while (i < meshFilters.Length)
Quaternion rotationOffset = Quaternion.FromToRotation(transform.eulerAngles, meshFilters[i].transform.eulerAngles);
meshFilters[i].transform.position -= transformOffset;
meshFilters[i].transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(meshFilters[i].transform.eulerAngles) * Quaternion.Inverse(rotationOffset);
combine[i].mesh = meshFilters[i].sharedMesh;
combine[i].transform = meshFilters[i].transform.localToWorldMatrix;
//we already stored the 4x4Matrix in combine[i].transform, so it's safe to change back now
meshFilters[i].transform.position += transformOffset;
meshFilters[i].transform.rotation *= rotationOffset;
MeshFilter meshFilter = transform.GetComponent<MeshFilter>();
meshFilter.mesh = new Mesh();
GetComponentInChildren<MeshCollider>().sharedMesh = meshFilter.mesh;
Working Code Example
However, it you create your own Matrix4x4 to describe the necessary linear transformation, you don't have to touch the gameObject's transforms at all.
Remember that Vertices (and therefore the meshes you're combining) are described relative to the meshFilter's transform.
So if we create a Matrix4x4 for each child meshFilter, describing how that child.meshFilter.transform is located relative to parent.meshFilter.transform, we can tell Unity where to place the vertices for the combined mesh:
So here's is the code based off what I just wrote for my own project.
Necessary Helping Functions
using UnityEngine;
public static class StackoverflowHelpers
/// <summary>
/// Returns the difference between quaterions, treated as local rotations because of the order...
/// https://answers.unity.com/questions/810579/quaternion-multiplication-order.html
/// </summary>
/// <param name="from"></param>
/// <param name="to"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static Quaternion FromTo(Quaternion from, Quaternion to)
return Quaternion.Inverse(from) * to;
public static Quaternion Add(Quaternion start, Quaternion difference)
return start * difference;
public static Quaternion Subtract(Quaternion start, Quaternion difference)
return start * Quaternion.Inverse(difference);
public static Vector3 RatioBetween( Vector3 fromScale, Vector3 toScale)
return new Vector3(
toScale.z/fromScale.z );
Actual CombineMesh Method
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public static class StackOverflow_CombineMesh
public static void Simple(List<MeshFilter> _meshFilters, bool _deleteOriginals = true)
CombineInstance[] combineInstances = new CombineInstance[_meshFilters.Count];
Transform parent = _meshFilters[0].transform;
for (int i = 0; i < _meshFilters.Count; i++)
/// set up the matrix describing the step from the parent mesh to the child mesh
Transform child = _meshFilters[i].transform;
Vector3 posOffset = child.position - parent.position;
posOffset.x *= 1/parent.localScale.x;
posOffset.y *= 1/parent.localScale.y;
posOffset.z *= 1/parent.localScale.z;
Matrix4x4 ParentToChildMatrix = Matrix4x4.TRS(
StackoverflowHelpers.FromTo(parent.rotation, child.rotation),
StackoverflowHelpers.RatioBetween(parent.lossyScale, child.lossyScale));
combineInstances[i].mesh = _meshFilters[i].mesh;
combineInstances[i].transform = ParentToChildMatrix;
_meshFilters[0].mesh = new Mesh();
_meshFilters[0].mesh.CombineMeshes(combineInstances, true, true);
Bear in mind that meshes in unity have a maximum number of vertices (65,535 to be exact) - if you cross that limit your mesh won't render properly after all.
Have fun, keep learning!
I think this is a common issue with Unity mesh combine, try changing this line (assuming this is all on the Parent game object):
combine[i].transform = meshFilters[i].transform.localToWorldMatrix;
to this:
combine[i].transform = meshFilters[i].transform.localToWorldMatrix * transform.worldToLocalMatrix
where transform.worldToLocalMatrix is the parent object. You could also try something like:
combine[i].transform = meshFilters[i].transform.localToWorldMatrix * meshFilters[i].transform.parent.transform.worldToLocalMatrix;
Depends on how you have it set up

TextMeshPro Text colors reset when moved

I've been struggling with this issue for a while now-
Essentially I have a TMP_Text object. Then (like in TMP example 23), I am setting the character's vertices colors to a specified color. However, when I move the TMP_Text object, all of the character's colors get reset.
Here is the relevant code that sets character color as well as a video displaying this behavior:
private void ChangeColor(int i, Color32 c)
//changes color of the letter that is # specific index to a color32
//this is getting called elsewhere in the script
int materialIndex = tf_.characterInfo[i].materialReferenceIndex;//get characters material index
cols = tf_.meshInfo[materialIndex].colors32;//get its colors
int vertexIndex = tf_.characterInfo[i].vertexIndex;//get its vertex index
cols[vertexIndex + 0] = c;//set vertex color to C
cols[vertexIndex + 1] = c;// ^
cols[vertexIndex + 2] = c;// ^
cols[vertexIndex + 3] = c;// ^
//update the vertex data to render the new colors
public void scrollContent()//this moves the TMP_Text object
sr.verticalNormalizedPosition = 0;//scroll the rect to the bottom
//performing this^ movement changes the objects position, thus resetting all the colors.

How to define an array of floats in Shader properties?

I'd like to define an array of floats in my shader, something like this:
_TilesX ("Tiles X", Int) = 10
_TilesY ("Tiles Y", Int) = 10
_TileData1 ("Tile data", Float[]) = {} // THIS!!!
_Texture1 ("Texture odd", 2D) = "white" {}
_Texture2 ("Texture even", 2D) = "white" {}
I'm trying to create a single plane that I'll use as a grid and I want to modify the _TileData1 at run-time to change the Y offset of a tile. I'm using _TilesX and _TilesY to get a 2d position of the tile from a 1d array.
Just to be clear, I just want to find out how to define a property type of float[] since I couldn't find how to do so on Unity's manual pages or forums.
You can't use properties for float[]. But you can use them as variables in your shader and set them from script:
In your shader:
int _SegmentsCount = 0;
float _Segments[1000];
void surf (Input IN, inout SurfaceOutput o) {
for (int i = 0; i < _SegmentsCount; i++) {
// This is obsviously just an example,
// avoid loops in shaders if you can help it.
Then in your script:
float [] array = new float[] { 0.25f, 0.75f };
material.SetFloatArray("_Segments", array);
material.SetInt("_SegmentsCount", 2);
renderer.material = material;
Apparently not.
I didn't think so, as I'd never seen it, but I thought I'd take a search around and I ran across this thread where the person answering the question says this (emphasis mine):
You can set arrays from script using SetFloatArray, SetVectorArray, and SetColorArray as of 5.4, but you can't define an array in the properties. Basically this means you can still set the value and have it defined in the CGPROGRAM block to be used, but it won't be serialized / saved by the material asset or show up in the material editor. It's an odd omission, especially since texture arrays are supported as properties (though texture arrays are a specific type of texture sampler rather than an array of texture properties like color arrays).
So you would be able to use it in the calculation, but you would only be able to modify the value via MonoBehaviour script (and would need to).

Tiling atlas textures correctly with a custom shader in Unity

This is a bit complicated, but it boils down to be quite a simple problem, I hope. So here is how it goes: I am using Unity to generate a map gameobject during runtime from a bsp file which has a whole bunch of vertices, faces, uvs, texture references, and so on. The meshes created come out exactly as they should be, and all the textures come out fine. There is one problem though, there are so many meshes created with so many materials leading to many draw calls making the program slow. So I searched on a way to reduce the draw calls and I found a solution. Combine all the meshes into one big mesh and create a texture atlas by combining all the textures used. Combining the meshes works fine and combining the textures comes out great as well. Then I faced the problem of uv mapping. So I found a solution from the NVidia white paper to make a custom shader which uses the tex2d function to interpolate the texel from the texture using the uv positions with their derivatives. I think this would have worked, but my meshes have really weird triangles and I think they are ruining this solution. In the images below you can see the difference when the meshes are combined from when they are separate:
Combined Meshes with Changed UVs and Custom Shader
Separate Meshes with original UVs
This is the code I am using in the shader to set the color of the model:
o.Albedo = tex2D (_MainTex, IN.uv2_BlendTex, ddx(IN.uv_MainTex), ddy(IN.uv_MainTex)).rgb;
As you can see, I have added a second UV which is the non-tiled version of the original UV. I do that by using the frac() function, but in the C# code rather than in the shader. Since the textures can be different sizes, I had to calculate the UV before getting to the shader because I have access to the texture sizes at that time.
Here is the code I used to calculate the 2 UVs:
Rect surfaceTextureRect = uvReMappers[textureIndex];
Mesh surfaceMesh = allFaces[i].mesh;
Vector2[] atlasTiledUVs = new Vector2[surfaceMesh.uv.Length];
Vector2[] atlasClampedUVs = new Vector2[surfaceMesh.uv.Length];
for (int j = 0; j < atlasClampedUVs.Length; j++)
Vector2 clampedUV = new Vector2((surfaceMesh.uv[j].x - Mathf.Floor(surfaceMesh.uv[j].x)), (surfaceMesh.uv[j].y - Mathf.Floor(surfaceMesh.uv[j].y)));
float atlasClampedX = (clampedUV.x * surfaceTextureRect.width) + surfaceTextureRect.x;
float atlasClampedY = (clampedUV.y * surfaceTextureRect.height) + surfaceTextureRect.y;
atlasTiledUVs[j] = new Vector2((surfaceMesh.uv[j].x * surfaceTextureRect.width) + surfaceTextureRect.x, (surfaceMesh.uv[j].y * surfaceTextureRect.height) + surfaceTextureRect.y);
atlasClampedUVs[j] = new Vector2(atlasClampedX, atlasClampedY);
if (i < 10) { Debug.Log(i + " Original: " + surfaceMesh.uv[j] + " ClampedUV: " + clampedUV); }
surfaceMesh.uv = atlasTiledUVs;
surfaceMesh.uv2 = atlasClampedUVs;
The array uvReMappers is an array of Rect created when using the Texture2D function PackTextures().
Sorry for taking so long, but here is my question: Why do the textures come out contorted. Is it because the way the meshes are triangulated or is it because of the way I wrote the custom shader. And finally how can I fix it.
Thank you for your time. I am sorry for writing so much, but I have never posted a question before. I always find answers to almost all my problems online, but I have been searching for days on how to fix this problem. I feel it might be too specific to be able to find an answer for. I hope I have provided enough information.
I finally solved the problem! So it turns out I should not calculate the UVs before the shader. Instead I passed the information needed by the shader through the UVs so that it can calculate the new texel positions directly.
Here is the code before the shader:
Rect surfaceTextureRect = uvReMappers[textureIndex];
Mesh surfaceMesh = allFaces[i].mesh;
Vector2[] atlasTexturePosition = new Vector2[surfaceMesh.uv.Length];
Vector2[] atlasTextureSize = new Vector2[surfaceMesh.uv.Length];
for (int j = 0; j < atlasTexturePosition.Length; j++)
atlasTexturePosition[j] = new Vector2(surfaceTextureRect.x, surfaceTextureRect.y);
atlasTextureSize[j] = new Vector2(surfaceTextureRect.width, surfaceTextureRect.height);
surfaceMesh.uv2 = atlasTexturePosition;
surfaceMesh.uv3 = atlasTextureSize;
Here is the shader code:
tex2D(_MainTex, float2((frac(IN.uv.x) * IN.uv3.x) + IN.uv2.x, (frac(IN.uv.y) * IN.uv3.y) + IN.uv2.y));
I took a different approach and created a texture atlas on the cpu, from there UV mapping was just like normal UV mapping all I had to do was assign a texture to the vertex info from my atlas ...
My scenario is a custom voxel engine that can handle anything from minecraft to rendering voxel based planets and I haven't found a scenario it can't handle yet.
Here's my code for the atlas ...
using UnityEngine;
using Voxels.Objects;
namespace Engine.MeshGeneration.Texturing
/// <summary>
/// Packed texture set to be used for mapping texture info on
/// dynamically generated meshes.
/// </summary>
public class TextureAtlas
/// <summary>
/// Texture definitions within the atlas.
/// </summary>
public TextureDef[] Textures { get; set; }
public TextureAtlas()
protected virtual void SetupTextures()
// default for bas atlas is a material with a single texture in the atlas
Textures = new TextureDef[]
new TextureDef
VoxelType = 0,
Faces = new[] { Face.Top, Face.Bottom, Face.Left, Face.Right, Face.Front, Face.Back },
Bounds = new[] {
new Vector2(0,1),
new Vector2(1, 1),
new Vector2(1,0),
new Vector2(0, 0)
public static TextureDef[] GenerateTextureSet(IntVector2 textureSizeInPixels, IntVector2 atlasSizeInPixels)
int x = atlasSizeInPixels.X / textureSizeInPixels.X;
int z = atlasSizeInPixels.Z / textureSizeInPixels.Z;
int i = 0;
var result = new TextureDef[x * z];
var uvSize = new Vector2(1f / ((float)x), 1f / ((float)z));
for (int tx = 0; tx < x; tx++)
for (int tz = 0; tz < z; tz++)
// for perf, types are limited to 255 (1 byte)
if(i < 255)
result[i] = new TextureDef
VoxelType = (byte)i,
Faces = new[] { Face.Top, Face.Bottom, Face.Left, Face.Right, Face.Front, Face.Back },
Bounds = new[] {
new Vector2(tx * uvSize.x, (tz + 1f) * uvSize.y),
new Vector2((tx + 1f) * uvSize.x, (tz + 1f) * uvSize.y),
new Vector2((tx + 1f) * uvSize.x, tz * uvSize.y),
new Vector2(tx * uvSize.x, tz * uvSize.y)
return result;
And for a texture definition within the atlas ...
using UnityEngine;
using Voxels.Objects;
namespace Engine.MeshGeneration.Texturing
/// <summary>
/// Represents an area within the atlas texture
/// from which a single texture can be pulled.
/// </summary>
public class TextureDef
/// <summary>
/// The voxel block type to use this texture for.
/// </summary>
public byte VoxelType { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Faces this texture should be applied to on voxels of the above type.
/// </summary>
public Face[] Faces { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Atlas start ref
/// </summary>
public Vector2[] Bounds { get; set; }
For custom scenarios where I need direct control of the UV mappings I inherit texture atlas and then override the SetupTextures() method but in pretty much all cases for me I create atlases where the textures are all the same size so simply calling GenerateTextureSet will do the uv mapping calculations I believe you need.
The UV coords for a given face of a given voxel type are then ...
IEnumerable<Vector2> UVCoords(byte voxelType, Face face, TextureAtlas atlas)
return atlas.Textures
.Where(a => a.VoxelType == voxelType && a.Faces.Contains(face))
In your case you probably have a different way to map to the texture of choice from your pack but essentially the combination of a face and type in my case are what determine the uv mapping set I want.
This then allows you to use your mesh with any standard shader instead of relying on custom shader logic.
You have to turn the passed in TEXCOORD0 from a percentage of the image space to a pixel value, use the modulus to figure out which pixel it is on the tiled texture, and then turn it back into a percentage of the image.
Here's the code:
You need the 2D variables _MainTex and _PatternTex to be defined.
struct v2f
float2 uv : TEXCOORD0;
float4 vertex : SV_POSITION;
float modFunction(float number, float divisor){
//2018-05-24: copied from an answer by Nicol Bolas: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35155598/unable-to-use-in-glsl
return (number - (divisor * floor(number/divisor)));
fixed4 frag (v2f i) : SV_Target
fixed4 curColor = tex2D(_MainTex, i.uv);
fixed4 pattern = tex2D(_PatternTex,
modFunction(i.uv.x*_MainTex_TexelSize.z,_PatternTex_TexelSize.z) *_PatternTex_TexelSize.x,
modFunction(i.uv.y*_MainTex_TexelSize.w,_PatternTex_TexelSize.w) *_PatternTex_TexelSize.y
fixed4 col = curColor * pattern;
col.rgb *= col.a;
return col;

Color submeshes in unity3d

I have a main_mesh that has 10 submeshes, I wonder how I can change the color of of these submeshes to a different color (e.g submesh1 will have a red color, submesh2 will have a blue color,...etc). Any advise please?
This is how I'm getting my mesh which has 10 submeshes:
SkinnedMeshRenderer smr = gameobject1.GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
Mesh main_mesh = smr.sharedMesh;
SkinnedMeshRenderer smr = gameobject1.GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
Mesh main_mesh = smr.sharedMesh;
smr.materials[0].color = Color.red; // Change submesh1 to red color
smr.materials[1].color = Color.blue; // Change submesh2 to blue color
smr.materials[n].color = ... // Change submesh n to whatever color
Since you've added the tag Unityscript i'll assume that you want to be able to change submeshes inside a script.
Assignation as parameter
The first solution would be to have add a public parameter to you script that would be an array of Mesh. Then assign manually each submesh to the array through the inspector. Now you can access the material of each mesh and change it's color.
public class MyScript : MonoBehaviour {
public Mesh[] submeshes;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
for (int i = 0; submeshes[i]; i++) {
// Return the first material of the mesh renderer, use .materials if multiple Material are applied
submeshes[i].renderer.material.color = Color.red;
Note that I used Mesh as type for my array, but you could directly use Material if you only want to change the color.
Also, if submeshes have the exact same material, It'll change the color for all submeshes, not just one. You need to have one material per mesh.
While this solution is not viable if your number of submeshes change dynamically, this solution is pretty simple and straighforwarded.
Use children
Instead of assigning every submeshes manually, you can dynamically change the color by accessing children
public class MyScript : MonoBehaviour {
public Mesh myObject;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
Material[] array = myObject.GetComponentsInChildren<Material>();
for (int i = 0; array[i]; i++) {
array[i].color = Color.red;
This solution allows you to have N material assigned to your submeshes.
Here is the documentation for GetComponentsInChildren
Short answer If you want a specific answer to your case, it depends on the materials and shaders assigned to your skinned Mesh Renderer because they can override or alter your childrens' materials. If not, the below code should work.
SkinnedMeshRenderer smr = gameobject1.GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
Mesh main_mesh = smr.sharedMesh;
Mesh[] submeshes = main_mesh.GetComponentsInChildren<Mesh>();
for (int i = 0; submeshes[i]; i++) {
// If your submesh already have a material, remove the first line below !
submeshes[i].renderer.material = new Material(Shader.Find("Diffuse"));
submeshes[i].renderer.material.color = Color.red;
This solution create a new material for each submesh, which is quite brutal.
In the inspector, you should assign one material to each submeshes and then use always the same material with different colors.
In case it doesn't work
When you want to change the color of one specific mesh, this mesh needs to have his own material. The color of the mesh will depends on this materials and it's properties (shaders, textures, colors).
With a Skinned Mesh Renderer, you generally use Diffuse Material with textures to apply colors to one complex mesh. In some case, this mesh apply the color to it's childrens.
When using a Skinned Mesh Renderer, you usually use a UV texture. This particular texture is created based on your 3D object and is used to apply multiple color on it (sometimes also it's childrens). Here is a simple example of UV texture and here is a more complex example.
Note that, as a mesh Renderer, a skinned mesh renderer can have multiple materials which make the situation more complex but the principle remains the same.
SkinnedMeshRenderer smr = gameobject1.GetComponent<SkinnedMeshRenderer>();
Mesh main_mesh = smr.sharedMesh;
With your code if main_mesh use a UV texture, you have two solutions
Remove the texture then apply a color to it's children
Create a specific UV texture which apply colors as you want.