Is it OK for me to develop against UWP with JavaScript on Visual Studio 2017? - xbox-live

My company is using RPG Maker MV (based on JavaScript) and looking to port over to Xbox UWP. It's no longer supported in the latest version of Visual Studio.
Is there a workaround or should I abandon this and convert over to C#?

Sadly this has indeed been deprecated, but as a workaround you can use a WebView to host the game which is what I do with mine. You'll still have to deal with a few extra things if you want to use the Xbox storage functions (see here for my commentary on this) and you still need to implement sign-in (which I'm still working on) but once you add the WebView to your MainPage.xaml name it something like ContentViewport and (immediately following your login and file processing logic) add the following line of code:
ContentViewport.Source = new Uri("ms-appx-web:///index.html");
Or wherever your index.html is, so if you prefer assets over package root with the www folder copied in as a base, you can use the following:
ContentViewport.Source = new Uri("ms-appx-web:///assets/www/index.html");


Flutter Web Get Chrome Extension info from Polkadot.js web3Enable

I am hoping to confer on a strategy for a flutter web app (as can ignore mobile cases here) to get chrome extension info for a Polkadot.js wallet from the Polkadot browser extension.
My first thought is to use dart's JS library and use the Polkadot extension JS package and then try and pull the info from there. However, I'm not sure how to properly use this in flutter as it is a whole package full of dependencies, not just a single JS file. Also it is in TS not JS. Any thoughts here?
Eg., I need a JS file to be able to call this; and for flutter to in turn call the JS file:
import {
} from '#polkadot/extension-dapp';
By writing out a "bridging" layer, you can do it easily.
Firstly, create a normal javascript (or typescript) application (nothing related to Flutter). You should be able to happily use the polkadot lib in your js/ts code without any problem. You may need to learn a bit about how to develop js code normally (e.g. you can depend on polkadot using npm, etc).
One small thing is that, you should "expose" some object publicly in your js/ts code. For example, your code may look like window.myFancyFunction = function() { call_some_polkadot_function(); }. Of course you can do more things like exposing other functions/objects/...
Then, you can bundle this normal js/ts application into a .js file. This is still very normal for js/ts developers and should have nothing special to deal with here, and you still do not need to touch Flutter at this stage.
Next, load this single-filed .js file when you are loading your Flutter Web application. You may simply do this by editing your Flutter Web's html file and add <script src="my_single_filed_js_mentioned_above.js" />. Notice that, when loading this script, it simply sets window.myFancyFunction and does not do anything more. Still very trivial here, should have no problem.
Lastly, in your Flutter Web code, i.e. Dart code, call that window.myFancyFunction function. For example, Flutter Web : How to run javascript using dart js says you can do import 'dart:js' as js; js.context.callMethod('myFancyFunction', ['some arguments']);

How would I go about writing code that uses android.hardware.automotive.vehicle#2.0 Library?

I'm trying to learn to write Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL).
Here's the path I've taken so far, please correct me if I'm off in any step.
Downloaded AOSP and built it successfully (86%)
Located Vehicle Hal Support Library
Located android.hardware.automotive.vehicle C++ code.
Things I've attempted after that the steps below without succeeding to get those above classes recognized.
Import android.hardware.automotive.vehicle classes in Android Studio for a typical Android App that targets 29 Api Level.
Adding meta tag of app
Copy/Pasting all source code under AOSP /packages/services/Car/
Partially contemplated adding Library and trying to access it through JNI (Not so sure about this one).
Please orient me, I see some repositories on github not doing anything special and somehow they're able to import the package in a java class like this.
import android.hardware.automotive.vehicle.V2_0.VehicleHwKeyInputAction;
import android.hardware.automotive.vehicle.V2_0.VehiclePropValue;
import android.hardware.automotive.vehicle.V2_0.VehicleProperty;
import android.hardware.automotive.vehicle.V2_0.VehiclePropertyAccess;
how on earth do they get access to those classes?
Vehicle HAL is not meant to be accessed directly from apps. Car Service does that for you.
You have couple options depending on what you're actually trying to accomplish:
Learn to write HAL services - it's like writing a driver for a given hardware (in this case, something that provides car data to Car Service).
Learn to write HAL clients - try modifying EmbeddedKitchenSink app first. Please note you need to build it with AOSP and not in AmdroidStudio since this is a system app (and regular apps doesn't have access to the HAL)
Learn Vehicle APIs - that's what you need car lib for. Details on how to use it:

How do I access Ionic framework from

I want to use the Ionic UI framework with for my hybrid mobile app, but it isn't clear to me just how to combine the two in my code because it's not like using Jquery where you just add the library to a script tag.
After install, both of these frameworks provide their own "hello world" type of index.html file, their own css and js files as well as framework specific configuration files which I know are important. So which one do I use as a base and how do I call into the other framework from that base? How do I structure the project file tree to combine the two so that when I go to do an app build for distribution, there isn't some crazy error because the frameworks are set up to look for their own files via set paths?
Here is one answer I found in my googling.
What steps do I need to take to use the Ionic Framework with
here is an example project on git hub:
here is the link to the ionic cdn to be used for testing:

WinJS.UI Metro Animation Library

I'm starting to port over my web app that I've built with Sencha Touch into the Windows 8 world. I'm seeing a lot of WinJS.UI documentation, basically telling me that there are more 'native' feeling animations and UI actions already build into this framework.
My app is already structured, but I'd like to mix in WinJS.UI if I can. How do I go about doing this? I haven't found a link to download the library or anything of the sort.
For example, this link:
I see that they are using:
function runAnimation(){
enterPage = WinJS.UI.Animation.enterPage(input);
But I find no documentation on where to include the library.
Little bit lost, any help is appreciated!
These animations are included in the UI.Js from the WinJS Package -- this is the same WinJS that is included in the default Visual Studio Templates. Just create a new HTML Windows Store application, and the details will be there.
Here's your library:
You can deploy this on your computer and play with the animations.

How could I include a plugin system for my Dart app?

I have a Qt application containing a Webkit module and using Dart (compiled to JS). It's like a bare-bones browser written in Qt. The application basically replaces certain text on the webpage with different text. I want users to be able to make their own Dart files to replace their own text with their own different text.
Any recommendations for approaches to creating a plugin system?
I think that this question needs a little clarification: are you asking about using Dart for scripting Qt applications (where Dart plays the role of a scripting language), or are you asking about a plugin system for Dart application that is compiled to JS and used in a Qt application, probably via QtScript (in which case, the role of a scripting language is played by JavaScript)?
I presume that it is the latter variant (and I don't know enough about Qt to be able to answer about the former variant anyway).
Let's assume that all plugins for the Dart application are available at the build time of that Qt application, so that you don't need to compile Dart to JS dynamically. Then, if you compile a Dart script, resulting JS will include all necessary code from its #imports. All you need is to create a proper script that imports all plugins and calls them (importing isn't enough, as dead code will be eliminated).
Maybe an example will be more instructive. Let's say that you want to allow plugins to do some work on a web page. One way you might structure it is that every plugin will be a separate #library with a top-level function of a well known name (say doWork). Example of a plugin:
// my_awesome_plugin.dart
#library('My Awesome Plugin')
doWork(page) {
page.replaceAll('JavaScript is great', 'Dart is great');
You can have as many plugins of this nature as you wish. Then, you would (at the build time) generate a following simple main script in Dart:
// main.dart
// these lines are automatically generated -- for each plugin file,
// one #import with unique prefix
#import('my_awesome_plugin.dart', prefix: 'plugin1');
#import('another_plugin.dart', prefix: 'plugin2');
main() {
var page = ...; // provided externally, from your Qt app
// and these lines are automatically generated too -- for each plugin,
// call the doWork function (via the prefix)
Then, if you compile main.dart to JavaScript, it will include all those plugins.
There are other possibilities to structure the plugin system: each plugin could be a class implementing a specific interface (or inheriting from a specific base class), but the general approach would be the same. At least the approach that I would recommend -- making each plugin a separate library.
You probably don't like the step with generating the main script automatically, and I don't like it either. But currently, Dart only allows one way to dynamically load new code: spawning new isolates. I'm not sure how (or even if) that would work in QtScript, because isolates are implemented as web workers when compiled to JavaScript, so I won't discuss this here.
Things will get more complicated if you want to support compiling Dart scripts at the runtime of your Qt application, but I think that I'm already guessing too much about your project and I might be writing about something you don't really need. So I'll finish it like this for now.