How to loop in business process Drools - drools

I'm looking for weeks now to find the answer, and I definitely need help !!
Here is my enquiry.
I've build up a business process with many business rules, but I would like inside one rule to evaluate a variable and if this variable is false, I would like to loop back to my first rules flow to re-execute de sequence.
My problem: I found the XOR gateway and I tried to implement my condition within outcoming arrows but the variable I want to assess isn't yet existing.
How could I create a global variable that I can change while rules are fired?
Thanks a lot in advance for anyone trying to help!
Let me know if I've been unclear, of you need further information

You are trying to think in terms of global variables.
I encourage you to think in terms of event driven development. Drools is about facts and events which has really minor differences.
You are saying that 'under certain conditions' you need to 'trigger the rule' which has its own triggers. So I would implement it this way:
'Under certain conditions' rule should insert 'dedicated event' which reflect 'the state', what have happened/changed.
'First rule' will now have 'additional trigger option' - newly created event.
Don't forget to retract the event as soon as it did it's job or use automatic retraction


How to remove agents from population at a similar "Rate" that a Source block is creating agents

I am creating a model where I require agents from a population to be removed at a certain rate after a certain moment in time. This rate should be similar and have the same variability as a "Rate" in a source block. My current method runs, but I would like to know whether this method is accurate and if there exists a more elegant solution.
To begin the removal, I set up a Timeout Event that creates a Dynamic Event.
My dynamic event then removes the agent by sending it through an enter block to a sink block, and sets up another instance of itself.
Thank you for your help
I would also use Dynamic Events. You may want to create the DE in the Source block, though, i.e. each created agent already "schedules" its destruction. May be more appropriate, but it depends on the real system.
Apart from that: all good

Bluemix Conversation, advancing the conversation

I have two conversation nodes defined. The first is triggered on conversation_start and asks the users's name. The second stores the user name from input.text in a context variable and asks if the user wants to take a brief survey or do something else. The second one never executes. What should the trigger be on the second one in order to advance the conversation? There is no intent or condition set yet. Basically, I just want to follow a string-of-pearls pattern where every question gets asked and let the user opt out of some of the questions.
there are two main ways to achieve this. The one I recommend is to create an intent for each possible way. For example, you could create an intent called #affirmative, with values like "Yes", "Yeah", "Sure", "Ok", etc. All you have to do is to create the intent and then use it in the condition field.
But you can also check the user's input directly, using input.text. For example, you could use input.text.toLowerCase() == 'yes' as the condition. Have in mind that this should only be used if you are controlling the input and only allowing a few possible values. If not, use an intent and let Watson Conversation handle the input parsing for you.
Another really cool feature that Watson Conversation provides that can benefit is you is to have a node with a condition like intents[0].confidence < 0.6 and a response like "Sorry, I didn't get that". That way you make sure your flow will only trigger a condition with a high confidence for the intent.
Hope it helps!
You can use the jump to function to route the system to arbitrary dialog_node - this is great for creating directed dialogs. So whenever you want to continue with the next question (user answered the previous question), you can use jump to from the node processing the answer to the previous question to ask the user another question (jump to the body part of the next dialog node asking new question).
Now for "get name" use case you want the second node gathering the name from the user input hanging off the conversation_start node. If the conversation encounters a node that has children, the processing of the next dialog round will start at the first child of this dialog node - this way the contextual dialogs are defined in the conversation.
Bluemix Conversation can be thought of as a state machine. Each transition is diagrammed in the tooling, but each node can only be triggered by a condition. So that if you're on a node asking a question, and the answer that comes back does not trigger one of the child nodes, the state will not transition to a child. Answers entered into a node are processed by Watson, who provides "intents", which are essentially keywords found in the sentence he just analyzed. So one way to advance the conversation is to match named "intents" using the # prefix to the trigger of in a child node. Another way it to match named "entities" using the # prefex, although it is less clear how Watson builds entities. The third way is to match context variables using the $ prefix and simple conditional operators such as ==. Context variables are entirely managed by you, the developer. You are allowed to set one context variable at each node. And then you can use it to trigger a child node. This appears to be a good approach to managing the type of conversation I want to implement. The fourth way is to use the previous parent node's input value using along with simple conditional operators.

Need to fire same ruleflow-group multiple times from Single Flow

For reusable perspective, I have one Rule with Rule Flow group. I have use same rule flow group multiple times in flow. Now the situation is its should be fire same rule more then one time,but its only fire that rule single time.
I don't understand why its happens.
Can you give me an idea why its happening and whats the solution for same?
A Rule Task in a flow does not "execute" the rules in a rule-flow-group, it merely activates that group in the agenda so IF there are active rules, they will fire.
If between 2 executions of your Rule Task you modify the session in a way that new activations are created, consecutive executions of your task should fire new activations of those rules.
Hope it helps,

Call external web service from within Crm 2016

I have some functionality I need to implement in Dynamics Crm 2016. I need to scan all records for a custom entity and update any record where a certain condition is true. This is a bit too complex to do via a workflow (I can't change owner via a workflow step) so I'm thinking perhaps I could perform this logic in a custom plugin. I don't know if it makes sense to call this plugin from a workflow in crm though, as I need to perform the logic on all records for this particular entity, and I need the logic to run regularly, i.e. daily/weekly. What's the best way to do this?
I figured this out. It was actually possible to do entirely within Crm. What I was trying to do was the following.
I have a custom entity called announcement, and it has a custom field called embargo date.
I needed to somehow check periodically if the embargo date has been reached, meaning, is the embargo date today? If so, then I needed to change the owner of this entity.
If the embargo date has not yet been reached, then I need to wait until it is, checking the date again everyday till it is reached.
I managed this with a workflow. I added my check conditions, if they were true I assigned the entity to another user.
If my conditions weren't true, I added wait step to wait for 1 day,then another step to Start workflow where I called the current workflow recursively. Meaning, if the conditions aren't true have the workflow call itself again.

SugarCRM - Will workflow works during importing of files?

I would like to ask if there is a relationship between the Workflow and Importing of Files.
For example, the execution of workflow occurs when a record is saved, and it applies to updated records. And the action is to update a certain field on the target module if a specific field is changed. Say for example, Field A is updated to YES if field B is changed.
So it works well, when I manually saved the module after updating the field B.
How about during importing? Will the workflow would still matter? Provided that all conditions were successfully met.
I hope you could help me on this. I need to update our TS if there's a need for hard coding to support this.
Actually I have already posted this on the sugar forums. :D
Thanks so much!
Workflows are triggered with a before_save logic hook.
Logic hooks are triggered anytime the save() function is called
Creating records via the import process calls the the save() function.
So, yes, importing records will trigger your workflows.
The short answer is yes. There is no long answer.
Sugar uses the SugarBean class to save records, and it handles workflow. So if you save through Sugar, import, or use web services they all use SugarBean so therefore handle workflow.