Why is my .x3d export from Paraview not complete (in Client/Server)? - paraview

I am trying to export a scene from Paraview so that I can work on it in blender. Following instructions found on multiple sources on internet (example here, slide 9), one of the ways of doing this is by exporting a Paraview scene with the .x3d format.
So, I try to do just that.
In Paraview, I have some pathlines, with tubes around it, colored by velocity. I show these in Paraview, even select them in the tree, like this
Then File > Export Scene... > X3D Files.
After this, when I check the produced x3d file, there is no 3D data in it, as illustrated below (vi on the x3d file):
So.. what am I doing wrong here? I use Paraview 5.4.1.
Thanks a lot for any help!
Edit: I am trying to do this in client/server mode.

Ok, I found the solution, hopefully this can help others.
In Paraview, go in Edit > Settings... > Render View
Then set the Remote Render Threshold to the max, as illustrated below.
PS: I found the solution here.


Vexillology - How to construct the nutmeg in Grenada's flag?

I am working on a hobby project to construct all flags and draw them using Python Image Library, see this Codeberg project. The constructions mostly come from the website Vexilla Mundi, where they usually also have the detail drawings on flags as png files to paste onto the flag.
I am now struggling with drawing the flag for Grenada. It has a nutmeg symbol in it, but Vexilla Mundi doesn't have the drawing for it available, nor can I find it online.
Is there a place where I can find this drawing detail online?
Is there a construction sheet available such that I can draw the nutmeg symbol from scratch?
I didn't see a Vexillology community on here. If this is not the best place to ask this question, do you have other suggestions?

Unity2D UI>Image doesn't show the full image and appears differently between two projects. Why is it doing this?

I added a Unity UI>Image to my project with a given source image (called Btn_OtherButton_Blue). It appears cropped in some way. It doesn't show the full button image, the top seems cut off. I added a UI>Image to a different project with the same source image and it appears differently. In that project it seems like it's using the full image uncropped.
I've compared the projects and can not find the difference. I'm new to Unity. There's probably something simple I'm missing. I have an imgur link to show what I mean.
The settings seem the same to me. Is there a crop property of UI>Image that's hidden that could determine why one project shows more of the source image than the other?
compare the settings of the sourcefile of each project. it looks like the image sourcefiles are using different values for "Pixels Per Unit".

SceneKit: retrieving material ID from imported Collada file

i have several Collada files with material IDs attached to different sets of polygons on the asset which I would like to retrieve by code using SceneKit.
Is this possible? I have tried looking for answers using google but it seems a lot is just a tutorial on using SceneKit. Perhaps my search keys aren't optimal but I only have the following which goes as close to the topic:
Any help greatly appreciated
Best regards
I would start with the SceneKit Editor to verify that the Collada/DAE export was successful.
Select the model, click on the Scene Graph View (at the bottom left), traverse to the node and then look it up in the Materials Inspector (one of the inspectors at the top right). If you can find it here, then programmatically it should be available as a SCNMaterial.

Black 3D Models - Unity3D

I just recently started using Unity3D, and have imported this object from Sketchfab. When I imported it, it provided all the necessary textures and meshes, but it's all black as shown in the images below. It's the same case for any other object I try to add from the asset store. I've tried to fiddle with the light source, but that doesn't seem to work. Thank you in advance.
Edit: This is what my mesh properties looks like. I have selected "pearl_body" and it's still all black.
You need to expand your model in the Hierarchy(left panel) view untill you will see Mesh Renderer component in the Inspector(right panel). Then you will be able to set the material. Probably you will need replace lambert45G in the material view with BaseTexture.
That should fix the problem.
You can read more about materials here, and about mesh renderers.
I had the same problem and found a solution. Not sure if it will work in your particular case, but here it goes:
I had a model that worked fine in unity until I rigged it, then it looked black. What caused this was that I applied a Smooth modifier after the Skin modifier. I solved it by:
Saving the Skin modifier info by clicking on "Save" at the Advanced tab.
Reset Xform / convert to editable poly / smooth modifier (needed in my case as I forgot to use it when the model was finished, before rigging)
Convert to edit poly again.
Apply skin and load the previously saved skin file.
That's all. Cheers!

Simple form with pixel manipulation in Qt

I'm completely newbie to Qt
i want to create a 800X600 window that just show some circle and be able to manipulate pixels of the form. there is no interaction between user and form(no click, no dblclick,...) it just shows some circles with one color and lines with different pixel colors(each line may have different pixel colors)
also i want to be able to change the coordination system, i mean change it from top-left to the center of the window. could anyone help me do that with some sample code?
thanks in advance for your reply.
Please try downloading the Qt Creator (IDE), then reading through the tutorials. There's a whole host of very useful information provided for free, including a lot of the code samples you are looking for.
The following examples might also be of particular interest:
Animation Framework Examples
Graphics View Examples
Painting Examples