Configuring prometheus to access another cluster that applications deployed - kubernetes

I am newbie for using monitoring tools such as Prometheus in k8s..We have two separate cluster one for applications we deployed one for we only would like deploy monitoring,logging tools.
But I have some confusion how to handle this?
1.How cluster that serves prometheus can connect to application cluster and able to pull metrics?
2.How should I specify the namespace if I would like to set a network policy?
3.What should I do in application side for helm chart except exporting metrics?
# Allow traffic from pods with label app=prometheus in namespace with label name=monitoring
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: monitoring.prometheus.all
- from:
- namespaceSelector:
name: monitoring
app: prometheus
podSelector: {}
- Ingress

Isn't that what you want?
1) Prometheus federation
Prometheus federation is a Prometheus server that can scrape data
from other Prometheus servers. It supports hierarchical federation,
which in our case resembles a tree.
A default version of the Prometheus server is installed in each one of our clusters and a Prometheus federation server is deployed together with Grafana in a central monitoring cluster. Prometheus federation scrapes data from all the other Prometheus servers that run in our clusters. For future expansion, a central Prometheus federation can be used to scrape data from multiple Prometheus federation servers that scrape data from groups of tens of clusters.
More info here:
2) Prometheus configuration to scrape Kubernetes outside the cluster yaml example
3) Linkedin Monitoring Kubernetes with Prometheus - outside the cluster! article and Reddit Monitoring K8s by Prometheus Outside Cluster related discussion


Dynamically update prometheus scrape config based on pod labels

I'm trying to enhance my monitoring and want to expand the amount of metrics pulled into Prometheus from our Kube estate. We already have a stand alone Prom implementation which has a hard coded config file monitoring some bare metal servers, and hooks into cadvisor for generic Pod metrics.
What i would like to do is configure Kube to monitor the apache_exporter metrics from a webserver deployed in the cluster, but also dynamically add a 2nd, 3rd etc webserver as the instances are scaled up.
I've looked at the kube-prometheus project, but this seems to be more geared to instances where there is no established Prometheus deployed. Is there a simple way to get prometheus to scrape the Kube API or etcd to pull in the current list of pods which match a certain criteria (ie, a tag like deploymentType=webserver) and scrape the apache_exporter metrics for these pods, and scrape the mysqld_exporter metrics where deploymentType=mysql
There's a project called kube-prometheus-stack (formerly prometheus-operator):
It has concepts called ServiceMonitor and PodMonitor:
Basically, this is a selector that points your Prometheus instance to scrape targets. In the case of service selector, it discovers all the pods behind the service. In the case of a pod selector, it discovers pods directly. Prometheus scrape config is updated and reloaded automatically in both cases.
Example PodMonitor:
kind: PodMonitor
name: example
namespace: monitoring
- interval: 30s
path: /metrics
port: http
- app
matchLabels: my-app
Note that this PodMonitor object itself must be discovered by the controller. To achieve this you write a PodMonitorSelector(link). This additional explicit linkage is done intentionally - in this way, if you have 2 Prometheus instances on your cluster (say Infra and Product) you can separate which Prometheus will get which Pods to its scraping config.
The same applies to a ServiceMonitor.

Kubernetes: Create an Ingress for Kafka

I have Confluent Kafka 5.3.1 pods running with Zookeeper with SSL on AWS.
How can I make the Ingress work? I want to give access to an external user, to my Kafka topic. This should work as a Layer-4 ingress as it is on port 9092~3.
I am trying to find some documentation online.
Thank you
Ingress is only an L7 resource. So you can make use of a plain LoadBalancer Service. Since you are running on AWS, you can either use an ELB or an NLB. Make sure you use the right annotation on your Service, for example for an NLB:
name: my-service
annotations: "nlb"

How to intercept requests to a service in Kubernetes?

Let's say I define a Service named my-backend in Kubernetes. I would like to intercept every request sent to this service, what is the proper way to do it? For example, another container under the same namespace sends a request through http://my-backend.
I tried to use Admission Controller with a validation Webhook. However, it can intercept the CRUD operations on service resources, but it fails to intercept any connection to a specific service.
There is no direct way to intercept the requests to a service in Kubernetes.
For workaround this is what you can do-
Create a sidecar container just to log the each incoming request. logging
Run tcpdump -i eth0 -n in your containers and filter out requests
Use Zipkin
Creating service on cloud providers, will have their own logging mechanism. for ex - load balancer service on aws will have its logs generated on S3. aws elb logs
You can use a service mesh such as istio. An istio service mesh deploys a envoy proxy sidecar along with every pod. Envoy intercepts all the incoming requests to the pod and can provide you metrics such as number of requests etc. A service mesh brings in more features such as distributed tracing, rate limiting etc.
Kubernetes NetworkPolicy object will help on this. A network policy controls how group of pods can communicate with each other and other network endpoints. You can only allow the ingress traffic to the my-backend service based on pod selector. Below is the example that will allow the ingress traffic from specific
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: ingress-only-from-frontend-to-my-backend
namespace: default
<my-backend pod label>
- Ingress
- from:
- podSelector:
<Frontend web pod label>

How to allow/deny http requests from other namespaces of the same cluster?

In a cluster with 2 namespaces (ns1 and ns2), I deploy the same app (deployment) and expose it with a service.
I thought separate namespaces would prevent from executing curl http://deployment.ns1 from a pod in ns2, but apparently, it's possible.
So my question is, how to allow/deny such cross namespaces operations? For example:
pods in ns1 should accept requests from any namespace
pods (or service?) in ns2 should deny all requests from other namespaces
Good that you are working with namespace isolation.
Deploy a new kind Network Policy in your ns1 with ingress all. You can lookup the documentation to define network ingress policy to allow all inbound traffic
Likewise for ns2, you can create a new kind Network Policy and deploy the config in ns2 to deny all ingress. Again the docs will come to rescue to help with you the yaml construct.
It may look something like this:
kind: NetworkPolicy
namespace: ns1
name: web-allow-all-namespaces
app: app_name_ns1
- from:
- namespaceSelector: {}
It would not be answer you want, but I can provide the helpful feature information to implement your requirements.
AFAIK Kubernetes can define network policy to limit the network access.
Refer Declare Network Policy for more details of Network Policy.
Default policies
Setting a Default NetworkPolicy for New Projects in case OpenShift.

Understanding subnetting in Kubernetes cluster

When using GKE, I found that a all the nodes in the Kubernetes cluster must be in the same network and the same subnet. So, I wanted to understand the correct way to design networking.
I have two services A and B and they have no relation between them. My plan was to use a single cluster in a single region and have two nodes for each of the services A and B in different subnets in the same network.
However, it seems like that can't be done. The other way to partition a cluster is using namespaces, however I am already using partitioning development environment using namespaces.
I read about cluster federation, however it my services are small and I don't need them in multiple clusters and in sync.
What is the correct way to setup netowrking for these services? Should I just use the same network and subnet for all the 4 nodes to serve the two services A and B?
You can restrict the incoming (or outgoing) traffic making use of labels and networking policies.
In this way the pods would be able to receive the traffic merely if it has been generated by a pod belonging to the same application or with any logic you want to implement.
You can follow this step to step tutorial that guides you thorough the implementation of a POC.
kubectl run hello-web --labels app=hello \ --port 8080 --expose
Example of Network policy
kind: NetworkPolicy
name: hello-allow-from-foo
- Ingress
app: hello
- from:
- podSelector:
app: foo