How to write a view to identify content with a date field without repeats - date

The website has a content type defined called an event, which is used in calendars and other displays. It has the following fields
Label Machine name Field type Widget Operations
Title title Node module element
Group og_group_ref Entity Reference OG reference edit delete
Date field_eventdate Date Pop-up calendar edit delete
Description body Long text and summary Text area with a summary edit delete
Booking Details field_eventbooking Long text Text area (multiple rows) edit delete
Contact Details field_eventcontact Long text Text area (multiple rows) edit delete
Downloads upload File Multiupload edit delete
Retire from Front Page field_retire_from_front_page Date Pop-up calendar edit delete
Key Words field_key_words Term reference Check boxes/radio buttons edit delete
Meta tags metatags Meta tag module form elements.
Location locations Location module form elements
The content type has been use for over 10 years and there are over 6000 records of this type.
The majority of the records are one off events with no repeats, but some are regular events with repeats set up for once a month meetings etc.
I would like to write a view to identify those records which do not have repeating dates, and for which the date is in the past so these can be removed from the system, but I can't see a way of identifying which events have repeating dates and which do not.
Once the one off events can be presented in a view, View Bulk Operations can be used to remove them.
The repeating events are more problematic because some of them may still be in use, this would need to be determined as a second step or done manually.
The date module in use is Date 7.x-2.10.

It turns out to be relatively easy just filter on
Content: Date:rrule (empty) to pick up records with no repeats
Thanks to Tony Maynard-Smith for the answer.


In sheets, duplicating responses into specific tab(s)

In forms collection, users provide me data. Most importantly in the data given is the date(s) they select (or sign up for, in my instance). I've created new tabs in the spreadsheet that are associated with the dates. I'm copying and pasting the exact information that they provide into the correct date(s) tab. Sometimes they select multiple dates. However, at this rate, I'm moving so slow and making many mistakes.
Is there a code that can duplicate what I'm doing to avoid the simple mistakes I'm making and save time?
Updated: here is the link to a mock sheet (I hope I did it right): Mock Sheet
(quick pic of what I'm working with)
Thank you for sharing your spreadsheet. Here is what I recommend:
1.) In your existing individual date sheets, select and delete whichever columns you will not be using; likewise, select and delete all rows beyond the maximum number of rows you might ever need per sheet. Keeping sheets trim is the professional standard, makes it easier to focus on the important information, and assures maximum processing speed.
2.) Delete everything from your existing individual date sheets, including the headers.
3.) Place the following formula into cell A1 of each sheet:
=FILTER({Sheet1!A:D,Sheet1!F:F},(ROW(Sheet1!A:A)=1)+(REGEXMATCH(Sheet1!E:E,"December 17, 2021")))
Adjust the date in quotation marks to match the sheet. It seems that all of your events may be happening from 5:00 - 9:00, so you don't need to include that if my assumption is correct. However, if there are different times on the same day (and will therefore be two different sheets for that day), you will need to include the start time in the formula's quotes as well, exactly as it will come in from the form (e.g., "December 17, 2021 Friday, 5:00pm"). The hyphen and end time seems it would be superfluous and can be left off.
4.) To create a new individual date sheet, simply duplicate an existing individual date sheet, rename the copy, color your header row as desired, and change the formula section between those quotes in the A1 formula (which will already be in place from the duplicate sheet.
5.) Since you will be adding further notes or other information in additional columns within each individual date sheet, be sure that you never delete information from Sheet1; otherwise, the formula-produces row information will collapse to eliminate deleted rows, and your manually entered data will not match up. For this reason, I recommend simply Hide-ing Sheet1 entirely, as this will cut down on the chance that someone may accidentally tamper with the data coming into that sheet. There is not reason to have Sheet1 showing, since all data will be included in some other sheet due to the formulas there.
The formula FILTERs in only the five target columns, which are included in the opening virtual array formed between the curly brackets { }; and it will include rows that match either one of two conditions (shown between sets of parentheses, where the plus symbol means 'OR'): either A.) the row is Row 1 (i.e., the header row information) or B.) the part in quotes can be found in Sheet1!E:E.

How to get the mapping relation between xbrl tag and name shown in financial statement?

The name shown in financial statement and xbrl tag name are different,take apple's 2019 financial statement as example.
apple 2019 financial statement
Click sections--financial statement--consolidated statements of operations and move mouse at the 274,515 ,
You can see
The tag name is RevenueFromContractWithCustomerExcludingAssessedTax in xbrl term, it is called as Total net sales, maybe there exists a table mapping every xbrl tag name with name shown on financial statements,where can i get it?
Yes, there is a mapping between tag names (they are called concepts) and user-readable English names (they are called labels) in what is called the label linkbase.
You can click on the right arrow in the pop-up window that can be seen on your screenshot, which will display all the associated labels.
However, there is no guarantee that these labels match exactly what is seen on the HTML page, because this is Inline XBRL and the text surrounding the tagged data is completely free, as opposed to the tabular view an XBRL processor would automatically reconstruct from the taxonomy attached to the report. Ideally, the filings should be created in a way that the two should match, though.
In this case, "Total net sales" would be a Total label (i.e., used when the data is displayed in context as a total), but it does not seem that this label appears in the label linkbase here, at least as shown in the window.
Regarding a large, flat, tabular representation of the entire label linkbase of a filing: I did not manage to find it for this specific (version of the) viewer, however there are many XBRL processors that do offer this (e.g., export to CSV or Excel).

If it's possible, is there an option or other way to change a "Sublist Field" column's display type within a transaction form in NetSuite?

I need to change two columns in a Sales Order's item line section (bottom of the page) in NetSuite:
It feels like the solution ties these two together as they are both perceived as item line fields or "Sublist Fields" (according to NetSuite's customization form page).
INVENTORY DETAIL needs to be enabled or set to "normal" so I can be able to specify bins associated from my selected item or be able to interact and fill in this column at the basic level.
AMOUNT needs to be set as "inline-text" so that other people handling sales orders cannot disturb it at all and still be able to see the value of this particular column.
I have attempted to search through Customization > Lists, Records & Fields and searched the following options: (which I thought were relevant to the fields that I wanted to modify)
Item Fields to no success
Transaction Body Fields to no success
Transaction Line Fields found out that AMOUNT and INVENTORY DETAIL are both padlocked
I also attempted to search through Customization > Forms and I have spent a long time looking through my Sales Order custom transaction form (possibly missing out on menus unintentionally) to no success.
I know that inside Customization > Forms > Entry Forms there is an Inventory Detail form in there that shows exactly the window I'm expecting, but I haven't figured out how to customise anything in the columns item line for transaction forms yet so I can create a custom column containing a link to INVENTORY DETAIL simulating the typical behavior of the original one while hiding the disabled one.
Near the top of a Sales Order form, I went to Customise > Customise Form and found out that I can find both AMOUNT and INVENTORY DETAIL inside the Sublist Fields tab.
Unfortunately, it only has SHOW toggles and this does not do what I need for it to do.
It is clear that I am confusing Sublist Fields with Screen Fields where I expected there would typically be a DISPLAY TYPE column that bears the drop-down selections containing "Normal", "Inline-Text" and "Disabled" options.
In actuality, they have SHOW checkbox toggles for both INVENTORY DETAIL and AMOUNT where the AMOUNT checkbox is greyed out. (This still does not achieve or reflect what I need it to do)
I am unaware of the conditions that needs to be met for AMOUNT to behave as an inline-text. There is probably another condition that needs to be met for the INVENTORY DETAIL column to be made available somehow.
I admit that I missed something crucial, so please kindly mention about it.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I was able to create a new column by creating a Transaction Line Field that contains two separate fields which are applied to Sales Orders.
For the INVENTORY DETAIL, I went to Customization > Entry Forms and copied the link for "Standard Inventory Detail Form" and then produced my own HTML code inside the Default Value when creating a new Transaction Line Field.
For AMOUNT, I created a new transaction line field and then set the Default Value as the appropriate value found in and I used the curly bracket notation {} to fetch the data for the edittable AMOUNT but changed the Access to View-only, which makes this exactly what I needed.
After previewing the changes into an existing Sales Order, I can see my results reflected as expected. Consider this question solved.

How to reuse data in multiple records in Access form

Big question: How can I make Access automatically fill in a cell in a form based on previously entered data?
I need to enter leave details for members of staff. I tend to enter these by date, and in one to two week chunks. Is there a way to have the next new record automatically fill in the date part of the record with the previously entered one?
Table structure
Staff: StaffID, Name
Absences: ID, StaffID, Dateaway, OtherDetails
I want it to automatically fill in DateAway with the entry of the row above it, or the previously entered row, as I will enter say 10 dates in a fortnight, but 50 entries over those dates. I enter them chronologically, and after the fact (So just defaulting to TODAY() won't work).
There's a shortcut Ctrl+' that does pretty much what I need, wondering if there's a way to do that with the generation of a new record.
You have to be careful with this. If your form is bound to a table/query, you're going to insert a junk record every time you're done with the form. However, if it's unbound you can do this using DMAX, in the After Insert event of the form.
Private Sub Form_AfterInsert()
txtDateaway.Text = DMax("Dateaway", "Absences", "StaffID = " & Me.txtStaffID)
End Sub
This is, of course, assuming your Dateaway field on your form is called txtDateaway and your StaffID field is called txtStaffID.

Filemaker 12 -- display one value, store another

I'm building a database in FileMaker 12 that will, among other things, keep a list of jobs (indicated by numeric ID) and the employees who had billable time for that job.
Given three tables:
Employee ( empName, empID, salary, ... )
JobHours ( empID, jobID, hrsWorked, ... , refID)
JobCost ( jobID, expenses, profit, ... , refID)
Employee is my personnel roster matching names to numeric employee IDs and stats (salary, et al) ;
JobHours is a list of employee participation -- whenever an employee spends time on a job, this table has a line that shows their ID, the job ID, hours worked, and a few other things;
JobCost is a daily record of jobs. One entry in this table refers to the activity for a single job on a single day. Additionally, each entry gets a system generated unique ID (since neither jobID nor date is unique) to relate to JobHours (resulting in a list of who worked on a particular job on a particular day).
I have a form showing records from JobCost. For each record, I can see in a portal, showing records from JobHours, who worked on that job on that day.
Now, the issue.
In my portal, I want to have a drop-down list of employee names pulled from a value list to create records in JobHours with the following criteria:
1) I need it to be a drop-down rather than a pop-up so it will respond to auto-fill from the keyboard. A drop-down will show the secondary value (employee name) from a value list while dropped down, and will respond properly to keyboard autocomplete on the secondary value, but once you've made your selection, it only displays the primary value (employee ID).
2) I need it to display names, not IDs, at all times. The pop-up does this perfectly. However, it doesn't seem to respond to the keyboard for typing autocompletes.
3) I need to store the numeric ID rather than the name.
I know how to satisfy any two of these criteria at once, but that's all. The whole database is working beautifully otherwise. Is this behavior possible?
One common technique is to use two fields, one directly on top of the other.
On the bottom, put your JobHours::EmpID field. Set it up as the drop-down list with the value list that you've specified.
On top of the JobHours::EmpID field put the related Employee::EmpName field. Set the field so that it cannot be entered in browse or find mode.
Now your users will see the Employee Name, but when they click that click will go through the top field and into the Employee ID field where they will choose the name from the value list.
pft's solution is one that I have long used, but I do still find it inelegant because the user still sees an existing id number in the field when changing the value.
If the type-ahead is important, I would use the popup menu. Once the menu has been activated either by tabbing into it or by clicking into it, the user is able to type from the keyboard and the selection will change based on what's entered.
I came to this thread looking for a solution to this same issue (allowing the user to pick from a list, show their choice, but store a related value instead). For example, choose a plant species name from a dropdown, show the plant species name in the dropdown field, but have it store the taxonomic serial number (TSN; which is more likely to stay the same over the years). This is easy to do in MS Access, but took a litlte more messing around to do it in FMP12.
How I solved it:
I created two fields in the table that would be storing the values: Plant_TSN and Plant_SciName. A relationship must exist between the values in these two fields. In my case, I store a SciName for each TSN in a lookup table. I then created two fields in my layout, one for each new field.
For the value you wish to store (ex. Plant_TSN):
Make the corresponding layout field a dropdown and include the show/hide arrow. Edit the value list you will populate the dropdown with to show the second (reader friendly) column but store the first column value. In the layout shrink the field to only show the arrow.
For the field you wish the user to see (ex. Plant_SciName):
make the other layout field a Edit Box and prevent field entry in either Browse or Find mode. But it up against the dropdown arrow created in the previous step to make what looks like one field.
Finally, back in the first field (arrow-only drop down) write a script to push the user friendly number (Plant_SciName) to the edit box when the user-ugly (Plant_TSN) value is picked in the drop down. I used the OnObjectSave script trigger of the dropdown formatted field. Script should be something along the lines of 1) Freeze window, 2) Go to Related Record (based on relationship in lookup table 3) Set Field (i.e. the edit box) and 4) GotoLayout[original] to offset the Freeze.
Probably not an entirely clear explanation, but I bet you will get it on your third read through! I would have posted a screenshot, but I apparently need 10 "reputation points".