Redshift concurrency scaling - amazon-redshift

We have enabled concurrency scaling, SQA, and auto WLM on a Redshift cluster with RA3 nodes. For some reason all queries run on the main cluster and no concurrency scaling cluster is launched even though the queries on the main cluster are queuing up a lot, e.g. one query was queued for 500s and then executed in 2s.
We get the following message in relation to it:
Concurrency Scaling inelegible query - Cumulative time not met
Concurrency Scaling ineligible query - Query has state on Main cluster
The docs don't say anything about what this could mean
Does concurrency scaling and SQA work at all?


Is it inefficient for cadence to use the database to implement scheduled tasks?

The scheduled tasks of cadence are stored in the database, so the problem of database polling must be involved. As the amount of data increases, how does cadence improve the query efficiency and the accuracy of delay time?
Cadence uses sharding to scale out. Each shard has its own timer queue. If a single DB instance cannot keep up, multiple DB hosts can be used and Cadence history service shards are distributed across all the hosts.
My talk Designing a Workflow Engine from First Principles goes into this in more detail. It talks about Temporal which is a fork of Cadence, but that part of the design is exactly the same.

Druid Cluster going into Restricted Mode

We have a Druid Cluster with the following specs
3X Coordinators & Overlords - m5.2xlarge
6X Middle Managers(Ingest nodes with 5 slots) - m5d.4xlarge
8X Historical - i3.4xlarge
2X Router & Broker - m5.2xlarge
Cluster often goes into Restricted mode
All the calls to the Cluster gets rejected with a 502 error.
Even with 30 available slots for the index-parallel tasks, cluster only runs 10 at time and the other tasks are going into waiting state.
Loader Task submission time has been increasing monotonically from 1s,2s,..,6s,..10s(We submit a job to load the data in S3), after
recycling the cluster submission time decreases and increases again
over a period of time
We submit around 100 jobs per minute but we need to scale it to 300 to catchup with our current incoming load
Cloud someone help us with our queries
Tune the specs of the cluster
What parameters to be optimized to run maximum number of tasks in parallel without increasing the load on the master nodes
Why is the loader task submission time increasing, what are the parameters to be monitored here
At 100 jobs per minute, this is probably why the overlord is being overloaded.
The overlord initiates a job by communicating with the middle managers across the cluster. It defines the tasks that each middle manager will need to complete and it monitors the task progress until completion. The startup of each job has some overhead, so that many jobs would likely keep the overlord busy and prevent it from processing the other jobs you are requesting. This might explain why the time for job submissions increases over time. You could increase the resources on the overlord, but this sounds like there may be a better way to ingest the data.
The recommendation would be to use a lot less jobs and have each job do more work.
If the flow of data is so continuous as you describe, perhaps a kafka queue would be the best target followed up with a Druid kafka ingestion job which is fully scalable.
If you need to do batch, perhaps a single index_parallel job that reads many files would be much more efficient than many jobs.
Also consider that each task in an ingestion job creates a set of segments. By running a lot of really small jobs, you create a lot of very small segments which is not ideal for query performance. Here some info around how to think about segment size optimization which I think might help.

Kubernetes Orchestration depending upon number of rows/records/Input Files

Requirement is to orchestrate ETL containers depending upon the number of records present at the Source system (SQL/Google Analytics/SAAS/CSV files).
To explain take a Use Case:- ETL Job has to process 50K records present in SQL server, however, it takes good processing time to execute this job by one server/node as this server makes a connection with SQL, fetches the data and process the records.
Now the problem is how to orchestrate in Kubernetes this ETL Job so that it scales up/down the containers depending upon number of records/Input. Like the case discussed above if there are 50K records to process in parallel then it should scale up the containers process the records and scales down.
You would generally use a queue of some kind and Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) to watch the queue size and adjust the queue consumer replicas automatically. Specifics depend on the exact tools you use.

How to decide when to use replicate sets for mongodb in production

We are currently hosting the MongoDB using its official docker image in ec2, for our production environment, its 32gb memory server dedicated to just this service.
How can using replica sets help us in the improvement of the performance of our MongoDB, we are currently facing that the response for queries is getting slower day by day.
Are there any measures through which we can determine that investing in the replica set will provide worthy benefits as well and will not be premature optimization.
MongoDB replication is a high availability solution (see note at the end of the post for more details on Replication). Replication is not a performance improvement solution.
MongoDB query performance depends upon various factors: size of collection, size of document, database design, query definition and indexes. Inadequate hardware (memory, hard drive, cpu and network) can affect the query performance. The number of operations at a given time can also affect the performance.
For faster query performance the main consideration is using indexes. Indexes affect directly the query filter and sort operations. To find if your query is performing optimally and using the proper indexes generate a query plan using the explainwith "executionStats" mode; study the plan. Explain can be run on MongoDB find, update, delete and aggregation queries. All these queries can benefit from indexes. See Query Optimization.
Adding capabilities to the existing hardware is known as vertical scaling; and replication is not vertical scaling.
This is configured as a replica-set - a primary node and multiple secondary nodes. The primary is the main point of contact for application - all writes happen on the primary, (and reads, by default). The data written to the primary is replicated to the secondaries. This way data redundancy is accomplished. When the primary goes down one of the secondaries takes over as primary and keep the system running via a failover process. Data durability, high availability, redundancy and failover are the man concepts with replication. In MongoDB a replica-set cluster can have up to fifty nodes.
It is recommended to use replica-set in production due to HA functionality.
As a result of source limits on one hand and the need of HA in production on the other hand, I would suggest you to create a minimal replica-set which will consist of Primary, Secondary and an Arbiter (an arbiter does not contain any data and is very low memory consumer).
Also, Writes typically effect your memory performance much more than reads. In order to achieve better write performance I would advice you to create more shards (the more masters you have, the more writes you can handle at the same time).
However, I'm not sure what case your mongo's performance to slow so fast. I think you should:
Check what is most effect your production's performance (complicated queries or hard writes).
Change your read preference to "nearest".
Consider to disable Read Concern "majority" (remember that by default there is a write "majority" concern. Members should be up to date).
Check for a better index.
And of curse create a replica-set!
Good Luck! :P

Will aggregations run on a replica slow down write rate of the primary?

I need to accept data at a high rate and I need to aggregate this data periodically. My current strategy is to have a replica on a different server which will act as a "processor" of the data by using aggregations.
My question is whether running aggregations on a replica may slow down primary?
You can benefit from replicas for read-only workloads. Although your replicas tend to wear down from write operations, as much as the primary, you may dedicate the primary to write operations and read only from replicas. Off course this is subject to lagging, once the replicas could not be able to catch it up with the primary just-in-time. Anyway, theoretically, no read operation on a replica should impact the primary, including aggregations.
PS: Sharding is always better for load distribution, off course, but it doesn't mean replicas are completely useless for that.