How create cHash for an extbase action link - typo3

I need a link for an action, which I could send per email.
This works fine with using the viewhelper "f:link.action". Here an example:
<f:link.action action="changePw" id="changePw" absolute="true" arguments="{email : uSetup.uEmail, user : uSetup.uName}"></f:link.action>
Now I have the problem, that in the used form, the user can update his email. In this case, the link is not useful, because it includes the old email address and not the new one, which would be required!
I have looked for hours, but I could not find any useful solution.
The best would be, if could create the link in a php programm and than run a Typo3 php routine, which is creating me the required cHash value. For security resons, I would not switch off the cHash feature.
Is there a Typo3 function, which could create me the cHash value?
The other way, would be to update the viewhelper, that it is using the actual value from the email textfield. But how could I do it?
Thanks in advance for your support.

A cHash is generated automatically if you generate an URL.
Data can be transfered from the client to the server in two ways: GET and POST parameters.
If you want to protect these parameters you secure them with a cHash. the hash represents a list of static parameters. These are replaced on server side overwriting any values coming from the client.
so it is clear: you can't use a value in the cHash if that value could be changed in a form. you need to exclude the emailadress from cHash for the form where the email can be changed.
You might define an alternative field (other name => other URL parameter) where a new email can be inserted and after the submit the email could be updated by the alternative field.


How to get existing value from form to another magento 1.9

I have two different forms , one including user information and the second one have a grid. What I need to do is to get the email from first form to use it in the controller of the 2nd, there is a way or I need to get the value again from database?
you can try sending the email value through ajax when it is set to the other controller by adding parameters in the url or u can store email in a table(hope both tables are for same product or customer) and load it in other form using the id.
Hope it helps....

Token is not getting a value when the form sent by email

I'm developing a basic recruitment-type website.
I have an "Apply" CustomForm attached with a contenttype("Job"), but I can't get access fields outside of the CustomForm widget. I'm trying to add the reference number or the url to the email within the workflow. Orchard shows {Content.Fields.Input-Reference} token, but it returns no value when used.
Should I overwrite the handler when the form is created or how can I access fields of other zones?
As far as I understand the question, you don't actually need to add a custom token to your module. Custom Forms module takes care of that for you and adds the tokens for fields itself. You just need to use them in the email module.
Just look for a tokens named like this:
Not that the tasks of adding custom tokens to the system and accessing them inside the workflow are particularly hard, mind you.

Symfony 2 form validate

I have a simple form without a entity that I use to send emails. Now I was testing in firefox and if I leave a field empty I will get a message. But now if I open the same form in Safari (that ignores required proprty) I won't get any message. The form->isValid() returs true even when I leave all fields blank...
How to validate this?
The in-browser validation is just a time saver to avoid a request to a server when a field is blank, but it's not a proper validation because it can be disabled on the browser level. You still should validate on the server side.
See this section — you need the NotBlank constraint.

Classic ASP form doesn't post on page refresh

I have an ASP page that takes two arguments on the querystring. On the page is a form that posts back to itself.
If I do the form post once, and then try to refresh the page, it doesn't repost the form. It loads the page as though it were loading for the first time, missing the querystring values.
Is there a way to ALWAYS force a repost when I refresh a page that is the result of a FORM post?
It sounds like the problem you're having is loss of some essential parameters to your page when posting. In ASP there are two primary methods of passing parameters, in the url string via GET or from a form POST. The former passes you values in the QueryString dictionary while the latter gives them to you in the Form dictionary. Fortunately for you it is possible to accept a parameter that exists in EITHER dictionary by looking to Request object:
Request["a"] will find a regardless of being in Request.QueryString["a"] or Request.Form["a"].
This will help you in your current dilemma because you can simply write your querystring parameters to your Form on initial load of the page as <input type="hidden" fields. On subsequent posts your Request["a"] search for your parameters will find them regardless of being passed in the URL (on initial load) or via post on subsequent calls.
The problem was that I was going into the Firefox address bar and pressing Enter. This caused the URL to reload (and of course it didn't have the querystring after it reposted). So -- lesson is to do a check of the incoming vars and form vars to see if the page has been manually refreshed I suppose...
You could still maintain the submitted values in this situation.
What you would need to do is log the most recent request in either a Cookie, Session or data/file store, and on each request, check to see if the request was handled before you remove the data.
Since what you were after was the querystring it could just be something like this:
Response.Cookies("tempdata")("querystring") = Request.ServerVariables("QUERY_STRING")
Response.Cookies("tempdata")("querystring_handled") = false
then when you are done with that request you can clear the cookie value or set the querystring_handled = true.
There are probably situations where this could cause some conflicts, but just so you know, it is still going to be possible for you to remember the request once it is received by the server.
Which action does the form use: GET or POST? Normally, a form would use the POST action, but in this case, if you refresh the page with the posted form, you will not get anything in query string, because query string only gets passed via the GET action. Assuming that this issue is not caused by page caching, it seems to me like it works as designed (if the form POSTs data). Just make sure that you process the form variables if the query string is missing.

MVC 2.0 Post Form to action instead of redirect to action

I am using T4MVC to redirect to another action return RedirectToAction(MVC.MyController.MyAction());.
In result it is doing get request.
Is there any way to make post request from controller. I want to keep all the same but only make post instead get. I cant find any methods for that. I found one post helper here but i cant pass any values i need using this post helper. I was trying to pass values through TempData but they are not coming when i using this helper. May be some one have any ideas?
The reason i want to do this because when user come from one controller to another and then if user click update or just click enter in browser address bar, page will break.
Should i use session for that reason?
A RedirectToAction will always perform a GET, never a POST (it returns a HTTP 302 to the browser, which will then issue a GET request).
To persist data across the redirect, if it is data that can be easily represented as a string and stored in the query string, then you can just add it to the route values of the redirect.
return RedirectToAction("Search", new { searchString = "whatever" });
If it is a complex type, then you will need to store it in TempData. A number of other questions on StackOverflow (such as this one) give details on how.
If repeatedly storing to and reading from TempData across your application offends your code-sense, then you can encapsulate this by using the PassParametersDuringRedirect attribute and generic RedirectToAction available in the MvcContrib project. Some details on this technique are available here.
only way of doing post is by having a form and doing submit on that form, either with a submit button or with javascript, any info you want passed to that action must be in that form and you will find everything posted in FormCollection(hope I spelled it right).