Powershell: I'm unable to delete a line from a text file - powershell

Here's a method for deleting a line that I thought would work
#earlier in the script
$inFile = Get-Content -Path ".\input.txt"
# ...Later... #
$inFile = Get-Content -path ".\input.txt" | where-object {$_ -notmatch $line}
set-content -path ".\input.txt" -Value $inFile
The problem is that the -notmatch parameter doesn't seem to work. The Get-Content cmdlet just copies all the content from input.txt, including $line. I've also tried changing the code to clear $inFile completley and create a temporary holder, but no dice.
Clear-Variable -name "inFile"
$holder = Get-Content -path ".\input.txt" | where-object {$_ -notmatch $line}
set-content -path ".\input.txt" -Value $holder
$inFile = Get-Content -path ".\input.txt"
Am I using -notmatch incorrectly? Here's the full text script for context.
Write-Host "Starting"
[bool] $keepRunning = 1
[bool] $everFound = 0
[bool] $searchComplete = 0
:main while($keepRunning)
$inFile = Get-Content -path ".\input.txt"
$completed = Get-Content -Path ".\output.txt"
$line = $inFile[0]
if($inFile.count -eq 1)
$line = $inFile
# create condition to check if $line matches any line in completed.txt
# if it does, skip this line and move on to the next line
:search while($everFound -eq 0 -and $searchComplete -eq 0)
#Write-Host "Outer loop"
foreach($url in $completed)
#Write-Host $line
#write-host $url
if ($line -eq $url)
Write-Host "`nThis file was already downloaded --Skipping to the next line"
$inFile = Get-Content -path ".\input.txt" | where-object {$_ -notmatch $line}
set-content -path ".\input.txt" -Value $inFile
$inFile = Get-Content -path ".\input.txt"
$line = $inFile[0]
$everFound = 1
if ($everFound -eq 1)
$searchComplete = 1
Write-Host "Search Complete`n"
Write-Host "Before the download--------"
Write-Host $everFound
Write-Host $searchComplete
if ($everFound -eq 0 -and $searchComplete -eq 1)
#download the files
$downloadCommand = "youtube-dl.exe --verbose --cookies .\cookies.txt `"$line`""
invoke-Expression $downloadCommand
#delete the url
add-content -Path ".\output.txt" -Value $line
$inFile = Get-Content -path ".\input.txt" | where-object {$_ -notmatch $line}
set-content -path ".\input.txt" -Value $inFile
write-host "`n"
Write-Host "Sleeping for 45mins"
#start-sleep -s 2700
$everFound = 0
$searchComplete = 0
Write-Host "-------------After the download!!"
Write-Host $everFound
Write-Host $searchComplete
# check if the file is empty. If it is, set the keepRunning flag to false and exit the main while loop
if($Null -eq $inFile)
$keepRunning = 0
Write-Host "Done"
Read-Host "Press the Enter Key to Exit"
$inFile contains a list of youtube URLs on each line. $line is assigned the value of the first line of $inFile
$line = $inFile[0]
Here is a youtube URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sB5zlHMsM7k
I also added some statements to output the values of $line right before the file. Someone please point me to the right direction.

Am I using -notmatch incorrectly?
You're using it incorrectly, if $line contains a substring to search for literally (as-is, verbatim) in the input file's lines, and that substring happens to contain regex metacharacters, such as . and $.
To use -match / -notmatch for literal substring matching, you must escape the substring:
$_ -notmatch [regex]::Escape($line)
If you want to match lines only in full, you must anchor the regex:
$_ -notmatch ('^' + [regex]::Escape($line) + '$')
Note that PowerShell has no operator for literal substring matching.
However, the System.String ([string]) type has a .Contains() method for literal substring matching, but not that, unlike PowerShell's operators, it is case-sensitive by default (there are overloads for case-insensitive matching, but only in PowerShell (Core) 7+):
-not $_.Contains($line) # case-sensitive, literal substring matching
# PS 7+ only: case-INsensitive, literal substring matching
-not $_.Contains($line, 'CurrentCultureIgnoreCase')
For full-line matching:
-not ($_.Length -eq $line.Length -and $_.Contains($line))
-not $_.Equals($line, 'CurrentCultureIgnoreCase')
The advantage of using .Contains() is that it performs better than -match, though the latter offers much more flexibility.


ForEach-Object at command pipeline position Problem

I've got the below Powershell script, and I'm struggling to finish it off.
Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\temp\xml' -Include '*.xml' |
$FileName = $_.Fullname
$Pattern = "</Date>"
$FileOriginal = Get-Content $FileName
$date = Get-Date
$DateStr = $date.ToString("yyyyMMdd")
[String[]] $FileModified = #()
Foreach ($Line in $FileOriginal)
$FileModified += $Line
if ($Line -match $pattern)
$FileModified += "<CDate>$DateStr</CDate>"
$FileModified = $FileModified -replace "CUR","PIT"
$FileModified = $FileModified -replace "Current","Time"
Set-Content $fileName $FileModified
When I attempt to run it, I get the following messages:
cmdlet ForEach-Object at command pipeline position 2
Supply values for the following parameters:
Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong?
Put the curly brace on the same line as the foreach-object:
echo hi | foreach-object {
This would fail, even in a script. It's a cmdlet, not a statement like "if", so it needs its -Process parameter on the same line.
echo hi | foreach-object

How to - Find and replace the first occurrence only

I have a script that seems to work correctly only it works to good.
I have files that contain multiple lines with the string "PROCEDURE DIVISION.", with the period at the end.
What I need to do...
ONLY remove the [2nd occurrence] of the string "PROCEDURE DIVISION." if it's in the text file twice and bypass the file if it is only found once. I need to preserve the 1st occurrence and change/remove the 2nd occurrence.
I can find and replace all the occurrences easily, I have no clue how to replace only 1 of 2.
Is this possible using Powershell?
Here is my code so far...
Get-ChildItem 'C:\Temp\*.cbl' -Recurse | ForEach {#
(Get-Content $_ | ForEach { $_ -replace "PROCEDURE DIVISION\.", " "}) | Set-Content $_
I got this to work and it's not pretty.
The only problem is is is capturing the string in the comments section.
What I need to do is only count the string as a hit when it's found starting in position 8 on each line.
Is that possible?
Get-ChildItem 'C:\Thrivent\COBOL_For_EvolveWare\COBOL\COBOL\*.*' -Recurse | ForEach {
($cnt=(Get-Content $_ | select-string -pattern "PROCEDURE DIVISION").length)
if ($cnt -gt "1") {
(Get-Content $_ | ForEach { $_ -replace "PROCEDURE DIVISION\.", " "}) | Set-Content $_
$FileName = $_.FullName
Write-Host "$FileName = $cnt" -foregroundcolor green
There are potential issues with all of the provided answers. Reading a file using switch statement is likely going to be the fastest method. But it needs to take into account PROCEDURE DIVISION. appearing multiple times on the same line. The method below will be more memory intensive than using switch but will consider the multi-match, single line condition. Note that you can use -cmatch for case- sensitive matching.
# Matches second occurrence of match when starting in position 7 on a line
Get-ChildItem 'C:\Temp\*.cbl' -Recurse -File | ForEach-Object {
$text = Get-Content -LiteralPath $_.Fullname -Raw
if ($text -match '(?sm)(\A.*?^.{6}PROCEDURE DIVISION\..*?^.{6})PROCEDURE DIVISION\.(.*)\Z') {
Write-Host "Changing file $($_.FullName)"
$matches.1+$matches.2 | Set-Content $_.FullName
This maybe a bit of a hack, but it works. $myMatches = $pattern.Matches in the case below gives us 3 matches, $myMatches[1].Index is the position of the second occurrence of the string you want to replace.
$text = "Hello foo, where are you foo? I'm here foo."
[regex]$pattern = "foo"
$myMatches = $pattern.Matches($text)
if ($myMatches.count -gt 1)
$newtext = $text.Substring(0,$myMatches[1].Index) + "bar" + $text.Substring($myMatches[1].Index + "foo".Length)
try this:
$Founded=Get-ChildItem 'C:\Temp\' -Recurse -file -Filter "*.cbl" | Select-String -Pattern 'PROCEDURE DIVISION.' -SimpleMatch | where LineNumber -GT 1 | select Path -Unique
$Founded | %{
$Content=Get-Content $FilePath | %{
if($_ -like '*PROCEDURE DIVISION.*')
if ($Nb -gt 1)
$_.replace('PROCEDURE DIVISION.', '')
$Content | Set-Content -Path $FilePath
You could use switch for this:
Get-ChildItem -Path 'C:\Temp' -Filter '*.cbl' -File -Recurse | ForEach-Object {
$occurrence = 0
$contentChanged = $false
$newContent = switch -Regex -File $_.FullName {
if ($occurrence -eq 2) {
$_ -replace 'PROCEDURE DIVISION\.', " "
$contentChanged = $true
else { $_ }
default { $_ }
# only rewrite the file if a change has been made
if ($contentChanged) {
Write-Host "Updating file '$($_.FullName)'"
$newContent | Set-Content -Path $_.FullName -Force

PowerShell add string before pattern in a file

I'm trying to add a line in a .sln file before the $pattern. The only problem is that when I try to add the $firstOccurrence condition in the if statement it doesn't add anything at all. It still triggers the Write-Debug.
The first occurrence part is now commented out but I can't seem to find out why it doesn't write anything when I set the first occurrence.
Original source to my solution can be found here:
How to declare a variable and its type is Boolean in PowerShell?
$firstOccurrence = $true;
$pattern = "Global"
(Get-Content $fileName) | Foreach-Object {
#if ($firstOccurrence) {
if ($_ -match $pattern) {
Write-Debug "test"
$firstOccurrence = $false
#Add Lines after the selected pattern
# send the current line to output
} | Set-Content $fileName
You could also do this using (very fast) switch -Regex like:
$fileName = 'D:\Test\blah.txt'
$firstOccurrence = $true
$pattern = "Global"
$insert = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
$newContent = switch -Regex -File $fileName {
$pattern {
if ($firstOccurrence) {
$firstOccurrence = $false
default { $_ }
$newContent | Set-Content $fileName -Force
Or did you perhaps mean this:
$fileName = 'D:\Test\blah.txt'
$pattern = "Global"
$insert = "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"
((Get-Content -Path $fileName -Raw) -split $pattern, 2) -join "$insert $pattern" | Set-Content $fileName -Force

Checking a text File containing only a single 0 value

I have a Move Item Script which I only want to execute if there is not just a single 0 in the file. I have thought about checking the file size for 0kb\empty but because of the value in there the file size is 1kb.
Code tried:
$file = Get-Content "transfer\A28AP.txt"
$containsWord = $file | %{$_ -match "0"}
if ($containsWord -contains $true) {
Move-Item "transfer\A28AP.txt" -Destination "transfer\A28History\"
You can simplify your code by just using -match inside your if. I also corrected the regex:
$file = Get-Content "transfer\A28AP.txt" -raw
if ($file -notmatch '^0$') {
Move-Item "transfer\A28AP.txt" -Destination "transfer\A28History\"

Replace a string in a file, and have some feedback about what was done

I would like to replace a string in a file, and then know if something was actually replaced.
I have many files to parse, and I know only very few will have to be corrected.
So I would like to write the file out only if a changed occurs. Also I would like to be able to trace the changes in a log...
For example, I've been trying this :
(Get-Content $item.Fullname) | Foreach-Object {$_ -replace $old, $new} |
Out-File $item.Fullname
But using I can't tell if any changes were done or not...
Do you have any solution?
Do it in multiple steps:
$content = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllText($item.FullName)
$changedContent = $content -replace $old,$new
if ($content -ne $changedContent) {
# A change was made
# log here
$changedContent | Set-Content $item.FullName
} else {
# No change
Use select-string like grep to detect the string and log a message, then use get- and set-content to replace the string:
$item = 'myfile.txt'
$searchstr = "searchstring"
$replacestr = "replacestring"
if (select-string -path $item -pattern $searchstr) {
write-output "found a match for: $searchstr in file: $item"
$oldtext = get-content $item
$newtext = $oldtext.replace($searchstr, $replacestr)
set-content -path $item -value $newtext