Flutter call http requests from a unit\widget test without mocking - flutter

I have an app that follows MVC+service architecture. The service layer makes the http requests for rest APIs. However the response of the http requests change intermittently which cause my models to change or else random crashes in my app. SO to capture the change in these APIs I want to write some automated tests which can tell me exactly what changed. A sample test case is as following:
test("login_valid", () async {
final loginData = LoginData(
email: "abc#gmail.com",
password: "123"
final parameters = loginData.toJson();
var json = await httpService.post(parameters);
var loginResponse = LoginResponse.fromJson(json);
expect(loginResponse.status, "OK");
However, the above code throws SocketException upon run. I know this exception is thrown when INTERNET permission is not given in AndroidManifest.xml but I don't know how to set this for unit\widget tests.
P.S. I can't mock the service layer using mockit or similar framework because the whole point is to test my service layer which doesn't have any business logic but just provides network integration.
Any solution or suggestion will be really helpful. I am okay with other approaches to achieve the same intent also, if there are any.

Check this or the gihub issue discussion pointed there


Is there yet an idiomatic way to make native calls to AWS Lambda or API Gateway from a Flutter application?

Goal: Make a signed request (SigV4) to AWS Lambda or API Gateway from a Flutter application (iOS, for the sake of this question).
For context, AWS introduced support for "native calls to AWS backends in [...] Flutter or Dart applications" back in May of 2022. There is an example of how to sign a request to Cognito to gather information about a User Pool, but I have not seen any application of this concept for Lambda or API Gateway calls, yet.
I'm wondering if anyone else has had success using AWS's official Dart packages to send signed requests or knows of another way to securely call AWS from a Flutter application.
I was able to accomplish the goal. Here's how I did it:
The code (all-caps denotes placeholders for your own values):
import 'dart:convert';
import 'package:aws_common/aws_common.dart';
import 'package:aws_signature_v4/aws_signature_v4.dart';
const signer = AWSSigV4Signer(
credentialsProvider: AWSCredentialsProvider.dartEnvironment(),
const region = 'REGION';
Future<void> yourFunction() async {
final scope = AWSCredentialScope(
region: region,
service: AWSService.apiGatewayV2,
dateTime: AWSDateTime(DateTime.now()),
final request = AWSHttpRequest(
method: AWSHttpMethod.post,
uri: Uri.https('HOST.execute-api.REGION.amazonaws.com','/STAGE_NAME'),
headers: const {
AWSHeaders.contentType: 'application/x-amz-json-1.1',
body: json.encode({
final signedRequest = await signer.sign(
credentialScope: scope,
final resp = await signedRequest.send();
final respBody = await resp.decodeBody();
Within a single AWS region (except where n/a):
create IAM user with execute-api:Invoke permission and programmatic access; store keys securely for later use.
create a Lambda function (can be the default, for testing).
create API in API Gateway:
REST (not private)
Regional endpoint
Add method (for me, POST)
IAM authorization type
Integration type is Lambda
select the target Lambda function, but
do not use Lambda proxy
deploy the newly created API to a new stage (give it a name)
Edit your dart file to include the new resources, including the stage name.
Test your API within API Gateway (I was getting 502 until I unchecked "Lambda proxy integration").
Run the following in your terminal after a successful API test; be sure to insert the keys for the IAM user you created.
flutter run --dart-define=AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=... --dart-define=AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=...
In my case, I have a button that executes this function. If you keep the print statement in the above dart code, you should hopefully see {"statusCode": 200, "body": "\"Hello from Lambda!\""} as the response body.
Hope this helps others. Cannot make any guarantees that my approach will work in another environment. I also may have forgotten to include something relevant in the steps above. Still open to questions and suggestions.
Thank you.

http requests are very slow in flutter

I am using the http package to call my API, but every request takes 8+ seconds to complete.
I have tried calling the same route via browser and postman and I get the response in less than a second. Also, I can assure that there is no issue with my internet connection.
class ApiRest {
Future<List<Product>> getProducts() async {
final apiResponse = await http.get(Uri.parse('some route'));
final resBody = jsonDecode(apiResponse.body);
return resBody['products']
.map<Product>((product) => Product.fromJson(product))
Additionally, I tried applying the approach recommended by this answer, using the HTTP Client(), which didn't make a difference either.
Is there anything I am doing wrong or inefficient?
Lastly, the latest version of the http package for Flutter is currently 0.13.4. Do you think that the issue might be with this package? Or it might not be stable enough?

What are the modifications needed to be done to get Wiremock running?

I have a .Net Core web API solution called ReportService, which calls another API endpoint (we can call this PayrollService) to get payroll reports. So my requirement is to mock the PayrollService using Wiremock.Net.
Also currently I have a automation test case written, which will directly call the ReportService controller and will execute all the service logic, and also classes which calls PayrollService and the DB layer logic and will get the HTTP result back from the ReportService.
Please note that the Automation test cases is a separate solution. So my requirement is to run the automation test cases like before on ReportService, and the payroll service will be mocked by Wiremock.
So, what are the changes that need to happen in the codebase? Do we have to change the url of the ReportService to be the Wiremock server base url in the ReportService solution? Please let us know, and please use the terms I have used in the question regarding the project names so I am clear.
Your assumption is indeed correct, you have make the base URL which is used by ReportService configurable.
So that for your unit / integration tests you can provide the URL on which the WireMock.Net server is running.
public async Task ReportService_Should_Call_External_API_And_Get_Report()
// Arrange (start WireMock.Net server)
var server = WireMockServer.Start();
// Setup your mapping
.WithBody(#"{ ""msg"": ""Hello world!"" }")
// Act (configure your ReportService to connect to the URL where WireMock.Net is running)
var reportService = new ReportService(server.Urls[0]});
var response = reportService.GetResport();
// Assert
Assert.Equal(response, ...); // Verify

Flutter testing, passing an actual HTTP client, instead of a mocked one

I have developed a package in flutter, and wanted to test it, which makes a network call.
As we know that all network request while testing will return 404, and such HTTP reqeust needs to be mocked.
However its also possible to use the orginal HTTP clients instead of mocking or getting 404.
How do we do that ?
I have tried this :
HttpOverrides.runZoned(() {
test("Case1: Make HTTP request to an actual server", ()async{
let a = MyPackage.makesAHTTPRequest();
expect(a,"hello world");
}, createHttpClient: (SecurityContext c) => new HttpClient(context: c));
My URL is working all fine.
But it keeps giving me 404.
How do one use real HTTP client, if needed that way?
Ok so if any one is facing a similar issue like me use this hack.
You will need to modify your class, in a way that we can inject HTTP clients into it at run time. We will need to modify our test case as such.
import 'package:http/http.dart'; //client is from this pack
Client httpclinet = Client();
var a = MyPackage.makesAHTTPRequest(httpclient);
remove that Httpoverride.runzoned cod, you can pass Client object from http package directly.
Some test case will fail, due to fake asynchronous effect, but you can use timeouts to manage those.
You will also need to remove any such statements:
In my case I added this line as I was loading files from assets, using packages notation, I referenced them locally and removed above ensureInitalized line as well. [Actually I passed flag to use local notation during testing and package notation otherwise]

Is there a way to save ParseObject without make a HTTP request to the REST API?

I didn't find very much about this topic, so I wonder if it is an easy task to achieve or if it's actually not possible. My problem is that I have a lot of HTTP requests on my server even if a Cloud function is called only once. So I suppose that all the object updating / savings / queries are made by using the REST API. I have so many HTTP requests that several hundred are going timeout, I suppose for the huge traffic that it's generated.
Is there a way to save a ParseObject by executing the query directly to MongoDB? If it's not possible at the moment can you give me some hints if there are already some helper functions to convert a ParseQuery and a ParseObject to the relative in MongoDB so that I can use the MongoDB driver directly?
It's really important for my application to reduce HTTP requests traffic at the moment.
Any idea? Thanks!
Here an example to reproduce the concept:
Make a cloud function:
Parse.Cloud.define('hello', async (req, res) => {
let testClassObject = new Parse.Object('TestClass');
await testClassObject.save(null, {useMasterKey: true});
let query = new Parse.Query('TestClass');
let testClassRecords = await query.find({useMasterKey: true});
return testClassRecords;
Make a POST request:
POST http://localhost:1337/parse/functions/hello
Capture HTTP traffic on port 1337 using Wireshark:
You can see that for 1 POST request other 2 are made because of the saving / query code. My goal would be to avoid these two HTTP calls and instead make a DB call directly so that less traffic will go through the whole webserver stack.
Link to the Github question: https://github.com/parse-community/parse-server/issues/6549
The Parse Server directAccess option should do the magic for you. Please make sure you are initializing Parse Server like this:
const api = new ParseServer({
directAccess: true