UIWebview constraint not adjusting - swift

So, I have a webview and its content font can increase/decrease by the slider. When I slide up the font size is increasing as well as the webview constraint to fit the content. But when I slide down, the constraint still at the last state when I slide up, it won't change, but the font decrease. So I have a lot of empty space because the height constraint doesn't change.
#objc func changeFontSize(_ sender: UISlider!) {
let webViewSize = 16 * sender.value
let jsString = "document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].style.fontSize='\(webViewSize)px'"
webView.stringByEvaluatingJavaScript(from: jsString)
func webViewDidFinishLoad(_ webView: UIWebView) {
let webViewTextSize = webView.sizeThatFits(CGSize(width: 1.0, height: 1.0))
var webViewFrame = webView.frame
webViewFrame.size.height = webViewTextSize.height
webView.frame = webViewFrame
webHeightConstraints.constant = webViewTextSize.height
webView.scrollView.isScrollEnabled = false
webView.scrollView.bounces = false
That is my code, and I've tried to changed webHeightConstraints.constant to webview.scrollView.contentSize.height but got the same result. All the other values are changed according to the slider, only the height constraint. It changes only when the slides up, and then remain at that value.

I also face same kind of issue. try to clear webview when slide up and down, that will work here is code for clear webview.
final class WebCacheCleaner {
class func clear() {
HTTPCookieStorage.shared.removeCookies(since: Date.distantPast)
WKWebsiteDataStore.default().fetchDataRecords(ofTypes: WKWebsiteDataStore.allWebsiteDataTypes()) { records in
records.forEach { record in
WKWebsiteDataStore.default().removeData(ofTypes: record.dataTypes, for: [record], completionHandler: {})
print("[WebCacheCleaner] Record \(record) deleted")
call like this WebCacheCleaner.clear()


WKWebView didFinish – initial evaluateJavascript value of scrollHeight is incorrect [duplicate]

I am experimenting with replacing a dynamically allocated instance of UIWebView with a WKWebView instance when running under iOS 8 and newer, and I cannot find a way to determine the content size of a WKWebView.
My web view is embedded within a larger UIScrollView container, and therefore I need to determine the ideal size for the web view. This will allow me to modify its frame to show all of its HTML content without the need to scroll within the web view, and I will be able to set the correct height for the scroll view container (by setting scrollview.contentSize).
I have tried sizeToFit and sizeThatFits without success. Here is my code that creates a WKWebView instance and adds it to the container scrollview:
// self.view is a UIScrollView sized to something like 320.0 x 400.0.
CGRect wvFrame = CGRectMake(0, 0, self.view.frame.size.width, 100.0);
self.mWebView = [[[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:wvFrame] autorelease];
self.mWebView.navigationDelegate = self;
self.mWebView.scrollView.bounces = NO;
self.mWebView.scrollView.scrollEnabled = NO;
NSString *s = ... // Load s from a Core Data field.
[self.mWebView loadHTMLString:s baseURL:nil];
[self.view addSubview:self.mWebView];
Here is an experimental didFinishNavigation method:
- (void)webView:(WKWebView *)aWebView
didFinishNavigation:(WKNavigation *)aNavigation
CGRect wvFrame = aWebView.frame;
NSLog(#"original wvFrame: %#\n", NSStringFromCGRect(wvFrame));
[aWebView sizeToFit];
NSLog(#"wvFrame after sizeToFit: %#\n", NSStringFromCGRect(wvFrame));
wvFrame.size.height = 1.0;
aWebView.frame = wvFrame;
CGSize sz = [aWebView sizeThatFits:CGSizeZero];
NSLog(#"sizeThatFits A: %#\n", NSStringFromCGSize(sz));
sz = CGSizeMake(wvFrame.size.width, 0.0);
sz = [aWebView sizeThatFits:sz];
NSLog(#"sizeThatFits B: %#\n", NSStringFromCGSize(sz));
And here is the output that is generated:
2014-12-16 17:29:38.055 App[...] original wvFrame: {{0, 0}, {320, 100}}
2014-12-16 17:29:38.055 App[...] wvFrame after sizeToFit: {{0, 0}, {320, 100}}
2014-12-16 17:29:38.056 App[...] wvFrame after sizeThatFits A: {320, 1}
2014-12-16 17:29:38.056 App[...] wvFrame after sizeThatFits B: {320, 1}
The sizeToFit call has no effect and sizeThatFits always returns a height of 1.
I think I read every answer on this subject and all I had was part of the solution. Most of the time I spent trying to implement KVO method as described by #davew, which occasionally worked, but most of the time left a white space under the content of a WKWebView container. I also implemented #David Beck suggestion and made the container height to be 0 thus avoiding the possibility that the problem occurs if the container height is larger that that of the content. In spite of that I had that occasional blank space.
So, for me, "contentSize" observer had a lot of flaws. I do not have a lot of experience with web technologies so I cannot answer what was the problem with this solution, but i saw that if I only print height in the console but do not do anything with it (eg. resize the constraints), it jumps to some number (e.g. 5000) and than goes to the number before that highest one (e.g. 2500 - which turns out to be the correct one). If I do set the height constraint to the height which I get from "contentSize" it sets itself to the highest number it gets and never gets resized to the correct one - which is, again, mentioned by #David Beck comment.
After lots of experiments I've managed to find a solution that works for me:
func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinish navigation: WKNavigation!) {
self.webView.evaluateJavaScript("document.readyState", completionHandler: { (complete, error) in
if complete != nil {
self.webView.evaluateJavaScript("document.body.scrollHeight", completionHandler: { (height, error) in
self.containerHeight.constant = height as! CGFloat
Of course, it is important to set the constraints correctly so that scrollView resizes according to the containerHeight constraint.
As it turns out didFinish navigation method never gets called when I wanted, but having set document.readyState step, the next one (document.body.offsetHeight) gets called at the right moment, returning me the right number for height.
You could use Key-Value Observing (KVO)...
In your ViewController:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[self.webView.scrollView addObserver:self forKeyPath:#"contentSize" options:NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew context:nil];
- (void)dealloc
[self.webView.scrollView removeObserver:self forKeyPath:#"contentSize" context:nil];
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath
change:(NSDictionary *)change
context:(void *)context
if (object == self.webView.scrollView && [keyPath isEqual:#"contentSize"]) {
// we are here because the contentSize of the WebView's scrollview changed.
UIScrollView *scrollView = self.webView.scrollView;
NSLog(#"New contentSize: %f x %f", scrollView.contentSize.width, scrollView.contentSize.height);
This would save the use of JavaScript and keep you in the loop on all changes.
I had to deal with this issue myself recently. In the end, I was using a modification of the solution proposed by Chris McClenaghan.
Actually, his original solution is pretty good and it works in most simple cases. However, it only worked for me on pages with text. It probably also works on pages with images that have a static height. However, it definitely doesn't work when you have images whose size is defined with max-height and max-width attributes.
And this is because those elements can get resized after the page is loaded. So, actually, the height returned in onLoad will always be correct. But it will only be correct for that particular instance. The workaround is to monitor the change of the body height and respond to it.
Monitor resizing of the document.body
var shouldListenToResizeNotification = false
lazy var webView:WKWebView = {
//Javascript string
let source = "window.onload=function () {window.webkit.messageHandlers.sizeNotification.postMessage({justLoaded:true,height: document.body.scrollHeight});};"
let source2 = "document.body.addEventListener( 'resize', incrementCounter); function incrementCounter() {window.webkit.messageHandlers.sizeNotification.postMessage({height: document.body.scrollHeight});};"
//UserScript object
let script = WKUserScript(source: source, injectionTime: .atDocumentEnd, forMainFrameOnly: true)
let script2 = WKUserScript(source: source2, injectionTime: .atDocumentEnd, forMainFrameOnly: true)
//Content Controller object
let controller = WKUserContentController()
//Add script to controller
//Add message handler reference
controller.add(self, name: "sizeNotification")
//Create configuration
let configuration = WKWebViewConfiguration()
configuration.userContentController = controller
return WKWebView(frame: CGRect.zero, configuration: configuration)
func userContentController(_ userContentController: WKUserContentController, didReceive message: WKScriptMessage) {
guard let responseDict = message.body as? [String:Any],
let height = responseDict["height"] as? Float else {return}
if self.webViewHeightConstraint.constant != CGFloat(height) {
if let _ = responseDict["justLoaded"] {
print("just loaded")
shouldListenToResizeNotification = true
self.webViewHeightConstraint.constant = CGFloat(height)
else if shouldListenToResizeNotification {
print("height is \(height)")
self.webViewHeightConstraint.constant = CGFloat(height)
This solution is by far the most elegant that I could come up with. There are, however, two things you should be aware of.
Firstly, before loading your URL you should set shouldListenToResizeNotification to false. This extra logic is needed for cases when the loaded URL can change rapidly. When this occurs, notifications from old content for some reason can overlap with those from the new content. To prevent such behaviour, I created this variable. It ensures that once we start loading new content we no longer process notification from the old one and we only resume processing of resize notifications after new content is loaded.
Most importantly, however, you need to be aware about this:
If you adopt this solution you need to take into account that if you change the size of your WKWebView to anything other than the size reported by the notification - the notification will be triggered again.
Be careful with this as it is easy to enter an infinite loop. For example, if you decide to handle the notification by making your height equal to reported height + some extra padding:
func userContentController(_ userContentController: WKUserContentController, didReceive message: WKScriptMessage) {
guard let responseDict = message.body as? [String:Float],
let height = responseDict["height"] else {return}
self.webViewHeightConstraint.constant = CGFloat(height+8)
As you can see, because I am adding 8 to the reported height, after this is done the size of my body will change and the notification will be posted again.
Be alert to such situations and otherwise you should be fine.
And please let me know if you discover any problems with this solution - I am relying on it myself so it is best to know if there are some faults which I haven't spotted!
Works for me
extension TransactionDetailViewController: WKNavigationDelegate {
func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinish navigation: WKNavigation!) {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.1) {
self.webviewHeightConstraint.constant = webView.scrollView.contentSize.height
Try the following. Wherever you instantiate your WKWebView instance, add something similar to the following:
//Javascript string
NSString * source = #"window.webkit.messageHandlers.sizeNotification.postMessage({width: document.width, height: document.height});";
//UserScript object
WKUserScript * script = [[WKUserScript alloc] initWithSource:source injectionTime:WKUserScriptInjectionTimeAtDocumentEnd forMainFrameOnly:YES];
//Content Controller object
WKUserContentController * controller = [[WKUserContentController alloc] init];
//Add script to controller
[controller addUserScript:script];
//Add message handler reference
[controller addScriptMessageHandler:self name:#"sizeNotification"];
//Create configuration
WKWebViewConfiguration * configuration = [[WKWebViewConfiguration alloc] init];
//Add controller to configuration
configuration.userContentController = controller;
//Use whatever you require for WKWebView frame
CGRect frame = CGRectMake(...?);
//Create your WKWebView instance with the configuration
WKWebView * webView = [[WKWebView alloc] initWithFrame:frame configuration:configuration];
//Assign delegate if necessary
webView.navigationDelegate = self;
//Load html
[webView loadHTMLString:#"some html ..." baseURL:[[NSBundle mainBundle] bundleURL]];
Then add a method similar to the following to which ever class obeys WKScriptMessageHandler protocol to handle the message:
- (void)userContentController:(WKUserContentController *)userContentController didReceiveScriptMessage:(WKScriptMessage *)message {
CGRect frame = message.webView.frame;
frame.size.height = [[message.body valueForKey:#"height"] floatValue];
message.webView.frame = frame;}
This works for me.
If you have more than text in your document you may need to wrap the javascript like this to ensure everything is loaded:
#"window.onload=function () { window.webkit.messageHandlers.sizeNotification.postMessage({width: document.width, height: document.height});};"
NOTE: This solution does not address ongoing updates to the document.
Most answers are using "document.body.offsetHeight".
This hides the last object of the body.
I overcame this issue by using a KVO observer listening for changes in WKWebview "contentSize", then running this code:
"(function() {var i = 1, result = 0; while(true){result =
document.body.children[document.body.children.length - i].offsetTop +
document.body.children[document.body.children.length - i].offsetHeight;
if (result > 0) return result; i++}})()",
completionHandler: { (height, error) in
let height = height as! CGFloat
self.webViewHeightConstraint.constant = height
It's not the prettiest code possible, but it worked for me.
You can also got content height of WKWebView by evaluateJavaScript.
- (void)webView:(WKWebView *)webView didFinishNavigation:(WKNavigation *)navigation {
[webView evaluateJavaScript:#"Math.max(document.body.scrollHeight, document.body.offsetHeight, document.documentElement.clientHeight, document.documentElement.scrollHeight, document.documentElement.offsetHeight)"
completionHandler:^(id _Nullable result, NSError * _Nullable error) {
if (!error) {
CGFloat height = [result floatValue];
// do with the height
You need to wait for the webview to finish loading. Here is a working example I used
WKWebView Content loaded function never get called
Then after webview has finished loading, then you can determine the heights you need by
func webView(webView: WKWebView!, didFinishNavigation navigation: WKNavigation!) {
I found that the answer by hlung here, extending the WKWebView as follows was the simplest and most effective solution for me:
His comment follows:
"Nice! For me, instead of setting the webView.frame, I set autolayout intrinsicContentSize."
And his code was as follows:
import UIKit
import WebKit
class ArticleWebView: WKWebView {
init(frame: CGRect) {
let configuration = WKWebViewConfiguration()
super.init(frame: frame, configuration: configuration)
self.navigationDelegate = self
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
fatalError("init(coder:) has not been implemented")
override var intrinsicContentSize: CGSize {
return self.scrollView.contentSize
extension ArticleWebView: WKNavigationDelegate {
func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinish navigation: WKNavigation!) {
webView.evaluateJavaScript("document.readyState", completionHandler: { (_, _) in
This is a slight edit of #IvanMih's answer. For those of you experiencing a large white space at the end of your WKWebview this solution worked well for me:
func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinish navigation: WKNavigation!) {
webView.evaluateJavaScript("document.readyState", completionHandler: { (complete, error) in
if complete != nil {
let height = webView.scrollView.contentSize
print("height of webView is: \(height)")
so basically instead of calculating the height based on scrollHeight you calculate height using webView.scrollView.contentSize. I'm sure there are scenarios where this will break, but I think it'll do pretty well for static content and if you are displaying all the content without the user having to scroll.
After lots of experiments I've managed to find a solution that works for me I found to make a webview heigh dynamic without using evaluating javascript and also without taking height constant from webview this work with me like a charm and also work when I inject new style to HTML and play with font sizes and heights
code in Swift
1- give your Webview navigation delegate
webView.navigationDelegate = self
2- in delegation extension
extension yourclass : WKNavigationDelegate {
func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinish navigation: WKNavigation!) {
// Handel Dynamic Height For Webview Loads with HTML
// Most important to reset webview height to any desired height i prefer 1 or 0
webView.frame.size.height = 1
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.1) {
// here get height constant and assign new height in it
if let constraint = (webView.constraints.filter{$0.firstAttribute == .height}.first) {
constraint.constant = webView.scrollView.contentSize.height
hope it works also with you guys
** note this not my entire effort I searched a lot in StackOverflow and other sites and this is what finally works with me with a lot of testing also
using #Andriy's answer and this answer i was able to set get height of contentSize in WKWebView and change it's height.
here is full swift 4 code:
var neededConstraints: [NSLayoutConstraint] = []
#IBOutlet weak var webViewContainer: UIView!
#IBOutlet weak var webViewHeight: NSLayoutConstraint! {
didSet {
if oldValue != nil, oldValue.constant != webViewHeight.constant {
lazy var webView: WKWebView = {
var source = """
var observeDOM = (function(){
var MutationObserver = window.MutationObserver || window.WebKitMutationObserver,
eventListenerSupported = window.addEventListener;
return function(obj, callback){
if( MutationObserver ){
// define a new observer
var obs = new MutationObserver(function(mutations, observer){
if( mutations[0].addedNodes.length || mutations[0].removedNodes.length )
// have the observer observe foo for changes in children
obs.observe( obj, { childList:true, subtree:true });
else if( eventListenerSupported ){
obj.addEventListener('DOMNodeInserted', callback, false);
obj.addEventListener('DOMNodeRemoved', callback, false);
// Observe a specific DOM element:
observeDOM( document.body ,function(){
window.webkit.messageHandlers.sizeNotification.postMessage({'scrollHeight': document.body.scrollHeight,'offsetHeight':document.body.offsetHeight,'clientHeight':document.body.clientHeight});
let script = WKUserScript(source: source, injectionTime: .atDocumentEnd, forMainFrameOnly: true)
let controller = WKUserContentController()
controller.add(self, name: "sizeNotification")
let configuration = WKWebViewConfiguration()
configuration.userContentController = controller
let this = WKWebView(frame: .zero, configuration: configuration)
this.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
this.scrollView.isScrollEnabled = false
// constraint for webview when added to it's superview
neededConstraints += NSLayoutConstraint.constraints(withVisualFormat: "H:|[web]|",
options: [],
metrics: nil,
views: ["web": this])
neededConstraints += NSLayoutConstraint.constraints(withVisualFormat: "V:|[web]|",
options: [],
metrics: nil,
views: ["web": this])
return this
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
_ = webView // to create constraints needed for webView
let url = URL(string: "https://www.awwwards.com/")!
let request = URLRequest(url: url)
func userContentController(_ userContentController: WKUserContentController, didReceive message: WKScriptMessage) {
if let body = message.body as? Dictionary<String, CGFloat>,
let scrollHeight = body["scrollHeight"],
let offsetHeight = body["offsetHeight"],
let clientHeight = body["clientHeight"] {
webViewHeight.constant = scrollHeight
print(scrollHeight, offsetHeight, clientHeight)
I've tried the scroll view KVO and I've tried evaluating javascript on the document, using clientHeight, offsetHeight, etc...
What worked for me eventually is: document.body.scrollHeight. Or use the scrollHeight of your top most element, e.g. a container div.
I listen to the loading WKWebview property changes using KVO:
[webview addObserver: self forKeyPath: NSStringFromSelector(#selector(loading)) options: NSKeyValueObservingOptionNew context: nil];
And then:
- (void)observeValueForKeyPath:(NSString *)keyPath ofObject:(id)object change:(NSDictionary<NSKeyValueChangeKey,id> *)change context:(void *)context {
if(object == self.webview && [keyPath isEqualToString: NSStringFromSelector(#selector(loading))]) {
NSNumber *newValue = change[NSKeyValueChangeNewKey];
if(![newValue boolValue]) {
[self updateWebviewFrame];
The updateWebviewFrame implementation:
[self.webview evaluateJavaScript: #"document.body.scrollHeight" completionHandler: ^(id response, NSError *error) {
CGRect frame = self.webview.frame;
frame.size.height = [response floatValue];
self.webview.frame = frame;
I tried Javascript version in UITableViewCell, and it works perfectly. However, if you want to put it in the scrollView. I don't know why, the height can be higher but cannot be shorter. However, I found a UIWebView solution here. https://stackoverflow.com/a/48887971/5514452
It also works in WKWebView. I think the problem is because the WebView need relayout, but somehow it will not shrink and can only enlarge. We need to reset the height and it will definitely resize.
Edit: I reset the frame height after setting the constraint because sometime it will not working due to setting the frame height to 0.
func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinish navigation: WKNavigation!) {
self.webView.frame.size.height = 0
self.webView.evaluateJavaScript("document.readyState", completionHandler: { (complete, error) in
if complete != nil {
self.webView.evaluateJavaScript("document.body.scrollHeight", completionHandler: { (height, error) in
let webViewHeight = height as! CGFloat
self.webViewHeightConstraint.constant = webViewHeight
self.webView.frame.size.height = webViewHeight
Also tried to implement different methods and finally came to a solution. As a result I made a self-sizing WKWebView, that adapts its intrinsicContentSize to the size of its contents. So you can use it in Auto Layouts. As an example I made a view, which might help you display math formula on iOS apps: https://github.com/Mazorati/SVLatexView
The following code has worked perfectly for me, for any content in the webkit. Make sure to add the following delegate to your class: WKNavigationDelegate.
func webView(_ webView: WKWebView, didFinish navigation: WKNavigation!) {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.1) {
self.bodyWebView.evaluateJavaScript("document.readyState", completionHandler: { (complete, error) in
if complete != nil {
self.bodyWebView.evaluateJavaScript("document.body.scrollHeight", completionHandler: { (height, error) in
let heightWebView = height as! CGFloat
//heightWebView is the height of the web view
The dispatch is important, because this way you ensure that the height obtained at the end of loading the web view is correct, this happens because of the type of elements that the html may have.
I want to contribute with the solution for a special case that is not mentioned in the answers above and that may happen to you if you are using custom fonts in your WKWebView.
I tried ALL the solutions explained here, and many others mentioned in other StackOverflow questions. Nothing was working 100% correctly for me. I had always the same problem: the height returned was always a little smaller than the real height of the WkWebView. I tried WKNavigationDelegate way, and I tried to listen to self-generated events by injecting js into the HTML rendered, without success, the height was always wrong in all cases.
The first thing I learned: the webview has to be added to the layout before loading the html and waiting for the finished event. If you try to render the webview in an isolated way without adding it before to the layout, then the height will be very wrong.
Curiously, I found out that setting a breakpoint after the html was rendered, and before calling the height evaluation method, then the returned height was correct. It was not important which height was measured (scrollHeight or offsetheight), both were always correct.
That pointed me in the right direction. The conclusion was obvious (although I needed a lot of days making debug to realize it): after the didFinishNavigation event is received, or if you are using custom js and listening to the window.onload event or similar, the height returned is almost correct but not completely because the rendering is not finished yet.
As explained here, Firefox, Chrome, and Safari trigger the DomContenLoaded event before the font-face is applied to the document (and maybe, before the css is applied to the document too?). In my case, I was using a custom font embedded in my app and referenced in the HTML in the classical way:
#font-face {
font-family: 'CustomFont';
src: url('montserrat.ttf');
font-family: 'CustomFont';
font-size: 12px;
Solution? You have to listen to the event document.fonts.ready, that happens after the event window.onload and the like. Embeed the following js in the html you are loading in the WkWebView:
document.fonts.ready.then(function() {
Then in your iOS app, listen to the event with
self.webView.configuration.userContentController.add(self, name: "iosEventListener")
and when received
public func userContentController(_ userContentController: WKUserContentController, didReceive message: WKScriptMessage) {
if let body = message.body as? String {
if (body == "custom_event_fonts_ready") {
private func evaluateBodyHeight() {
self.webView.evaluateJavaScript("document.readyState", completionHandler: { (complete, error) in
if complete != nil {
self.webView.evaluateJavaScript("document.body.scrollHeight", completionHandler: { (height, error) in
let webViewHeight = height as! CGFloat
//Do something with the height.
I'm not sure, but I think that with this solution, all the different ways to measure the height of web view will return the correct one. After almost one month of debugging and being desperate, I have no desire to test them
Apologizes for my bad English.
The best way is to observe contentSize property of webView.scrollView and update height constraint of webView accordingly:
private var contentSizeObserver: NSKeyValueObservation?
contentSizeObserver = webView.scrollView.observe(\.contentSize, options: .new) { [weak self] _, change in
guard let contentSize = change.newValue else { return }
self?.csWebViewHeight?.update(offset: contentSize.height)
override func viewWillTransition(to size: CGSize, with coordinator: UIViewControllerTransitionCoordinator) {
super.viewWillTransition(to: size, with: coordinator)
// Recalculate webView size
csWebViewHeight?.update(offset: 0)
None of the listed JS funcs to get the content height worked reliably for me. What I found to consistently work is to find the last element in the DOM and get its position explicitly:
"document.body.lastChild.getBoundingClientRect().bottom + window.scrollY"
) { [weak self] (result, _) in
guard let self = self,
let height = result as? CGFloat,
height > 0 else { return }
self.heightConstraint?.constant = height

How to resize a NSTextView automatically as per its content?

I am making an app where a user can click anywhere on the window and a NSTextView is added programmatically at the mouse location. I have got it working with the below code but I want this NSTextView to horizontally expand until it reaches the edge of the screen and then grow vertically. It currently has a fixed width and when I add more characters, the text view grows vertically (as expected) but I also want it to grow horizontally. How can I achieve this?
I have tried setting isHorizontallyResizable and isVerticallyResizable to true but this doesn't work. After researching for a while, I came across this https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Cocoa/Conceptual/TextStorageLayer/Tasks/TrackingSize.html but this didn't work for me either.
Code in my ViewController to add the NSTextView to its view:
private func addText(at point: NSPoint) {
let textView = MyTextView(frame: NSRect(origin: point, size: CGSize(width: 150.0, height: 40.0)))
And, MyTextView class looks like below:
class MyTextView: NSTextView {
override func viewWillDraw() {
isHorizontallyResizable = true
isVerticallyResizable = true
isRichText = false
I have also seen this answer https://stackoverflow.com/a/54228147/1385441 but I am not fully sure how to implement it. I have added this code snippet in MyTextView and used it like:
override func didChangeText() {
frame.size = contentSize
However, I think I am using it incorrectly. Ergo, any help would be much appreciated.
I'm a bit puzzled, because you're adding NSTextView to a NSView which is part of the NSViewController and then you're talking about the screen width. Is this part of your Presentify - Screen Annotation application? If yes, you have a full screen overlay window and you can get the size from it (or from the view controller's view).
view.bounds.size // view controller's view size
view.window?.frame.size // window size
If not and you really need to know the screen size, check the NSWindow & NSScreen.
view.window?.screen?.frame.size // screen size
Growing NSTextView
There's no any window/view controller's view resizing behavior specified.
import Cocoa
class BorderedTextView: NSTextView {
override func draw(_ dirtyRect: NSRect) {
let path = NSBezierPath(rect: bounds)
class ViewController: NSViewController {
override func mouseUp(with event: NSEvent) {
// Convert point to the view coordinates
let point = view.convert(event.locationInWindow, from: nil)
// Initial size
let size = CGSize(width: 100, height: 25)
// Maximum text view width
let maxWidth = view.bounds.size.width - point.x // <----
let textView = BorderedTextView(frame: NSRect(origin: point, size: size))
textView.insertionPointColor = .orange
textView.drawsBackground = false
textView.textColor = .white
textView.isRichText = false
textView.allowsUndo = false
textView.font = NSFont.systemFont(ofSize: 20.0)
textView.isVerticallyResizable = true
textView.isHorizontallyResizable = true
textView.textContainer?.widthTracksTextView = false
textView.textContainer?.heightTracksTextView = false
textView.textContainer?.size.width = maxWidth // <----
textView.maxSize = NSSize(width: maxWidth, height: 10000) // <----
I finally got it to work (except for one minor thing). The link from Apple was the key here but they haven't described the code completely, unfortunately.
The below code work for me:
class MyTextView: NSTextView {
override func viewWillDraw() {
// for making the text view expand horizontally
textContainer?.heightTracksTextView = false
textContainer?.widthTracksTextView = false
textContainer?.size.width = 10000.0
maxSize = NSSize(width: 10000.0, height: 10000.0)
isHorizontallyResizable = true
isVerticallyResizable = true
isRichText = false
That one minor thing which I haven't been able to figure out yet is to limit expanding horizontally until the edge of the screen is reached. Right now it keeps on expanding even beyond the screen width and, in turn, the text is hidden after the screen width.
I think if I can somehow get the screen window width then I can replace 10000.0 with the screen width (minus the distance of text view from left edge) and I can limit the horizontal expansion until the edge of the screen. Having said that, keeping it 10000.0 won't impact performance as described in the Apple docs.

Identifying Objects in Firebase PreBuilt UI in Swift

FirebaseUI has a nice pre-buit UI for Swift. I'm trying to position an image view above the login buttons on the bottom. In the example below, the imageView is the "Hackathon" logo. Any logo should be able to show in this, if it's called "logo", since this shows the image as aspectFit.
According to the Firebase docs page:
You can customize the signin screen with this function:
func authPickerViewController(forAuthUI authUI: FUIAuth) -> FUIAuthPickerViewController {
return FUICustomAuthPickerViewController(nibName: "FUICustomAuthPickerViewController",
bundle: Bundle.main,
authUI: authUI)
Using this code & poking around with subviews in the debuggers, I've been able to identify and color code views in the image below. Unfortunately, I don't think that the "true" size of these subview frames is set until the view controller presents, so trying to access the frame size inside these functions won't give me dimensions that I can use for creating a new imageView to hold a log. Plus accessing the views with hard-coded index values like I've done below, seems like a pretty bad idea, esp. given that Google has already changed the Pre-Built UI once, adding a scroll view & breaking the code of anyone who set the pre-built UI's background color.
func authPickerViewController(forAuthUI authUI: FUIAuth) -> FUIAuthPickerViewController {
// Create an instance of the FirebaseAuth login view controller
let loginViewController = FUIAuthPickerViewController(authUI: authUI)
// Set background color to white
loginViewController.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.white
loginViewController.view.subviews[0].backgroundColor = UIColor.blue
loginViewController.view.subviews[0].subviews[0].backgroundColor = UIColor.red
loginViewController.view.subviews[0].subviews[0].tag = 999
return loginViewController
I did get this to work by adding a tag (999), then in the completion handler when presenting the loginViewController I hunt down tag 999 and call a function to add an imageView with a logo:
present(loginViewController, animated: true) {
if let foundView = loginViewController.view.viewWithTag(999) {
let height = foundView.frame.height
print("FOUND HEIGHT: \(height)")
self.addLogo(loginViewController: loginViewController, height: height)
func addLogo(loginViewController: UINavigationController, height: CGFloat) {
let logoFrame = CGRect(x: 0 + logoInsets, y: self.view.safeAreaInsets.top + logoInsets, width: loginViewController.view.frame.width - (logoInsets * 2), height: self.view.frame.height - height - (logoInsets * 2))
// Create the UIImageView using the frame created above & add the "logo" image
let logoImageView = UIImageView(frame: logoFrame)
logoImageView.image = UIImage(named: "logo")
logoImageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit // Set imageView to Aspect Fit
// loginViewController.view.addSubview(logoImageView) // Add ImageView to the login controller's main view
But again, this doesn't seem safe. Is there a "safe" way to deconstruct this UI to identify the size of this button box at the bottom of the view controller (this size will vary if there are multiple login methods supported, such as Facebook, Apple, E-mail)? If I can do that in a way that avoids the hard-coding approach, above, then I think I can reliably use the dimensions of this button box to determine how much space is left in the rest of the view controller when adding an appropriately sized ImageView. Thanks!
This should address the issue - allowing a logo to be reliably placed above the prebuilt UI login buttons buttons + avoiding hard-coding the index values or subview locations. It should also allow for properly setting background color (also complicated when Firebase added the scroll view + login button subview).
To use: Create a subclass of FUIAuthDelegate to hold a custom view controller for the prebuilt Firebase UI.
The code will show the logo at full screen behind the buttons if there isn't a scroll view or if the class's private constant fullScreenLogo is set to false.
If both of these conditions aren't meant, the logo will show inset taking into account the class's private logoInsets constant and the safeAreaInsets. The scrollView views are set to clear so that a background image can be set, as well via the private let backgroundColor.
Call it in any signIn function you might have, after setting authUI.providers. Call would be something like this:
let loginViewController = CustomLoginScreen(authUI: authUI!)
let loginNavigationController = UINavigationController(rootViewController: loginViewController)
loginNavigationController.modalPresentationStyle = .fullScreen
present(loginNavigationController, animated: true, completion: nil)
And here's one version of the subclass:
class CustomLoginScreen: FUIAuthPickerViewController {
private var fullScreenLogo = false // false if you want logo just above login buttons
private var viewContainsButton = false
private var buttonViewHeight: CGFloat = 0.0
private let logoInsets: CGFloat = 16
private let backgroundColor = UIColor.white
private var scrollView: UIScrollView?
private var viewContainingButton: UIView?
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
// set color of scrollView and Button view inside scrollView to clear in viewWillAppear to avoid a "color flash" when the pre-built login UI first appears
self.view.backgroundColor = UIColor.white
guard let foundScrollView = returnScrollView() else {
print("😡 Couldn't get a scrollView.")
scrollView = foundScrollView
scrollView!.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
guard let foundViewContainingButton = returnButtonView() else {
print("😡 No views in the scrollView contain buttons.")
viewContainingButton = foundViewContainingButton
viewContainingButton!.backgroundColor = UIColor.clear
override func viewDidAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
// Create the UIImageView at full screen, considering logoInsets + safeAreaInsets
let x = logoInsets
let y = view.safeAreaInsets.top + logoInsets
let width = view.frame.width - (logoInsets * 2)
let height = view.frame.height - (view.safeAreaInsets.top + view.safeAreaInsets.bottom + (logoInsets * 2))
var frame = CGRect(x: x, y: y, width: width, height: height)
let logoImageView = UIImageView(frame: frame)
logoImageView.image = UIImage(named: "logo")
logoImageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit // Set imageView to Aspect Fit
logoImageView.alpha = 0.0
// Only proceed with customizing the pre-built UI if you found a scrollView or you don't want a full-screen logo.
guard scrollView != nil && !fullScreenLogo else {
print("No scrollView found.")
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.25, animations: {logoImageView.alpha = 1.0})
self.view.sendSubviewToBack(logoImageView) // otherwise logo is on top of buttons
// update the logoImageView's frame height to subtract the height of the subview containing buttons. This way the buttons won't be on top of the logoImageView
frame = CGRect(x: x, y: y, width: width, height: height - (viewContainingButton?.frame.height ?? 0.0))
logoImageView.frame = frame
UIView.animate(withDuration: 0.25, animations: {logoImageView.alpha = 1.0})
private func returnScrollView() -> UIScrollView? {
var scrollViewToReturn: UIScrollView?
if self.view.subviews.count > 0 {
for subview in self.view.subviews {
if subview is UIScrollView {
scrollViewToReturn = subview as? UIScrollView
return scrollViewToReturn
private func returnButtonView() -> UIView? {
var viewContainingButton: UIView?
for view in scrollView!.subviews {
if viewContainsButton {
viewContainingButton = view
return viewContainingButton
private func viewHasButton(_ view: UIView) {
if view is UIButton {
viewContainsButton = true
} else if view.subviews.count > 0 {
Hope this helps any who have been frustrated trying to configure the Firebase pre-built UI in Swift.

Image for Navigation Bar with Large Title iOS 11

AppStore app has an icon with an image on the right side of the NabBar with Large Title:
Would really appreciate if anyone knows how to implement it or ideas on how to do it.
BTW: Setting an image for UIButton inside of UIBarButtonItem won't work. Tried already. The button sticks to the top of the screen:
After several hours of coding, I finally managed to make it work. I also decided to write a detailed tutorial: link. Follow it in case you prefer very detailed instructions.
Complete project on GitHub: link.
Here are 5 steps to accomplish it:
Step 1: Create an image
private let imageView = UIImageView(image: UIImage(named: "image_name"))
Step 2: Add Constants
/// WARNING: Change these constants according to your project's design
private struct Const {
/// Image height/width for Large NavBar state
static let ImageSizeForLargeState: CGFloat = 40
/// Margin from right anchor of safe area to right anchor of Image
static let ImageRightMargin: CGFloat = 16
/// Margin from bottom anchor of NavBar to bottom anchor of Image for Large NavBar state
static let ImageBottomMarginForLargeState: CGFloat = 12
/// Margin from bottom anchor of NavBar to bottom anchor of Image for Small NavBar state
static let ImageBottomMarginForSmallState: CGFloat = 6
/// Image height/width for Small NavBar state
static let ImageSizeForSmallState: CGFloat = 32
/// Height of NavBar for Small state. Usually it's just 44
static let NavBarHeightSmallState: CGFloat = 44
/// Height of NavBar for Large state. Usually it's just 96.5 but if you have a custom font for the title, please make sure to edit this value since it changes the height for Large state of NavBar
static let NavBarHeightLargeState: CGFloat = 96.5
Step 3: setup UI:
private func setupUI() {
navigationController?.navigationBar.prefersLargeTitles = true
title = "Large Title"
// Initial setup for image for Large NavBar state since the the screen always has Large NavBar once it gets opened
guard let navigationBar = self.navigationController?.navigationBar else { return }
imageView.layer.cornerRadius = Const.ImageSizeForLargeState / 2
imageView.clipsToBounds = true
imageView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
imageView.rightAnchor.constraint(equalTo: navigationBar.rightAnchor,
constant: -Const.ImageRightMargin),
imageView.bottomAnchor.constraint(equalTo: navigationBar.bottomAnchor,
constant: -Const.ImageBottomMarginForLargeState),
imageView.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: Const.ImageSizeForLargeState),
imageView.widthAnchor.constraint(equalTo: imageView.heightAnchor)
Step 4: create image resizing method
private func moveAndResizeImage(for height: CGFloat) {
let coeff: CGFloat = {
let delta = height - Const.NavBarHeightSmallState
let heightDifferenceBetweenStates = (Const.NavBarHeightLargeState - Const.NavBarHeightSmallState)
return delta / heightDifferenceBetweenStates
let factor = Const.ImageSizeForSmallState / Const.ImageSizeForLargeState
let scale: CGFloat = {
let sizeAddendumFactor = coeff * (1.0 - factor)
return min(1.0, sizeAddendumFactor + factor)
// Value of difference between icons for large and small states
let sizeDiff = Const.ImageSizeForLargeState * (1.0 - factor) // 8.0
let yTranslation: CGFloat = {
/// This value = 14. It equals to difference of 12 and 6 (bottom margin for large and small states). Also it adds 8.0 (size difference when the image gets smaller size)
let maxYTranslation = Const.ImageBottomMarginForLargeState - Const.ImageBottomMarginForSmallState + sizeDiff
return max(0, min(maxYTranslation, (maxYTranslation - coeff * (Const.ImageBottomMarginForSmallState + sizeDiff))))
let xTranslation = max(0, sizeDiff - coeff * sizeDiff)
imageView.transform = CGAffineTransform.identity
.scaledBy(x: scale, y: scale)
.translatedBy(x: xTranslation, y: yTranslation)
Step 5:
override func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
guard let height = navigationController?.navigationBar.frame.height else { return }
moveAndResizeImage(for: height)
Hope it's clear and helps you!
Please let me know in comments if you have any additional questions.
If anyone is still looking how to do this in SwiftUI. I made a package named NavigationBarLargeTitleItems to deal with this. It mimics the behavior you see in the AppStore and Messages-app.
Please note to be able to accomplish this behavior we need to add to the '_UINavigationBarLargeTitleView' which is a private class and therefor might get your app rejected when submitting to the App Store.
I'm also including the full relevant source code here for those who dislike links or just want to copy/paste.
// Copyright © 2020 Mark van Wijnen
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
import SwiftUI
public extension View {
func navigationBarLargeTitleItems<L>(trailing: L) -> some View where L : View {
overlay(NavigationBarLargeTitleItems(trailing: trailing).frame(width: 0, height: 0))
fileprivate struct NavigationBarLargeTitleItems<L : View>: UIViewControllerRepresentable {
typealias UIViewControllerType = Wrapper
private let trailingItems: L
init(trailing: L) {
self.trailingItems = trailing
func makeUIViewController(context: Context) -> Wrapper {
Wrapper(representable: self)
func updateUIViewController(_ uiViewController: Wrapper, context: Context) {
class Wrapper: UIViewController {
private let representable: NavigationBarLargeTitleItems?
init(representable: NavigationBarLargeTitleItems) {
self.representable = representable
super.init(nibName: nil, bundle: nil)
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
self.representable = nil
super.init(coder: coder)
override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
guard let representable = self.representable else { return }
guard let navigationBar = self.navigationController?.navigationBar else { return }
guard let UINavigationBarLargeTitleView = NSClassFromString("_UINavigationBarLargeTitleView") else { return }
navigationBar.subviews.forEach { subview in
if subview.isKind(of: UINavigationBarLargeTitleView.self) {
let controller = UIHostingController(rootView: representable.trailingItems)
controller.view.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
equalTo: subview.bottomAnchor,
constant: -15
equalTo: subview.trailingAnchor,
constant: -view.directionalLayoutMargins.trailing
import SwiftUI
import NavigationBarLargeTitleItems
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
List {
ForEach(1..<50) { index in
Text("Sample Row \(String(index))")
.navigationBarLargeTitleItems(trailing: ProfileIcon())
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
struct ProfileIcon: View {
var body: some View{
Button(action: {
print("Profile button was tapped")
}) {
Image(systemName: "person.circle.fill")
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
.frame(width: 36, height: 36)
.offset(x: -20, y: 5)
Thanks to #TungFam, I think I have a better solution. check it out
two points:
change button frame according to navigation bar height
// adjust topview height
override func scrollViewDidScroll(_ scrollView: UIScrollView) {
guard let navBar = self.navigationController?.navigationBar else {
// hardcoded .. to improve
if navBar.bounds.height > 44 + 40 + 10 {
heightConstraint = [topview.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: 40)]
} else {
var height = navBar.bounds.height - 44 - 10
if height < 0 {
height = 0
heightConstraint = [topview.heightAnchor.constraint(equalToConstant: height)]
change button alpha according to pop/push progress
#objc func onGesture(sender: UIGestureRecognizer) {
switch sender.state {
case .began, .changed:
if let ct = navigationController?.transitionCoordinator {
topview.alpha = ct.percentComplete
case .cancelled, .ended:
case .possible, .failed:
Nice answer about adding it as a subview. I would add the fact that you could use pure auto layout only without the need of CGAffineTransform and all those calculations. If you add vertical constraints as well it will automatically scale. If you still need to use calculations you can use navigationController?.navigationBar.publisher(for: \.frame) publisher instead of doing it inside scroll view. That way you'll be able to do it more globally rather than being dependent on the scroll view.
This is how I did it for example (I needed to do it on leading and have large title hidden but you can change those constraints to add it wherever you'd like):
Add imageView as a property as I also need to hide it in some cases. (e.g., when opening other screen)
private lazy var imageView: UIImageView = {
let imageView = UIImageView()
imageView.kf.setImage(with: URL(string: "https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2021-07/21/15/campaign_images/b4661163b3f8/24-times-michael-scott-from-the-office-made-us-bu-2-7356-1626879661-2_dblbig.jpg?resize=1200:*")!)
imageView.cornerRadiusStyle = .heightFraction(1/2) // This is an extension in the codebase I'm working on but you can set the corner radius normally as you would. Inside layoutSubviews most probably.
imageView.clipsToBounds = true
imageView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
imageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill
imageView.isUserInteractionEnabled = true
return imageView
Setup custom image (Make sure you call this AFTER navigationController is set and not nil)
func setupCustomImage() {
// Adding imageView inside stackView just for convenience of hiding it later.
let stackView = UIStackView()
stackView.axis = .horizontal
stackView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = false
imageView.heightAnchor.constraint(lessThanOrEqualToConstant: 52), // In my case I needed max image size to be 52. You can change that.
imageView.widthAnchor.constraint(equalTo: imageView.heightAnchor) // I needed aspect ratio to be 1:1. You can change that also by adding multiplier.
guard let navigationBar = navigationController?.navigationBar else { return }
stackView.leadingAnchor.constraint(equalTo: navigationBar.leadingAnchor, constant: 16), // For leading padding
stackView.centerYAnchor.constraint(equalTo: navigationBar.centerYAnchor),
// You can play around with those constants as well to provide minimum size of the image needed.
navigationBar.bottomAnchor.constraint(greaterThanOrEqualTo: stackView.bottomAnchor, constant: 7),
stackView.topAnchor.constraint(greaterThanOrEqualTo: navigationBar.topAnchor, constant: 7)
It will automatically do all the scaling and stuff.
You could create the UIBarButtonItem using a custom view. This custom view will be a UIView with the actual UIButton (as a subview) placed x pixels from the top (x=the number of pixels you want to move it down).

UITableView Cell display issue

I have a UITableView, its top and bottom distance to superview is 0.
When keyboard appears I update the bottom constraint, so that keyboard will not hide the table. But on updating the bottom constraint, last two or three cells are not completely visible. I am using following code to update the bottom constraint.
func keyboardWillChangeFrameWithNotification(notification: NSNotification, showsKeyboard: Bool) {
let userInfo = notification.userInfo!
let animationDuration: NSTimeInterval = (userInfo[UIKeyboardAnimationDurationUserInfoKey] as! NSNumber).doubleValue
// Convert the keyboard frame from screen to view coordinates.
let keyboardScreenBeginFrame = (userInfo[UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey] as! NSValue).CGRectValue()
if showsKeyboard
cntInputViewBottom.constant = keyboardScreenBeginFrame.size.height
cntInputViewBottom.constant = 0
You are using UIKeyboardFrameBeginUserInfoKey. This is size of the keyboard at the beginning of frame change animation. You should better use UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey in order to get final frame.
if x is the height of the view with send button.
if showsKeyboard
cntInputViewBottom.constant = keyboardScreenBeginFrame.size.height+ x
cntInputViewBottom.constant = x
Problem is you are not informing your view/controller to update your constraint before and after.
if showsKeyboard
cntInputViewBottom.constant = keyboardScreenBeginFrame.size.height
cntInputViewBottom.constant = 0
just add self.view.layoutIfNeeded() before & after updating constraint as displayed.