Postgres: how to excecute the query for Sum as it is giving error? - postgresql

I am using sum function to find the total but getting error.
Here is the query:
select sum(col1)
from table_name
where col2="abc"
Error: function sum(text) does not exist
Hint: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts

Assuming the text column contains text numbers, not actual integers, then it would explain the error you are seeing. You might get around this by first casting text to integer, then summing:
SELECT SUM(text::int)
FROM yourTable;


Function createtopology(unknown, integer, integer) does not exist. Not able run PostGIS function in Postgres

I am trying to run this function
SELECT public.CreateTopology('topo1',4326,0);
which gives me
ERROR: function public.createtopology(unknown, integer, integer) does not exist
LINE 1: select public.CreateTopology('topo1',4326,0);
HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
SQL state: 42883
Character: 8
I can use other PostGIS function without trouble. This one however does not work. Note, there are many schems in my database. Why is that?
The third parameter is optional, but if present is data type double precision, if omitted defaults to 0. (see Postgis documentation CreateTopology. So try
SELECT public.CreateTopology('topo1',4326,0::double precision);
SELECT public.CreateTopology('topo1',4326,0.0);
SELECT public.CreateTopology('topo1',4326);
UPDATE: As posted 'topo1' is a string literal. But it needs to be Topology. You need to correct the data type.

How to use sub-queries correctly inside a Postgresql query

I'm having troubles resetting the sequences as automatically as possible.
I'm trying to use the next query from phpPgAdmin:
SELECT SETVAL('course_subjects_seq', (SELECT MAX(subject_id) FROM course_subjects));
Somehow this query returns:
> HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You might need to add explicit type casts.
pointing to the first SELECT SETVAL
The next query will give the same error:
SELECT setval("course_subjects_seq", COALESCE((SELECT MAX(subject_id) FROM course_subjects), 1))
Can anyone point me to what am I doing wrong?
Fixed by doing so:
setval function requires regclass, bigint and boolean as arguments, therefore I added the type casts:
SELECT setval('course_subjects_seq'::regclass, COALESCE((SELECT MAX(subject_id) FROM course_subjects)::bigint, 1));
and ::bigint
You don't need a subquery at all here. Can be a single SELECT:
SELECT setval(pg_get_serial_sequence('course_subjects', 'subject_id')
, COALESCE(max(subject_id) + 1, 1)
, false) -- not called yet
FROM course_subjects;
Assuming subject_id is a serial column, pg_get_serial_sequence() is useful so you don't have to know the sequence name (which is an implementation detail, really).
SELECT with an aggregate function like max() always returns a single row, even if the underlying table has no rows. The value is NULL in this case, that's why you have COALESCE in there.
But if you call setval() with 1, the next sequence returned number will be 2, not 1, since that is considered to be called already. There is an overloaded variant of setval() with a 3rd, boolean parameter: is_called, which makes it possible to actually start from 1 in this case like demonstrated.
How to reset postgres' primary key sequence when it falls out of sync?

PostgreSQL sum typecasting as a bigint when argument types are int

I know someone asked the same question from PostgreSQL sum typecasting as a bigint a while ago, but I don't see it was answered. I am adding value of a column whose type is integer using sum function, but it will overflow when I adding two 1.5 billion. I want the sum result to be bigint. Is there anyway to achieve it? Thanks in advance. I tried following but didn't work.
sum(count)::bigint AS total
If I do as following I am still getting error
sum(count::bigint) AS total
Caused by: org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: cannot change data type of column "total" from integer to numeric
You should cast before to sum it. That is:
sum(count::bigint) as total
In postgres sum(integer) and sum(bigint) are different functions which returns, respectively, integer and big integer.
In fact, all postgres functions are identified not only by its name but by the combination of its name and its argument types.
If you don't cast before, then you end up using integer version of sum() which always return integer. Even if you later cast it to bigint. If it's result is an overflow, you can't cast overflow to bigint.
EDIT: As abelisto rightly points, sum() yet returns bigint for smallint and integer. But, as I can see, your error message says that "cannot change type of column total from integer to numeric". But as far as I understand, "total" is the result of the whole operation, so it should be bigint (even if overflow).
...Not sure if it tries to point to the "count" column which (after operation) is labeled as "total" (but it stucks me...) or if it simply saying that it can't cast numeric to bigint (which seems more feasible to me). It depends of the actual type of count column. Is it already bigint or numeric?
If it is, the problem is probably in trying to cast as bigint a very huge numeric (of numeric type I mean) value.
Can you tell us the exact type of "count" colunm? And better than that: can you provide a failing example with a literal value?
Something like (but I only got an "bigint out of range" error...):
somedb=> with foo as (
select 1000000000 as a
union select 231234241234123
union select 99999999999999999999999
) select sum(a) from foo;
(1 row)
somedb=> with foo as (
select 1000000000 as a
union select 231234241234123
union select 99999999999999999999999
) select sum(a)::bigint from foo;
ERROR: bigint out of range

Show all numeric rows or vice-versa postgresql

I have a table named "temp_table" and a column named "temp_column" of type varchar. The problem is "temp_column" must be of type integer. If I will just automatically update the table into type integer, it will generate an error since some data has non-numeric data in it.
I want a query that will show all rows if "temp_column" has non-numeric values in it (or the other way around) and update or SET the value accordingly. I'm having a hard time since ISNUMERIC is not available in postgresql.
how to do this?
This will show all rows where you have non-integer values in that column. It uses a regular expression to find all values that have anything else than just numbers in it:
select *
from temp_table
where temp_column ~ '[^0-9]';
this can also be used in an update statement:
update temp_table
set temp_column = null
where temp_column ~ '[^0-9]';
This will also filter out "numeric" values like 3.14 as those aren't integers.

Cast produces 'Returned type character varying does not match expected type character varying(8)'

Yesterday we had a PostgreSQL database upgraded to version 9.1.3. We thought we had everything tested and ready, but there is a function we missed. It returns a table type like this:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION myfunc( patient_number varchar
, tumor_number_param varchar, facility_number varchar)
RETURNS SETOF patient_for_registrar
LANGUAGE plpgsql
SELECT cast(nfa.patient_id_number as varchar),
I only only give the first column of the select because that is where the error happens. Before today this function ran fine, but now it gives this error:
ERROR: structure of query does not match function result type
Detail: Returned type character varying does not match expected type
character varying(8) in column 1. Where: PL/pgSQL function
"getwebregistrarpatient_withdeletes" line 3 at RETURN QUERY [SQL
The column nfa.patient_id_number is text and is being cast for the column patient_id_number in patient_for_registrar that is varchar(8). After reading about this some I think the problem is because the column length isn't being specified when casting from text. But the problem is I've tried various combinations of substrings to fix this and none are solving the problem:
substring(cast(nfa.patient_id_number as varchar) from 1 for 8),
cast(substring(nfa.patient_id_number from 1 for 8) as varchar),
cast(substring(nfa.patient_id_number from 1 for 8) as varchar(8)),
Does anyone have any pointers?
Your function ..
RETURNS SETOF patient_for_registrar
The returned row type must match the declared type exactly. You did not disclose the definition of patient_for_registrar, probably the associated composite type of a table. I quote the manual about Declaration of Composite Types:
Whenever you create a table, a composite type is also automatically
created, with the same name as the table, to represent the table's row
If the first column of that type (table) is defined varchar(8) (with length modifier) - as the error message indicates, you have to return varchar(8) with the same length modifier; varchar won't do. It is irrelevant for that matter whether the string length is only 8 characters, the data type has to match.
varchar, varchar(n) and varchar(m) are different data types for PostgreSQL.
Older versions did not enforce the type modifiers, but with PostgreSQL 9.0 this was changed for plpgsql:
PL/pgSQL now requires columns of composite results to match the
expected type modifier as well as base type (Pavel Stehule, Tom Lane)
For example, if a column of the result type is declared as
NUMERIC(30,2), it is no longer acceptable to return a NUMERIC of some
other precision in that column. Previous versions neglected to check
the type modifier and would thus allow result rows that didn't
actually conform to the declared restrictions.
Two basic ways to fix your problem:
You can cast the returned values to match the definition of patient_for_registrar:
Or you can change the RETURNS clause. I would use RETURNS TABLE and declare a matching composite type. Here is an example.
RETURNS TABLE (patient_for_registrar varchar, col2 some_type, ...)
As an aside: I never use varchar if I can avoid it - especially not with length modifier. It offers hardly anything that the type text couldn't do. If I need a length restriction, I use a column constraint which can be changed without rewriting the whole table.