How to move NavLink to the right side in AppBar? - material-ui

<AppBar position="static" className={this.props.classes.appBar}>
margin: "0 auto",
width: "80%"
<Link to="/">
<img src={logo} alt="logo" width="65" height="48" />
How can I move NavLink to the right side? I tried with edge, but it does not work. It is only for ImageButton available.

One approach is to use a Grid container and wrap your components in Grid item as follows
<AppBar position="static">
margin: "0 auto",
width: "80%"
<Grid direction="row" justify="space-between" alignItems="center" container>
<Grid item>
<Link to="/">
<img src={logo} alt="logo" width="65" height="48" />
<Grid item>
// the rest of the code goes here
The Grid component uses flex and can be configured to work as you need, in your case justify is set to space-between than means that the elements will be pushed to the margin of the container and separated by the space between them.
More on Grid and aligning items can be found in the documentation HERE


How to make cards in material Ui appear in a horizontal row?

Im implementing material Ui in my project.I have list of cards ..I want them to appear one by one in a horizontal row and then in the same pattern in the next row.But my cards are appearing one below the other.I have tried adding some custom css but it dosent work.Pls check out my code.There are like two cards. with the box im able to adding some margin to my cards .How to make them appear next to each other?
function Blogs(){
const [expanded, setExpanded] = React.useState(false);
const handleExpandClick = () => {
return (
<Box m={6}>
<Card sx={{ maxWidth: 345 }}>
title="It’s a cocktail o’clock."
subheader="May 14, 2021"
alt="Paella dish"
<Typography variant="body2" color="text.secondary">
Beat The Heat With Chilled Cocktails At The Best Bars In New York.
<CardActions disableSpacing>
aria-label="show more"
<ExpandMoreIcon />
<Collapse in={expanded} timeout="auto" unmountOnExit>
<Typography paragraph>To a foodie, summer means one thing and one thing only – DRINKS!</Typography>
<Typography paragraph>
Yes people, we know it’s hot out there and the only way to quench your thirst is by guzzling down a bunch of ice-cold cocktails
<Typography paragraph>
<h4>1.The Bar Room at The Beekman</h4>
Visit the beautiful Bar Room in the historic Beekman Hotel for high-key romance that really wows.
Do try the whiskey sour.One of the best drinks available.
<h4>2.Dublin House</h4>
You can never go wrong with Sláinte! Margarita,Pot O'Gold, & Irish Old Fashioned
<h4>3.Russian Samovar</h4>
Alpensahne,Amarula Cream Liqueur, Caribou,Feni
<Box m={6}>
<Card sx={{ maxWidth: 345 }}>
title="Winner Winner Pizza Dinner"
subheader="May 14, 2021"
alt="Paella dish"
<Typography variant="body2" color="text.secondary">
Beat The Heat With Chilled Cocktails At The Best Bars In New York.
<CardActions disableSpacing>
aria-label="show more"
<ExpandMoreIcon />
<Collapse in={expanded} timeout="auto" unmountOnExit>
<Typography paragraph>To a foodie, summer means one thing and one thing only – DRINKS!</Typography>
<Typography paragraph>
Yes people, we know it’s hot out there and the only way to quench your thirst is by guzzling down a bunch of ice-cold cocktails
<Typography paragraph>
<h4>1.The Bar Room at The Beekman</h4>
Visit the beautiful Bar Room in the historic Beekman Hotel for high-key romance that really wows.
Do try the whiskey sour.One of the best drinks available.
<h4>2.Dublin House</h4>
You can never go wrong with Sláinte! Margarita,Pot O'Gold, & Irish Old Fashioned
<h4>3.Russian Samovar</h4>
Alpensahne,Amarula Cream Liqueur, Caribou,Feni
export default Blogs;
Use MUI Grid for responsive layout and horizontal row
import { Grid } from "#mui/material"
<Grid container direction="row" justifyContent="center">
<Grid item xs={4}>
<Card> ..... </Card>
<Grid item xs={4}>
<Card> ..... </Card>
<Grid item xs={4}>
<Card> ..... </Card>
xs={4} will display 3 Cards in each row because 12/3 = 4 as MUI uses 12 columns grid system. You can also use md, sm, lg, xl for different screen sizes.

Margin top has no effect

For the code below
import {
} from "#mui/material";
// import IconGoogle from "../client/images/google.svg";
export default function Home() {
return (
<Grid container justifyContent="center" padding={20}>
<Grid item>
<Stack spacing={2} width={320}>
<Typography component="label" variant="h5" alignSelf="center">
Sign In
<Button variant="outlined" fullwidth>
{/* <IconGoogle /> */}
Sign in to Google
<Divider> OR </Divider>
<TextField variant="outlined" label="Email" fullwidth />
<TextField variant="outlined" label="Password" fullwidth />
sx={{ color: "gray", fontSize: 12 }}
Minimum 6 Character
<Button variant="contained">Sign In</Button>
<Link component="button" underline="none" sx={{ mt: 100 }}>
Forgot Password
It gives the following screen
which I expect the red rectangle portion to be much larger, since I set sx={{ mt: 100 }}. Why it's not larger and how to rectify it?
If you use padding instead of margin, it does move the button down.
<Link component="button" underline="none" sx={{ pt: 100}}>
Forgot Password

Flexgrowth seems not to work wih DataGrid

The size of the main area of the DataGrid changes with the window size but seems to ignore the size required for the page footer (so a scroll bar remains).
export default class DebugDisplay extends Component {
render = () => {
return <Box >
<DataAdapter localDbConnect="items" setAccessor={this.setAccessor}/>
<AppBar position="static">
<IconButton color="inherit" aria-label="Menu" onClick={this.toggleMenu}>
<MenuIcon />
<Typography variant="h6" sx={{flexGrow:1, flexDirection: "row"}}>
POS Web Debug {this.state.timestamp}
<Drawer type="temporary" open={this.state.debugMenuOpen} onClose={this.toggleMenu}>
<Box sx={{display: "flex", flexDirection: "column", flexGrow: 1}}>
<Button onClick={this.toggleMenu}>Close</Button>
<Divider />
<Button onClick={this.testEnter}>Test Enter</Button>
<Button onClick={this.testTotal}>Test Total</Button>
<Button onClick={this.testInvoice}>Test Invoice</Button>
<Paper >
<Button onClick={this.testEnter} variant="outlined">Test Enter</Button>
<Button onClick={this.testTotal} variant="outlined">Test Total</Button>
<Button onClick={this.testInvoice} variant="outlined">Test Invoice</Button>
<DataGrid sx={{display: "flex", flexGrow:1, flexDirection: "column"}} rows={this.state.rows} columns={itemColumns} autoPageSize pagination density="compact" onCellClick={this.onCellClick}/>;
What is wrong?

#mui grid items of equal height

Using the React #mui package, I want to create a grid of items that all stretch to the same height as the tallest item. I've tried searching for similar questions but have not found a working solution, and using #mui v5. Here's my example, also found on Sandbox I prefer a solution (if possible) using the #mui components rather than grid css directly. Also I cannot fix the number of columns, it needs to be responsive.
import * as React from "react";
import {
} from "#mui/material";
export default function App() {
const createTable = (rows) => {
return (
{[...Array(rows).keys()].map((n) => {
return (
<TableRow key={n}>
return (
<Box p={3}>
<Container maxWidth="sm" height="100%">
<Grid container spacing={2} height="100%">
<Grid item height="100%">
<Paper height="100%" elevation={3} sx={{ p: 3 }}>
<Typography variant="h4">Something</Typography>
<Grid item height="100%">
<Paper height="100%" elevation={3} sx={{ p: 3 }}>
<Typography variant="h4">More things</Typography>
This is what I get now. I want the shorter item to be padded on the bottom so its the same height as the first.
Please use this code from the box downwards. You can read more about how to work with grid items on the mui website here.
const StackOverflow = () => {
const createTable = (rows) => {
return (
{[...Array(rows).keys()].map((n) => {
return (
<TableRow key={n}>
return (
<Box p={3}>
<Container maxWidth="sm">
<Grid container spacing={2}>
<Grid item xs={6}>
<Paper elevation={3} sx={{ p: 3, height: "100%" }}>
<Typography variant="h4">Something</Typography>
<Grid item xs={6}>
<Paper elevation={3} sx={{ p: 3, height: "100%" }}>
<Typography variant="h4">More things</Typography>
Something that worked good for me was to use the following in the Papers sx prop:
{{height: "100%", display: "flex", alignItems: "center"}}

Aligning button to right of Login in nav bar

I am creating a navigation menu and part of it is having a Login link and "Try for Free" button on the right part of the webpage. But what is puzzling me is how to get the button aligned to the right of the Login link. Currently it looks like this:
What am I doing wrong?
<Grid item xs={4}>
{/* <Toolbar disableGutters> */}
<Tabs className={classes.tabContainer}>
<Tab className={} component={Link} to="/analyze" label="Login" />
{/* <Typography className={classes.root}>
<Link href="#" onClick={menuOptions}>
</Typography> */}
// style={{ marginTop: '1.1em' }}
// style={{ maxWidth: '108px', minWidth: '108px' }}
onClick={() => {
// handleClickImportPGN();
Try for Free
{/* </Toolbar> */}
One of the handiest ways is to use CSS Flexbox
<Grid item style={{ display: "flex" }}>
<Tab component={Link} label="Login" />
// style={{ marginTop: '1.1em' }}
// style={{ maxWidth: '108px', minWidth: '108px' }}
onClick={() => {
// handleClickImportPGN();
Try for Free
{/* </Toolbar> */}
But if you want to make use more of Material UI, you could try to have a few more Grid within each of the children elements.
Simplified Working Example: