I been ting to research this and I'm trying to do something that I'm not sure is possible in Powershell. I have a CSV like this with the header included:
In the end, I'm looking to take the CSV and export to a text file in a specific format. And it needs to be formatted this way for the program that I'm working with. It's kind of like a JSON file, but not quite. I'm trying to create essential a block of text for each CSV row. Here is what I'm literally trying to get on the output text file
Fieldaaa {
Field2bbb {
Think of field1 like the title for each group as I listed above. I have accomplished loading in the csv:
$userobjects = Import-CSV C:\temp\testcsv2.csv.
But then I don't know how to do it from here. And to add, that text output I'm trying to add in are tab keys. I imagine I could do this by inserting in \t once I figure out how to parse this CSV and export to text. And I can use Powershell 5.1 as I'm working with Server 2016 and Windows 10 environment with that version. Please let me know if I can clarify anything else.
You just need to follow these steps:
get the content (you already did this, and its already in a nice object for you to use)
Iterate around each row and append some formatted value to an output string
write that output string to your file
Here is one way you can do this:
$outString = ""
$userobjects = Import-CSV C:\test\test.csv
foreach ($object in $userobjects) {
$outString = #"
$($object.Field1) {
Set-Content C:\test\out.txt $outString
Or maybe a more PowerShelly way is
Import-Csv C:\test\test.csv | ForEach-Object {
Write-Output #"
$($_.Field1) {
"# } > c:\test\out.txt
If you don't know it already, I can recommend checking ss64 for powershell examples
Below is a snip of my powershell code where my response or my variable($witrevisions) is of type array. I am looking to bind this in a html tag which i have defined in the power shell. As I am very new to coding stuff , I am looking the ways how can I bind array to html tag in best possible way
...continuing my line of code
$response4s = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $uriAccount -Method get -Headers $AzureDevOpsAuthenicationHeader).values
$wits = $response4s | where({$_.fields.'System.WorkItemType' -eq 'Task'}) # Only retrieve Tasks
$witrevisions = #()
foreach($wit in $response4s){
$customObject = new-object PSObject -property #{
"Title" = $wit.fields.'System.Title'
"AssignedTo" = $wit.fields.'System.AssignedTo'
$witrevisions += $customObject
$witrevisions | Select-Object `
and this the sample response i am getting in $witrevisions which i have exported in text file. its a table with two column one having emails and other having a title name.i have tried to show by giving it a table view for better understanding
Assigned To Title
xyz#outlook.com testingpro
drdr#outlook.com resttesting
and here is the html tag where I trying to bind the $witrevisions.
`n <title>Validation</title>
`n<p>Please click the link to download the release.</p>
Can someone please tell me how should I do this??
Here is an example of some code that would take your array and emit a table, with an explanation to help you tweak to your specific needs:
"<table><body>$($witrevisions|% {"<tr><td>$($_.Title)</td><td>$($_.AssignedTo)</td></tr>"} )</body></table>"
The double quotes are important because they allow string interpolation (it will replace variables with this value, versus being read a plain text. E.g. '[' + $test + ']' => "[$test]"
If you need to do more complex logic in string interpolation, you can use $(...), the ellipses being regular code.
You can iterate through an array by piping to the ForEach-Object, or it's alias %. All the code in the braces will be executed for each item in the array. The current items is represented by $_.
We're then back to string interpolation and using $(...), which is needed to access the members of the current item.
Note: There are several other ways to accomplish (functionally) the same thing. E.g. foreach(...){} vs |%{...}, so feel free to use a different technique if you are more comfortable with doing something a different way.
I am newbie to Powershell. Need a logic for CSV automation. I have a CSV log file contains large number of API calls.
I need to go row by row and segregate the data, output should be like below. Sum of calls count and average of response time to be updated.
I have written complicated If else conditions for different types of API calls and able to take the scenario name and other values from the csv. My pain starts here, struggling to come to conclusion to move forward. Can i create an array and store all the values then do all the calculation later or write the values in another csv then do all the calculation to find the Count and average response time?
If i choose array, scenario should not be duplicated. For me its really hard to take a decision without knowing the available cmdlets for array and CSV. Please throw some light..
Thanks in advance...
Here is an approach you can use a combination of c# available to Powershell (which can be MUCH more efficient handling larger files and data).
The first component is you need some consistent logic to isolate the API category you want each URL to be assigned. From your screenshots, sometimes it seems you use last segment of the URL but others it is some path in the middle of the resource.
Here is just a quick approach where you pass in an array of categories, and if it can be matched to URI in any way, then that category is used. Otherwise, the URI stands as its own category. Please replace with whatever logic you want here.
function Get-ApiCategory {
param([string[]] $Categories, [string] $Text)
foreach ($c in $Categories) {
if ($Text.IndexOf($c) -gt 0) {
return $c
return $Text # Not found
Then, here is a method that (1) reads the large CSV file row-by-row and uses basic parsing logic (since your source data seems simple enough) without loading the full file into memory, and then (2) exports a CSV file with summary data.
function Write-SummaryToFile {
param([string[]] $Categories, [string] $InputFile, [string] $Output)
# Parse the file line-by-line (optimize for memory)
$result = #{}
$lineNum = 0
Write-Host $InputFile
foreach ($line in [System.IO.File]::ReadLines($InputFile)) {
if ($lineNum++ -lt 1) { continue } # Skip header
$cols = $line.Split(',')
$category = Get-ApiCategory $Categories $cols[0]
$new = #{
Category = $category
Count = [int]$cols[1]
AvgResponse = [double]$cols[2]
if ($result.ContainsKey($category)) {
$weighted = $result[$category].AvgResponse * $result[$category].Count
$result[$category].Count += $new.Count
$result[$category].AvgResponse = ($weighted + $new.AvgResponse * $new.Count) / $result[$category].Count;
} else {
$result[$category] = $new
# Output to file
if (Test-Path $Output) { Remove-Item $Output }
try {
$stream = [System.IO.StreamWriter] $Output
$result.Values | ForEach-Object { $stream.WriteLine([string]::Format("{0},{1},{2}", $_.Category, $_.Count, $_.AvgResponse.ToString("0.##"))) }
finally {
Then, you are able to call these methods in an example like this:
$categories = #('MoveRequestQueue', 'DeliveryDate')
Write-SummaryToFile $categories 'c:\dev\scratch\ps1\test.csv' 'C:\dev\scratch\ps1\Output.csv'
I am having a hard time figuring out how to get the PSCustomObject/array out of the function. I have tried using $Global:ZipList as well as just passing the variables into an array directly w/o a custom object but no luck. The reason I need this, is I need to then loop through the array/list after I get the filenames and then was going to loop through this list and unzip each file and log it and process it based on the extension in the zip; this is to be used for multiple zips, so I can't predetermine the file extensions without grabbing the filenames in the zip into a list. I would just use a shell however some of the zips are password protected, haven't figured out how to pass a password scripted to the shell com unzip windows feature so stuck with 7z for now. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
Function ReadZipFile([string]$ZipFileName)
[string[]]$ReadZipFile = & 'C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe' l "$ZipFileName"
[bool]$separatorFound = $false
#$ZipList = #()
$ReadZipFile | ForEach-Object{
if ($_.StartsWith("------------------- ----- ------------ ------------"))
if ($separatorFound)
BREAK # Second separator; We're done!
$separatorFound = -not $separatorFound
if ($separatorFound)
[DateTime]$FileCreatedDate = [DateTime]::ParseExact($_.Substring(0, 19),"yyyy'-'MM'-'dd HH':'mm':'ss", [CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture)
[Int]$FileSize = [Int]"0$($_.Substring(26, 12).Trim())"
$ZipFileName = $_.Substring(53).TrimEnd()
$ZipList = [PSCustomObject] #{
$z = ReadZipFile $ZipFileName
$ZipList | Select-Object ZipFileName
To be able to select from array created in the function outside of it. I believe my if statements may be blocking the global variable feature when i tried using global:
I'm creating a series of new PSObjects, from a CSV import, and then adding them to $new. I'm using a switch to try and set the value for the "Notes" property, as the object is being created\added, and I've run into something 'hinky'.
When I run this...
$import = Import-Csv c:\somerandom.csv
$new = #()
foreach ($Item in $Import) {
$obj = New-Object PsObject -Property #{
Name = $item.Name
Description = $Item.Description
Quantity = $Item.Quantity
Vendor = $Item.Vendor
SubCategory = "Misc"
Notes = ""
switch ($obj.Name) {
"iPod" { $obj.Notes = "Burn with the rest of the Apple garbage"}
"nVidia GTX 780ti" { $obj.Notes = "Steal immediately!" }
default { $obj.Notes= "Sorry man... I have no idea what that is"}
$new += $obj
... it works as expected. All of the entries from $import, are recreated in $new, with the addition of my "SubCategory" and "Notes" noteproperties (iPod gets burn tag, 780ti slated to be stolen). But when I run with the following as the switch...
switch ($obj.Name) {
'SOFM090-107-01-PF-R' { $obj.Notes = "Burn with the rest of the Apple garbage"}
'M094-107-01-PF-R' { $obj.Notes = "Steal immediately!" }
default { $obj.Notes = "Sorry man... I have no idea what that is"}
... It sets all the entries to the 'default' setting on the switch. I tried running the switch with a non-hyphenated name for one entry, and a hyphenated entry for the other, and only the hyphenated version was set properly.
The above code is altered from the actual code, but it properly illustrates what I'm trying to do. I need to add a noteproperty that is based off a list of part numbers, and will fill in the "Notes" entry with a tag of my choosing.
I've tried it with single quotes, double quotes, using the -wildcard and replacing the switch hyphens with *'s, and putting the ` character in before the -'s. Nothing seems to be working.
There's nothing wrong with the code, so the problem must lie in the data. I verified that it works fine with a CSV file that has those exact hyphenated values in the "Name" column.
If the switch doesn't work with the hyphenated names, then the values being imported into the Name property don't match what you have in the switch statement. It's a good idea to always post the data you're working with, or a sample of it, because often that's the source of the problem. Even when it isn't, it helps other people understand what you're trying to accomplish and what your code does. Since we don't have the data, I can suggest a few likely possibilities:
You're manually typing the names into the switch statement, and they look like what's in the CSV, but don't actually match, e.g. you're confusing O with 0 because they look the same in the font you're working with. I'd have suspected something like an en-dash instead of a hyphen, but you say you tried replacing the hyphens with wildcards
You have trailing spaces
You're single-quoting the hyphenated names in the CSV file (Import-Csv only understands double quotes; single quotes would be included in the value).
Here are a couple of things you can try to help identify why the data doesn't match (separately, not both together):
Replace switch ($obj.Name) { with switch -regex ($obj.Name) {
Use the following code to show you exactly what PowerShell is seeing in the Name property for each item and which switch conditions are being executed:
Write-Host -NoNewline "[$($obj.Name)] "
switch ($obj.Name) {
'SOFM090-107-01-PF-R' {Write-Host 'burn'; $obj.Notes = "Burn with the rest of the Apple garbage"}
'M094-107-01-PF-R' {Write-Host 'steal'; $obj.Notes = "Steal immediately!"}
default {Write-Host 'sorry'; $obj.Notes = "Sorry man... I have no idea what that is"}
If you post the data, we'll probably be able to tell you exactly why it's not working. But I can pretty much guarantee you that if you're using that code, the problem is that the imported Name values that aren't being matched with the right Notes values are in some way not the same as what you have in the switch conditions.
I have and existing PowerShell script (not written by me!) which is designed to use a passed-in parameter (SCOM Alert ID) to then set additional information in the alert, e.g. $alert.CustomField1 = $alert.PrincipleName etc etc.
I am looking to add functionality to this script to be able to add additional 'custom' information which is stored in a separate text/CSV file. The text/CSV file has header line
ServerName,ServiceOwner,Application Tier
so a row in the file would be
There will be one unique row for each server in our environment (over 600 rows).
So what I need to do is using the passed-in alert ID. I can use $alert.PrincipleName to find the corresponding row in the text file and pull in the additional details stored in field 2 and 3, i.e. ServiceOwner and ApplicationTier.
This logic holds for the majority of alerts but IF server name is a specific value (e.g. MYSTSERVER.CONTOSO.COM) then instead of using $alert.PrincipleName to match servername in text file, I need to match on another alert property $alert.MonitoringObjectDisplayName. However, the server name in this field is part of a larger string in the format, e.g. User Services Watcher for Pool [MYTARGETSERVER.CONTOSO.COM] - so I need to extract the severname from between the square brackets of the string to then perform the match with the text file.
Hopefully I have explained what I'm trying to do clearly - if not I'm happy to provide further clarification and can also post up the existing PS Script I'm trying to modify if thats any help.
You can react to the server name like this:
$csv = Import-Csv 'C:\path\to\your.csv'
if ( $alert.PrincipalName -eq 'MYSTSERVER.CONTOSO.COM' ) {
if ( $alert.MonitoringObjectDisplayName -match '.*\[(.*?)\]' ) {
$targetserver = $matches[1]
} else {
$targetserver = $alert.PrincipalName
$newdata = $csv | ? { $_.ServerName -eq $targetserver } `
| select ServiceOwner, 'Application Tier'
$alert.CustomField2 = $newdata.ServiceOwner
$alert.CustomField3 = $newdata.'Application Tier'