Trying to create multiple oscillators - web-audio-api

I am struggling to understand how to create an array of WebAudio oscillators, such as osc[i].
I have been able to construct single oscillators such as
let oscillator = audioContext.createOscillator();
oscillator.frequency.value = 493.88; //B4
I have looked at articles such as ".. Polyphonic Synthesis" but I don't understand what is happening with the author's "compact" code!

you can use a loop:
const oscs = [];
for(let i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
const oscillator = audioContext.createOscillator();
oscillator.frequency.value = 110 * 2 ** i;
this will create 7 oscillators (A2 to A8)


OpenCL 1D strided convolution performance

For downsampling a signal, I use a FIR filter + decimation stage (that's practical a strided convolution). The big advantage of combining filtering and decimation is the reduced computational cost (by the decimation factor).
With a straight forward OpenCL implementation, I am not able to benefit from the decimation. Quite to the contrary: The convolution with a decimation factor of 4 is 25% slower than the full convolution.
Kernel Code:
__kernel void decimation(__constant float *input,
__global float *output,
__constant float *coefs,
const int taps,
const int decimationFactor) {
int posOutput = get_global_id(0);
float result = 0;
for (int tap=0; tap<taps; tap++) {
int posInput = (posOutput * decimationFactor) - tap;
result += input[posInput] * coefs[tap];
output[posOutput] = result;
I guess it is due to the uncoalesced memory access. Though I can not think of a solution to fix the problem. Any ideas?
Edit: I tried Dithermaster's solution to split the problem into coalesced reads to shared local memory and convolution from local memory:
__kernel void decimation(__constant float *input,
__global float *output,
__constant float *coefs,
const int taps,
const int decimationFactor,
const int bufferSize,
__local float *localInput) {
const int posOutput = get_global_id(0);
const int localSize = get_local_size(0);
const int localId = get_local_id(0);
const int groupId = get_group_id(0);
const int localInputOffset = taps-1;
const int localInputOverlap = taps-decimationFactor;
const int localInputSize = localInputOffset + localSize * decimationFactor;
// 1. transfer global input data to local memory
// read global input to local input (only overlap)
if (localId < localInputOverlap) {
int posInputStart = ((groupId*localSize) * decimationFactor) - (taps-1);
int posInput = posInputStart + localId;
int posLocalInput = localId;
localInput[posLocalInput] = 0.0f;
if (posInput >= 0)
localInput[posLocalInput] = input[posInput];
// read remaining global input to local input
// 1. alternative: strided read
// for (int i=0; i<decimationFactor; i++) {
// int posInputStart = (groupId*localSize) * decimationFactor;
// int posInput = posInputStart + localId * decimationFactor - i;
// int posLocalInput = localInputOffset + localId * decimationFactor - i;
// localInput[posLocalInput] = 0.0f;
// if ((posInput >= 0) && (posInput < bufferSize*decimationFactor))
// localInput[posLocalInput] = input[posInput];
// }
// 2. alternative: coalesced read (in blocks of localSize)
for (int i=0; i<decimationFactor; i++) {
int posInputStart = (groupId*localSize) * decimationFactor;
int posInput = posInputStart - (decimationFactor-1) + i*localSize + localId;
int posLocalInput = localInputOffset - (decimationFactor-1) + i*localSize + localId;
localInput[posLocalInput] = 0.0f;
if ((posInput >= 0) && (posInput < bufferSize*decimationFactor))
localInput[posLocalInput] = input[posInput];
// 2. wait until every thread completed
// 3. convolution
if (posOutput < bufferSize) {
float result = 0.0f;
for (int tap=0; tap<taps; tap++) {
int posLocalInput = localInputOffset + (localId * decimationFactor) - tap;
result += localInput[posLocalInput] * coefs[tap];
output[posOutput] = result;
Big improvement! But still, the performance does not correlate with the overall operations (not proportional to the decimation factor):
speedup for full convolution compared to first approach: ~12 %
computatoin time for decimation compared to full convolution:
decimation factor 2: 61 %
decimation factor 4: 46 %
decimation factor 8: 53 %
decimation factor 16: 68 %
The performance has a optimum for a decimation factor of 4. Why is that? Any ideas for further improvements?
Edit 2: Diagram with shared local memory:
Edit 3: Comparison of the performance for the 3 different implementations
Due to the amount of data overlap (66%), this could benefit from sharing data read from memory between work items, within a workgroup. You could get rid of redundant reads and also make coalesced reads. Break you kernel up into two parts: The first part does coalesced reads for all the data needed within the work group, into shared local memory. Then a memory barrier to synchronize. Then in the second part do the convolutions using reads from shared local memory.
P.S. Thanks for the diagram, it helped me understand your goal more quickly than trying to read code.

How can we calculate the amount of volume of a CSG object?

In OpenSCAD I implement the following animation:
WhR = 1.5; // wheel radius
WhH = 6; // wheel height
WpR = 1; // workpiece radius
WpH = 6; // workpiece height
$fn = 30;
pos = position($t);
cylinder(WpH, WpR,WpR);
function position(t) = -7.5 + t;
My question is, how can I calculate and export the "amount of volume" during the intersection? [If you know how to do that in VTK or in any other library, please enlighten me!]
OpenSCAD doesn't have support for this directly.
RapCAD does though, through the use of bound$():

How does the link type "adjusted complete" work for agglomerative hierachical clustering in WEKA?

The only descriptions I can find about "adjusted complete" linkage say something like: "same as complete linkage, but with largest within cluster distance"
What is meant by "within cluster distance"?
How is the distance between two clusters finally calculated using this linkage approach?
Thanks for your replies!
One of the great things about open-source software is that you can find out exactly how the software works. The code below shows Weka's source code of the HierarchicalClusterer algorithm, more specifically it shows the part which implements the COMPLETE and ADJCOMPLETE functionality. The difference is as follows:
Just like the COMPLETE linkage method, compute the maximum distance between one node from cluster 1 and one node from cluster 2 and store this in fBestDist
Then, find the largest distance between nodes within cluster 1 or cluster 2 and store this in fMaxDist
Finally subtract fMaxDist from fBestDist
So the distance between two clusters calculated using ADJCOMPLETE as linkType corresponds to the COMPLETE distance minus the largest distance between 2 nodes within either cluster 1 or cluster 2.
Adjusted Complete-Link was proposed in the following paper:
Sepandar Kamvar, Dan Klein and Christopher Manning (2002). Interpreting and Extending Classical Agglomerative Clustering Algorithms Using a Model-Based Approach. In Proceedings of 19th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML-2002)
According to it (section 4.2), Adjusted Complete-Link is a version of Complete-Link which should be used if the clusters having varying radii (see Figure 10).
// find complete link distance aka maximum link, which is the largest distance between
// any item in cluster1 and any item in cluster2
fBestDist = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < cluster1.size(); i++) {
int i1 = cluster1.elementAt(i);
for (int j = 0; j < cluster2.size(); j++) {
int i2 = cluster2.elementAt(j);
double fDist = fDistance[i1][i2];
if (fBestDist < fDist) {
fBestDist = fDist;
if (m_nLinkType == COMPLETE) {
// calculate adjustment, which is the largest within cluster distance
double fMaxDist = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < cluster1.size(); i++) {
int i1 = cluster1.elementAt(i);
for (int j = i+1; j < cluster1.size(); j++) {
int i2 = cluster1.elementAt(j);
double fDist = fDistance[i1][i2];
if (fMaxDist < fDist) {
fMaxDist = fDist;
for (int i = 0; i < cluster2.size(); i++) {
int i1 = cluster2.elementAt(i);
for (int j = i+1; j < cluster2.size(); j++) {
int i2 = cluster2.elementAt(j);
double fDist = fDistance[i1][i2];
if (fMaxDist < fDist) {
fMaxDist = fDist;
fBestDist -= fMaxDist;

Perform autocorrelation with vDSP_conv from Apple Accelerate Framework

I need to perform the autocorrelation of an array (vector) but I am having trouble finding the correct way to do so. I believe that I need the method "vDSP_conv" from the Accelerate Framework, but I can't follow how to successfully set it up. The thing throwing me off the most is the need for 2 inputs. Perhaps I have the wrong function, but I couldn't find one that operated on a single vector.
The documentation can be found here
Copied from the site
Performs either correlation or convolution on two vectors; single
void vDSP_conv ( const float __vDSP_signal[], vDSP_Stride
__vDSP_signalStride, const float __vDSP_filter[], vDSP_Stride __vDSP_strideFilter, float __vDSP_result[], vDSP_Stride __vDSP_strideResult, vDSP_Length __vDSP_lenResult, vDSP_Length __vDSP_lenFilter );
Input vector A. The length of this vector must be at least __vDSP_lenResult + __vDSP_lenFilter - 1.
The stride through __vDSP_signal.
Input vector B.
The stride through __vDSP_filter.
Output vector C.
The stride through __vDSP_result.
The length of __vDSP_result.
The length of __vDSP_filter.
For an example, just assume you have an array of float x = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0]. How would I take the autocorrelation of that?
The output should be something similar to float y = [5.0, 14.0, 26.0, 40.0, 55.0, 40.0, 26.0, 14.0, 5.0] //generated using Matlab's xcorr(x) function
performing autocorrelation simply means you take the cross-correlation of one vector with itself. There is nothing fancy about it.
so in your case, do:
vDSP_conv(x, 1, x, 1, result, 1, 2*len_X-1, len_X);
check a sample code for more details: (which does a convolution)
EDIT: This borders on ridiculous, but you need to offset the x value by a specific number of zeros, which is just crazy.
the following is a working code, just set filter to the value of x you desire, and it will put the rest in the correct position:
float *signal, *filter, *result;
int32_t signalStride, filterStride, resultStride;
uint32_t lenSignal, filterLength, resultLength;
uint32_t i;
filterLength = 5;
resultLength = filterLength*2 -1;
lenSignal = ((filterLength + 3) & 0xFFFFFFFC) + resultLength;
signalStride = filterStride = resultStride = 1;
printf("\nConvolution ( resultLength = %d, "
"filterLength = %d )\n\n", resultLength, filterLength);
/* Allocate memory for the input operands and check its availability. */
signal = (float *) malloc(lenSignal * sizeof(float));
filter = (float *) malloc(filterLength * sizeof(float));
result = (float *) malloc(resultLength * sizeof(float));
for (i = 0; i < filterLength; i++)
filter[i] = (float)(i+1);
for (i = 0; i < resultLength; i++)
if (i >=resultLength- filterLength)
signal[i] = filter[i - filterLength+1];
/* Correlation. */
vDSP_conv(signal, signalStride, filter, filterStride,
result, resultStride, resultLength, filterLength);
printf("signal: ");
for (i = 0; i < lenSignal; i++)
printf("%2.1f ", signal[i]);
printf("\n filter: ");
for (i = 0; i < filterLength; i++)
printf("%2.1f ", filter[i]);
printf("\n result: ");
for (i = 0; i < resultLength; i++)
printf("%2.1f ", result[i]);
/* Free allocated memory. */

Avg distance between points in a cluster

Sounds like I got the concept but cant seems to get the implementation correct. eI have a cluster (an ArrayList) with multiple points, and I want to calculate avg distance. Ex: Points in cluster (A, B, C, D, E, F, ... , n), Distance A-B, Distance A-C, Distance A-D, ... Distance A,N, Distance (B,C) Distance (B,D)... Distance (B,N)...
Thanks in advance.
You don't want to double count any segment, so your algorithm should be a double for loop. The outer loop goes from A to M (you don't need to check N, because there'll be nothing left for it to connect to), each time looping from curPoint to N, calculating each distance. You add all the distances, and divide by the number of points (n-1)^2/2. Should be pretty simple.
There aren't any standard algorithms for improving on this that I'm aware of, and this isn't a widely studied problem. I'd guess that you could get a pretty reasonable estimate (if an estimate is useful) by sampling distances from each point to a handful of others. But that's a guess.
(After seeing your code example) Here's another try:
public double avgDistanceInCluster() {
double totDistance = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < bigCluster.length - 1; i++) {
for (int j = i+1; j < bigCluster.length; j++) {
totDistance += distance(bigCluster[i], bigCluster[j]);
return totDistance / (bigCluster.length * (bigCluster.length - 1)) / 2;
Notice that the limit for the first loop is different.
Distance between two points is probably sqrt((x1 - x2)^2 + (y1 -y2)^2).
THanks for all the help, Sometimes after explaining the question on forum answer just popup to your mind. This is what I end up doing.
I have a cluster of point, and I need to calculate the avg distance of points (pairs) in the cluster. So, this is what I did. I am sure someone will come with a better answer if so please drop a note. Thanks in advance.
* Calculate avg distance between points in cluster
* #return
public double avgDistanceInCluster() {
double avgDistance = 0.0;
Stack<Double> holder = new Stack<Double>();
for (int i = 0; i < cluster.size(); i++) {
for (int j = i+1; j < cluster.size(); j++) {
avgDistance = (cluster.get(i) + cluster.get(j))/2;
Iterator<Double> iter = holder.iterator();
double avgClusterDist = 0;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
avgClusterDist =+ holder.pop();
return avgClusterDist/cluster.size();