Image.asset() versus ImageAsset? - flutter

Problem Description
I have no clue when I need to use and Image.asset() and when I need to use AssetImage(). For me, it seems like both of these are the same.

Image.asset is a kind of Widget/StatefulWidget. You can use Image.asset() directly while AssetImage is a provider of an image type, which helps in retrieving an image from a source location/path and you can't use AssetImage directly.


How to use image_cropper in flutter web?

It's said in the description of the package that is supports web. But since it's not possible to get path of the file in flutter web I can't to use it. Because the only way to work with this package is to provide path of the image
I looked at the example and you have to use instead of Image.file on web.
Then you can pass in the url to the image like this:
if you what to crop image than check out crop_image package

Path Provider Using and Asset Problems

I want to add an image that I added to my application from the phone's gallery to the list and call it with Image.asset as a String value.
I managed to get the image with ImagePicker. Unfortunately, there is no next. I don't know exactly how to do this.
In short: I will select an image from gallery with ImagePicker and replace it with "Image.file"
I will do it by converting it to String value with Image.asset.
You have to use image.file or image.memory to load an image from ImagePicker.
image.asset is for images that already exist within your app.

How to place image Placeholder using in flutter?

I want a fade in image with a placeholder. After searching through internet I came across FadeInImage.memoryNetwork() and it is working fine as I wanted, but now I also need to call a function when the image is loaded successfully from network, thanks to for providing loadingBuilder() function.
But the problem is that I am not able to use both as well as simultaneously and I want both the property for my app.
Any suggestions how to put image placeholder using or other way round how to use loadingBuilder in FadeInImage.memoryNetwork(). Any way round will solve my problem.
Any suggestions is highly appreciated.
you can try this:
var image = code);
placeholder: //your placeholder
image: image.image,

How to use embedBuilder in zefyr?

How to use embedBuilder in zefyr 1.0.0-dev.2.0? I want to add images using image picker and display them on Zefyr Editor? How do I achieve this?
Have a look at the example code provided in this GitHub issue comment:

cannot display images from api response flutter

"poster_path": "/9gk7adHYeDvHkCSEqAvQNLV5Uge.jpg"
what should I use to display images like this?
I tried to use image network widget but it didn't work
if you are storing the image locally, you have to go to the pubspec.yaml file and change the dependencies for the assets. if you want to load it from a url in the internet, you can use .