Azure DevOps Pipeline not downloading reference - azure-devops

I'm relatively new to Azure DevOps, but I've already created 4 other pipelines that are working. I'm running into trouble with a build pipeline that is not pulling in NuGet references. I added the Task NuGet restore, but it's only getting some of the packages.
It works when I build in Visual Studio 2017. If I do a nuget restore from the command line, some of the packages are fetched. When I build, Visual Studio fetches the additional packages at the beginning of the build. Why is the NuGet restore task not fetching all of the packages? Why are the remaining packages fetched during the Visual Studio build, but not during the Azure DevOps build?
My project is old legacy ASP.NET that my boss wants automated. I'm talking the version of ASP.NET with .ASPX files that preceded MVC.
This is the error from the Azure DevOps build:
[error]WebApp\web.config(95,0): Error ASPCONFIG: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.ReportViewer.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

For this issue , first, make sure to select vs2017-win2016 agent when running the pipeline.
Secondly you can try to install the latest nuget.
Another possibility for your issue could be that some packages used by your project is not hosted in If part of the packages used locally are hosted in private server or local package source, the online Nuget Restore Task can't download the mssing packages. Please check your packages.config and project file to make sure all your packages are hosted in


Deploy dacpac as nuget

I'm trying figuring out how to handle dacpac files as nuget for our solution.
We have a huge database created and handled by a SSDT project that produces a dacpac.
We would like to create a pipeline in DevOps for creating a nuget package from that with a certain version, publishing it to Artifact. So everyone can download it and recreate the database locally.
is that possible?

Pipeline on Azure Devops is failing

a month ago we had a solution (big one) in .net framework 4.7.2. This was building fine on azure devops pipeline.
Now we ported our solution to net5.
Everything is working in visual studio but on azure devops, the pipeline is failing.
We had to change our Microsoft.Interop.Word (and excel, and outlook) to a com reference. Because net5 is multiplatform and interop is not.
Because we removed the nuget packages and changed to com reference the pipeline is failing.
Does anyone know how to handle this specific problem?
We can't remove the interop.excel and etc from our projects because they are dependent on it.
Beneath you see the result we have.
It feels like we have tried everything to make it work again on azure devops.
have you consider self-hosted agent since you have requirement to stay the external library in this case Microsoft.Office.Interops and I don't think Microsoft Azure DevOps Pipeline agent support that currently.
With self-hosted agent, you install the PIAs and link your library/com references to the paths.
There is problem with assembly in the code, your code may be building on local environment as it is getting references for all assemblies however when you checking in the code pipelines could not fetch the assemblies through nuget package restore, if you are referencing assembly from local machine, make sure you add its nuget package reference package.config file, so nuget restore will restore the package
can you try below

Build is successful on my local but not on vsts azure DevOps

I can successfully build my project on local. When I do via VSTS then build is not successful. I get an error message that a dll cannot be found in my sub project. And it is Rapportage.Logic. The missing dll is used by Rapportage.Logic
Does anyone know the reason?
Most of the time this type of error comes down to:
files present/edited on developer machine but not commited (usually the .csproj file)
subtle differences between Visual Studio build and MSBuild.
I would try the following:
copy the MSBuild command from Azure DevOps logs (the line containing MSBuild.exe)
change the paths in the command to match your dev environment (e.g d:\a\1\s to c:\code\myproject)
run this command
If this command fails with the same error as the build you the problem is a difference between MSbuild and Visaul Studio.
If it succeeds, you most likely have missed a commit.
Build is successful on my local but not on vsts azure DevOps
It depends on how you add ReportViewer references.
If you add the ReportViewer reference manually, you need add the ReportViewer reference to the solution/project folder, then add the reference from that folder. In this case, the path of references are not hard-coded paths. Besides, you need add those/this ReportViewer reference to the source control and submit to the Azure devops repos.
If you add the ReportViewer reference by nuget, you need add the nuget restore task to restore those nuget packages. I could see you are using nuget restore task from your build log (The second image.), but on the build definition, I did not see you have add that task (The 3rd, 4th images.). So, make sure you have restore those packages when you build on the Azure devops, and you could check the restore task if those nuget packages are restored.
Hope this helps.

Cake nuget addin problem with Azure Artifacts

We are started migration from TeamCity+Proget to Azure Pipelines and Azure Artifacts. For builds we use cake scripts and it's a part of problem.
In our cake scripts a lot of #addin nuget:?package=My.Private.Package
Unfortunately cake nuget cannot authenticate on Azure Artifacts, which is required by it. #addin is run before other code inside cake scripts, so i cant add any internal authentication.
Also problem is that we are using Hosted Agents.
So my idea is for resolving it, is download nuget packages from Azure Artifacts (with Download Package steps), unzip them (cause its downloaded as zip files), pack again to nupkg files and somehow add to local cache.
So i got few questions:
1. Maybe somebody know better way to resolve authentication problem between cake addin nuget and Azure Artifacts?
2. If not, how to add to local cache nuget packages from .nupkg files on Hosted Agents without adding it to csproj/sln files. (Dev team is totally against it, cause those packages needed for build and not a part of application).
Will be appreciate for any ideas. Thanks

Automatic Nuget package restore in Visual Studio Online fails

I've verified that it works locally by deleting all of the packages from the packages folder, opening up visual studio and then building my project - all of the packages are downloaded first and then it builds.
I do not have a .nuget folder and in the visual studio options I've allowed Nuget to download missing packages.
When building using TFS I get a ton of errors that I do not get when building locally. I believe this to be related to
I had the same problem when building a new project with Visual Studio Online and found this solution :
In VS enable Nuget Package Restore (rt click on solution in solution explorer)
Remove solution /Packages folder from both local workspace and Visual Studio Online Version control. (Thanks Robert)
Confirm build works locally
Check-in changes: 3 Nuget files & modified .sln and .csproj
trigger build
NuGet should restore the local packages when you build and will also restore after VSO build. Version control will not have a packages folder, but the required packages end up on the release server. I trigger a release manager with each build and deploy with DSC.
NuGet documentation ( 1 & 2 )doesn't explain how that works and I've had to 'toggle' this on & off once to get builds to work after. I've emailed to ask for more detail and clearer documentation.
You should not have to checkin packages to source control. But you'll need to help MSBuild restoring that.
Check this link:
The trick is the MSBuild .proj file you have to create and reference there your solutions.
Nuget 2.7 is required