How can I make the model run? - netlogo

I am essentially trying to combine elements of the 'Segregation' model and 'Rebellion' model to form a model that is representative of alliance forming.
Here is what I have so far- when I attempt to run it I receive the error: THREATS breed does not own variable ACTIVE?
error while threat 0 running ACTIVE?
called by procedure GO
called by Button 'go'
breed [ agents an-agent]
breed [ threats threat ]
globals [
k ; factor for determining attack probability
threshold ; by how much must D - BS > A to make a state burden share
percent-similar ; on the average, what percent of a turtle's neighbors
; are the same color as that turtle? Likely to ally
percent-unhappy ; what percent of the turtles are unhappy? Or percieve threats?
agents-own [
allied-states ; R, fixed for the agent's lifetime, ranging from 0-1 (inclusive)- for each turtle, indicates whether at least %-similar-wanted percent of
; that turtle's neighbors are the same color as the turtle
perceived-threat ; T, also ranging from 0-1 (inclusive)- how many have a turtle of another color?
active? ; if true, then the agent is actively allied
; if false, then the agent is free-riding
conflict ; how many turns in conflict remain? (if 0, the agent is not in conflict)- sum of previous two variables
total-nearby ; sum of previous two variables
patches-own [
neighborhood ; surrounding patches within the vision radius
to setup
; set globals
set k 2.3
set threshold 0.1
ask patches [
; make background a slightly dark gray
set pcolor gray - 1
; cache patch neighborhoods
set neighborhood patches in-radius vision
if initial-threats-density + initial-agent-density > 206 [
user-message (word
"should not be greater than 206.")
; create threats
create-threats round (initial-threats-density * .01 * count patches) [
move-to one-of patches with [ not any? turtles-here ]
; create agents
create-agents round (initial-agent-density * .01 * count patches) [
move-to one-of patches with [ not any? turtles-here ]
set heading 0
set allied-states random-float 1.0
set perceived-threat random-float 1.0
set active? false
set conflict 0
; start clock and plot initial state of system
to go
if all? turtles [ active? ] [ stop ]
; unhappy turtles try a new spot
to move-unhappy-turtles
ask turtles with [ not active? ]
[ find-new-spot ]
; move until we find an unoccupied spot
to find-new-spot
rt random-float 360
fd random-float 10
if any? other turtles-here [ find-new-spot ] ; keep going until we find an unoccupied patch
move-to patch-here ; move to center of patch
to update-turtles
ask turtles [
; in next two lines, we use "neighbors" to test the eight patches
; surrounding the current patch
set allied-states count (turtles-on neighbors) with [ color = [ color ] of myself ]
set perceived-threat count (turtles-on neighbors) with [ color != [ color ] of myself ]
set total-nearby allied-states + perceived-threat
set active? allied-states >= (percent-similar * total-nearby / 100)
; add visualization here
if visualization = "old" [ set shape "default" set size 1.3 ]
if visualization = "square-x" [
ifelse active? [ set shape "square" ] [ set shape "X" ]
to update-globals
let similar-neighbors sum [ allied-states ] of turtles
let total-neighbors sum [ total-nearby ] of turtles
set percent-similar (similar-neighbors / total-neighbors) * 100
set percent-unhappy (count turtles with [ not active? ]) / (count turtles) * 100
; Agents engaged in conflict have the duration reduced at the end of each clock tick
ask agents [ if conflict > 0 [ set conflict conflict - 1 ] ]
; update agent display
ask agents [ display-agent ]
ask threats [ display-threats ]
; advance clock and update plots
; move to an empty patch
to move ; turtle procedure
if movement? or breed = threats [
; move to a patch in vision; candidate patches are
; empty or contain only jailed agents
let targets neighborhood with [
not any? threats-here and all? agents-here [ conflict > 0 ]
if any? targets [ move-to one-of targets ]
to determine-behavior
set active? (burden-sharing - allied-states * estimated-conflict-probability > threshold)
to-report burden-sharing
report perceived-threat * (1 - alliance-protection)
to-report estimated-conflict-probability
let t count (threats-on neighborhood)
let a 1 + count (agents-on neighborhood) with [ active? ]
; See Info tab for a discussion of the following formula
report 1 - exp (- k * floor (t / a))
to alliance
if any? threats [attack]
set active? true
to attack
if any? (agents-on neighborhood) with [ active? ] [
; arrest suspect
let suspect one-of (agents-on neighborhood) with [ active? ]
move-to suspect ; move to patch of the jailed agent
ask suspect [
set active? false
set conflict random conflict-term
set color pink
to display-agent ; agent procedure
set color cyan
set shape "triangle"
to display-active?
set color pink
set shape "triangle"
to display-threats
set color red
set shape "circle 2"

The problem is that you have two breeds of turtles, agents and threats, and only agents "own" the variable active?. turtles is a superset of all breeds, so when the all? primitive tries to query the active? variable of literally all turtles, it tries to query active? for threats too, and can't find it. The line should be
if all? agents [ active? ] [ stop ]


NetLogo - Have an agent identify one of two other types of agent closest to it and perform actions conditional on which agent type is identified

Suppose I have 2 breeds of agents, sharks (stars and dots) and fish. The stars (large sharks) can eat dots (smaller sharks) and fish that are in-radius 0.5 of a star. A star should eat what is closest to it, either a dot or fish. For simplicity purposes, agents cannot move, and whether or not a star can feed depends on its spatial proximity to dots and fish during setup.
But i'm struggling to get the code to work. Specifically,
I am encountering an "expected reporter" error message in my code and i cannot figure out how to solve this, although I don't know if fixing the code will achieve the aim. Any help is greatly appreciated.
Below is my code:
; Create the agents
breed [sharks shark]
breed [fishes fish]
x0 ; Starting x-cor
y0 ; Starting y-cor
to setup
; Always start with this
ask patches [set pcolor gray]
create-sharks 666
set color blue
set energy 100
ifelse who >= 15
set shape "dot" set size 2.5
set shape "star" set size 3.5
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
create-fishes 300
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set x0 xcor
set y0 ycor
set shape "fish"
set size 2.5
set color white
; this procedure gives an "expected reporter' error
if shape = "star"
ifelse min-one-of turtles with [shape = "dot"]
ifelse any? sharks with [shape = "dot"] in-radius 0.5 ; namely here
fd 0
set energy (energy + 100)
set color green
] ; End of 2nd ifelse
if min-one-of turtles with [shape = "fish"]
ifelse any? fishes with [shape = "fish"] in-radius 0.5
fd 0
set energy (energy + 1)
set color yellow
] ; End of 1st ifelse
] ; End of 1st if
You core issue is you are using ifelse min-one-of turtles with [shape = "dot"] as though min-one-of will give a true/false, but it will report a turtle. The error message NetLogo is giving is not great in this case. What I think you want to use any? in those cases (there are two of them that I see).
After those are resolved you have a context error, where you are checking if shape = "star" , but you aren't inside an ask [...] block where that check would have a turtle context to be valid. Maybe that's just a copy/paste issue in getting this question code ready, but I thought I'd note that, too.
Ok after many hours of blood, sweat and tears I finally arrived at the solution. In case the issue/objective is of interest to anyone else, the working code is as follows:
; Create the agents
breed [sharks shark]
breed [fishes fish]
x0 ; Starting x-cor
y0 ; Starting y-cor
to setup
; Always start with this
ask patches [set pcolor gray]
create-sharks 666
set color blue
set energy 100
ifelse who >= 10
set shape "dot" set size 2.5
set shape "star" set size 3.5
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
create-fishes 300
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set x0 xcor
set y0 ycor
set shape "fish"
set size 2.5
set color white
ask turtles [
if shape = "star"
let turtleID min-one-of other turtles [distance myself] ; Create a variable that identifies nearest turtle to apex
ifelse [shape] of turtleID = "dot" ; Evaluate whether the nearest turtle is a small meso
ifelse distance turtleID < 0.5 ; check if prey is still close enough
; do this if within radius 0.5
set color green
; do this if not within radius 0.5
set color yellow
if [shape] of turtleID = "fish" ; Evaluate whether the nearest turtle is a fish
ifelse distance turtleID < 0.5
; do this if within radius 0.5
set color red
; otehrwise do this if not within radius 0.5
set color orange

Netlogo Help - neighbors function

I am a beginner with Netlogo and I am attempting to make a simple model so that when an individual is created, it must be placed in a patch that is neighboring the parent (in one of the 8 spaces). I think I need to use the one-of neighbours command and sprout but I am not sure how to do this.
Currently, I have something this in my code:
to birth-death
set npop count turtles
ask turtles [
if random-float 1.0 < dt * r [
set i random-pxcor
set j random-pycor
ask patch i j [set lpop count turtles-here]
if lpop = 0 [
hatch 1 [
set color green
set xcor i
set ycor j
if random-float 1.0 < dt [ die ]
Which sets a turtle at a random location, but I am not sure what to write so that when an individual is born it knows to select one of the eight neighbors of the parent site to add a new turtle.
You are close. When a turtle is born (created with the hatch command) it is created at the same patch as the parent. So you just need to move it to one of the neighbouring patches from where it already is. Instead of:
hatch 1
[ set color green
set xcor i
set ycor j
hatch 1
[ set color green
move-to one-of neighbors

how to use view2.5d:turtle-view in netlogo

When I try to use view2.5d:turtle-view in view2.5d extension I always get NullPointerExpectation.
extensions [view2.5d]
to setup
create-turtles 50[
set color red
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
set energy random 1000
create-turtles 50[
set energy random 1000
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
view2.5d:turtle-view "test" turtles [the-turtle -> [energy] of the-turtle]
The error message:
error (NullPointerException)
while observer running VIEW2.5D:TURTLE-VIEW
called by procedure SETUP
called by Button 'setup'
NetLogo is unable to supply you with more details about this error. Please report the problem
at, or to, and paste the
contents of this window into your report.
In case anyone else runs into this, it was a known issue with the version of view2.5 released with NetLogo 6.0.4 (and earlier). A fix release of the extension is available at that link.
For a quick example of usage, open the Wolf Sheep Predation model from the models library and make the following changes in the Code tab:
Add extensions [ view2.5d ] on the first line.
In the setup procedure, add view2.5d:turtle-view "wsp" turtles [ t -> [energy] of t ] on the line after reset-ticks, right before the end. The [ t -> [energy] of t ] anonymous reporter is what determines the "height" of the turtles in the view2.5d.
At the end of the go procedure, add view2.5d:update-turtle-view "wsp" turtles right after display-labels before the end.
The above shows how you add the view2.5d to an existing model that uses turtles. Here is the full code for easier copy/pasting.
extensions [ view2.5d ]
globals [ max-sheep ] ; don't let sheep population grow too large
; Sheep and wolves are both breeds of turtle.
breed [ sheep a-sheep ] ; sheep is its own plural, so we use "a-sheep" as the singular.
breed [ wolves wolf ]
turtles-own [ energy ] ; both wolves and sheep have energy
patches-own [ countdown ]
to setup
ifelse netlogo-web? [set max-sheep 10000] [set max-sheep 30000]
; Check model-version switch
; if we're not modeling grass, then the sheep don't need to eat to survive
; otherwise the grass's state of growth and growing logic need to be set up
ifelse model-version = "sheep-wolves-grass" [
ask patches [
set pcolor one-of [ green brown ]
ifelse pcolor = green
[ set countdown grass-regrowth-time ]
[ set countdown random grass-regrowth-time ] ; initialize grass regrowth clocks randomly for brown patches
ask patches [ set pcolor green ]
create-sheep initial-number-sheep ; create the sheep, then initialize their variables
set shape "sheep"
set color white
set size 1.5 ; easier to see
set label-color blue - 2
set energy random (2 * sheep-gain-from-food)
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
create-wolves initial-number-wolves ; create the wolves, then initialize their variables
set shape "wolf"
set color black
set size 2 ; easier to see
set energy random (2 * wolf-gain-from-food)
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
view2.5d:turtle-view "wsp" turtles [ t -> [energy] of t ]
to go
; stop the simulation of no wolves or sheep
if not any? turtles [ stop ]
; stop the model if there are no wolves and the number of sheep gets very large
if not any? wolves and count sheep > max-sheep [ user-message "The sheep have inherited the earth" stop ]
ask sheep [
if model-version = "sheep-wolves-grass" [ ; in this version, sheep eat grass, grass grows and it costs sheep energy to move
set energy energy - 1 ; deduct energy for sheep only if running sheep-wolf-grass model version
eat-grass ; sheep eat grass only if running sheep-wolf-grass model version
death ; sheep die from starvation only if running sheep-wolf-grass model version
reproduce-sheep ; sheep reproduce at random rate governed by slider
ask wolves [
set energy energy - 1 ; wolves lose energy as they move
eat-sheep ; wolves eat a sheep on their patch
death ; wolves die if our of energy
reproduce-wolves ; wolves reproduce at random rate governed by slider
if model-version = "sheep-wolves-grass" [ ask patches [ grow-grass ] ]
; set grass count patches with [pcolor = green]
view2.5d:update-turtle-view "wsp" turtles
to move ; turtle procedure
rt random 50
lt random 50
fd 1
to eat-grass ; sheep procedure
; sheep eat grass, turn the patch brown
if pcolor = green [
set pcolor brown
set energy energy + sheep-gain-from-food ; sheep gain energy by eating
to reproduce-sheep ; sheep procedure
if random-float 100 < sheep-reproduce [ ; throw "dice" to see if you will reproduce
set energy (energy / 2) ; divide energy between parent and offspring
hatch 1 [ rt random-float 360 fd 1 ] ; hatch an offspring and move it forward 1 step
to reproduce-wolves ; wolf procedure
if random-float 100 < wolf-reproduce [ ; throw "dice" to see if you will reproduce
set energy (energy / 2) ; divide energy between parent and offspring
hatch 1 [ rt random-float 360 fd 1 ] ; hatch an offspring and move it forward 1 step
to eat-sheep ; wolf procedure
let prey one-of sheep-here ; grab a random sheep
if prey != nobody [ ; did we get one? if so,
ask prey [ die ] ; kill it, and...
set energy energy + wolf-gain-from-food ; get energy from eating
to death ; turtle procedure (i.e. both wolf nd sheep procedure)
; when energy dips below zero, die
if energy < 0 [ die ]
to grow-grass ; patch procedure
; countdown on brown patches: if reach 0, grow some grass
if pcolor = brown [
ifelse countdown <= 0
[ set pcolor green
set countdown grass-regrowth-time ]
[ set countdown countdown - 1 ]
to-report grass
ifelse model-version = "sheep-wolves-grass" [
report patches with [pcolor = green]
[ report 0 ]
to display-labels
ask turtles [ set label "" ]
if show-energy? [
ask wolves [ set label round energy ]
if model-version = "sheep-wolves-grass" [ ask sheep [ set label round energy ] ]
; Copyright 1997 Uri Wilensky.
; See Info tab for full copyright and license.

bathtub model sprout using decision rules

newbie in netlogo here. I'm simulating a flood model using cellular-automata. It's just a simple one - cell should be filled (change color) or sprout if water > elevation.
For a dummy code, I'm trying to do it this way:
to go
ask patches with [pcolor != blue] ;remove ocean
to water_rise ; saturates cell
if not any? turtles [
ask patch x-breach y-breach [ ;;; This will be the breach patch, will start to fill at first tick, a specific location in my map
set cell-storage elevation * fill-rate
ask patches [
;;; This has a patch check if any neighbors have sprouted.
;;; If any have, that patch starts to fill.
if any? neighbors4 with [ any? turtles-here ] [
set cell-storage elevation * fill-rate
let minv min [ cell-storage ] of patches
let maxv max [ cell-storage ] of patches
set pcolor scale-color green cell-storage 0 5 ;idea is to have a graduated color depending on fill stage
;;; Once all patches have had a chance this tick to fill,
;;; see if any are "full"
ask patches [
if cell-storage > elevation [
;; If the patch gets "full" and they have not already sprouted,
if not any? turtles-here [
sprout 1 [
set color yellow
set size 1
set shape "square"
Thanks in advance!
BTW, I'm working on a DEM re: elevation values.
I set fill-rate as a slider with 0.3 for now.
I played around with this a little and it seems to me like you want your starting patch to fill up, and once it hits its maximum value, to start flooding into other cells that repeat the process. I think the main problem is that in your water-rise, you have are asking all patches with elevation greater than -9999 to first call the starting-point procedure and then also to sprout a turtle if they have any neighbors with elevation is less than cell-storage. It appears that all patches satisfy that condition, so all patches will sprout a turtle.
It may work better to rework your flow of logic, so that filling up your breach patch is independent of other patches. Something like:
to water_rise ; saturates cell
if not any? turtles [
ask patch 0 0 [ ;;; This would be your breach patch, will start to fill at first tick
set cell-storage cell-storage + fill-rate
ask patches [
;;; This has a patch check if any neighbors have sprouted.
;;; If any have, that patch starts to fill.
if any? neighbors4 with [ any? turtles-here ] [
set cell-storage cell-storage + fill-rate
;;; Once all patches have had a chance this tick to fill,
;;; see if any are "full"
ask patches [
if cell-storage > 0 [
if cell-storage > 5 [
set cell-storage 5
;; If the patch gets "full" and they have not already sprouted, sprout 1
if not any? turtles-here [
sprout 1 [
set color yellow
set size 0.5
set shape "circle"
set pcolor cell-storage + 82
Full toy model with variables and setup here.
Obviously, you would need to modify your starting patch (I used 0 0 for convenience and simplicity). Additionally, I included fill-rate as a way to slow the rate of filling as more and more patches begin getting filled up.

Netlogo , How to display number of ticks

Hi I am writing simulation which uses ticks to represent time in simulation environment . Is it possible to display tick counter in monitor GUI? Also I have tried to input the code but it is not working.
My sample code:
if [agents count = 0]
show "count ticks"
This should show tick exactly value when agent unit value is zero. For example if agent = 0 at tick 200 it should display 200 on monitor even the whole simulation run on 500 ticks.
whole code is
breed [agents agent] ;agent is ant
breed [antiagents a-antiagent] ;antiagent spider
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Setup ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
to setup
set-default-shape agents "ant"
create-agents initial-ants ;; create the ants, then initialize their variables
set color orange
set size 2 ;; easier to see
set venom (ant-venom-strength)
set-default-shape antiagents "spider"
create-antiagents initial-spiders ;; create the spider, then initialize their variables
set color yellow
set size 3 ;; easier to see
set energy (spider-health)
setxy random-xcor random-ycor
;;;;; nest food patch;;;
to setup-patch
ask patches
[ setup-nest
recolor-patch ]
;;;;; setup nest
to setup-nest ;; patch procedure
;; set nest? variable to true inside the nest, false elsewhere
set nest? (distancexy 0 0) < 5
;; spread a nest-scent over the whole world -- stronger near the nest
set nest-scent 200 - distancexy 0 0
to setup-food ;; patch procedure
;; setup food source one on the right
if (distancexy (0.6 * max-pxcor) 0) < 5
[ set food-source-number 1 ]
;; setup food source two on the lower-left
if (distancexy (-0.6 * max-pxcor) (-0.6 * max-pycor)) < 5
[ set food-source-number 2 ]
;; setup food source three on the upper-left
if (distancexy (-0.8 * max-pxcor) (0.8 * max-pycor)) < 5
[ set food-source-number 3 ]
;; set "food" at sources to either 1 or 2, randomly
if food-source-number > 0
[ set food one-of [1 2] ]
to recolor-patch ;; patch procedure
;; give color to nest and food sources
ifelse nest?
[ set pcolor violet ]
[ ifelse food > 0
[ if food-source-number = 1 [ set pcolor cyan ]
if food-source-number = 2 [ set pcolor sky ]
if food-source-number = 3 [ set pcolor blue ]
if food-source-number = 4 [ set pcolor brown ] ]
;; scale color to show chemical concentration
[ set pcolor scale-color green chemical 0.1 5 ] ]
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; GO ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
to go ;; forever button
;;;;;;;;;;;;Spider ;;;;;;;;
ask antiagents [
setup-spider-movemonet ; option for user to select spider movement
;;;;;;;;;; Ant ;;;;;;;;;;;;
ask agents
[ if who >= ticks [ stop ] ;; delay initial departure
ifelse color = orange
[ look-for-food ] ;; not carrying food? look for it
[ return-to-nest ] ;; carrying food? take it back to nest
fd 1 ]
diffuse chemical (diffusion-rate / 100)
ask patches
[ set chemical chemical * (100 - evaporation-rate) / 100 ;; slowly evaporate chemical
recolor-patch ]
;;;;;;;;;;; Stop function ;;;;;;;;;;
if count agents = 0 [stop]
if count patches with [pcolor = blue] = 0 [stop]
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; function in go ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
to look-for-food ;; turtle procedure
if food > 0
[ set color green + 1 ;; pick up food
set food food - 1 ;; and reduce the food source
rt 180 ;; and turn around
stop ]
;; go in the direction where the chemical smell is strongest
if (chemical >= 0.05) and (chemical < 2)
[ uphill-chemical ]
;;;;;;;;;;; ant function ;;;;;;;;;;
;; sniff left and right, and go where the strongest smell is
to uphill-chemical ;; turtle procedure
let scent-ahead chemical-scent-at-angle 0
let scent-right chemical-scent-at-angle 45
let scent-left chemical-scent-at-angle -45
if (scent-right > scent-ahead) or (scent-left > scent-ahead)
[ ifelse scent-right > scent-left
[ rt 45 ]
[ lt 45 ] ]
to return-to-nest
ifelse nest?
[ ;; drop food and head out again
set color orange
rt 180 ]
[ set chemical chemical + 60 ;; drop some chemical
uphill-nest-scent ] ;; head toward the greatest value of nest-scent
to wiggle ;; turtle procedure
rt random 40
lt random 40
if not can-move? 1 [ rt 180 ]
to uphill-nest-scent
let scent-ahead nest-scent-at-angle 0
let scent-right nest-scent-at-angle 45
let scent-left nest-scent-at-angle -45
if (scent-right > scent-ahead) or (scent-left > scent-ahead)
[ ifelse scent-right > scent-left
[ rt 45 ]
[ lt 45 ] ]
to-report chemical-scent-at-angle [angle]
let p patch-right-and-ahead angle 1
if p = nobody [ report 0 ]
report [chemical] of p
to-report nest-scent-at-angle [angle]
let p patch-right-and-ahead angle 1
if p = nobody [ report 0 ]
report [nest-scent] of p
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Spider-Function ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
to move-spider
rt random 360
lt random 360
fd 3
to spider-death ;; turtle procedure
if energy <= 0 [ask antiagents-here [die]]
to catch-ant
let prey one-of agents-here
if prey != nobody
[ ask prey [ die ]
set energy (energy - ant-venom-strength)]
;;;;; GUI Function ;;;;
to display-labels
ask antiagents [ set label "" ]
if show-spider-health [
ask antiagents [ set label round energy ]
;;;;;;; Spider movement GUI ;;;;;;
to setup-spider-movemonet
if setup-spider-movement
ask antiagents [ move-spider ]
To make a monitor that displays the tick count, the complete code to put in the monitor is:
That's all.
If you want the monitor to show the tick count when there are no agents, but be blank otherwise, you would put this code in:
ifelse-value any? agents
[ "" ]
[ ticks ]
Your syntax is incorrect. You could however include in an observer procedure (e.g., your go procedure) the following: if (count agents = 0) [show ticks]. This would display in the area above the command line.
However it sounds like you are looking for user-message, rather than show. E.g., if (count agents = 0) [user-message (word ticks)].
If you want to update the monitor each tick but only when there are agents, you need to create a separate global variable (called counter below) and update that instead. The ticks internal variable will always increase so monitoring it will always increment. This is because the ticks variable is the simulation clock, it reports the passage of time.
globals [counter]
to setup
set counter 0 ; note, not required as initialise to 0 but helps readability
to go
if any? turtles [ set counter counter + 1 ]
Then create a monitor with just counter (and 0 decimal places etc)