How to use install4j to create a bundled jdk14? - install4j

How to use install4j to create a bundled jdk14?
I have tried for two days, however failed and failed again.
It seemed that I can't download the JDK14 bundled in install4j,
or make a suitable JDK14 bundle manually?
Could anyone please give me some advice?


Can I get the version of i4jruntime.jar that was used to launch an application from within the application?

I would like to log which version of install4j has just launched my application for diagnostic purposes in the future when a user contacts us for help with a problem.
I know i4jruntime.jar is put in the application's classpath by the install4j launcher but can't see a documented way to find which version of install4j is being used.
As of 7.0.11, there is no good way to do so. In the upcoming 8.0 release, you will be able to call
in your code.

Error generating artifacts for the following WSDL (my url) Possible causes can be invoking https when the application is not configured for security

I use payara server and postgres database. I can deploy my project successsfully. I also can open the wsdl page. But I can not open the test page. And when I saw the server log. It show that: log information
But I think I have the jdk.
Any help is appreciative.
I already solve this problem. It said I didnot have jdk. In my ec2 instance, it really has a openjdk. So I think maybe I can not use open jdk. I download oracal jdk 8 from the web. Finally, it is success. If someone get this problem, maybe it can help you.

How to create a UWP Package that`s shipping Microsoft.NET.CoreRuntime.1.0 with it

I`m struggling with the following issue:
I try to deploy my uwp app with a Mobile Device Management System (MobileIron). it's only accepts .appxbundle, no .appxupload files. When i try to install/deploy the app on a device, i get the error
Can not install package XY because the package xy has a dependency to Microsoft.NET.CoreRuntime.1.0. This package is needed for the installation. Deploy this Framework together with your package
(my custom translation ;) )
The problem is, I dont know how to create a package, that's shipping the needed CoreRuntime within. When i create a DEBUG Package, i get a appxbundle and a folder with the missing CoreRuntime.appx, but only the powershell script is shipping the CoreRuntime Framework to the Device, not the bundle itself.
When i create a RELEASE Package, it`s running agains .NET Native, in this case i have no CoreRuntime...
Hope i explained my problem good enought and someone can help me or give me a hind.
You need to enable .NET Native, From your Project Properties:
Make sure that your configuration is for Release. And check
Compile with .NET Native tool chain
Optimize code
finally make sure to create your packages from Store->Create App Packages. With the following configurations:

B4ABridge not working for most of files

I am trying several examples from the forum, most of the samples are not in my phone but are unable to be installed via the B4ABridge even it says it is connected. How can this be fixed?
this is what it says:
Installing file to device. 0.20
Installing with B4A-Bridge.
Installation will fail if the signing key is different than the previous used key.
In that case you will need to manually uninstall the existing application.
Completed successfully.
First check if other features work. For example, can you see the logs?
Make sure that you allowed installation of non-market applications.

How to Update the installed Window Application (Creating Patches)

i have requirement. i have created the window application and i have created the setup of that application that has been installed to client machine.
Now the requirement is that if i will do the further modification to the project the client not need to install whole application again instead client only need to install Update of new version. like using Patches or something. How can i do this is there and tool in VS from which we can create the update patches or something.
Please Help..
There are several options, but they depend on which installer you used in the first place.
It is very easy with Inno Setup, as (if the file items are configured correctly) InnoSetup will detect that the application is already installed and only copy modified files, even though you publish the entire setup. This will be automatic.
If you used the built-in Visual Studio setup project, it is also possible, but you must set a different "upgrade id" in the setup properties. I haven't worked much with this, yet.
A third option is using Windows Installer XML (WIX), which is able to generate patch installers, but I haven't worked much with WIX yet.
One last option would be to write something yourself that is able to exchange old files against new files, but you'd have to keep UAC in mind for newer Windows versions.
I have solved the problem...using ClickOne Setup of VS. i publish the win form to a specific URl and each time when application launchs its check the Upgraded version if available it install and run.