How to pass parameter from AWS Step Functions to PowerShell AWS Lambda? - powershell

Into simple AWS Lambda PowerShell script I'm passing parameter called tokens in JSON form:
{ "tokens": "ABC123" }
This is being read by Script as variable $LambdaInput.tokens which is expected by Lambda script by design.
Inside Step Function template I have specified Parameter tokens:
"Comment": "Start Script",
"StartAt": "PowerShellScript1",
"States": {
"PowerShellScript1": {
"Type": "Task",
"Resource": "arn:aws:states:::lambda:invoke",
"Parameters": {
"FunctionName": "arn:aws:lambda:XYZ:function:PowerShellScript1:$LATEST",
"Payload": {
"Input": {
"tokens": "ABC123"
"End": true,
"TimeoutSeconds": 60
Unfortunately my Lambda script can't recongnize the parameter. I expect it's not being inserted as variable $LambdaInput.tokens.
Is there different Input variable for PowerShell script from Step Functions than from simple Lambda?
Thank you.

Thanks to Joe's comment leading to his answer here I managed to form the appropriate definition of State Machines to pass the Parameter to PowerShell Lambda script:
"Comment": "Start Script",
"StartAt": "PowerShellScript1",
"States": {
"PowerShellScript1": {
"Type": "Task",
"Resource": "arn:aws:lambda:XYZ:function:PowerShellScript1:$LATEST",
"Parameters": {
"tokens": "ABC123"
"End": true


AWS Stepfunction: Substring from input

As a general question is it possible do a substring function within step functions?
I receive the following event:
"input": {
"version": "0",
"id": "d9c5fec0-d08d-6abd-4ea5-0107fbbce47d",
"detail-type": "EBS Multi-Volume Snapshots Completion Status",
"source": "aws.ec2",
"account": "12345678",
"time": "2021-11-12T12:08:16Z",
"region": "us-east-1",
"resources": [
but need the snapshot id as input to DescribeInstances, therefore I need to extract snap-0a98c2a42ee266123 from arn:aws:ec2::us-east-1:snapshot/snap-0a98c2a42ee266123
Is there any simple way to do this within step functions?. That is to say without having to pass it to a lambda or something equally convoluted?
This has recently become possible with the addition of new intrinsic functions. ArrayGetItem gets an item by its index. StringSplit splits a string at a delimeter. Use a Pass state to extract the snapshot name from the resource ARN:
"StartAt": "ExtractSnapshotName",
"States": {
"ExtractSnapshotName": {
"Type": "Pass",
"Parameters": {
"input.$": "$.input",
"snapshotName.$": "States.ArrayGetItem(States.StringSplit(States.ArrayGetItem($.input.resources,0), '/'),1)"
"ResultPath": "$",
"End": true
"input": {
"version": "0",
"id": "d9c5fec0-d08d-6abd-4ea5-0107fbbce47d",
"detail-type": "EBS Multi-Volume Snapshots Completion Status",
"source": "aws.ec2",
"account": "12345678",
"time": "2021-11-12T12:08:16Z",
"region": "us-east-1",
"resources": [
"snapshotName": "snap-0a98c2a42ee266123"

Unable to parse template language expression 'encodeURIComponent([parameters('table_storage_name')])'

Hey I am doing a CI/CD deployment for a logic app, I have a table storage where I store some data, I have two table storage for test and prod environment. I created a parameter called *table_storage_name" in ARM template :
"parameters": {
// ....
"connections_azuretables_1_externalid": {
"defaultValue": "/subscriptions/e5..../resourceGroups/myrg.../providers/Microsoft.Web/connections/azuretables-1",
"type": "String"
"table_storage_name": {
"defaultValue": "testdevops",
"type": "String"
The error comes from when I reference the parameter here in template.json file:
// ...
"Insert_Entity": {
"runAfter": {
"Initialize_variable": [
"type": "ApiConnection",
"inputs": {
"body": {
"PartitionKey": "#body('Parse_JSON')?['name']",
"RowKey": "#body('Parse_JSON')?['last']"
"host": {
"connection": {
"name": "#parameters('$connections')['azuretables_1']['connectionId']"
"method": "post",
// problem occur after this line
"path": "/Tables/#{encodeURIComponent('[parameters('table_storage_name')]')}/entities"
but get this error:
InvalidTemplate: The template validation failed: 'The template action 'Insert_Entity' at line '1' and column '582' is not valid: "Unable to parse template language expression 'encodeURIComponent([parameters('table_storage_name')])': expected token 'Identifier' and actual 'LeftSquareBracket'.".'.
I tried escaping the quote with a backslash like: encodeURIComponent(\'[parameters('table_storage_name')]\') or encodeURIComponent('[parameters(''table_storage_name'')]') but all of them raise an error. How can I reference a paramter inside encodeURIComponent in an ARM template ?
As discussed in the comments. credits: #marone
"path": "/Tables/#{encodeURIComponent(parameters('table_storage_name'))}/entities"
Found the solution from this link
but here are the steps to reference a parameter logic app:
create an ARM parameter table_storage_name_armparam in template.json, in order to use it's value to reference the value of the ARM parameter (yes it's confusing but follow along you'll understand):
"$schema": "",
"contentVersion": "",
"parameters": {
"table_storage_name_armparam": {
"type": "String"
"variables": {},
"resources": [
Now in the logic app parameter value (in the bottom of json file) create the logic app parameter table_storage_name and the value of this parameter will be the ARM parameter created in step 1:
"parameters": {
"$connections": {
"value": {
"azuretables": {
"connectionId": "[parameters('connections_azuretables_externalid')]",
"connectionName": "azuretables",
"id": "/subscriptions/xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx/providers/Microsoft.Web/locations/francecentral/managedApis/azuretables"
"table_storage_name": {
"value": "[parameters('table_storage_name_armparam')]"
finally, reference the logic app parameter value as follow:
"path": "/Tables/#{encodeURIComponent(parameters('table_storage_name'))}/entities"

Packer - Powershell pass variables

Currently we are deploying images with packer (In a build pipeline which is located in Azure DevOps) within our AWS domain with success. Now we want to take this a step further and we're trying to configure a couple of user for future Ansible maintenance. So we're written a script and tried it as an inline Powershell script but both of the options do not seem to pick up the variable which is set in the variable group in Azure DevOps, all the other variables are being used with success. My code is as follows:
"variables": {
"build_version": "{{isotime \"2006.01.02.150405\"}}",
"aws_access_key": "$(aws_access_key)",
"aws_secret_key": "$(aws_secret_key)",
"region": "$(region)",
"vpc_id": "$(vpc_id)",
"subnet_id": "$(subnet_id)",
"security_group_id": "$(security_group_id)",
"VagrantUserpassword": "$(VagrantUserPassword)"
"builders": [
"type": "amazon-ebs",
"access_key": "{{user `aws_access_key`}}",
"secret_key": "{{user `aws_secret_key`}}",
"region": "{{user `region`}}",
"vpc_id": "{{user `vpc_id`}}",
"subnet_id": "{{user `subnet_id`}}",
"security_group_id": "{{user `security_group_id`}}",
"source_ami_filter": {
"filters": {
"name": "Windows_Server-2016-English-Full-Base-*",
"root-device-type": "ebs",
"virtualization-type": "hvm"
"most_recent": true,
"owners": [
"ami_name": "WIN2016-CUSTOM-{{user `build_version`}}",
"instance_type": "t3.xlarge",
"user_data_file": "userdata.ps1",
"associate_public_ip_address": true,
"communicator": "winrm",
"winrm_username": "Administrator",
"winrm_timeout": "15m",
"winrm_use_ssl": true,
"winrm_insecure": true,
"ssh_interface": "private_ip"
"provisioners": [
"type": "powershell",
"environment_vars": ["VagrantUserPassword={{user `VagrantUserPassword`}}"],
"inline": [
"Install-WindowsFeature web-server,web-webserver,web-http-logging,web-stat-compression,web-dyn-compression,web-asp-net,web-mgmt-console,web-asp-net45",
"New-LocalUser -UserName 'Vagrant' -Description 'User is responsible for Ansible connection.' -Password '$(VagrantUserPassword)'"
"type": "powershell",
"environment_vars": ["VagrantUserPassword={{user `VagrantUserPassword`}}"],
"scripts": [
"type": "windows-restart",
"restart_check_command": "powershell -command \"& {Write-Output 'Machine restarted.'}\""
"type": "powershell",
"inline": [
"C:\\ProgramData\\Amazon\\EC2-Windows\\Launch\\Scripts\\InitializeInstance.ps1 -Schedule",
"C:\\ProgramData\\Amazon\\EC2-Windows\\Launch\\Scripts\\SysprepInstance.ps1 -NoShutdown"
The "VagrantUserpassword": "$(VagrantUserPassword)" is what is not working, we've tried multiple options but none of them seem to be working.
Any idea's?
Kind regards,
Based on my test, the pipeline variables indeed couldn't pass to the powershell environment variable.
You could try to use the Replace Token task to pass the pipeline value to Json file.
Here are the steps:
1.Set the value in Json file.
"variables": {
"VagrantUserpassword": "#{VagrantUserPassword}#"
Use Replace Token task before the script task.
Set the value in Pipeline variables.
Then the value could be set successfully.
On the other hand, I also find some issues in your sample file.
"environment_vars": ["VagrantUserPassword={{user VagrantUserPassword}}"], The VagrantUserPassword need to be replaced with VagrantUserpassword(["VagrantUserPassword={{user VagrantUserpassword}}"]).
Note: This is case sensitive.
You need to use $Env:VagrantUserPassword to replace the $(VagrantUserPassword)
For example:
"inline": [
"Write-Host \"Automatically generated aws password is: $Env:VagrantUserPassword\"",
"Write-Host \"Automatically generated aws password is: $Env:VAR5\""

Handle multiple answers from IBM Cloud Function in Watson Assistant

I need to show an unknown number of buttons in a Watson Assistant dialogue node. The data for the buttons comes from a IBM Cloud Function.
If I manually set up a response type "option" answer in my node the JSON-object looks like this:
"output": {
"generic": [
"title": "Välj mötestyp",
"options": [
"label": "Rådgivning familjerätt 30 min",
"value": {
"input": {
"text": "447472"
"label": "Rådgivning familjerätt 60 min",
"value": {
"input": {
"text": "448032"
"description": "Välj typ av möte du vill boka",
"response_type": "option",
"preference": "dropdown"
My cloud function can create this JSON with x no of options. But how can I use this data in Assistant?
The easiest would be to let the cloud function generate the complete JSON and then just output the returned JSON like this:
..but that's not allowed.
Generated output-object from my function:
[{"serviceId":447472,"serviceName":"Rådgivning Familjerätt 30 min"},{"serviceId":448032,"serviceName":"Rådgivning Familjerätt 60 min"}]
Any advice on how to do this?
I don't see a simple way of generating the entire output and options. What you could do is this:
Generate the option labels and values
Pass them into a generic output node that has predefined structures for 1, 2, 3, etc. options. Check based on the array size of your context variable which predefined response structure to fill.
I tested the following:
"context": {"my": [ {
"label": "First option",
"value": "one"
"label": "Second",
"value": "two" }]},
"output": {
"generic": [
"title": "This is a test",
"options": [{"label": "<? $my[0].label ?>",
"value": {
"input": {
"text": "my[0].value"
},{"label": "<? $my[1].label ?>", "value": {
"input": {
"text": "<? $my[1].value ?>"
"response_type": "option"
It defined a context variable with the options, analogous to the options structure. In the output access the labels and values, later modifying the to proove that they are used and can be modified.

CloudFormation - Access Output of Parent Stack in Child Nested stack

I have a master Cloudformation template which invokes two child templates. I have my first template run and the Outputs captured in the Outputs section of the resource. I have given lot of tries in using the ChildStack01 Output values in the Second Template which is nested and I am not sure why I get Template format error: Unresolved resource dependencies [XYZ] in the Resources block of the template. Here is my master template.
"AWSTemplateFormatVersion": "2010-09-09",
"Resources": {
"LambdaStack": {
"Type": "AWS::CloudFormation::Stack",
"Properties": {
"TemplateURL": "",
"TimeoutInMinutes": "60"
"PermissionsStack": {
"Type": "AWS::CloudFormation::Stack",
"Properties": {
"TemplateURL": "",
"Parameters": {
"LambdaTest": {
"Fn::GetAtt": ["LambdaStack", "Outputs.LambdaTest"]
"TimeoutInMinutes": "60"
Here is my Test1.json Template
"Resources": {
"LambdaTestRes": {
"Type": "AWS::Lambda::Function",
"Properties": {
"Description": "Testing AWS cloud formation",
"FunctionName": "LambdaTest",
"Handler": "lambda_handler.lambda_handler",
"MemorySize": 128,
"Role": "arn:aws:iam::3423435234235:role/lambda_role",
"Runtime": "python2.7",
"Timeout": 300,
"Code": {
"S3Bucket": "bucket1",
"S3Key": "cloudformation/"
"Outputs": {
"LambdaTest": {
"Value": {
"Fn::GetAtt": ["LambdaTestRes", "Arn"]
Here is My Test2.json which has to use the output of Test1.json.
"Resources": {
"LambdaPermissionLambdaTest": {
"Type": "AWS::Lambda::Permission",
"Properties": {
"Action": "lambda:invokeFunction",
"FunctionName": {
"Ref": "LambdaTest"
"Principal": "",
"SourceArn": {
"Fn::Join": ["", ["arn:aws:execute-api:", {
"Ref": "AWS::Region"
}, ":", {
"Ref": "AWS::AccountId"
}, ":", {
"Ref": "TestAPI"
}, "/*"]]
"Parameters": {
"LambdaTest": {
"Type": "String"
It is not enough to just have output, you need to export that output.
Look here:
So you need something like:
"Outputs": {
"LambdaTest": {
"Value": {
"Fn::GetAtt": ["LambdaTestRes", "Arn"]
"Export": {
"Name": "LambdaTest"
You have two unresolved Ref resource dependencies in Test2.json, one to LambdaTest and one to TestAPI.
For LambdaTest, it looks like you're trying to pass this as a parameter from the parent stack, but you haven't specified it as an input Parameter in the child Test2.json template. Add an entry in Test2.json's Parameters section, like this:
"Parameters": {
"LambdaTest": {
"Type": "String"
Regarding TestAPI, this reference doesn't seem to appear anywhere else in your templates, so you should either specify this as a fixed string directly, or add another input Parameter in your Test2.json stack (see above) and then provide it from the parent stack.
The error is coming from test1.json(LambdaStack).
Logical ID
An identifier for the current output. The logical ID must be alphanumeric (a-z, A-Z, 0-9) and unique within the template.
It seems you have two logical ID with the same name "LambdaTest", one in resource section and other in output section.