Compatibility between QuickFIX and QuickFIX/N engines - quickfix

I want to use .NET-based QuickFIX/N(v4.4) engine as client(initiator)to establish connection with FXCM QuickFIX(v4.4) server(acceptor) and conduct various trading request.
Are both FIX engines fully compatible with each other?Would anybody share related experience?

Please don't confuse the implementation with the protocol. The underlying protocol is the FIX Protocol which is supported by every FIX engine.
So yes, both FIX engines are compatible with each other.


Writing a protocol that has client and server side software

I will be developing a protocol that will encompass a client and a server module.
Several protocols that are close to the one I have in mind exist, but I want to make something simpler with less overhead and with something I have more control on.
The protocol I will be doing can and will be run almost in any scenario, local, web, lan, internet, etc. It can also run on a single box.
My question is, how can I start developing for the server side of the protocol?
Any ideas, insights, key words, starting points would be appreciated.
Do you want to develop the protocol yourself and then use it? or you are looking for a good protocol to use?
If second, I have recently worked with "Websocket" protocol which enables clients to communicate with each other via a server. It is a really good protocol and there are libraries in .NET ( >= 4.5), JAVA, Javascript, ... It is also supported in many browsers.

Technology stack for scalable instant messaging application

I would like to develop a massive scalable instant messaging cross platform application.I am starting from scratch.
Which is the best technology stack for this purpose.I had heard about ejabber xmpp etc.I would like to know which is the best programming language for the backend and also which is the reliable protocol(tcp/ip or rest)?
Can anyone help me?Thanks in advance.
There is many possible options. If you want a basic chat, you can definitely build you own protocol based on low-level transport.
However, if you think your chat will be or can evolve to a full feature chat application, using XMPP is the way to go. It will avoid you to reinvent the wheel and leverage many advanced features available in the protocol.
There is many libraries available to help you get started and a server like ejabberd is indeed massively scalable.

Using WebSockets in Objective-C

I have tried, unsuccessfully, to use websockets in objective-c with the following two libraries:
In both cases I was unable to establish even a basic connection to a server (runnning on localhost). I was wondering if someone could please provide or point me in the direction of some code that will just simply connect to a server via a websocket and/or perform a handshake.
Ideally, it would be nice if the code could use one of the above libraries, but at this point I'm open to anything that'd work.
I've posted about some issues with UnitT beore but I haven't received any feedback so I'm not sure exactly what step I'm messing up on. Appreciate any help, thanks!
We just released SocketRocket. It supports the latest standard, RFC 6455, which neither ZTWebSocket, nor Unitt does. No CocoaAsyncSocket needed to boot.
Also, libPusher is experimenting with SocketRocket too.
The libPusher library uses the ZTWebSocket object. And we have a number of clients who've developed iOS applications against our service. So, the ZTWebSocket object works and should be a good starting point. The libPusher library would be a good reference for usage.
The key to making UnitT work is to find out what version of the specification is your server running. Then you use the correct version for the client. The latest (rev17) of the specification FINALLY allows for multiple versions and having the server send back an appropriate response, but none of the prior versions do. Therefore, you may not receive a meaningful error from the server, just a disconnection. Do you know what version your server is running?

How to implement group chatting/message-board mobile app?

I am trying to write a iPhone group chatting/message-board app which will have a backend component. I expect users to register with our system and start posting messages on chatrooms/message-boards. These message-boards can have more than 2 individuals, must support real time notifications and should be accessible from any other clients (like web) as well.
I stumbled upon . I realize that XMPP is a very attractive proposition for our needs but I am seriously worried about the infrastructure complexities and scale issues. Besides, XMPP has way too much to offer for my needs. Looks like, XMPP might be the only choice for my pleasure in pain, but I wanted to see what you experts have to say on this.
Any thoughts?
My advice is: whichever protocol you're choosing, do not try to invent your own protocol. Go for XMPP or if you can find an alternative which you find more compelling, use that. Especially if there's already a nice framework for you to use. Why ? Because a single developer new to a field is seldom smarter than a bunch of people with experience ;-) Make use of other peoples' experience by using an established protocol, and make use of existing frameworks to avoid coding mistakes and investing a lot of time to solve a problem yet again that was already solved.
That being said, XMPP is widely deployed and thus would make for a good choice if you later plan to write additional clients for other platforms or want to have third-party clients connect to your server.

Any good client-server data sync frameworks available for iPhone?

I'm just getting into the client-server data sync stage of my iPhone app project, and have managed to get my CoreData data model loading on both the iPhone client and my TurboGears server (which is good). I'm now beginning to tackle the problem of sync'ing data between the server and multiple clients, and while I could roll my own, this seems like one of those problems that is quite general and therefore there should be frameworks or libraries out there that provide a good deal of the functionality.
Does anyone know of one that might be applicable to this environment (e.g. Objective-C on iPhone, pyobjc / Python on the server)? If not, does anyone know of a design pattern or generally-agreed upon approach for this stuff that would be a good road to take for a self-implementation? I couldn't find a generally accepted term for this problem beyond "data synchronization" or "remote object persistence", neither of which hit much useful on Google.
I did come across the Funambol framework which looks like it provides this exact type of functionality, however, it is C++ / Java based and therefore seems like it might not be a good fit for the specific languages in my project.
Any help much appreciated.
Since you are using TurboGears already, take a look at the RestController documentation. Using RESTful services has become a widely adopted architecture with many implementations for both clients and servers. Matt Gemmell's MGTwitterEngine is a good example of the client implementation of a specific API, Twitter.