Problem with Source Control in Xcode 11.4 - swift

I have a remote repository in GitHub.
I pushed several times and that was ok.
But now when I want to push something it doesn't do anything.
Although it commits in the wrong place.
My last 2 commits are "UI improvements" and "Add tab bar"
It's my main branch.
But the last 2 commits are here.

Your git repository has a detached head, which means the repository has no current branch. Notice the blue folder shows a commit number in parentheses instead of master, the branch you selected in your first screenshot. The last two commits were added to the repository but not to the master branch.
Check out the master branch to fix the detached head. Cherry pick the last two commits to move them to the master branch. For more information on detached heads in git, see the following article:
Git Detached Head


Egit: You are in detached head state. This means that you don't have a local branch checked out

I recently created a project on Eclipse. I set up a git repository on the project. Pushed the code to a new repository on GitLab.
I checked out (Import->Project from Git) the project to another laptop, made updates, committed it as another author and pushed it back to repository (2nd commit /revision). I only removed the target runtimes from the project as the changes.
I went to my 1st laptop and wanted to try update / pull my code. I right-clicked on the repository from the Git Repository view -> Remote -> Fetch. I entered the path to the repository and etc and fetched the repository. But, my project still has the old code having the target runtime. I know I only 'fetched' the repository, not 'pulled' maybe.
So I was confused, the code was not updated. If I am not mistaken, I right-clicked the repository again, clicked on 'Check Out'. This was the result :
After 'Checkin Out', the target runtimes on my project were removed, updated like from the 2nd commit. But there are now 2 branches and 2 refs. I don't what state my local repository is in now. And/but the local master branch was still in 'initial commit', isn't it confusing?.. My code has been updated..
I only read a bit of the git manual online, and I haven't yet be able to wrap my head around concepts like refs.
I could just delete the project and Import->Project from Git, right?
But if I can I would like to know what happened to my project (local repository) and how to fix this?
I'm not familiar with egit and its menus. But I try to answer your question with git commands which you can run in the console. And I think you can figure out which egit menu items are corresponding to these commands.
You wanted to pull and update the local master in the first laptop repository. You needed git checkout master first, which could be skipped if you were already on master and then git pull origin master. However you did git fetch origin master instead, which just updated origin/master with the new commit. It would have been okay to use git fetch origin master if git merge FETCH_HEAD or git merge origin/master followed imediately, because in many cases pull = fetch + merge, but you didn't.
I guess you then did git checkout origin/master. Checking out origin/master leads to detached HEAD state. To make it easier, you could just consider the detached HEAD as a nameless branch. When you make new commits, this namelss branch will grow. But you can't see these commits on other branches unless you apply these commits to them. Git has some commands to apply commits, including git merge, git rebase, git cherrypick, etc.
To fix the current situation, you can simply run git checkout master;git pull origin master.
So to make my answer more simply. Commit changes on your deateached head and make branch with this commit and then merge it together and push to master.
You can just download again your project if you didn't make changes on detached head that you need.

Visual Branching in SourceTree

Using the basic git commands, when I am in my master branch, via TerminalBash, I create a new branch (git checkout -b twomics) and then stage and commit and push, but I do not see the branching in SourceTree. Why is that?
I have attached an image. It does not make a difference whether I choose the All Branches or Current Branch tab...
I have had other issues with this (e.g. this post) so I am wondering if it is just me or am I missing something?
A Git branch is a pointer to a commit. Both branches (master and twomics) are clearly visible in the screenshot you posted.
Because twomics started from master and master didn't change its position since you have created twomics (more exactly, there is no new commit added on master), a Git graphic client does not have any reason to show divergent branches (as in "tree branches") on the graph.
Your branches did not diverge. All project history included in the master branch is also included in the twomics change. master is an ancestor of twomics.
The twomics branch is two commits ahead of master. Merging twomics into master can be done using "fast-forward" because the two branches did not diverge.
A "fast-forward" merge means the target branch (master here) is pushed forward until it reaches the source branch (twomics). This type of merge is possible only when the target branch is an ancestor of the source branch (and it is the default type of merge when it is possible).

GitHub: Commit a point in history as the head of master

There is a certain commit I did to my Git repository which I host in GitHub. After that commit I've made several other commits, which were bad and redundant, in a second look. I thus need to revert to the certain commit / certain point in history before these bad changes.
I didn't find a button like "revert to this version" or "commit this version as the head of this branch (master)".
As you can see, I just want to make that older version the head of the master branch. How will you do that from GitHub?
I emphasize: I ask on GitHub, not on git or any GUI other than GitHub.
If I understand you correctly you want a past commit as the last commit on the branch.
If so, using examples with origin and master:
Use git reset <comit_id> and then git push origin +master to push & delete all commits past the one you reset to. Notice the + sign before the branch name (master).
Note that this is irreversible (as far as I know) so take the necessary precautions.

Egit pull and merge changes

I was working locally on master branch. (by mistake) but it's ok with me this time as I control my code.
I took the following steps:
Egit->commit and push (to master)
Egit -> pull (to get other developers changes)
I got a message that there is a conflict with one file and I merged it.
Now I see: [My Product | Merged Master (up arrow)2 (down arrow)1]
I see in the symbols next to the files that the other developers created - black sign as if there are uncommitted.
A. What does the 2 up arrow and 1 down arrow mean?
B. Why do I see uncommitted changes? they are not mine
C. How can I work out on master after my merge?
D. I looked in bitbucket and didn't see that my changes were committed to the remote branch. What is wrong?
I know that I am supposed to work on branches - but for now - how do I fix the situation?
A. Two arrows up means you have two commits in your local branch that aren't in the remove branch. The one arrow down means there is one commit in the remote branch that you don't have locally. The solution is to do a git pull followed by a git push
B. Uncommitted changes are probably from your conflict. After a conflict, you have to resolve the conflict, add it to index and then commit that change. This is known as a merge commit. My guess is you have not done this.
C. Work out on master? You mean you want to work directly on top of master? After you resolve your conflict, you should be all set to do that. Branching is better though. To create your own branch just do git checkout -b my_featue_branch

GitHub fork a repo from previous commit

I've found a repository on GitHub I would like to fork - but not the current version.
I want to fork the repo as it was quite a few commits back - is this possible? The repo has not marked any releases, so I'm not sure how to do this. I could obviously copy the code as it was in that commit, but I would prefer to fork, as then I get the link back to the original repo.
You can only fork the current repository.
You can reset the forked repository's master branch to an earlier commit though, making it look like as if you had forked it at that point.
See: How can I rollback a github repository to a specific commit?
If you reset every branch, it effectively resets your repository to an earlier state of the original repository (with exception of branch-independent data, like configuration, hooks etc which are not reset). Since it's possible that not all branches contain the commit from the master branch, you might need to look up commits by date for each branch, to reset them to the last commit before the commit from which you want to fork.
I was also unable to do this using github, but Sourcetree handled it perfectly.
Switched to the desired branch.
Found the commit that I wanted as the head of my new branch and right clicked.
Selected "branch."
My commit was already selected.
Name this new branch, create, and push.
Can also be done by selecting the "branch" button.
You then select the commit that you want as your new head, give it a name, and create it.