Trying to run Apache/NIFI on Zookeeper from Confluent - apache-zookeeper

I am trying to run Apache/NIFI on confluent-zookeeper. NIFI ver 1.11.3 installed in /opt/nifi by unpacking tar container, confluent is community edition, ver 5.3. installed using confluent repo
So NIFI works using integrated zookeper, NIFI works if I download zookeeper separatly from Apache/zookeeper site. Confluent Kafka also works with separate zookeeper and NIFI-integrated. BUT I cannot make it works using zookeeper from confluent.
In logs I see only one warning which is:
WARN Received packet at server of unknown type 15 (org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServer)
My config file for all three zookeepers are the same:
I do not think that Confluent really changed smth in their zookeeper. What could be the reason of this error?

As #BryanBende said:
NiFi 1.11.x (In our particular case, 1.11.4) requires ZK 3.5, please
confirm the version of ZK used in Confluent platform, IF ITS 3.4 THEN
ITS NOT GOING TO WORK – Bryan Bende Mar 27 at 14:35
The typical error you will see in zookeeper log:
Oct 08 17:22:23 some-pro-zk03 zookeeper-server-start[14136]:
[2020-10-08 17:22:23,275] INFO Accepted socket connection from
/ (org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxnFactory)
Oct 08 17:22:23 some-pro-zk03 zookeeper-server-start[14136]:
[2020-10-08 17:22:23,275] INFO Refusing session request for client
/ as it hasseen zxid 0x400000000 our last zxid is
0x300000004 client must try another server
Oct 08 17:22:23
some-pro-zk03 zookeeper-server-start[14136]: [2020-10-08 17:22:23,275]
INFO Closed socket connection for client / (no
session established for client)
The typical error you will see in client log:
2020-10-07 16:00:09,112 ERROR [Curator-Framework-0]
o.a.c.f.imps.CuratorFrameworkImpl Background operation retry gave
KeeperErrorCode = ConnectionLossat
This takes a full day of work (reading logs!!) to find the error.
So, check your zookeeper version:
FOR Zookeeper 3.5+
echo srvr | nc localhost 2181
FOR Zookeeper 3.5<
echo stats | nc localost 2181
Also you can use telnet
FOR Zookeeper 3.5+
telnet localhost 2181
FOR Zookeeper 3.5<
telnet localhost 2181


Zookeeper refuses Kafka connection from an old client

I have a cluster configuration using Kubernetes on GCE, I have a pod for zookeeper and other for Kafka; it was working normally until Zookeeper get crashed and restarted, and it start refusing connections from the kafka pod:
Refusing session request for client / as it has seen
zxid 0x1962630
The complete refusal log is here:
2017-08-21 20:05:32,013 [myid:] - INFO [NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - Accepted socket connection from /
2017-08-21 20:05:32,013 [myid:] - WARN [NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - Connection request from old client /; will be dropped if server is in r-o mode
2017-08-21 20:05:32,013 [myid:] - INFO [NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - Refusing session request for client / as it has seen zxid 0x1962630 our last zxid is 0xab client must try another server
2017-08-21 20:05:32,013 [myid:] - INFO [NIOServerCxn.Factory:] - Closed socket connection for client / (no session established for client)
Because the kafka maintain a zookeeper session which remember the last zxid it has seen. So when the zookeeper sevice go down and come again, the zk's zxid begin from a smaller value. and ZKserver think the kafka has seen a bigger zxid, so it refuse it.
Have a try to restart the kafka.
For the record, I had this problem and all my kafka were off.
But, my kafka-manager was still up and listening on zookeepers. Turning it off resolved the issue.
Related to the answer from #GuangshengZuo.... Steps
Stop any residual zookeeper instances - zookeeper-server-stop.bat
Start a fresh zookeeper- zookeeper-server-start.bat .\config\
This will do

I can't run zookeeper

i am new to the kafka world,
i want to start zookeeper then when i type this
bin/ config/
I got the following error
ERROR Unexpected exception, exiting abnormally (org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServerMain) Address already in use
ERROR Unexpected exception, exiting abnormally (org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServerMain) Address already in use
Then i tried netstat -nlp|grep 2181
but there is no process running
tcp 0 0* LISTEN -
Some light please
For this case,
You need to see if zookeeper is running or not
use below command
sudo lsof -i :2181
You will get
java 1005 zookeeper 33u IPv6 17209 0t0 TCP *:2181 (LISTEN)
java 1005 zookeeper 34u IPv6 327225 0t0 TCP localhost:2181->localhost:43566 (ESTABLISHED)
java 22585 root 88u IPv6 324552 0t0 TCP localhost:43566->localhost:2181 (ESTABLISHED)
like statement. Now kill the zookeeper to start again.
sudo kill -9 1005
Then use below to start zookeeper
bin/ config/
Sounds like zookeeper server is running.
bin/ stop from the zookeeper directory to shut it down and then:
bin/ config/
from the kafka directory
That fixed my issue
There must be some stale process using the port 2181.I had the same issue.First I checked the status of the server:
/usr/share/zookeeper$ bin/ status
/usr/share/zookeeper$ echo status | nc 2181
Then, I tried to start kafka and it failed with the same error. I changed permission and run as didn't work either.
Since i couldn't see any process using the port. I restarted my computer and it worked!!.
Check if zookeeper is already running or not by using this command.
bin/ --list --zookeeper localhost:2181
Check if you get number of topics, if you get any that means Zookeeper was already running.
So verify whether Zookeeper is already running or not.
If you are running command bin/ config/
and getting error :
ERROR Unexpected exception, exiting abnormally (org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServerMain) Address already in use
at Method)
In that case in your virtual machine port 2181 is already using by zookeeper.
so in kafka change the clientPort value to the port which is not in use like 5181
Again run the command and Zookeeper will start working.
First, stop the Zookeeper with the command below:
$ bin/ config/
Then, start it again and you should be good to go:
$ bin/ config/
May be another user is running the process. check using jps if any process with Quorum is running kill it and then try
I have solved the problem by doing following commands.
Go to kafka folder where you installed and type sudo bin/
bin/ config/
I hope this helps. Best of luck!
Maybe you can stop your hbase first.
just like this follow..
[root#master kafka_2.11-]#
stopping hbase................
localhost: stopping zookeeper.
[root#master kafka_2.11-]# jps
2903 ResourceManager
60745 Worker
2586 NameNode
2762 SecondaryNameNode
93996 Jps
60653 Master
[root#master kafka_2.11-]# bin/ config/
[2019-12-05 01:09:43,959] INFO Reading configuration from: config/ (org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerConfig)
[2019-12-05 01:09:43,965] INFO autopurge.snapRetainCount set to 3 (org.apache.zookeeper.server.DatadirCleanupManager)
[2019-12-05 01:09:43,965] INFO autopurge.purgeInterval set to 0 (org.apache.zookeeper.server.DatadirCleanupManager)
[2019-12-05 01:09:43,965] INFO Purge task is not scheduled. (org.apache.zookeeper.server.DatadirCleanupManager)
[2019-12-05 01:09:43,965] WARN Either no config or no quorum defined in config, running in standalone mode (org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerMain)
[2019-12-05 01:09:44,013] INFO Reading configuration from: config/ (org.apache.zookeeper.server.quorum.QuorumPeerConfig)
[2019-12-05 01:09:44,013] INFO Starting server (org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServerMain)
[2019-12-05 01:09:44,023] INFO Server environment:zookeeper.version=3.4.8--1, built on 02/06/2016 03:18 GMT (org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServer)
[2019-12-05 01:09:44,023] INFO Server (org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServer)
[2019-12-05 01:09:44,023] INFO Server environment:java.version=1.8.0_171 (org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServer)
[2019-12-05 01:09:44,023] INFO Server environment:java.vendor=Oracle Corporation (org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServer)
[2019-12-05 01:09:44,023] INFO Server environment:java.home=/usr/local/soft/jdk1.8.0_171/jre (org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServer)
[2019-12-05 01:09:44,023] INFO Server environment:java.class.path=:/usr/local/soft/kafka_2.11- (org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServer)
[2019-12-05 01:09:44,024] INFO Server environment:java.library.path=/usr/java/packages/lib/amd64:/usr/lib64:/lib64:/lib:/usr/lib (org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServer)
[2019-12-05 01:09:44,024] INFO Server (org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServer)
[2019-12-05 01:09:44,024] INFO Server environment:java.compiler=<NA> (org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServer)
[2019-12-05 01:09:44,024] INFO Server (org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServer)
[2019-12-05 01:09:44,024] INFO Server environment:os.arch=amd64 (org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServer)
[2019-12-05 01:09:44,024] INFO Server environment:os.version=2.6.32-431.el6.x86_64 (org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServer)
[2019-12-05 01:09:44,024] INFO Server (org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServer)
[2019-12-05 01:09:44,024] INFO Server environment:user.home=/root (org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServer)
[2019-12-05 01:09:44,025] INFO Server environment:user.dir=/usr/local/soft/kafka_2.11- (org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServer)
[2019-12-05 01:09:44,035] INFO tickTime set to 3000 (org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServer)
[2019-12-05 01:09:44,035] INFO minSessionTimeout set to -1 (org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServer)
[2019-12-05 01:09:44,035] INFO maxSessionTimeout set to -1 (org.apache.zookeeper.server.ZooKeeperServer)
[2019-12-05 01:09:44,050] INFO binding to port (org.apache.zookeeper.server.NIOServerCnxnFactory)
I got the same problem. I got it because zookeeper server is crashed by my laptop crash.
I got solved by the help from the below link.
How to recover Zookeeper from after a server crash?
I found the offending log file by opening one by one [Zookeper-data-dir]/zookeeper_0/version-2. And found a log file without head or any other thing. When I deleted it, I got my problem solved and my zookeeper server started running normally.
Seems to be the ZooKeeper port 2181 is still in use, Please follow the below steps to address this issue:
Use the netstat command to find the process that is holding onto port 2181. Kill the process that is using the ZooKeeper port 2181:
$ netstat -antp | grep 2181
tcp 0 0*
LISTEN 28016/java <defunct>
$ kill -9 28016
Restarting the kafka process solves the issue.
There is existing zookeeper running, how should I remove this. And than stop the zookeeper
bin/ --list --zookeeper localhost:2181
Many mentioned the process for linux versions.
In case if we want to identify the same for windows, we can identify with below
From PowerShell, finding the port listening to 2181
PS C:\Users\<username>> netstat -ano | findstr 2181
TCP [::1]:2181 [::]:0 LISTENING 4564
Option #1: kill that process id using task kill
PS C:\Users\vishnus> taskkill /F /PID 4564
In case this option doesn't work and failing
ERROR: The process with PID 4564 could not be terminated.
Reason: Access is denied.
Option #2
Go to "Task Manager" --> Services tab, check for PID column and go to that process and right click and mark it as stop. then it will get stopped.
By this time, the earlier instance is killed, so you can start the zookeeper
I have the same problem and then I debug step by step and find the solution as follows:
stop the zookeeper:
Then I check whether the zookeeper process has indeed been stopped:
ps aux | grep zookeeper
If the zookeeper has been stopped, then no zookeeper process should be displayed. You can also check the zookeeper process via port number or java process. If your port number for zookeeper is the default 2181, you can check which process is listening to this port by running sudo lsof -i :2181. You can also check the all the java processs and find the corresponding zookeeper process by running sudo ps -fC java
If the zookeeper has not been stopped, run sudo kill -9 zookeeper_process_id to kill it.
After this, we are sure that zookeeper have indeed been stopped. If we run jps, the QuorumPeerMain will not be shown.
After this, we can restart the zookeeper,
/opt/kafka_2.13-2.7.0/bin/ /opt/kafka_2.13-2.7.0/config/
For windows user: below step will stop the zookeeper
step1 : netstat -ano | findstr :
NOTE: port number can be replaced by the port where zookeeper is runing
Step2: Now from image , the circled one is PID so copy that and put it in below command
taskkill /PID <PIDNO/F

How to get zxid of a zookeeper server?

Zookeeper assigns a unique number for each transaction called zxid. It has two parts - an epoch and a counter. I could find the epoch value in zookeeper's data directory. However I cant find the counter. Does anyone know where I can find it?
In general, how to get zxid for zookeeper?
Turns out its pretty easy
echo srvr | nc localhost 2181
Also looking at the current status of zookeeper server can show the zxid which is answered in another post. Firt i executed telnet:
telnet localhost 2181
Then send following data to server:
and then received following information:
Zookeeper version: 3.4.13-2d71af4dbe22557fda74f9a9b4309b15a7487f03, built on 06/29/2018 00:39 GMT
Latency min/avg/max: 0/0/35
Received: 7104
Sent: 7114
Connections: 3
Outstanding: 0
Zxid: 0xd0
Mode: standalone
Node count: 148
Connection to host lost.
As you see the zxid is currently 0xd0 in my zookeeper server.

testing kafka consumer and producer failed on connection

I have been trying to test a kafka installation and using the guide created a producer and consumer. When trying to retrieve a message I get the following error:
WARN Session 0x0 for server null, unexpected error, closing socket connection and
attempting reconnect (org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn) Connection refused
at Method)
at org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn$
[2014-03-04 18:01:20,628] INFO Terminate ZkClient event thread. (org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkEventThread)
[2014-03-04 18:01:21,315] INFO Opening socket connection to server kafka-test/192.xxxxxx.110:2182 (org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn)
[2014-03-04 18:01:21,418] INFO Session: 0x0 closed (org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper)
Exception in thread "main" org.I0Itec.zkclient.exception.ZkTimeoutException: Unable to connect to zookeeper server within timeout: 6000
at org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkClient.connect(
at org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkClient.<init>(
at org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkClient.<init>(
at kafka.consumer.ZookeeperConsumerConnector.connectZk(ZookeeperConsumerConnector.scala:151)
at kafka.consumer.ZookeeperConsumerConnector.<init>(ZookeeperConsumerConnector.scala:112)
at kafka.consumer.ZookeeperConsumerConnector.<init>(ZookeeperConsumerConnector.scala:123)
at kafka.consumer.Consumer$.create(ConsumerConnector.scala:89)
at kafka.consumer.ConsoleConsumer$.main(ConsoleConsumer.scala:178)
at kafka.consumer.ConsoleConsumer.main(ConsoleConsumer.scala)
[2014-03-04 18:01:21,419] INFO EventThread shut down (org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn)
Looks like you're not connecting to Zookeeper correctly. I'm not sure of your setup (multi-machine, VMs, containers) so it's hard to say what's wrong. From the debug output I see the following line hinting at your expected Zookeeper IP:
[2014-03-04 18:01:21,315] INFO Opening socket connection to server kafka-test/192.xxxxxx.110:2182 (org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn)
Kafka looks for Zookeeper at the address specified by the zookeeper.connect configuration property in the $KAFKA_HOME/config/ file. Be sure to edit that before starting Kafka. Also, try giving the actual public IP of your Zookeeper instance, not just as that solves a lot of confusion if you're running in containers. In your case it looks like it would be:
Also relevant to the Kafka config if you're running on AWS or operating in a container, don't forget to update the following two configuration properties to make sure clients who connect to Kafka see the correct public IP
and Kafka sees the correct internal IP
Zookeeper has some gotchas when setting it up as well. On your Zookeeper instance, don't forget to edit the server configuration property in the zoo.cfg (usually in /etc/zookeeper/conf) file to point to the correct IP for your Zookeeper instance. In your case probably the following:
Those last two ports (2888 3888) are only needed if you're running a Zookeeper cluster (for followers to connect to the leader and Zookeeper leader election, respectively, so be sure to unblock them on firewallish things if you have multiple Zookeeper servers).
Check your zookeeper connection with telnet command:
telnet 192.xxxxxx.110 2181
You probably get an error, in which case check that the process is running:
ps -ef | grep ""
If it's not running, start it by going into kafka home directory:
bin/ config/ &
Something wrong with your Zookeper configuration. Make sure your zookeeper is up and running. The default port it runs on is 2181
Bit more info and some code could be useful I believe.
I hit the same issue and the problem was the max client connections property in zookeeper config.
if you see something like "maxClientCnxns = 20" in the config file in /etc/zookeeper/conf, comment it out and restart zookeeper.
You may also check if the all the connections available have already been exhausted. If you are using an API to connect to ZK, make sure you free up the connection after you're done.
I also meet the problem. When I shutdown the firewall of the zk node, it will work.

kafka cant connect to zookeeper- FATAL Fatal error during KafkaServerStable startup

Well..every service in the world can connect to my zookeeper expect kafka. Below is my connection string in file,
Have have all ports on the two zookeeper servers promiscuous mode. I can even telnet into the zookeeper server from the kafka server..
telnet 2181
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
So....rather confused on why kafka will not connect to zookeeper?
I am using ubuntu 12.04 and kafka 0.7.2
[2013-07-16 04:36:49,915] INFO Client environment:user.home=/root (org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper)
[2013-07-16 04:36:49,915] INFO Client environment:user.dir=/etc/sv/kafka (org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper)
[2013-07-16 04:36:49,916] INFO Initiating client connection,, sessionTimeout=6000 watcher=org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkClient#39cc65b1 (org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper)
[2013-07-16 04:36:49,935] INFO Terminate ZkClient event thread. (org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkEventThread)
[2013-07-16 04:36:49,938] FATAL Fatal error during KafkaServerStable startup. Prepare to shutdown (kafka.server.KafkaServerStartable)
org.I0Itec.zkclient.exception.ZkException: Unable to connect to,
at org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkConnection.connect(
at org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkClient.connect(
at org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkClient.<init>(
at org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkClient.<init>(
at kafka.server.KafkaZooKeeper.startup(KafkaZooKeeper.scala:44)
at kafka.log.LogManager.<init>(LogManager.scala:93)
at kafka.server.KafkaServer.startup(KafkaServer.scala:58)
at kafka.server.KafkaServerStartable.startup(KafkaServerStartable.scala:34)
at kafka.Kafka$.main(Kafka.scala:47)
at kafka.Kafka.main(Kafka.scala)
Caused by: Name or service not known
at Method)
at org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn.<init>(
at org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn.<init>(
at org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper.<init>(
at org.I0Itec.zkclient.ZkConnection.connect(
... 9 more
[2013-07-16 04:36:49,942] INFO Shutting down Kafka server (kafka.server.KafkaServer)
[2013-07-16 04:36:49,943] INFO shutdown scheduler kafka-logcleaner- (kafka.utils.KafkaScheduler)
[2013-07-16 04:36:49,944] INFO Kafka server shut down completed (kafka.server.KafkaServer)
In your kafka/config/, there should be a property
if you have uncommented this, or set this to another name, then that name should be in the /etc/hosts file
It's been a while since this has been answered, but in case it could help someone here is how i fixed it :
Actually i am using an Ansible playbook to install Kafka cluster and the params generated in file were not correctly ordered :
Putting them in the right order,
Then restart Kafka service, fixed it.
Change this in
maxClientCnxns=0 to maxClientCnxns=1