Duplicate Keys Desktop Hybris SmartEdit error - upgrade

We have recently migrated from Hybris 6.4 to 1905 version and have setup smartedit . We are getting the below exception on opening homepage inside smartedit.
There is no error on console . However the homepage view is filled with red boxes
Can anyone please help as to what could be causing these ?


After removing welcome-content handler I am getting 404 not found error in jboss eap 7.1

I want to land on directly log in page of JBOSS hence I removed the handler and now I am getting '404 not found error' on running jboss application. Can anyone please help.
ran above two commands.
You are getting 404 not found error because you removed welcome content from your configuration.
Add all the removed configuration again and try to access the admin console using
you should be able to access jboss admin console.

Creating VM theme in Liferay 7

I want to create VM theme in liferay 7. I made the changes in package.json and changed the templateLanguage to vm. Next I changed liferay-look-and-feel.xml and changed tag value to cm and did gulp build. The vm files are created, but when i Deploy it to the server, I get this warning:
09:53:24,368 WARN [Refresh Thread: Equinox Container: a046c07b-9d60-0017-134e-c4d1864b896c][ThemeHotDeployListener:129] Support of Velocity is deprecated. Update theme testTheme to use FreeMarker for forward compatibility.
Also in the browser, the control panel and header tabs are not displayed and instead a warning is displayed as below:
An app that can VIEW com.liferay.admin.kernel.util.PortalProductNavigationControlMenuApplicationType$ProductNavigationControlMenu belongs here. Please contact the portal administrator or install such an app from the Liferay Marketplace.
Below is the link of how the warning on browser is displayed: Image of Warning Message
What can be the issue?
I was facing the same problem when i migrated the application from 6.2 to 7. Liferay 7 supports freemarker template language. When I used Velocity i used to get blank page and page not used to get displayed. I advice you to use freemarker.

Salesforce error "returnFieldData Types invalid at this location" using Eclipse

Hi I am new to Salesforce and Apex programming. I have installed eclipse with salesforce IDE. But it gives me following error (in image) when I try to create a new project using force.com
(click here to see error screen)
Error returned:
Unable to fetch organization details for 'username'
Element {urn:partner.soap.sforce.com}returnFieldData Types invalid at this location
I am signed up on a developer.salesforce.com free login
I have generated new Security token and am surely using the latest
I am adding correct credentials because when I deliberately enter wrong info it gives me username/password type of error
I have tried changing different environments when creating new project
Using Eclipse 4.5.1
Salesforce 16
Profile is "System Administrator"
Please help, thank you!
I checked my dev sandbox - it runs Winter '16, which is v.35. I assume, your version of Force.com plugin is v.36. Try to uninstall it and install v.35. It might be because of versions incapability.

How to export and import Portal Page in Websphere Portal 6.1.5

I want to setup Portal pages on my WebSphere Portal Server (WPS), which were already setup by someone else on his desktop. I have tried with the Export Portal page feature to export the Portal page from my colleague's desktop. exportPage.xml is created. I tried importing the same on my WPS, using Import XML feature. But gives below error
An error occurred while retrieving the resource with object ID
3_G5UKGAEUGB8B50A64RRL3H10N7. [portletinstance
The portlet reference ID which this XML is pointing to is present on my WPS.
i.e. I have deployed the same EAR ( which contains the set of portlets ) which my colleague has deployed on his WPS.
What could be the solution ?
This export / import saves a lot of time in setting up a new environment.
You have to identify the issue first.
If there is no additional information about the issue inside of
WAS_HOME/wp_profile/logs/WebSphere Portal/SystemOut.log
you should enable traces using WebSphere Portal console for XMLAccess
more information should be in
WAS_HOME/wp_profile/logs/WebSphere Portal/trace.log and give you more insight
I just tried similar steps without an issue. The way you used it sounds reasonable

'Could not load type' error when viewing a web app package on IIS

I am new to Visual Studio 2012 and the Web Deploy 3.0 used to upload a package to IIS. While my application compiles and renders fine on my local development laptop, when I package the web app and then import the packaged zip file to my site on IIS I get error when I try to view the page. When I open IE on my local machine and browse to my site address by IP (_http:// I get this error "Server Error in '/' Application." and then further below "Parser Error Message: Could not load type 'ACME.Default'". The source error is pointing to my page declaration. It appears that it is having trouble with the 'Inherits="ACME.Default"' , but why? And how to fix?
Many thanks.
Have you checked your AppPool version versus your app -- typical IIS configurations will still default to 2.0 not 4.0 and this is exactly the sort of error one sees when one has that kind of version mismatch.