Google cloud SQL access from multiple VPC - google-cloud-sql

I'm trying to create GCP postgreSQL instance and make it accessible from multiple VPC networks with in one project.
We have VMs in 4 GCP regions. Each region has it's own VPC network and all are peered. But when I create SQL instance I can map its private IP only to one VPC, other don't have access to it.
Is it any steps to follow which will allow to access from multiple VPCs to one SQL instance?

When you configure a Cloud SQL instance to use private IP, you use private services access. Private services access is implemented as a VPC peering connection between your VPC network and the Google services VPC network where your Cloud SQL instance resides.
That said, currently your approach is not possible. VPC network peering has some restrictions, one of which is that only directly peered networks can communicate with each other- transitive peering is not supported.
As Cloud SQL resources are themselves accessed from ‘VPC A’ via a VPC network peering, other VPC networks attached to ‘VPC A’ via VPC network peering cannot access these Cloud SQL resources as this would run afoul of the aforementioned restriction.
On this note, there’s already a feature request for multiple VPC peerings with Cloud SQL VPC.
As a workaround, you could create a proxy VM instance using Cloud SQL proxy. See 1 and 2. For example, the proxy VM instance could be placed in the VPC to which your Cloud SQL instances are attached (VPC A, for example) and it would act as the Cloud SQL Proxy. VM instances in other VPCs connected to VPC A via VPC network peering could forward their SQL requests to the Cloud SQL Proxy VM instance in VPC A, which would then forward the requests to the SQL instance(s) and vice versa.


Connecting Google Cloud Build to Private Endpoints

I have a VPC network and that network has a private endpoint for my database connection. All servers are able to connect to the database without fail. However, once I turn on a cloud build (in a private pool, in the same VPC network), the cloud build system cannot seem to find or connect to my private endpoint to build out the static pages of the website.
Do I need to setup a special VPN? how can I even begin to troubleshoot this?
Sadly yes, you have to set up a VPN as described in that documentation (for GKE but the principle in the same)
In fact, you need to have a look to the underlying architecture.
From Cloud Build private pool to your VPC, a peering is created
From your VPC to Cloud SQL private IP (or GKE Private control plane, or mongo-db Atlas), a peering is created
Therefore the network architecture is the following
Cloud Build private Pool -> peering -> VPC -> peering -> Cloud SQL private IP
One of limitation of VPC peeing on GCP is the non-transitivity ( if A -> B and B -> C, then A can't reach C)
That's why a VPN is a (non glorious) solution

How to connect to Google cloud VPC from on-premise machine

I have a VPC called 'subnet-1' where I have 3 VM Instances and 1 SQL Instance (Postgresql to be precise). All of them with no Public IP, just Private IP. They are in a kubernetes cluster.
The requirement I have is to be able to connect to the VPC from my on-premise PC in order to use some SQLClient to connect to the PG and see the data, I have read about CloudVPN but don't know how to configure it to have what I want... does anyone of you ever done some configuration like that?
You can use Cloud VPN but that is a site-to-site VPN that requires supported routers and solid knowledge of routing, networking and VPNs.
Using third-party VPNs with Cloud VPN
For small businesses or home based developers that only need to connect a few users to a VPC, use an open source product like OpenVPN. Google Marketplace offers a deployable configuration for your project with a click configuration. Simple and easy to deploy.
Google Cloud Marketplace OpenVPN
In order to connect to Kubernetes Cluster from your on-premises networks you can use Cloud VPN. The configuration of Cloud VPN with the Cluster and On-Premise network is documented here.

How to reach hosted postgres in GCP from Kubernetes cluster, directly to private IP

So, I created a postgreSQL instance in Google Cloud, and I have a Kubernetes Cluster with containers that I would like to connect to it. I know that the cloud sql proxy sidecar is one method, but the documentation says that I should be able to connect to the private IP as well.
I notice that a VPC peering connection was automatically created for me. It's set for a destination network of, which is where the instance is, with a "Next hop region" of us-central1, where my K8s cluster is.
And yet when I try the private IP via TCP on port 5432, I time out. I see nothing in the documentation about have to modify firewall rules to make this work, but I tried that anyway, finding the firewall interface in GCP rather clumsy and confusing compared with writing my own rules using iptables, but my attempts failed.
Beyond going to the cloud sql sidecar, does anyone have an idea why this would not work?
Does your GKE cluster meet the environment requirements for private IP? It needs to be a VPC enabled cluster on the same VPC and region as your Cloud SQL instance.
In the end, the simplest thing to do was to just use the google cloud sql proxy. As opposed to a sidecar, I have multiple containers needing db access so I put the proxy into my cluster as its own container with a service, and it seems to just work.
If your instance of cloud SQL or compute both in the same VPC then only you can create a VPC peering over private IP.
From cloud SQL compute VM you can choose the VPC and subnet and also setup same for the GKE and you can make the connection from pod to cloud sql.

How to fix VPC security settings

I am fairly new to AWS, so I am sure that I am just missing something, but here is my problem:
I have created a VPC with 3 subnets and one security group linked to all of them. The security group accepts inbound from my machine. Next I have created two RDS instances (both PostgreSQL), put them into that VPC and linked them to the VPC security group. Weirdly, I can only connect to one of them, for the other one I get a generic time-out error.
Any idea on what I am missing? I can share any more details if needed.
EDIT: Both RDS instances are deployed on the same subnets and I am trying to connect from my machine on the internet.
Please verify that to fix your issue:
Both RDS instance have been deployed into the same Subnet.
If not check that both subnets are public subnets and have a route to your internet gateway
If one RDS (the not working one) is in a private subnets you should consider using a bastion to access it because by default you should not have a route to your Internet Gateway.
But still you will find a bellow a simple subnet design if you want to build something secure:
Create 2 public subnets if you want to deploy something directly accessible through internet (one good practice is to deploy only managed instance there (like load balancer)
Create 2 private subnets with NATGateway and correct route configuration to it
Create a bastion in you public subnets to be able to access your instance in private
Deploy your RDS into Private subnets and create one security group for each (or one for both if they are really linked)
You will find an AWS QuickStart which deploy all network stack for you on VPC Architecture - AWS Quick Start.

AWS Lambda To Atlas

I want to connect my Lambda function to Mongo Atlas. It was all working fine but I needed to move my function inside a VPC so I could use redis.
Now I cannot connect to my database.
I looked at the security group on the VPC and added the mongo db port but with no joy
Also - the mongo IP Whitelist is as follows for now (includes your current IP address)
Is there anything else I should try?
Thank you
I needed to move my function inside a VPC so I could use redis.
If you are:
Using dedicated MongoDB Atlas instances (i.e. not shared instances M0, M2 and M5 clusters).
And, the MongoDB Atlas deployment is hosted on AWS
Then, you could follow this instruction to set up VPC peering connection.
Please note that MongoDB Atlas supports VPC peering with other AWS VPCs in the same region. AWS does not support cross-region VPC peering. For multi-region clusters, you must create VPC peering connections per-region.
See also the tutorial shown on: Introducing VPC peering to MongoDB Atlas
struggled for days
using this tutorial
but it work in the end, when i found a missing step in the tutorial; when i used default VPC.
When crating custom VPC, rout table, and subnet; the subnet was what got me... auto assign IP needs to be enabled on the subnet;
PS you need at least two subnets for Lambda, so create one more if you haven't