How to lookup a field in an array of subdocuments in mongoose? - mongodb

I have an array of review objects like this :
"reviews": {
"author": "5e9167c5303a530023bcae42",
"rate": 5,
"spoiler": false,
"content": "This is a comment This is a comment This is a comment.",
"createdAt": "2020-04-12T16:08:34.966Z",
"updatedAt": "2020-04-12T16:08:34.966Z"
What I want to achieve is to lookup the author field and get the user data, but the problem is that the lookup I am trying to use only returns this to me:
Code :
from: 'users',
localField: '',
foreignField: '_id',
as: '',
Response :
Any way to get the author's data in that field? That's where the author's Id is.

Try to execute below query on your database :[
/** unwind in general is not needed for `$lookup` for if you wanted to match lookup result with specific elem in array is needed */
$unwind: { path: "$reviews", preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true },
$lookup: {
from: "users",
localField: "",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "author", // Pull lookup result into 'author' field
/** Update '' field in 'reviews' object by checking if 'author' field got a match from 'users' collection.
* If Yes - As lookup returns an array get first elem & assign(As there will be only one element returned -uniques),
* If No - keep '' as is */
$addFields: {
"": {
$cond: [
{ $ne: ["$author", []] },
{ $arrayElemAt: ["$author", 0] },
/** Group back the documents based on '_id' field & push back all individual 'reviews' objects to 'reviews' array */
$group: {
_id: "$_id",
reviews: { $push: "$reviews" },
Test : MongoDB-Playground
Note : Just in case if you've other fields in document along with reviews that needs to be preserved in output then starting at $group use these stages :
$group: {
_id: "$_id",
data: {
$first: "$$ROOT"
reviews: {
$push: "$reviews"
$addFields: {
"": "$reviews"
$project: {
"": 0
$replaceRoot: {
newRoot: "$data"
Test : MongoDB-Playground
Note : Try to keep queries to run on lesser datasets maybe by adding $match as first stage to filter documents & also have proper indexes.

you should use populate('author') method of mongoose on the request to the server which gets the id of that author and adds the user data to the response of mongoose
and dont forget to set your schema in a way that these two collections are connected
in your review schema you should add ref to the schema which the author user is saved
author: { type: Schema.Types.ObjectId, ref: 'users' },

You can follow this code
> When You find the doc then use populate
> reviews.find().populate("author")


get collection data based on id fetched in listing in nested lookups and conditional lookup in mongodb aggregation

I just need following output
message: "Details are:",
status: 1,
leadId: "92106",
projectName: "Sales Rep Mobile App with Shopify Backend"
projectOverview: "<any description>"
content:"<strong>User Jangid</strong> posted a comment about this message on estimation portal.",
content:"<p>hello krishna this is and this is second </p>\n"
content:"<strong>User Nunna</strong> posted a comment about this message on estimation portal.",
content:"<p>hey hiiii</p>\n\n<p> </p>\n"
userName:"user Nunna",
profileImage:"profile url",
In the above example i have multiple list of same type of collection
and this list is i aggregate with Estimation Collection
These Above Data if fetched based on Estimation Collection
so based on this Estimation Collection's _id i need to fetch notification and based on commentId that fetched inside notification collection i need to fetch comments collection data.
i already do aggregation with some more collection i only need the notification and comment data inside notificationData array
Yes i Achieve this i use following query for that
let estData = await Estimations.aggregate([
$lookup: {
from: "notifications", as: "notificationsData",
let: {
estimation_id: "$_id"
pipeline: [
$match: {
$expr: {
$and: [
{ $eq: ['$estimationId', "$$estimation_id"] },
{ $eq: ['$userId', ObjectId(this.req.currentUser._id)] },
{ $eq: ['$isViewed', false] },
from: "comments",
localField: "commentId",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "commentData"
{ "$unwind": "$commentData" },
$project: {
projectName: 1,
"notificationsData.content": 1,
"notificationsData.estimationId": 1,
"notificationsData._id": 1,
"notificationsData.commentId": 1,
"notificationsData.commentData.content": 1,
"notificationsData.commentData._id": 1,
leadId: 1,
projectOverview: 1
in the above query i get notificationData based on estimationId and commentData data based on commentId that is specified inside notificationData
so here it is solution that i do and works fine.

How to make a query in two different collections in mongoDB? (without using ORM)

Suppose, In MongoDB i have two collections. one is "Students" and the another is "Course".
Student have the document such as
and Course has the document such as
and there is a third collection named "students-courses" where i have kept student's id with their corresponding course id. Like this
i want to make a query with student's id so that it gives the output with his/her enrolled course. like this
"id": "1",
"taken_courses": [
it will be many to many relationship in MongoDB without using ORM. How can i make this query?
Need to use $loopup with pipeline,
First $group by student_id because we are going to get courses of students, $push all course_id in course_ids for next step - lookup purpose
$group: {
_id: "$student_id",
course_ids: {
$push: "$course_id"
$lookup with Student Collection and get the student details in student
$unwind student because its an array and we need only one from group of same student record
$project required fields
$lookup: {
from: "Student",
localField: "_id",
foreignField: "id",
as: "student"
$unwind: "$student"
$project: {
id: "$_id",
name: "$",
course_ids: 1
$lookup Course Collection and get all courses that contains course_ids, that we have prepared in above $group
$project the required fields
course details will store in taken_courses
$lookup: {
from: "Course",
let: {
cId: "$course_ids"
pipeline: [
$match: {
$expr: {
$in: [
$project: {
_id: 0
as: "taken_courses"
$project details, removed not required fields
$project: {
_id: 0,
course_ids: 0
Working Playground:
For more details related syntax and usage, check aggregation

MongoDB lookup with object relation instead of array

I have a collection matches like this. I'm using players object {key: ObjectId, key: ObjectID} instead of classic array [ObjectId, ObjectID] for reference players collection
"_id": ObjectId("5eb93f8efd259cd7fbf49d55"),
"date": "01/01/2020",
"players": {
"home": ObjectId("5eb93f8efd259cd7fbf49d59"),
"away": ObjectId("5eb93f8efd259cd7fbf49d60")
And players collection:
"_id": ObjectId("5eb93f8efd259cd7fbf49d59"),
"name": "Roger Federer"
"country": "Suiza"
"_id": ObjectId("5eb93f8efd259cd7fbf49d60"),
"name": "Rafa Nadal"
"country": "España"
What's the better way to do mongoDB lookup? something like this is correct?
const rows = await db.collection('matches').aggregate([
$lookup: {
from: "players",
localField: "players.home",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "players.home"
$lookup: {
from: "players",
localField: "players.away",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "players.away"
{ $unwind: "$players.home" },
{ $unwind: "$players.away" },
I want output like this:
_id: 5eb93f8efd259cd7fbf49d55,
date: "12/05/20",
players: {
home: {
_id: 5eb93f8efd259cd7fbf49d59,
name: "Roger Federer",
country: "Suiza"
away: {
_id: 5eb93f8efd259cd7fbf49d60,
name: "Rafa Nadal",
country: "España"
You can try below aggregation query :
$lookup: {
from: "players",
localField: "players.home",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "home"
$lookup: {
from: "players",
localField: "players.away",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "away"
/** Check output of lookup is not empty array `[]` & get first doc & write it to respective field, else write the same value as original */
$project: {
date: 1,
"players.home": { $cond: [ { $eq: [ "$home", [] ] }, "$players.home", { $arrayElemAt: [ "$home", 0 ] } ] },
"players.away": { $cond: [ { $eq: [ "$away", [] ] }, "$players.away", { $arrayElemAt: [ "$away", 0 ] } ] }
Test : mongoplayground
Changes or Issues with current Query :
1) As you're using two $unwind stages one after the other, If anyone of the field either home or away doesn't have a matching document in players collection then in the result you don't even get actual match document also, But why ? It's because if you do $unwind on [] (which is returned by lookup stage) then unwind will remove that parent document from result, To overcome this you need to use preservenullandemptyarrays option in unwind stage.
2) Ok, there is another way to do this without actually using $unwind. So do not use as: "players.home" or as: "players.away" cause you're actually writing back to original field, Just in case if you don't find a matching document an empty array [] will be written to actual fields either to "home" or "away" wherever there is not match (In this case you would loose actual ObjectId() value existing in that particular field in matches doc). So write output of lookup to a new field.
Or even more efficient way, instead of two $lookup stages (Cause each lookup has to go through docs of players collection again & again), you can try one lookup with multiple-join-conditions-with-lookup :
$lookup: {
from: "players",
let: { home: "$players.home", away: "$players.away" },
pipeline: [
$match: { $expr: { $or: [ { $eq: [ "$_id", "$$home" ] }, { $eq: [ "$_id", "$$away" ] } ] } }
as: "data"
Test : mongoplayground
Note : Here all the matching docs from players which match with irrespective of away or home field will be pushed to data array. So to keep DB operation simple you can get that array from DB along with actual matches document & Offload some work to code which is to map respective objects from data array to players.home & players.away fields.

How to $lookup/populate an embedded document that is inside an array?

How to $lookup/populate an embedded document that is inside an array?
Below is how my schema is looking like.
const CommentSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
required: true
arrayOfReplies: [{
required: true
replier: [{
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'User',
required: true,
How can I get query results that look like below:
commentText: 'comment text',
arrayOfReplies: [
replyText: 'replyText',
replier: {
bio: 'bio'
I am trying to populate the replier field inside the array arrayOfReplies. I have tried several variations of the aggregation query below. The ones that have come close to what I am trying to achieve have one short-coming. The comments that do not have replies have an arrayOfReplies array that has an empty object. I.e arrayOfReplies: [{}], essentially meaning that the array is not empty.
I have tried using add fields, $mergeObjects among other pipeline operators but to no avail.
How to $lookup/populate the replier document that is inside the arrayOfReplies array?
Below is a template of the main part of my aggregation query, minus trying populate the replier document.
{$unwind: {"path": '$arrayOfReplies', "preserveNullAndEmptyArrays": true }},
{$unwind: {"path": "$replier", "preserveNullAndEmptyArrays": true }},
{$group: {
_id : '$_id',
commentText:{$first: '$commentText'},
userWhoPostedThisComment:{$first: '$userWhoPostedThisComment'},
arrayOfReplies: {$push: '$arrayOfReplies' },
After your lookup stage, each document will have
commentText: "text",
arrayOfReplies: <single reply, with replier ID>
replier: [<looked up replier data>]
Use an $addFields stage to move that replier data inside the reply object before the group, like:
{$addFields: {"arrayOfReplies.replier":"$replier"}}
Then your group stage will rebuild arrayOfReplies like you want.
You can use the following aggregate:
$unwind: {
"path": "$arrayOfReplies",
"preserveNullAndEmptyArrays": true
$lookup: {
from: "users",
localField: "arrayOfReplies.replier",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "replier"
$addFields: {
"arrayOfReplies.replier": {
$arrayElemAt: [
$project: {
"replier": 0
$group: {
_id: "$_id",
"arrayOfReplies": {
"$push": "$arrayOfReplies"
commentText: {
"$first": "$commentText"
All the answers provided did not solve this issue as stated in the question.
I am trying to populate the replier field inside the array
arrayOfReplies. I have tried several variations of the aggregation
query below. The ones that have come close to what I am trying to
achieve have one short-coming. The comments that do not have replies
have an arrayOfReplies array that has an empty object. I.e
arrayOfReplies: [{}], essentially meaning that the array is not empty.
I wanted an aggregation that returns an empty array (not an array with an empty object) when the array is empty.
I was able to achieve what I wanted by using the code below:
if: { $eq: ['$arrayOfReplies', {} ] },
then: "$$REMOVE",
else: {
_id : '$arrayOfReplies._id',
If you combine the code above with #SuleymanSah's answer you get the full working code.

MongoDB $group performance

I have to collections: Account and MyCollection.
MyCollection has a One To Many relationship with account.
This relation is set by storing the id of the linked Account into MyCollection.
I need to filter MyCollection by an attribute of Account, and I need to extract only one MyCollection object per Account.
Here is the request I am making and an overview of my data structure:
// The document structure
Account: {
types: ["type_A"], // An indexed array
MyCollection: {
accountId: "accountId", // Id of the linked account, indexed
date: new ISODate(), // an indexed date
// Other data that we need
// The actual request
$match: {someData: "foo"},
$sort: {date: -1},
// Inject foreign account
$lookup: {
from: "Account",
localField: "accountId",
foreignField: "_id",
as: "account",
$unwind: "$account",
// match account type
$match: {
"account.type": {$in: ["type_A", "type_B"]},
// And extract latest document
$group: {
_id: "$accountId",
myCollection: {$first: "$$ROOT"},
This request gives me the correct results, but takes several minutes to process...
How can I speed up all this ? I have an index on Account.type, but it is not used here.
My tests showed that it is the $group operation that is the most time consuming (the request takes half a second without it).