sed Remove lines between two patterns (excluding end pattern) - sed

given text like
_adsp TXT "dkim=all"
RRSIG NSEC3 7 3 1800 (
20200429171433 20200330161758 11672
G+3tY0pBbq4ffScz/JKcrJ0qAuBF1F5JcQ== )
$TTL 1800
I want to get rid by the part with the "(not beginning with whitespace) NSEC3 " until the first line not beginning with a whitespace character.
_adsp TXT "dkim=all"
$TTL 1800
in the example.
I tried sed '/^[^\s].*\sNSEC3\s/,/^[^\s]/d;' filename but that doesn't work as expected, example results in
_adsp TXT "dkim=all"
G+3tY0pBbq4ffScz/JKcrJ0qAuBF1F5JcQ== )
$TTL 1800
so resuming printout way too early?
what do I miss?
thank you
you maybe see what I want to do is removing DNSSEC parts out of an named zone. didn't find any other way to remove RRSIG and NSEC3 entries, yet. If someone has an idea, I would appreciate that too.

[\s] matches a literal \ or s characters. It doesn't match whitespace.
The /^[^\s]/d; (if [\s] would work as you expect) will also include removing the last line with non-leading whitespaces. I think you have to loop manually.
On the example you've given, the following seems to work:
sed -n '/^[^ \t].*\sNSEC3\s/{ :a; n; /^[^ \t]/bb; ba}; :b; p'

This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -n '/^\S.*NSEC/{:a;n;/^\S/!ba};p' file
Turn off implicit printing by using the -n option.
Throw away lines between one starting with a non-space and containing the string NSEC and any lines not starting with a non-space.
Print all other lines.
sed '/^\S.*NSEC/,/^\S/{/^\S.*NSEC\|^\s/d}' file
Yet another alternative:
sed '/^\S.*NSEC/{:a;N;/\n\S/!ba;s/.*\n//}' file
And another:
sed '/^\S.*NSEC/{:a;N;/\n\S/!s/\n//;ta;D}' file
N.B. The first two solutions will delete lines regardless of a line delimiting the end of the deletions. Whereas the last two solutions will only delete lines if there is a line delimiting the end of the deletions.


I want to print the last line of group using sed

I have file which is shown below
George, 1998-1995
Peter, 1999-1990
Simon, 1988-1960
Gery, 2019-2015
John, 1984-1983
Thomson, 1978-1965
When i give Section1 Expected output is
Simon, 1988-1960
Like this i have lots of sections. I want to achieve this with sed not using awk.
I tried like this . But it has the line number hard coding. And also it is printing the complete range
sed -n '/Section1/,4{p}'
Here i could able to remove the hardcoding. But unable to print the last line. And also next section name also coming.
sed -n '/Section1/ , /Section./{p}'
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed '$b;N;/\nSection/P;D' file
Make a moving window of two lines and print the first line if the second line is begins Section and always the last line.
For the last line of a specific section use:
sed -n '/^Section1/{:a;h;$!{n;/^\S/!ba};x;s/^\s*//p}' file
A gnu awk solution.
awk -v RS='Section' '$1=="1" {print $(NF-1),$NF}' file
Simon, 1988-1960
By setting Record Selector to Section, awk works in block. Then print the second latest and the latest field of block matching 1, since Section is stripped of.
You may consider using
sed -n '/^Section1$/,/^Section[0-9]*$/{:a;h;n;/^Section[0-9]*$/!ba;x;s/^[ \t]*//;p}' file > newfile
See the online demo.
-n - the switch suppresses default line output mode
/^Section1$/,/^Section[0-9]*$/ - a block of lines between a line that is equal to Section1 and a line that fully matches a Section and any 0 or more digits pattern (the next {...} group of commands relates to the range matched with this)
:a - sets a label named a
h - copies the current line into hold buffer
n - discards the current pattern space value and reads the next line into it
/^Section[0-9]*$/!ba - if the pattern space value does not match the end block line go back to label a
x - else, once we get to the last line, the previous one is in hold space, so x is used to swap hold and pattern space
s/^[ \t]*// - remove initial whitespace
p - print the pattern space.
Test here.
I did not understand exactly what you want to do with the result, so I cannot tell you the exact sed command.

Remove blank lines in a file using sed

France 211 55 Europe
Japan 144 120 Asia
Germany 96 61 Europe
England 94 56 Europe
Taiwan 55 144 Asia
North Korea 44 2134 Asia
The above is my data file.
There are empty lines in it.
There are no spaces or tabs in those empty lines.
I want to remove all empty lines in the data.
I did a search Delete empty lines using SED has given the perfect answer.
Before that, I wrote two sed code myself:
sed -r 's/\n\n+/\n/g'
sed 's/\n\n\n*/\n/g'
And I tried awk gsub, not successful either.
awk '{ gsub(/\n\n*/, "\n"); print }'
But they don't work and nothing changes.
Where did I do wrong about my sed code?
Use the following sed to delete all blank lines.
sed '/./!d'
/./ matches any character, including a newline.
! negates the selector, i.e. it makes the command apply to lines which do not match the selector, which in this case is the empty line(s).
d deletes the selected line(s). is the path to the input file.
Where did you go wrong?
The following excerpt from How sed Works states:
sed operates by performing the following cycle on each line of input: first, sed reads one line from the input stream, removes any trailing newline, and places it in the pattern space. Then commands are executed; each command can have an address associated to it: addresses are a kind of condition code, and a command is only executed if the condition is verified before the command is to be executed.
When the end of the script is reached, unless the -n option is in use, the contents of pattern space are printed out to the output stream, adding back the trailing newline if it was removed.8 Then the next cycle starts for the next input line.
I've intentionally emboldened the parts which are pertinent to why your sed examples are not working. Given your examples:
They seem to disregard that sed reads one line at a time.
The trailing newlines, (\n\n and \n\n\n in your first and second example respectively), which you're trying to match don't actually exist. They've been removed by the time your regexp pattern is executed and then reinstated when the end of the script is reached.
RobC's answer is great if your lines are terminated by newline (linefeed or \n) only, because SED separates lines that way. If your lines are terminated by \r\n (or CRLF) - which you may have your reasons for doing even on a unix system - you will not get a match, because from sed's perspective the line isn't empty - the \r (CR) counts as a character. Instead you can try:
sed '/^\r$/d' filename
^ matches the start of the line
\r matches the carriage return
$ matches the end of the line
d deletes the selected line(s).
filename is the path to the input file.

SED Command to remove first digits and spaces of each line

I have a simple text file in below format.
1 12658003Y
2 34345345N
3 34653785Y
4 36452342N
5 86747488Y
6 34634543Y
so on
10 37456338Y
11 33535555Y
12 37456378Y
so on
100 23432434Y
As you can see there are two white spaces after first number.
I'm trying to write SED command to remove the digits before whitespaces. Is there any SED command to remove spaces and number before spaces?
Output file should look like below.
so on..
Please assist. I'm very new to shell scripting.
sed 's/[0-9]\+\s\+//' infile > outfile
s: we want to use substitution
/: mark start and end of the expression we want to match
[0-9]: match any digit
+: match the previous one or more time
\s: space
+: match the previous one or more time
/: mark start of what we want to change our matches to (which is nothing)
/: some special operators goes after this (we use no such)
infile: the file we want to change
>: pipe stdout to
outfile: where we want to store output
Your sed command would be,
sed 's/.* //g' file
This would remove the first numbers along with the space followed.
Remove leading digits, then following spaces:
sed 's/^[0-9]* *//' file
sed 's/^[0-9]*[ ]*//g' input.txt

detect two consecutive lines matching a pattern with sed

I am looking for two consecutive lines matching a certain pattern, say containing word 'pat' using sed and have noticed that I am able to detect it sometimes with this command:
sed -n 'N; /.*pat.*\n.*pat.*/p'
but this command fails if the line numbers for the duplicates are not of the same parity and I assume it's because we're searching lines 1+2, 3+4, 5+6 etc.. if this is the case, what would be the correct way to do this?
Why does it need to be sed? May I suggest awk?
awk '{/pat/?f++:f=0} f==2' file
If pat is found, increment f with 1
If pat is not found, reset f to 0
If f==2 print the line.
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed '$!N;/pattern.*\n.*pattern/p;D' file
This keeps 2 lines in the pattern space and prints both of them out if the regexp matches.

SED: Operate on Last seven lines regardless of file length

I would like to operate on the last 7 lines of a file with sed regardless of the filelength.
According to a related question this type of range won't work: $-6,$ {..commands..}
What is the equivalent that will?
Pipe the output of tail -7 into sed.
tail -7 test.txt | sed -e "s/e/WWW/"
More info on Pipes here.
You could just switch from sed(1) to ed(1), the commands are about the same. In this case, the command is the same, except with no limitations on address range.
$ cat > fl7.ed
ed - $1 << \eof
1,7s/$/ (one of the first seven lines)/
$-6,$s/$/ (one of the last seven lines)/
$ sh fl7.ed yourfile
perl -lne 'END{print join$\,#a,"-",#b}push#a,$_ if#a<6;push#b,$_;shift#b if#b>7'
In the END{} block you can do whatever is required; #a contains the first 6, #b the last 7 lines as requested.
This should work for you:
sed '1{N;N;N;N;N};N;$s/foo/bar/g;P;D' inputfile
1{N;N;N;N;N} - when the first line is read, load the pattern space with five more lines (total: 6 at this point)
N - append another line
$s/foo/bar/g - when the last line is read, perform some operation on the entire contents of pattern space (the last seven lines of the file). Operations can be more complex than shown here
P - print the test before the first newline in pattern space
D - delete the text just printed and loop to the beginning of the script (the "append another line" step - the first instruction is skipped since it only applies to the first line in the file)
This might work for you:
sed ':a;1,6{$!N;ba};${s/foo/bar/g;q};N;D' file
Create a loop label. :a
Gather lines 1 to 6 in the pattern space (PS). 1,6{$!N;ba}
If it's the last line, process the PS and quit, therefore printing out the last seven lines. ${s/foo/bar/g;q}
If it's not the last line, append the next line to the PS. N
Delete upto the first newline and begin a new cycle without reading a new line. D