I am generating a new API Key with the following Powershell script:
function CreateAPIKey{
$header = #{ "X-Octopus-ApiKey" = $APIKey }
$body = #{
Purpose = $APIKeyPurpose
} | ConvertTo-Json
#Getting all users to filter target user by name
$allUsers = (Invoke-WebRequest "$OctopusURL/api/users/all" -Headers $header -Method Get -UseBasicParsing).content | ConvertFrom-Json
#Getting user that owns API Key that will be deleted
$User = $allUsers | where{$_.username -eq $UserName}
#Creating API Key
$CreateAPIKeyResponse = (Invoke-WebRequest "$OctopusURL/api/users/$($User.id)/apikeys" -Method Post -Headers $header -Body $body -UseBasicParsing -Verbose).content | ConvertFrom-Json
#Printing new API Key
$NewAPIKey = $($CreateAPIKeyResponse.apikey)
Write-output "API Key created: $($CreateAPIKeyResponse.apikey)"
CreateAPIKey $OctopusURL $APIKey $UserName $APIKeyPurpose $NewAPIKey
The script works fine and creates a new api key when I run it from Octopus Deploy. I am then setting up project in Octopus where I want to send an email to myself with the user name and new API Key. I have setup variables where the Username is hardcoded and displays in the email fine. But I dont know what value to assign $NewAPIKey as seen below.
When I recieve the email all I get is the #{NewAPIKey} where the APIKey should be.
I am trying to work out a powershell script that:
retrieves an accesstoken (MSAL) to access (read/write) a sharepoint online site with subsites and documents. Preferably the Azure APP-registration ServicePrincipal can be granted access to just that site and access the sharepoint site/files without giving consent to the whole sharepoint environment. I don't know if that is possible currently as I can only grant application permission to files.readwrite.all and sites.readwrite.all. I do not see anything like files.readwrite.shared to grant access only to sites/collections that the serviceprincipal has access to. Anyone done this? I currently use the MSAL.PS powershell module to get a token using an AppRegistration with the admin-consented readwrite.all access but would like to limit that. The code for this is now:
Import-Module MSAL.PS;
$clientid = "my-appreg-client-id";
$tenantID = 'my-tenant-id';
$thumbPrint = 'certificate-thumbprint';
$ClientCertificate = Get-Item "Cert:\CurrentUser\My\$thumbPrint";
$myAccessToken = Get-MsalToken -ClientId $clientID -TenantId $tenantID -ClientCertificate
The script will read all files and folders from an UNC-share and build a file-collection of the onprem files. That part of the code is in place using a Get-ChildItem call to the UNC filetree.
Then, after getting the token, I need to get the current available files in the sharepoint online site document library structure and store that in a variable/hashtable which I can use to perform lookups between the onprem filecollection and the presence of those files and (sub)folders in the sharepoint site. If a folder does not yet exist I need to create that sharepoint folder and if a file is not yet present or the onprem version is newer I need to upload that file into sharepoint.
I have a script that does this using the old sharepoint.client.dll libraries but those support only basic authentication which will be unavailable any time soon for accessing the MS Online environment. So now I am searching for code to do this using the Microsoft Graph Api or other Rest API call. I am already struggling to get the contents of a site file collection so I hope that this generic problem description is enough to get some hints and tips/resources to get going.
Many thanks,
This is what I use. I'm using powershell in Linux.
## Get the Token
$clientId = "Application (Client) ID"
$clientSecret = "Client secret"
$tenantName = "TenantName.onmicrosoft.com"
$tokenBody = #{
Grant_Type = 'client_credentials'
Scope = 'https://graph.microsoft.com/.default'
Client_Id = $clientId
Client_Secret = $clientSecret
$tokenResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://login.microsoftonline.com/$TenantName/oauth2/v2.0/token" -Method POST -Body $tokenBody -ErrorAction Stop
$headers = #{
"Authorization" = "Bearer $($tokenResponse.access_token)"
"Content-Type" = "application/json"
## Use the SharePoint groups ObjectID. From this we'll get the drive ID.
$site_objectid = "Groups ObjectID"
## Create all the folders on the SharePoint site first. I've set microsoft.graph.conflictBehavior below to fail because I never want to rename or replace folders.
# Set the base directory.
$baseDirectory = "/test"
$directories = get-childItem -path $baseDirectory -recurse -directory
foreach ($directory in $directories) {
$URL = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups/$site_objectid/sites/root"
$subsite_ID = (Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $headers -Uri $URL -Method Get).ID
$URL = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/$subsite_ID/drives"
$Drives = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $headers -Uri $URL -Method Get
$Document_drive_ID = ($Drives.value | Where-Object { $_.name -eq 'Documents' }).id
$createFolderURL = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/drives/$Document_drive_ID/items/root:{0}:/children" -f $directory.parent.FullName
$file = $directory.Name
$uploadFolderRequestBody = #{
name= "$file"
folder = #{}
"#microsoft.graph.conflictBehavior"= "fail"
} | ConvertTo-Json
invoke-restMethod -headers $headers -method Post -body $uploadFolderRequestBody -contentType "application/json" -uri $createFolderURL
## Upload the files. I'm only adding files that are 4 days old or less because I run the script every 3 days for backup.
## These are set in the $sharefiles variable. To upload all files just remove everything after the pipe.
$sharefiles = get-childItem $baseDirectory -recurse | Where-Object {$_.LastWriteTime -gt (Get-Date).AddDays(-4)}
foreach ($sharefile in $sharefiles) {
$Filepath = $sharefile.FullName
$URL = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups/$site_objectid/sites/root"
$subsite_ID = (Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $headers -Uri $URL -Method Get).ID
$URL = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/$subsite_ID/drives"
$Drives = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $headers -Uri $URL -Method Get
$Document_drive_ID = ($Drives.value | Where-Object { $_.name -eq 'Documents' }).id
$Filename = $sharefile.Name
$upload_session = "https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/drives/$Document_drive_ID/root:{0}/$($Filename):/createUploadSession" -f $sharefile.directory.FullName
$upload_session_url = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $upload_session -Headers $headers -Method Post).uploadUrl
## We'll upload files in chunks.
$ChunkSize = 62259200
$file = New-Object System.IO.FileInfo($Filepath)
$reader = [System.IO.File]::OpenRead($Filepath)
$buffer = New-Object -TypeName Byte[] -ArgumentList $ChunkSize
$position = 0
$counter = 0
Write-Host "ChunkSize: $ChunkSize" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Write-Host "BufferSize: $($buffer.Length)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
$moreData = $true
While ($moreData) {
#Read a chunk
$bytesRead = $reader.Read($buffer, 0, $buffer.Length)
$output = $buffer
If ($bytesRead -ne $buffer.Length) {
#no more data to be read
$moreData = $false
#shrink the output array to the number of bytes
$output = New-Object -TypeName Byte[] -ArgumentList $bytesRead
[Array]::Copy($buffer, $output, $bytesRead)
Write-Host "no more data" -ForegroundColor Yellow
#Upload the chunk
$Header = #{
'Content-Range' = "bytes $position-$($position + $output.Length - 1)/$($file.Length)"
Write-Host "Content-Range = bytes $position-$($position + $output.Length - 1)/$($file.Length)" -ForegroundColor Cyan
#$position = $position + $output.Length - 1
$position = $position + $output.Length
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Put -Uri $upload_session_url -Body $output -Headers $Header -SkipHeaderValidation
#Increment counter
Is there a way to get list of test points data via Azure DevOps API?
I tried this powershell script
function GetUrl() {
# Area ids
# https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/devops/extend/develop/work-with-urls?view=azure-devops&tabs=http&viewFallbackFrom=vsts#resource-area-ids-reference
# Build the URL for calling the org-level Resource Areas REST API for the RM APIs
$orgResourceAreasUrl = [string]::Format("{0}/_apis/resourceAreas/{1}?api-preview=5.0-preview.1", $orgUrl, $AreaId)
# Do a GET on this URL (this returns an object with a "locationUrl" field)
$results = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $orgResourceAreasUrl -Headers $header
# The "locationUrl" field reflects the correct base URL for RM REST API calls
if ("null" -eq $results) {
$areaUrl = $orgUrl
else {
$areaUrl = $results.locationUrl
return $areaUrl
$orgUrl = "https://dev.azure.com/fodservices"
$personalToken = "<my token pat>"
Write-Host "Initialize authentication context" -ForegroundColor Yellow
$token = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes(":$($personalToken)"))
$header = #{authorization = "Basic $token"}
Write-Host "Demo 3"
$coreAreaId = "3b95fb80-fdda-4218-b60e-1052d070ae6b"
$tfsBaseUrl = GetUrl -orgUrl $orgUrl -header $header -AreaId $coreAreaId
$relDefUrl = "$($tfsBaseUrl)/_apis/testplan/Plans/70152/Suites/70154/TestPoint?api-version=5.0-preview.2"
try {
$output = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $relDefUrl -Method Get -ContentType "application/json" -Headers $header
Write-Host "StatusCode:" $_.Exception.Response.StatusCode.value__
Write-Host "StatusDescription:" $_.Exception.Response.StatusDescription
$output.value | ForEach-Object {
Write-Host $_.id
the result is:
Demo 3
StatusCode: 404
StatusDescription: Not Found
Can anyone tell me what i'm doing wrong im new to using powershell and azure devops rest api
Look at the contents of the $tfsBaseUrl variable. It includes the organization name, but not the project name. You need to include the project name in the URL. Look at the documentation and compare your URL to the documentation's URL.
I am trying to get the list of all groups where the resourceProvisioningOptions = Team, here is the url which gets all the data through API call:
$clientID = xxxx
$tenantName = xxxx
$ClientSecret = xxxx
$resource = "https://graph.microsoft.com/"
$ReqTokenBody = #{
Grant_Type = "client_credentials"
Scope = "https://graph.microsoft.com/.default"
client_Id = $clientID
Client_Secret = $clientSecret
$authheader = #{
'Authorization' = "Bearer $($Tokenresponse.access_token)"
$TokenResponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "https://login.microsoftonline.com/$TenantName/oauth2/v2.0/token" -Method POST -Body $ReqTokenBody
$test = "'Team'"
$apiUrl = 'https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/groups?$filter=resourceProvisioningOptions/Any(x:x eq {0})' -f $test
$Data = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $apiUrl -Headers $authheader -Body $ReqTokenBody -Method Get
$Groups = ($Data | select-object Value).Value | Select-Object displayName, id, description, mail | Out-File .\texxtfile.txt
However, I am getting a 401 error when I try to run the script even though I have all the permissions required to make the API call.
You may have picked application permissions in your AAD application. There is an additioanl step. You will need to admin consent your application in the app registration portal to use Group.Read.All to run this. If you have not done this in the UI this will fail.
I try to create a powershell script which can help us to create a release on our private gitlab server.
I found this tutorial
How to create releases in GitLab?
I'm not able to figure out how I can replace the curl command with the powershell invoke-webrequest command.
I already tried multiple concepts for this. In our case we have some code files and create the package in the same repository. The package is included in the gitignore file. (That's fine for us)
Now I tried to do this
$body = #{'form'='file=#/our awesome app.app'}
Invoke-RestMethod -Headers #{ 'PRIVATE-TOKEN'='<mytoeken>' } -Uri https://scm.domain.net/api/v4/projects/19/uploads -Body $Body
Invoke-RestMethod : {"error":"file is invalid"}
Does anyone have a script for creating a gitlab release page with download and changelog with powershell.
I also tried release it but I'm not able to configure it for gitlab.
Below is a collection of some PowerShell snippets I have written or used for this purpose. Maybe this can help some people. Can you not create the $Body in the script also - it looks like it fails create the content from the file?
# Provides code snippets for Windows Powershell to use Gitlabs API to do various tasks
# for example [ Issue management, Release creation etc.]
# https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/api/
# Variables
# modify with you own content
$glUrl = "http://<your-gitlab-url>"
$p = "3" # Project ID
$tag = "1.3" # Modify this to create/delete release ...
$token = "<EDIT_ME>" # Your access token (http://<your-gitlab-url>/profile/personal_access_tokens)
$projectsUrl = "$glUrl/api/v4/projects" # i.e. http://<your-gitlab-url>/api/v4/projects
$pUrl = "$projectsUrl/$p" # i.e. http://<your-gitlab-url>/api/v4/projects/3
$releaseUrl = "$pUrl/releases" # i.e. http://<your-gitlab-url>/api/v4/projects/3/releases
$artifactsUrl = "$pUrl/jobs/artifacts/$tag/download?job=build-standard" # i.e. Build artifacts created for $tag and the relevant job ("build-standard"; can be modified)
# Project List
$r = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers #{ 'PRIVATE-TOKEN'="$token" } -Uri $projectsUrl
$r | Sort-Object -Property id | Format-Table -Property id, name
# Issues List
$r = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers #{ 'PRIVATE-TOKEN'="$token" } -Uri $pUrl/issues
$r | Sort-Object -Property id | Format-Table -Property id, state, title
# New Issue
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Headers #{ 'PRIVATE-TOKEN'="$token" } -Uri "$pUrl/issues?title=Hello from PS&labels=test"
# Comment on the Issue
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Headers #{ 'PRIVATE-TOKEN'="$token" } -Uri "$pUrl/issues/3/notes?body=Hello PowerShell"
function Register-NewIssue {
[string]$desc = '',
[string]$uri = '$projectUrl/issues'
$title = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($title)
$desc = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($desc)
$u = "$uri`?title=$title&description=$desc"
$r = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Headers #{ 'PRIVATE-TOKEN'= "$token" } -Uri $u
$r | Format-List -Property iid, state, title, description
# Get list of Releases
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Headers #{ 'PRIVATE-TOKEN'="$token" } -Uri $releaseUrl
# Create a Release
$JSON = #"
"name": "New release",
"tag_name": $tag,
"ref": "master",
"description": "FromPS",
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Headers #{ 'PRIVATE-TOKEN'="$token"; 'Content-Type'='application/json' } -Body $JSON -Uri "$releaseUrl"
Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to continue"
# Adds only a link to this Release manually
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Post -Headers #{ 'PRIVATE-TOKEN'= "$token"; 'Content-Type'='application/json' } -Body $JSONLINK -Uri "$releaseUrl/$tag/assets/links"
# Delete a Release
Invoke-RestMethod -Method Delete -Headers #{ 'PRIVATE-TOKEN'= "$token" } -Uri "$releaseUrl/$tag"
What's a good way to retrieve subreddit links via API in PowerShell?
Reddit serves content by JSON if you put .json on the end of a URI, and PowerShell can use that. Hot links on /r/programming :
(irm https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/hot/.json).data.children.data | select score, subreddit, title, url
Here's an approach which doesn't depend on any third party libraries. I.e. it's in terms of pure PowerShell.
Let's assume you're keeping your reddit credentials, reddit app client ID and reddit app client secret in files:
$username = Get-Content $env:APPDATA\reddit-username
$password = Get-Content $env:APPDATA\reddit-password
$app_client_id = Get-Content $env:APPDATA\reddit-app-client-id
$app_client_secret = Get-Content $env:APPDATA\reddit-app-client-secret
(See this page for information about getting a reddit client ID.)
Retrieve an access token:
$result_access_token = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri 'https://www.reddit.com/api/v1/access_token' `
-Method Post `
-Headers #{
Authorization = ('Basic {0}' -f (
} `
-Body #{
grant_type = 'password'
username = $username
password = $password
Let's extract the token from the result and assign it to a variable:
$token = $result_access_token.access_token
Now let's get the current hot links on /r/programming:
$result_listing = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri 'https://oauth.reddit.com/r/programming/hot' -Headers #{ Authorization = "bearer $token" }
Show the links:
$result_listing.data.children | ForEach-Object data | Select-Object score, subreddit, title, url
Example output:
Example using PSRAW
Log into Reddit
Log into Reddit
Navigate to https://ssl.reddit.com/prefs/apps
Click the create app or create another app button
Enter a name (e.g. "(Reddit Username)'s PSRAW App")
Choose the Script radio button
Enter a description (e.g. "My first PSRAW App!")
In the about url box enter
In the redirect URI box enter
Click the create app button
Then define your Reddit application, get a token, and export it:
Install-Module -Name PSRAW -Scope CurrentUser
Import-Module PSRAW
$ClientCredential = Get-Credential
$UserCredential = Get-Credential
$RedirectUri = ''
$AppExportPath = 'C:\PSRAW\MyApp.xml'
$UserAgent = 'windows:markekraus-PSRAW:v0.0.0.1 (by /u/markekraus)'
$Scopes = 'read'
$Params = #{
Script = $True
Name = "markekraus's PSRAW App"
Description = 'My first PSRAW App!'
ClientCredential = $ClientCredential
UserCredential = $UserCredential
RedirectUri = $RedirectUri
UserAgent = $UserAgent
Scope = $Scopes
$RedditApp = New-RedditApplication #Params
$RedditApp | Export-RedditApplication -Path $AppExportPath
$TokenExportPath = 'C:\PSRAW\MyToken.xml'
$Token = $RedditApp | Request-RedditOAuthToken -Script
$Token | Export-RedditOAuthToken -Path $TokenExportPath
Now you can use Invoke-RedditRequest to make authenticated API calls:
$Uri = 'https://oauth.reddit.com/r/programming/hot'
$result_listing = $Token | Invoke-RedditRequest -Uri $Uri
$result_listing.ContentObject.data.children.data |
Select-Object score, subreddit, title, url
After first creating the application, getting a token, and exporting the token, something like this can be added to your profile to display when your session loads:
$TokenExportPath = 'C:\PSRAW\MyToken.xml'
$Uri = 'https://oauth.reddit.com/r/programming/hot'
$Token = Import-RedditOAuthToken -Path $TokenExportPath
$result_listing = $Token | Invoke-RedditRequest -Uri $Uri
$result_listing.ContentObject.data.children.data |
Select-Object score, subreddit, title, url