How can I generate HTML reports based on cucumber in Cypress not the JSON reports - ui-automation

Implementing the Cucumber usage into the Cypress for Tests but I don't understand how to generate HTML reports for the end test result describing the passed and failed tests as well as scenarios.
Any help would be appreciated.

First, you should read this official
and I think you have two options:
allure2 report more details here


Unable to expand conversation in Botium report

In botium test report using mocha - reporter mochawesome we get Utterances wise result 
ex -
Can we get actual conversation dialog in report. I have tried
"expandConvos": true,
"expandUtterancesToConvos": true
but i think it is not for reporting purpose. Can we expand conversation in report with request and response ?.
Botium CLI is using Mocha internally as a test runner. It supports all types of report formats supported by Mocha:
Additionally, there is the mochawesome reporter included as well as a CSV exporter. Configuration is done with a positional parameter:
botium-cli run csv
Some reporters accept additional options, those can be specified with the --reporter-options switch
The rendering of the test output is up to the selected reporter - mochawesome is not in any way special to chatbot testing, so it doesn't support rendering of the conversation. If you want this kind of rendering, you will either have to code yourself (and make a pull request to the Github project), or use Botium Box

Protracter + Cucumber + TestRail integration

What is the best way to integrate Protracter + Cucumber + TestRail. I tried to find the documentation however it was not able to find any good solution.
Seems TestRail organize one test case with 3 parts: precondition, test steps and expect results. It not store the Cucumber Feature file directly. But for Cucumber, it rely on feature file as all things start.
I think you need to find out a way to generate Cucumber Feature file according to meta data in TestRail.
There is a Nodejs package: Node-TestRail which can call TestRail api to obtain test case meta data, you need to implement an convertor to convert meta data to Cucumber Feature file and save Feature file into a folder in your Protractor + Cucumber project (this project should includes step definitions etc)
Now you can execute Protrator script.

How to make a systematic report in protractor

I am working on protractor for testing an angularjs application. I am also able to fetch the report but I want to mention some more points and details about the test execution. For example Its model name, Test case name, Severity, Priority, Where the test failed if it gets fails etc. Where should I add all this points so that I can be able to fetch a complete detailed report.Currently I am able to get the report I have attached here.
Please help me in getting the solution as I am new to protractor. Thanks a lot in advance.
Jasmine framework does specs reporting, not Protractor in e2e testing. You can either leverage some of the popular ones listed below or need to create your own using custom reporter.
Or you can try with allure plugin here
I also advice to use allure report. It is easy to setup and has a good documentation. Just want to mention that there is Allure 2 is ready. Take a look at Git Hub and integration for JS

Using allure with JBehave and Lettuce

We have 2 fairly large automation projects going, both using BDD. One is in Lettuce for a desktop app, the other is for a website using JBehave (we are just getting started with the web project).
We have tried using Thucydides for reporting for our JBehave project, and started implementing tests using that. However, we ran into Allure and it looks a lot better and lets us use standard JBehave framework without relying on someone's code that has its own unknown-to-us issues. Luckily, we found Allure early enough.
2 questions:
1) We spent 2 days trying to make Allure work with JBehave, but the only example on GitHub isn't working well (all scenarios are reported together without breakdown by individual stories or scenarios). Also, JBehave doesn't have an #AfterStep decorator and it's a requirement for us to save screenshots after each step, successful or not. Thucydides for all its faults took care of that. Does Allure have something similar? If not, then at least is there a working example of how to make it report stories and scenarios correctly when run from JBehave?
2) I haven't tried yet, but doesn't look like there is an adapter for Lettuce (Python). Can someone recommend a way to produce Allure reports from Lettuce?
Thanks a lot!!
Allure doesn't support JBehave and Lettuce yet. But you can implement such adapters by yourself.
First step you need to read the following section in documentation. Then if you are ready to contribute you should follow the following instructions:
We already have Java adaptor. So all you need is add allure-java-adaptor-api module as dependency and then implement JBehave listener.
There are the same. You can use allure-python bindings and all you need is implement Lettuce handlers. Python team are going to move bindings (aka allure-python-adaptor-api) to separate module, you can force it by comment in
So, if you have any questions/suggestions you can also use our gitter chat room ( or our mailing list (
Hope it helps.
To achieve integration between JBehave and Allure you can create your own implementation of org.jbehave.core.reporters.StoryReporter. From the methods in this interface you can fire the Allure events that correspondent to the JBehave abstractions. In our implementation we fire TestSuite*Events from e.g. StoryReporter#beforeStory() and TestCase*Events from e.g.StoryReporter#afterScenario().
The caveat is that for some JBehave events you have to fire multiple Allure events. For example for a failed jbehave step we fire the following allure events:
public class AllureStoryReporter implements StoryReporter {
public void notPerformed(final String step) {
getLifecycle().fire(new StepStartedEvent(step).withTitle(step));
getLifecycle().fire(new StepCanceledEvent());
getLifecycle().fire(new StepFinishedEvent());
Of course the created reporter needs to be registered to be used during reporting by JBehave.
This results in comprehensive Allure reports.
At least for JBehave, the support was added since then

Data Driven Framework - Selenium Webdriver

I am automating a web application testing using Selenium Webdriver(Java with JUnit) and I am quite familiar with Data Driven Testing. Now I want to build a Data Driven framework and I don't have any resources to start with.
Does anybody have idea how I could start with building framework and what are all the initial setup I need to make.?
Any suggestions would be appreciated. !!
Get start google with TestNG or JUnit then PageFactory and PageObject
You need to create Excel utility for Read and Write data in Excel sheet, Going forward you can manage it through Selenium.
Reference Link: