Stepping back in DrRacket stepper - racket

Trying to debug using the stepper in Dr. Racket but as soon as the error pops up the stepper's buttons get turned off. Any way to step back after an error to better see where the bug is?

Stepper's author here: as soegaard says, this sounds like a bug, but it will be hard to fix without a sequence of steps to help reproduce. FWIW, basic stepping in and around runtime & syntax bugs is a part of the standard release checks.


How to fix code highlighted in red in VS Code

This happened suddenly after I restarted my computer, all of a sudden any code I type is highlighted in red. Does anyone know how to fix this? See image.
OS: Windows
This is the weirdest thing, I simply restarted my computer (again), and it just disappeared. It's a shame, because I didn't get to figure out how it happened, but it's good to know about this Bisect feature in VS Code!
This might have something to do with one of your extensions acting up.
VScode has a nice feature to help you find the specific extension that's causing problems without you having to check each one individually.
VScode bisect function.
Press crtl+p then type bisect
It may be one of your extensions that makes this. You can check it by disabling them one by one(ctrl + shift +X and then choose installed). I guess maybe an extension that belongs these:enter image description here.
Hope helpful.

VSCode annoying problem focus behavior, keeps jumping to a problem

Last Edit:
It appears I've had an F8 key being pressed non-stop, and it seems to be a shortcut for "Go to Next Error or Warning".
I've wrote a piece of code, it has an error which I'm aware of. Specifically, I'm trying to run a function which doesn't exist yet:
All good, I'm glad it is telling me there's a problem, but... I wish to keep writing stuff in the same file and I simply can't. Every so often the GUI keeps sending the caret (the place where my next piece of text will be written) to the beginning of the problematic piece of code. Simply speaking, I can't keep doing anything until I resolve the problem, since it forcefully intrudes my every action. Even more than that! When I go to a different file, with means of fixing the problem and adding the missing function, it once again interrupts me and forcefully takes me back to the problematic file to show me that there's a problem (??!?!?!). Closing it with "Esc" only closes it once, but it keeps on returning every several seconds.
I don't think it was like that just a week ago, and I didn't install any new plugin since then. I'm currently using the last version, 1.58.2.
How do I stop this work-flow-intruding behavior?
I've kept on working for some time and it turns out the issue is much bigger than that. Whenever I type a name of some property, half way through some wild problem would jump and tell me "Cannot find name 'quar'. Did you mean 'quarter'?". The issue is basically the time delay of the problem checks, it's non-existent. It's also too intrusive, moving the caret and jumping between files to show me the existing problems. It's very recent, it didn't happen earlier this week. I've tried disabling different plugins I have and they're not the cause.
This is not exactly your issue, but could be related to what you are experiencing:
Try disabling the Outline Explorer and see what happens then.
Furthermore, see if disabling autosave improves anything.

vscode-debugger hangs on the "using Revise" statement

When I use Visual Studio code to debug a Julia file, it hangs on the "using Revise" statement. No debugging button seems to do anything, except the stop button. Does anyone know of a solution?
using Revise
In general, when I get behavior like this, the first step is always to restart my IDE, quit Julia, and re-try. Just tested this and it works for me, can you perhaps open an issue here: if this is still an issue or provide steps to reproduce.
I finally got it working. In vs-code there is a bright blue bar at the bottom. Clicking Julia env: and changing it from v1.5 to JulaiPro_v1.5.2-1 fixed everything.
It has something to do with:
julia> Base.load_path()
3-element Array{String,1}:
The v1.5 path didn't exist.

output of Dr. Racket algebraic stepper to file

During debugging the stepper breaks down after reaching the bug. And stepping towards the bug every time takes at least a hundred clicks. So doing that every time seems senseless. Is there a way to save all the evaluation steps that you see in the stepper to a file?
Stepper's author here (yes, you can stick pins in a wax doll of me): Okay, before I answer your actual question, I want to let you know: you can jump to the end of the stepping sequence in about one click by clicking the "jump to end" button, available in Racket 7.6 and later. Or maybe 7.5. Your question suggests you aren't familiar with this operation, possibly because you're running an older version.
To answer your actual question: there is code in place to allow dumping the stepper's output to a file. I strongly suspect that it's not in a shape that would make it terribly useful for you, but it probably wouldn't be hard to add this as a menu option for the stepper's operation.
Before doing that, though: does "jump to end" not solve your problem?
EDIT: Ah! it sounds like jumping to the end makes the stepper non-functional. I'd love to be able to reproduce that, if you can tell me how.

eclipse turn off compilation on the fly

I cannot find where is the option to turn off showing me compilation errors and warning "on the fly", while coding. I want it to just show me that after debug/run code try. I was looking for in project properties and view properties but cannot find it. Could you help?
While it can be turned off, I'd suggest leaving it on. You want feedback as early in the process as you can get it.