How to use ambassador as API gateway for Rails and Angular Application - kubernetes

I have microservice based application. Backend built using Rails and Frontend built using Angular. Wanted to implement Ambassador as API gateway. Looked at documentation here but not clear at all. I am deploying by using Helm charts. Dire need of help.


How to mock the Kubernetes cluster/server?

Kubernetes OpenAPI specification is hosted here.
Additionally, various client APIs for the Kubernetes is provided here:
Using the OpenAPI specification, I am able to generate the server code, which provides the REST services. However, the applications using these K8s client APIs (written in either language - Go, Java, etc.) do not use these REST API directly.
My objective is to mock the K8s server to use in the test automation and build a controlled environment to create various test scenarios.
Is there any ready-to-use Kubernetes mock available? If not, how we can interface the client APIs with the above OpenAPI generated REST server? This way, the applications shall continue to use the client APIs but internally, they will be communicating with the mocked K8s server and not the real one.
Please help with the options.
Not really a direct answer to your question, but most solutions i have seen implemented are not trying to mock the k8s API but are really using it through either k3s (from rancher labs) or KinD project (official way)
You then connect to it like a normal kubernetes cluster

Multiple swagger instances with single wildlfy deployment

I am using wildfly for exposing my APIs and swagger for API documentation.
I am in a situation where I need to expose only some APIs to some people and other APIs to others.
How to achieve this
I recommend using MicroProfile OpenAPI (recently integrated in WildFly 19.0.0.Final) which allows you to filter your OpenAPI document.

Customizing the Hyperledger Composer Rest Server

I have a test Hyperledger Fabric running in the IBM Cloud, with the IBM Blockchain Application Service. I also have a kubernetes cluster running the Hyperledger Composer REST Server. Everything works great, but how do I extend the REST api with some custom api's?
The documentation mentions being able to use the swagger definition (yaml file) with the IBM API Connect or Strongloop product...but how do I do that, as I don't see any way to export the swagger definition?
I don't have a tutorial, but as I see it you would have to do three tasks minimally:
write your REST APIs (to do what you want to do) - perhaps these
resources on REST APIs will help ? -> Loopback ->
and in architectural in general
-> and
build the routes for your custom APIs
customise your swagger
definitions to document your REST APIs - this may help you ->
and Swagger itself ->
If you write custom api and call it as 3rd party api which is mentioned in IBM already it will help you to response but it has very limted scope. I belive you should use swagger to understand its end point are properly configured

Using REST api to build a web app

What happens when we do not use REST api to build a web application? And also please tell how to build a web service using REST api in PHP.
What happens when we do not use REST api to build a web application?
Nothing, you can do your project with or without REST API. Assume you are running a restaurant and you want to attach with online food service like Foodpanda,zomato you need to provide an API to interact your data without any user interface which can be done easily using REST.
Why do we need RESTful web services?
REST should be used if it is very important for you to minimize the coupling between client and server components in a distributed application. [read more]
How to build a web service using REST api in PHP?
There are many resources available in internet. Here I found something related to PHP
PHP RESTful Web Service

Azure Service Fabric and API Management Integration

I have provisioned a service fabric cluster on azure. It has two node types: one for the frontend and the other one for the backend.
I have deployed a Stateless self-hosted API on the frontend node-type. Now what i'd like to do is to expose that service through the Azure API Management. I've been trying to import the API without success. I have also tried to use swagger to generate the service specification but it seems that swagger does not work. I can access the swagger URL but it loads a blank page.
Any suggestions on how I can integrate my stateless service with APIM or how swagger works here?
Thanks a lot.
there are a few different ways you can produce your swagger document. If you are using Web API, you can use SwashBuckle to generate your Swagger for you. To validate your swagger file, you can use Swagger Editor. Finally, if you still have problems once you have validated your swagger document, share the document and the error here and we will see what we can do to assist.
Many thanks