Marker position being updated only for a short period of time in Mapbox GL JS - mapbox

I have a loop where I am constantly updating the position of a marker:
function loop(timestamp) {
marker._lngLat.lng = clientState.markers[room.sessionId].lng; = clientState.markers[room.sessionId].lat;
Strangely, the position is updated only for ~ one second and then stops updating. If the camera position is updated, the position of the marker updates once again for ~ one second and then once again stops updating.
What might be the problem? Thank you in advance for your insight.

_lngLat is a private property which has no guarantees, you should use the public method to set location, see the API docs I think it's called setLngLat


ReactLeafletDriftMarker not drifting

Good day,
I have a map with markers that move every 3 seconds to a new location, using ReactLeafletDriftMarker. I cannot, unfortunately, share my code since it is confidential.
My issue is that the markers do not drift, they just jump/appear in the next location.
Does anyone know what causes this to happen?
I can share this snippet:
{Object.entries(latlng).map(([key, value]) => {
return (
It shows how (around) 400 points move on a map.
All help is appreciated, thanks.
It was a simple mistake. I assigned a key to the container, so it re-rendered every time the markers changed position values.

Unity A* graph won't scale with canvas

I am using the A* graph package that I found here.
it all works well in scene view and I was able to set the graph to treat walls like obstacles.
However once I start the game the canvas scales and the graph's nodes no longer align with the walls.
this is really messing up my path finding. If anyone has any ideas how to fix this that would be much appreciated. I tried parenting the graph to the canvas but it still doesn't scale.
Kind regards
For anyone struggling with this what we did is edited the script of the A* code, in the update function we just got it to rescan once. This means that once the game started and all the scaling had taken place the graph re adjusted its bounds. This is probably not the most proper way but it only took four lines and worked for us.
private bool scanAgain = true;
private void Update () {
// This class uses the [ExecuteInEditMode] attribute
// So Update is called even when not playing
// Don't do anything when not in play mode
if (!Application.isPlaying) return;
// Execute blocking actions such as graph updates
// when not scanning
if (!isScanning) {
// Calculates paths when not using multithreading
// Return calculated paths
if (scanAgain)
scanAgain = false;

Unity - Navmesh event on navigation end

Is there a way to raise a flag on the Navmesh navigation end, or to use a callback when it finish?
I want to run a function when my objection reach to the desire position, I can check on every frame update if the navigation has finished but I want a more elegant and efficient solution.
It depends what you mean by "ends", if you want to know when a path is no longer available for the NavAgent, you can use pathStatus, for example you could write:
if(myNavAgent.pathStatus != NavMeshPathStatus.PathComplete) {
// Do stuff
If you me reaching a location such as a "waypoint" you can use myNavAgent.remainingDistance then check if it is less than a certain value.
Here's the unity NavAgent scriptingAPI doc link:
If this doesn't work, let me know!
I have Thought the same question and i couldn't find a callback, However i managed to solve with triggers. For example if my agent goes point a, i put trigger that position and when my agent touches it i stopped agent.

How to completely reset an ARKit scene in Unity

Hey guys I'm having a small issue with ARKit and Unity.
In the game that I'm making I'm reloading my scene when the player dies, however when the scene is reloaded all the GameObjects are still in the same position from the last session. I want all my objects to return to their starting positions when the scene is reloaded.
I saw that some variables regarding position and rotation are marked as "static" in the code. I tried changing them but I got a lot of compile errors.
Does anyone know a way around this?
Create this method and call it whenever you want to reset the scene:
using UnityEngine.XR.iOS;
public void ResetScene() {
ARKitWorldTrackingSessionConfiguration sessionConfig = new ARKitWorldTrackingSessionConfiguration ( UnityARAlignment.UnityARAlignmentGravity, UnityARPlaneDetection.Horizontal);
UnityARSessionNativeInterface.GetARSessionNativeInterface().RunWithConfigAndOptions(sessionConfig, UnityARSessionRunOption.ARSessionRunOptionRemoveExistingAnchors | UnityARSessionRunOption.ARSessionRunOptionResetTracking);
I found the solution!
Add these lines of code in your ARCameraManager script in the "!UnityEditor" part.
UnityARSessionRunOption options = new UnityARSessionRunOption();
options = UnityARSessionRunOption.ARSessionRunOptionRemoveExistingAnchors | UnityARSessionRunOption.ARSessionRunOptionResetTracking;
m_session.RunWithConfigAndOptions(config, options);
Now every time you reload your scene all AR elements (planes, anchors, camera tracking data) are reset.

Get max axis value from MS Charts C#.NET

I banged and banged my head on this one for a while and I figured someone else may have this problem down the line. I'm posting my full issue and resolution to those who come later, and to offer a spot for any improvements/simplifications if anyone finds one.
Issue was I am trying to paint VerticalLineAnnotations on my ChartArea. I do not want to anchor it to any data points but merely anchor it to an X axis based on which ChartArea I send in. In my annotation constructor I was trying to set AnchorX.
double maxdate = chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Maximum;
double mindate = chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.Minimum;
//use inputdata to find where relative spot is.
if(DateTime.TryParse(date, out ddate)) {
AnchorX = (ddate.ToOADate()) / (maxdate - mindate);
I kept getting the mins and maxs to return as NaN, which I found out means the ChartArea will manage itself and set its own max/mins. This was all pre-painting.
I tried post painting but then everytime it painted, it would add annotation, then do postpaint again and infinite loop.
I finally found an event that lets me do this. The Customize() event solved this issue.
private void chart_Customize(object sender, EventArgs e) {
Now immediately before the painting happens, data seems to be loaded and max and mins are already set by this point and I can get values back in the code from above.
Hope this can save someone the hours that I lost!