How to disable auto hot reload on flutter? - flutter

I have search for this issue and seen solutions, but I am not able to figure out the issue.
i get some error because every time write the code, its directly run hot reloads before i finish complete the code. so, how to disable automatic hot reloads in flutter?
automatic hot reloads in flutter is so annoying, i just want to use hot reloads base on Ctrl + S. how i do that?
i'am using visual studio code by the way.

If you are using Android Studio 4.1 go to:
On Mac: Android Studio -> Preferences -> Languages & Frameworks -> Flutter
On Windows: File -> Settings -> Languages & Frameworks -> Flutter
Then, after being at Flutter section, look for "App Execution" and there you have to uncheck the box "Perform hot reload on save". Then click OK and that's it.
Here is how:

Disable auto save on VsCode:
Go to File > Preferences > settings
Choose off from the auto save drop down.

In VS Code, alternative to turning off auto-save:
Turn off these settings:
Settings > Extensions > Dart & Flutter > Flutter Hot Reload On Save
Settings > Extensions > Dart & Flutter > Flutter Hot Restart On Save
Then use Run > Restart Debugging to restart manually or Crtl + F5 to Hot Reload

To disable Auto Save on VS Code
Go to File > Preferences > settings turn off Auto Save
To disable Hot Reload or Hot Restart on save search setting with auto hot, and disable the setting.

If you are using Intellij IDEA (or Android Studio) you might as well disable Hot UI if enabled:
File > Preferences > Languages & Frameworks > Flutter > Enable Hot UI (disable it)


Hot reload doesn't work on Flutter (VS Code)

When I hot reload the Flutter code it shows hot restarting instead and takes a lot of time. How can I do a hot reload?
Their is an alternative way of doing this that doesn't take time, and it works on Saving for Hot reload
First, stop the current flutter run
in vs-code
Goto Run > Run Without debugging
or simply Ctrl + F5 on windows
That command will run your project
and it will give you a pop up inside vs-code
click on the refresh like button for Hot Restart
Ctrl + S for Hot reload

Flutter's Hot Reload stopped working after updating to Android Studio 4.2.1

I just updated to the latest stable Android Studio out there, version 4.2.1, with all the latest plugin and stuff. After doing it, saving a file didn't update the app. It just showed a bubble saying reload not performed analysis issues found, but when going there, only warnings appeared. Zero errors.
Tried a flutter upgrade that moved me from 2.0.6 to 2.2.1 with no luck. Also ran an Invalidate Caches / Restart, but didn't work either.
In my case the problem was the fact AndroidStudio placed some file:/// on some imports when I moved some file locations.
Check if you have any import using file:/// :
import 'file:///<your_awesome_file_path>.dart';
and try rewriting them removing the "file:///" argument:
import 'package:<your_awesome_package>/<your_awesome_file_name>.dart';
The hot reloaded will work again when you replaced all file:/// occurrences from the imports.
Make sure in Android Studio > File > settings > Languages & Frameworks > Flutter > check "Perform hot reload on save"!!!
This may help you:
In Android Studio go to File -> Settings -> Keymap ->Main menu ->Run, you should assign some key shortcut for that to happen. Default it will be Ctrl+\

What is the problem while saving flutter code

Good evening everyone I have a problem if I modify the code on android studio the changes do not appear on my emulator unless I restart android studio
You need to "deliver" your code to a device. From Android Studio, you can click on Flutter Hot Reload (Flash icon on screenshot), or do this action by shortcut (depends on OS on your computer, put mouse cursor to Flutter Hot Reload icon and IDE give hint about hot key for this action): Ctrl + Shift + \ on Windows or Shift + \ on macOS.

Hot Restart (previously Full restart) in Flutter VS Code whilst debugging

Whilst running my app using flutter run in the console I can press 'r' to do a reload and press 'R' to do a reload and restart. Is there a way to do this whilst debugging in VS Code? Saving a file causes a hot reload but I can't figure out a way to do a full restart.
This is a little bit different to the hot reload option so I don't think this is a duplicate. This question regards performing a full restart of the application without reinstalling it. This is possible by pressing a capital R in the console, as opposed to pressing a lowercase r in the console which would perform a hot reload.
When debugging you can press Ctrl+F5 for a full restart, or you can run the Flutter: Full Restart command from the VS Code's command palette (Ctrl+Shift+P or Cmd+Shift+P for macOS).
Note: In the next version (v2.13.0, which there's a beta of available) "Full Restart" has been renamed to "Hot Restart" to better reflect how it works (this is happening across the other Flutter tools and docs too).
Related info:
Flutter VS Code docs
Dart Code keybindings
Dart Code debugging commands
The chosen answer wasn't working for me with Flutter 1.2.1 so I used this solution:
get the Flutter extension
search for dart.flutterDebuggerRestartBehaviour in VS Code settings and set it to hotRestart
start the debugger (F5) and click the restart button when you want to hot restart:

VSCode hot reload for flutter

I've just started playing with Flutter in VSCode. I also installed the Dart Plugin.
Running the demo app I read in the terminal
Is this the only way to hot-reload the app? I mean I should always keep the terminal open and focus on it to type "r" in order to reload my views?
Isn't there a shortcut directly from VSCode?
There's an extension for that. Called Dart Code and another one named Flutter Code
They will detect that your project is a Dart/Flutter project. And allows you to debug it + hot reload using f5.
For 2022, this solution worked.
Open Settings.
Paste this text > dart.flutterHotReloadOnSave on the settings search box.
And change value from "Manual" to "Always"
If you like to hot reload your app with a keybinding better than Ctrl+Shift+F5, just change the Debug: Restart to Ctrl+S, so whenever you trigger the the Ctrl+S the app will first save your changes according to the and afterwards restart the app (=hot reload, it is the green circle you see in the debugbar).
Keybindings for VS Code:
VSCode debug -> start debuging, make a change and try, That's what you want.
No idea why F5 does not hot reload for me :(
But, you can map the -
Flutter: Hot Reload
command to whatever key combo floats your boat via -
Preferences > Keyboard ShortCuts
as in this screenshot -
open the Debug sidebar from VSCode and use it
then when you save, it will hot reload and apply the changes you make
that is what working with me
use the green reload button to hot reload the app in VS Code
on Mac select
Run without Debugging or Shift+f5
you will see this at top select the electric icon for Hot Reload.
After doing some changes save it. It will auto reflect changes.
yes Here is the plugin Dart Code for VS CODE
here is official doc for VsCode flutter
In VS once installed Dart + Flutter extension, 2 options to hot reload 1) Use combo keys Command + Shift + F5. 2) Save the file by use combo keys Command + S
I have both extensions and VSCode is set to Hot Reload once a document is saved. The only time I can reload my app is by stopping and restarting my debugger
i dont know why but my vscode hot reloading not work if you have this problem you can use ctrl + f5 to refresh app.
hope to work for developers that hot reloading not work for them.
You need to run Flutter app from VS Code's built-in debugger not VS Code's terminal.
Select ▷ then "Run without Debugging" -> You can now use ⌘S on Mac to ⚡ Hot Reload ⚡
===== Aug 2022 UPDATE =====
v3.42 and above: You can enable hot reload on autosave in the latest version by setting Flutter Hot Reload On Save to allIfDirty in your VSCode settings.
===== Old Versions (Early 2022 and below) =====
v3.41 and below: You can enable hot reload on autosave in the latest version by setting Flutter Hot Reload On Save to always in your VSCode settings.
v3.19 only: They disabled hot reload on autosave completely.
v3.18 and below: The extension hot reloads automatically when auto saving.
if flutter and dart extensions already installed on vscode
Set from manual to All
If you run your flutter project from the terminal you will have to manually press r to do a hot reload.
Therefore use the Run and Debug option in the VS Code to test your project.
You may encounter problems with Hot Reload due to VS Code issues like this, which is relevant while writing this answer.
The most convincing way I see to do it without downgrading, updating to Insiders builds and/or loosing dev speed is to use the green restart/reload button in the VS Code run widget or Ctrl+Shift+F5 shortcut, but this option may be inacceptable for projects with trickier navigation and few different views.