Firestore query where document id not in array [duplicate] - flutter

I'm having a little trouble wrapping my head around how to best structure my (very simple) Firestore app. I have a set of users like this:
users: {
'A123': {
'B234': {
'C345': {
...and each user can 'like' or 'dislike' any number of other users (like Tinder).
I'd like to structure a "likes" table (or Firestore equivalent) so that I can list people who I haven't yet liked or disliked. My initial thought was to create a "likes" object within the user table with boolean values like this:
users: {
'A123': {
'likedBy': {
'disLikedBy': {
'B234': {
'C345': {
That way if I am Charlie and I know my ID, I could list users that I haven't yet liked or disliked with:
var usersRef = firebase.firestore().collection('users')
This doesn't work (everyone gets listed) so I suspect that my approach is wrong, especially the '==false' part. Could someone please point me in the right direction of how to structure this? As a bonus extra question, what happens if somebody changes their name? Do I need to change all of the embedded "likedBy" data? Or could I use a cloud function to achieve this?

There isn't a perfect solution for this problem, but there are alternatives you can do depending on what trade-offs you want.
The options: Overscan vs Underscan
Remember that Cloud Firestore only allows queries that scale independent of the total size of your dataset.
This can be really helpful in preventing you from building something that works in test with 10 documents, but blows up as soon as you go to production and become popular. Unfortunately, this type of problem doesn't fit that scalable pattern and the more profiles you have, and the more likes people create, the longer it takes to answer the query you want here.
The solution then is to find a one or more queries that scale and most closely represent what you want. There are 2 options I can think of that make trade-offs in different ways:
Overscan --> Do a broader query and then filter on the client-side
Underscan --> Do one or more narrower queries that might miss a few results.
In the Overscan option, you're basically trading increased cost to get 100% accuracy.
Given your use-case, I imagine this might actually be your best option. Since the total number of profiles is likely orders of magnitude larger than the number of profiles an individual has liked, the increased cost of overscanning is probably inconsequential.
Simply select all profiles that match any other conditions you have, and then on the client side, filter out any that the user has already liked.
First, get all the profiles liked by the user:
var likedUsers = firebase.firestore().collection('users')
Then get all users, checking against the first list and discarding anything that matches.
var allUsers = firebase.firestore().collection('users').get()
Depending on the scale, you'll probably want to optimize the first step, e.g. every time the user likes someone, update an array in a single document for that user for everyone they have liked. This way you can simply get a single document for the first step.
var likedUsers = firebase.firestore().collection('likedUsers')
Since this query does scale by the size of the result set (by defining the result set to be the data set), Cloud Firestore can answer it without a bunch of hidden unscalable work. The unscalable part is left to you to optimize (with 2 examples above).
In the Underscan option, you're basically trading accuracy to get a narrower (hence cheaper) set of results.
This method is more complex, so you probably only want to consider it if for some reason the liked to unliked ratio is not as I suspect in the Overscan option.
The basic idea is to exclude someone if you've definitely liked them, and accept the trade-off that you might also exclude someone you haven't yet liked - yes, basically a Bloom filter.
In each users profile store a map of true/false values from 0 to m (we'll get to what m is later), where everything is set to false initially.
When a user likes the profile, calculate the hash of the user's ID to insert into the Bloom filter and set all those bits in the map to true.
So let's say C345 hashes to 0110 if we used m = 4, then your map would look like:
likedBy: {
0: false,
1: true,
2: true,
3: false }
Now, to find people you definitely haven't liked, you need use the same concept to do a query against each bit in the map. For any bit 0 to m that your hash is true on, query for it to be false:
var usersRef = firebase.firestore().collection('users')
Etc. (This will get easier when we support OR queries in the future). Anyone who has a false value on a bit where your user's ID hashes to true definitely hasn't been liked by them.
Since it's unlikely you want to display ALL profiles, just enough to display a single page, you can probably randomly select a single one of the ID's hash bits that is true and just query against it. If you run out of profiles, just select another one that was true and restart.
Assuming most profiles are liked 500 or less times, you can keep the false positive ratio to ~20% or less using m = 1675.
There are handy online calculators to help you work out ratios of likes per profile, desired false positive ratio, and m, for example here.
Overscan - bonus
You'll quickly realize in the Overscan option that every time you run the query, the same profiles the user didn't like last time will be shown. I'm assuming you don't want that. Worse, all the ones the user liked will be early on in the query, meaning you'll end up having to skip them all the time and increase your costs.
There is an easy fix for that, use the method I describe on this question, Firestore: How to get random documents in a collection. This will enable you to pull random profiles from the set, giving you a more even distribution and reducing the chance of stumbling on lots of previously liked profiles.
Underscan - bonus
One problem I suspect you'll have with the Underscan option is really popular profiles. If someone is almost always liked, you might start exceeding the usefulness of a bloom filter if that profile has a size not reasonable to keep in a single document (you'll want m to be less than say 8000 to avoid running into per document index limits in Cloud Firestore).
For this problem, you want to combine the Overscan option just for these profiles. Using Cloud Functions, any profile that has more than x% of the map set to true gets a popular flag set to true. Overscan everyone on the popular flag and weave them into your results from the Underscan (remember to do the discard setup).


How to maximize existing number field in Cloud Firestore

I have several fields in one document that contain user records for mini games. After the user has played a few of them, I update the records in this document. I cannot be allowed to overwrite the existing record value with a smaller one. Therefore, I need to maximize them.
The solutions I have considered:
Transactions. This solution does not work for me, because it will not work without an Internet connection.
Cloud Functions. I can trigger the function when the document is updated or created. This solution works for me, but it complicates the logic in my application a lot.
Security Rules. I can prevent the document from being written if its new value is less than the old one. But this solution will only work well if you write one field at a time.
Ideally, I would like something like the following:
let data: [String: Any] = [
"game_id0": FieldValue.maximum(newRecord0),
"game_id1": FieldValue.maximum(newRecord1),
"game_id2": FieldValue.maximum(newRecord2),
let docRef = db.collection("user_records").document(documentId)
docRef.setData(data, merge: true)
But unfortunately FieldValue class only has methods: increment, arrayUnion, arrayRemove and delete.
In the description for the protocol, I found the maximum and minimum methods, but I doubt that this can be legally used.
Can anyone tell me any other feasible method?
Let the following document be stored on the server:
{ "game_id": 13 }
The user plays the game from one device (which is offline) and scores 20 points.
Then the same user plays the same game from another device (which is online) and scores 22 points. An update request is sent. The server now stores the following information:
{ "game_id": 22 }
On the first device of the user, the Internet appears and the recording takes place. In this case, overwriting occurs and the document takes the following form:
{ "game_id": 20 }
That is, the previously collected user record is overwritten.
But I need the recording to occur only if the new value is greater than the current one. That is, the data after step two should not change.
If you can't use a transaction (which would normally be the right thing to do), then you have to use one of your other methods. I don't think you have any alternatives. You are probably going to have an easier time with Cloud Functions, and I don't think that's going to complicate things as much as you say. It should just be a few lines of code to check that any updated value should not be less than existing values.

Database schema for a tinder like app

I have a database of million of Objects (simply say lot of objects). Everyday i will present to my users 3 selected objects, and like with tinder they can swipe left to say they don't like or swipe right to say they like it.
I select each objects based on their location (more closest to the user are selected first) and also based on few user settings.
I m under mongoDB.
now the problem, how to implement the database in the way it's can provide fastly everyday a selection of object to show to the end user (and skip all the object he already swipe).
Well, considering you have made your choice of using MongoDB, you will have to maintain multiple collections. One is your main collection, and you will have to maintain user specific collections which hold user data, say the document ids the user has swiped. Then, when you want to fetch data, you might want to do a setDifference aggregation. SetDifference does this:
Takes two sets and returns an array containing the elements that only
exist in the first set; i.e. performs a relative complement of the
second set relative to the first.
Now how performant this is would depend on the size of your sets and the overall scale.
I agree with your comment that this is not a scalable solution.
Solution 2:
One solution I could think of is to use a graph based solution, like Neo4j. You could represent all your 1M objects and all your user objects as nodes and have relationships between users and objects that he has swiped. Your query would be to return a list of all objects the user is not connected to.
You cannot shard a graph, which brings up scaling challenges. Graph based solutions require that the entire graph be in memory. So the feasibility of this solution depends on you.
Solution 3:
Use MySQL. Have 2 tables, one being the objects table and the other being (uid-viewed_object) mapping. A join would solve your problem. Joins work well for the longest time, till you hit a scale. So I don't think is a bad starting point.
Solution 4:
Use Bloom filters. Your problem eventually boils down to a set membership problem. Give a set of ids, check if its part of another set. A Bloom filter is a probabilistic data structure which answers set membership. They are super small and super efficient. But ya, its probabilistic though, false negatives will never happen, but false positives can. So thats a trade off. Check out this for how its used :
Ill update the answer if I can think of something else.

Creating new collections vs array properties

Coming from a MySQL background, I've been questioning the some of the design patterns when working with Mongo. One question I keep asking myself is when should I create a new collection vs creating a property of an array type? My current situation goes as follows:
I have a collection of Users who all have at least 1 Inbox
Each inbox has 0 or more messages
Each message can have 0 or comments
My current structure looks like this:
message:"this is my message"
comment:"this is a great message"
For simplicity I only listed 1 inbox, 1 message and 1 comment. Realistically though there could be many more.
An approach I believe that would work better is to use 4 collections:
Users - stores just the username
Inboxes - name of the inbox, along with the UID of User it belongs to
Messages - content of the message, along with the UID of inbox it belongs to
Comments - content of the comment, along with the UID of the message it belongs to.
So which one would be the better approach?
No one can help you with this question, because it is highly dependent on your application:
how many inboxes/messages/comments do you have on average
how often do you write/modify/delete these elements
how often do you read them
a lot of other things that I forgot to mention
When you are selecting one approach over another you are doing tradeofs.
If you store everything together (in one collection as your first case) you make it super easy to get all the things for a particular user. Taking apart the thing that most probably you do not need all the information at once, you at the same time makes it super hard to update some parts of the elements (try to write a query that will add a comment or remove the third comment). Even if this is easy - mongodb does not handle well growing documents because whenever you exceeds the padding factor it moves the document to another location (which is expensive) and increases the padding factor. Also keep in mind that this potentially can hit mongodb's limit on the size of the document.
It is always a good idea to read all mongodb use cases before trying to design any storage schema. Not surprisingly they have a comprehensive overview of your case as well.

Complex URL handling conception

I'm currently struggling at a complex URL handling concept question. The application have a product property database table/collection with all the different product types (i.e. categories, colors, manufacturers, materials, etc.).
Now the mission is to handle URL requests in the style below in every(!) possible order to retrieve the included product properties. The only allowed character is the dash (settled SEO requirement, some properties also can include dashes by themselve - i think also an important point - i.e. the category "suv-cars" or the manufacturer "mercedes-benz"):
... every order of the properties should be allowed! The result have to be the information about the used properties per URL-Request (BTW yes, the duplicate content will be fixed by redirects and a predefined schema). The "nonexistingproperties"/"crap" are possible and just should be ignored.
Idea 1: One way i'm thinking about the question is to split the query string by dashes and analyze them value by value, the problem: At the two or three or more word combinations at some properties there are too many different combinations and variations so a loooot of queries which kills this idea i think..
Idea 2: The other way is to build a (in my opinion) too large Alias/URL-Table with all of the different combinations, but i think that's just an ugly workaround. There are about 15.000 of different properties so the count of the aliases in the different sort orders is killing this idea.
Idea 3: It's your turn! Thanks for your mind and your time.
While your question is a bit broad, below are some ideas. There isn't a single awesome answer unless you find a free or commercial engine for this that works exactly the way you want.
The way I thought about your problem was to consider the URL as a list of keywords.
use Lucene as a keyword/tag system. It's good at the types of searches you suggest you want, including phrases, stems, etc.
store and index the data in DB of choice, but pull the keywords into memory and build a bit index of all keywords vs items. Iterate through the keyword table producing weighted results. If order of keywords matters, you'll also need make a pass through the result set to weight based on word order. These types of searches always need to cap their result set quickly in order to return results quickly.
cache the results like crazy from working matches, and give precedence to results that users seem to click on the most for a given URL.
attack the database by using tag indexes in MongoDB. You'd still need to merge and weight results. Very intensive and not likely a good use of DB resources.
read some of the academic papers on keyword searches. It's a popular topic.
build a table of words that have dashes in them, and normalize/convert those before running your queries
always check for full exact matches first
The only way this may work, if you restrict all property values to be unique. So, you make a set of categories+colors+manufacturers, etc. All values have to be unique. This will allow you to find to what property the value belongs.
The data structure for this should be fairly simple:
{_id:ValueOfTheProperty, Property:TypeOfProperty}
Here are some possible samples:
{ _id: Red, Property: Color }
{ _id: Green, Property: Color }
{ _id: Boots, Property: Category }
{ _id: Shoes, Property: Category }
This way, the order does not matter, and you are able to convert them in a single pass to a map:
{ Color: Red, Category: Boots }
Though, I predict some problems with ambigous names here.

How to fetch the continuous list with PostgreSQL in web

I am making an API over HTTP that fetches many rows from PostgreSQL with pagination. In ordinary cases, I usually implement such pagination through naive OFFET/LIMIT clause. However, there are some special requirements in this case:
A lot of rows there are so that I believe users cannot reach the end (imagine Twitter timeline).
Pages does not have to be randomly accessible but only sequentially.
API would return a URL which contains a cursor token that directs to the page of continuous chunks.
Cursor tokens have not to exist permanently but for some time.
Its ordering has frequent fluctuating (like Reddit rankings), however continuous cursors should keep their consistent ordering.
How can I achieve the mission? I am ready to change my whole database schema for it!
Assuming it's only the ordering of the results that fluctuates and not the data in the rows, Fredrik's answer makes sense. However, I'd suggest the following additions:
store the id list in a postgresql table using the array type rather than in memory. Doing it in memory, unless you carefully use something like redis with auto expiry and memory limits, is setting yourself up for a DOS memory consumption attack. I imagine it would look something like this:
create table foo_paging_cursor (
cursor_token ..., -- probably a uuid is best or timestamp (see below)
result_ids integer[], -- or text[] if you have non-integer ids
expiry_time TIMESTAMP
You need to decide if the cursor_token and result_ids can be shared between users to reduce your storage needs and the time needed to run the initial query per user. If they can be shared, chose a cache window, say 1 or 5 minute(s), and then upon a new request create the cache_token for that time period and then check to see if the results ids have already been calculated for that token. If not, add a new row for that token. You should probably add a lock around the check/insert code to handle concurrent requests for a new token.
Have a scheduled background job that purges old tokens/results and make sure your client code can handle any errors related to expired/invalid tokens.
Don't even consider using real db cursors for this.
Keeping the result ids in Redis lists is another way to handle this (see the LRANGE command), but be careful with expiry and memory usage if you go down that path. Your Redis key would be the cursor_token and the ids would be the members of the list.
I know absolutely nothing about PostgreSQL, but I'm a pretty decent SQL Server developer, so I'd like to take a shot at this anyway :)
How many rows/pages do you expect a user would maximally browse through per session? For instance, if you expect a user to page through a maximum of 10 pages for each session [each page containing 50 rows], you could make take that max, and setup the webservice so that when the user requests the first page, you cache 10*50 rows (or just the Id:s for the rows, depends on how much memory/simultaneous users you got).
This would certainly help speed up your webservice, in more ways than one. And it's quite easy to implement to. So:
When a user requests data from page #1. Run a query (complete with order by, join checks, etc), store all the id:s into an array (but a maximum of 500 ids). Return datarows that corresponds to id:s in the array at positions 0-9.
When the user requests page #2-10. Return datarows that corresponds to id:s in the array at posisions (page-1)*50 - (page)*50-1.
You could also bump up the numbers, an array of 500 int:s would only occupy 2K of memory, but it also depends on how fast you want your initial query/response.
I've used a similar technique on a live website, and when the user continued past page 10, I just switched to queries. I guess another solution would be to continue to expand/fill the array. (Running the query again, but excluding already included id:s).
Anyway, hope this helps!