No such file of directory Windows 10 PowerShell - powershell

Till now the command i use to convert HDR videos to SDR worked just fine till now. I am gettong always the error message "F:\_4k_Movies_\Dolittle: no such file or directory" any idea what's whong?
.\ffmpeg.exe -i F:\_4k_Movies_\Dolittle 4K.mkv -vf zscale=t=linear:npl=100,format=gbrpf32le,
format=yuv420p -c:v libx265 -crf 10 -preset fast F:\_4k_Movies_\Dolittle.SDR.mkv


ffmpeg trailing options with colon on windows

I've just switched to Windows 10 Pro.
When I open a shell to use ffmpeg, any time I use an option with a colon I get an error.
for example:
ffmpeg -thread_queue_size 4096 -r 24 -i -c:v libx264 -b:v 40m -profile:v main -crf 31 -pix_fmt yuv420p -c:a aac -b:a 192K -strict -2 -vf eq=saturation=1.3 compressed_31.mp4
[NULL # 0000023184ac8c40] Unable to find a suitable output format for 'libx264'
libx264: Invalid argument
if I get rid of -c:v libx264, then I get the same error with '40m', or with 'main' etc... so it's always trying to read the argument after an option with a colon as the output file.
Is this a windows thing? All my commands work fine in a mac terminal.
I assume the answer is simple. Apologies for my ignorance. Feels like I'm misunderstanding the windows shell or ffmpeg on windows.

ffmpeg cutet video lose sound last seconds

Hello I use this command and last seconds of a video sound is mute.
ffmpeg -ss <start_time> -i <output_result> -t <duration_of_video> -c copy <name_of_a_file.mp4>
So last 2 or 3 to 5,6 second are muted no sound only video.When I play it in VLC Player is stop 1 second before when i post on Instagram is playing till the end but 2-3 sec to 5-6 sec before that sound stops only video.I am using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS.Any suggestion Thank you.
The problem was in -c copy option for default codec. Instead I use -acodec libmp3lame -vcodec libx264.SO command is:
ffmpeg -ss -i -t
-acodec libmp3lame -vcodec libx264

Text streaming with RTMP?

I'm trying to get the output of a bash file to an RTMP stream.
I've successfully done it with FFMPEG using a filter, but the stream stops at Random intervals.
I assume that it's FFMPEG reading NULL data from the file.
I already write another file "output.txt", delete " input.txt" (which FFMPEG is reading) and rename "output.txt" to "input.txt".
Is there any way to do it more atomic in bash so it will work? Or is there a more elegant way to turn a changing text (max one time per second) to an FFMPEG stream?
Here is my current script:
ffmpeg -s 1920x1080 -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -r 10 -i /dev/zero -f lavfi -i anullsrc -vcodec h264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -r 10 -b:v 2500k -qscale:v 3 -b:a 712000 -bufsize 512k -vf "drawtext=fontcolor=0xFFFFFF:fontsize=15:fontfile=/usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSansMono.ttf:textfile=input.txt:x=0:y=0:reload=1" -f flv "rtmp://"

FFmpeg - Down-mix AC3 5.1 to Fraunhofer FDK ACC 2.1

I'm trying to re-encode some of my old videos to "archive" them.
I do not need to keep the audio 5.1, but I would like to down-mix it to 2.1 instead of Stereo which sounds just too dull.
This is the relevant part which takes care of the down-mix to Stereo and re-encodes the audio, I would like to adjust it to down-mix to 2.1.
-ac 2 -c:a libfdk_aac -vbr 3
I did some research and it seems that there is a -layouts switch which does support 2.1, but I don't know, how to use it. What channel should go where?
Just for illustration and for you to get the whole picture - I'm currently using this script:
for i in *.mkv;
#Output new files by prepending "x265" to the names
/cygdrive/c/media-autobuild_suite/local32/bin-video/ffmpeg.exe -y -i "$i" -c:v libx265 -preset slow -b:v 512k -x265-params pass=1 -c:s copy -c:a copy -f matroska NUL && \
/cygdrive/c/media-autobuild_suite/local32/bin-video/ffmpeg.exe -i "$i" -c:v libx265 -preset slow -b:v 512k -x265-params pass=2 -c:s copy -ac 2 -c:a libfdk_aac -vbr 3 x265_"$i"
The FDK aac encoder does not support 2.1, but the native encoder does.
ffmpeg -i "$i" ... -c:s copy -af pan=2.1 -c:a aac x265_"$i"

Dividing, processing and merging files with ffmpeg

I am trying to build an application that will divide an input video file (usually mp4) into chunks so that I can apply some processing to them concurrently and then merge them back into a single file.
To do this, I have outlined 4 steps:
Forcing keyframes at specific intervals so to make sure that each
chunk can be played on its own. For this I am using the following
ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -force_key_frames
"expr:gte(t,n_forced*chunk_length)" keyframed.mp4
where chunk_length is the duration of each chunk.
Dividing keyframed.mp4 into multiple chunks.
Here is where I have my problem. I am using the following command:
`ffmpeg -i keyframed.mp4 -ss 00:00:00 -t chunk_length -vcodec copy -acodec copy test1.mp4`
to get the first chunk from my keyframed file but it isn't capturing
the output correctly, since it appears to miss the first keyframe.
On other chunks, the duration of the output is also sometimes
slightly less than chunk_length, even though I am always using the
same -t chunk_length option
Processing each chunk For this task, I am using the following
ffmpeg -y -i INPUT_FILE -threads 1 -pass 1 -s 1280x720 -preset
medium -vprofile baseline -c:v libx264 -level 3.0 -vf
"format=yuv420p" -b:v 2000k -maxrate:v 2688k -bufsize:v 2688k -r 25
-g 25 -keyint_min 50 -x264opts "keyint=50:min-keyint=50:no-scenecut" -an -f mp4 -movflags faststart /dev/null
ffmpeg -y -i INPUT_FILE -threads 1 -pass 2 -s 1280x720 -preset
medium -vprofile baseline -c:v libx264 -level 3.0 -vf
"format=yuv420p" -b:v 2000k -maxrate:v 2688k -bufsize:v 2688k -r 25
-g 25 -keyint_min 50 -x264opts "keyint=50:min-keyint=50:no-scenecut" -acodec libfaac -ac 2 -ar 48000 -ab 128k -f mp4 -movflags faststart OUTPUT_FILE.mp4
This commands are not allowed to be modified, since my goal here is
to parallelize this process.
Finally, to merge the files I am using concat and a list of the
outputs of the 2nd step, as follows:
ffmpeg -f concat -i mylist.txt -c copy final.mp4
In conclusion, I am trying to find out a way to solve the problem with step 2 and also get some opinions if there is a better way to do this.
I found a solution with the following code, which segments the file without the need to force keyframes (it cuts on the nearest keyframe) and multiple commands.
ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -f segment -segment_time chunk_length -reset_timestamps 1 -c copy test%02d.mp4