Launch a specific Pod via API and connect from outside - kubernetes

I am currently designing a system where users should be able to start a simulation through a Web Portal and then connect to it with a gRPC client (amongst other things). After the user is finished the simulation then terminates. I want to run the whole system in a kind of microservice architecture in a kubernetes cluster if possible. This is however my first time working with kubernetes and I am unsure if it is possible to achieve this.
As far as I could gather from reading the documentation and googling around it seems like I should be able to launch a pod by calling POST /api/v1/namespaces/{namespace}/pods and making it availble under the Host IP by setting hostPort. However what I dont know is how I would determine a free port on the Node to deploy to or let kubernetes decide that (if hostPort is even the correct choice for this). After that it should be pretty straightforward. Send the user the IP:Port to connect to and he just plugs that into his gRPC client.
Any suggestions on how to best achieve this?

Using hostPort is rather not recommended, so you'd be better off by specifying a service and access your Pod via a service. In your case you can define NodePort service and let Kubernetes decide on the port. Then, fetch the service port using Kubernetes API.


Is it possible to deploy a nestjs microservice backend on a kubernetes Cluster

Hello intelligent stackoverflow people,
i am trying to deploy my microservice backend developed with nestjs on Kubernetes.
But i don´t know how to do it or even find a tutorial that shows me how to.
I found an article talking about a similar case using Kafka as the event-streaming-service.
Instead of Kafka i used the native event based communication provided by the framework described in the docs. It is some basic topic based publish-subscribe mechanism.
Does that prohibit the use of Kubernetes. Do i need to use some kind of external communication software?
I am really confused at the moment and dont know if we/i made an error since the start.
I am the author of the post you mentioned. You should be able to use the event-streaming-service, but it's a different scenario than the one I represent in the post.
In the post, the pods are connecting to a Kafka service that is running outside of the Kubernetes network, but in your scenario, the pods need to be able to connect to one another inside the Kubernetes network.
If you are planning to use two separate services, I would recommend using an external broker. If you plan to use the default mechanism, make sure to set the host and port configuration for one of the pods. Lets say api is just going to produce, so set its configuration to the pod name and port of the worker. Let me know if it works. I would start trying to make it work on your local env before going to Kubernetes.

How to manually scale desktop applications in Kubernetes on-demand

I have a containerized legacy application using VNC as an XServer.
I'd like to run this application in a Kubernetes cluster, and start an application instance on-demand, when a new user logs in the system.
I'd like to
scale the number of PODs on-demand and not automatically with the replicas property
provide unique host/port to the clients to connect to their own VNC server?
How can I achieve this in K8S?
Your question is a bit contradictory, since on-demand scaling is a variant of automatic scaling.
Given your constraints you could create a custom application in which users request their connection data. Upon request your application talks to the kubernetes api and scales up the number of instances.
You would use a headless service to get the list of endpoints and associate a specific endpoint to a user. Your application would reserve a specific port for that user. You then have to create a new nodeport or loadbalancer service to expose this port of your application that forwards to the chosen instance.
After all this sounds like a lot of effort, perhaps your concept is not a good match for kubernetes.

how sockets or communication channels are maintained in distibuted system

I am new to distributed systems, and came to this problem once needed to deploy a gRPC service to kubernetes (GKE). As far as I know, when a client initiate an rpc, it creates a long lasting http2 connection and further calls are multiplexed on it. I like to send/push notifications or similar messages to the client through this connection. If I deploy to multiple pod, then the connections are spread across them, and not sure what is the best way to locate the instance where the channel is registered to the client. A possible solution could be, as soon as user initiate a connection, keep a reference of clientId and pod ip (or some identification) in a centralized service and other pods lookup the pod and forward the message to it. Is something like is advisable or is there an existing solution for this? I am unfamiliar with this space and any suggestion is highly appreciated.
Edit: (response to #mebius99)
While looking at deploying option, I stumbled upon GKE, and other cloud deployment options were limited because of my use of gRPC/http2. Thanks for mentioning service discovery , and that or service mesh might be an option. With gRPC, client maintains a long lived connection to a single pod. So, I want every pod to be able to query, based on unique clientId (clients can do an initial register rpc call), which pod is it connected, so can make use of this connection and also a way pods to forward the message between them. So, something like when I get a registration call from client, I update the central registry about the client and pod ip, then look it up from any pod and forward package to it so it further forward to client through the existing streaming connection. You guiding me to the right direction, please let me know above is possible in container environment.
thank you.
Another idea, You can use Envoy proxy.
If you are using GKE, these posts are helpful.
I'd suggest to start from the Kubernetes Service concept and Service discovery. The External HTTP(S) Load Balancing should fit your needs.
In case you need something more sophisticated, Envoy proxy + Network Load Balancing could be a solution, as is mentioned here.
It sounds like you want to implement some kind of Pub-Sub system.
You must do some back-of-envelop calculation of the scale, such as how many clients, how many messages per second first.
Then you can choose whether to implement yourself or pick an off-the-shelf system, such as
I just want to add more explanations to the existing answers here.
Since requests in HTTP/2 is multiplexed (multiple requests can be active on the same connection at any point in time), requests will be just pinned to a single Kubernetes pod. Hence, we need to configure a service mesh to shift from connection-based balancing to request-based balancing. Envoy Proxy mentioned here is one example.
I'd recommend everyone to read this good article from Kubernetes blog

Within a Kubernetes cluster catch outgoing requests from a Pod and redirect to a different target

I have a cluster with 3 nodes. In each node i have a frontend application running in a Pod and backend application running in a separate Pod.
I send data from the frontend application to the backend application, to do this i utilise the Cluster IP Service and k8 dns resource.
I also have a function in my frontend where i send data to a separate service unrelated to my k8s cluster. I send this data using a standard AJAX request to a url with a payload i.e
All of this works correctly and the cluster operates as i want. - i have this cluster deployed to GKE. 

I now want to run this cluster local using minikube, which i have been able to do, however, when i am running locally i do not want to send data to my external service - instead i want to forward it to either a new Pod i will create or just not send it.

The problem here is i need a proxy to intercept outgoing network traffic, check if the outgoing request is the request i am looking for and if it is then redirect it.
I understand each node running in a cluster has a kube-proxy service running within the node - which is used to forward traffic to the relevant services in the cluster. 

I would like to either extend this service, or create a new proxy service where i can listen for outgoing traffic to a specific url and redirect it. 

Is this possible to do in a k8 cluster? I assume there is a Service i can create to listen for all outgoing requests and redirect specific requests based on rules i set. 

I wasn’t sure if k8 clusters have a Service already configured i can simply add to - that’s why i thought of the kube-proxy, would anyone be able to advice on this?

I wanted to add this proxy so i don’t have to change my code when its ran locally in minikube or deployed to GKE.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks!
I did a tool that help you to forward a service to another service,local port, service from other cluster, etc...
This way you can have exactly your same urls, ports and code... but the underlying services gets "replaced", if I understand correctly this is what you are looking for.
Here is a quick example of an stage service being replaced with my local 3000 port
This is the repository with more info and examples: linker-tool
If you are interested let me know if you need help or have any question.

Change Kubernetes Instance Template to open HTTPS port

I was using NodePort to host a webapp on Google Container Engine (GKE). It allows you to directly point your domains to the node IP address, instead of an expensive Google load balancer. Unfortunately, instances are created with HTTP ports blocked by default, and an update locked down manually changing the nodes, as they are now created using and Instance Group/and an Immutable Instance Template.
I need to open port 443 on my nodes, how do I do that with Kubernetes or GCE? Preferably in an update resistant way.
Related github question:
Using port 443 on your Kubernetes nodes is not a standard practice. If you look at the docs you and see the kubelet option --service-node-port-range which defaults to 30000-32767. You could change it to 443-32767 or something. Note that every port under 1024 is restricted to root.
In summary, it's not a good idea/practice to run your Kubernetes services on port 443. A more typical scenario would be an external nginx/haproxy proxy that sends traffic to the NodePorts of your service. The other option you mentioned is using a cloud load balancer but you'd like to avoid that due to costs.
Update: A deamonset with a nodeport can handle the port opening for you. nginx/k8s-ingress has a nodeport on 443 which gets exposed by a custom firewall rule. the GCE UI will not show「Allow HTTPS traffic」as checked, because its not using the default rule.
You can do everything you do on the GUI Google Cloud Console using the Cloud SDK, most easily through the Google Cloud Shell. Here is the command for adding a network tag to a running instance. This works, even though the GUI disabled the ability to do so
gcloud compute instances add-tags gke-clusty-pool-0-7696af58-52nf --zone=us-central1-b --tags https-server,http-server
This also works on the beta, meaning it should continue to work for a bit.
See for examples on how to automate this. Perhaps consider running on a webhook when downtime is detected. Obviously none of this is ideal.
Alternatively, you can change the templates themselves. With this method you can also add a startup to new nodes, which allows you do do things like fire a webhook with the new IP Address for a round robin low downtime dynamic dns.
Source (he had the opposite problem, his problem is our solution):
If I understand correctly, if nodes can be destroyed and recreated themselves , how are you going to rest assured that certain service behind port reliably available on production w/o any sort of load balancer which takes care of route orchestration diverting port traffic to new node(s)