Hi can anybody explain to me the riscv processor L1 data cache (DCache.scala) state machine and working flow. i am very new to scala and riscV. Thanks in advance
hi we haveseveral boards in need of the stm32L151C8t6 and we have some stock of the mcu in question the problem is that all the pcbs 'from JLCPCB' have this weird issue were the mcu is stuck and i have to manually poke thenrst pin multiple time for it to run normally "poke as in pull it to gnd for it to reset " please i need help with this i'll share some the the designs
example 1:
PCB design
example 2:
PCB design
made a dac output from 0 to max
start the program nothing happens
try to jump the nrst multiple times until it starts
using stm studio and changing a value i in the program so i can see where it stopped
video explaining
I need a little advice with deploying Triton inference server with explicit model control. From the looks of it, this mode gives the user the most control to which model goes live. But the problem I’m not able to solve is how to load models in case the server goes down in production which triggers a new instance to spawn up.
The only solution I can think of is to have a service poll the server at regular time intervals, constantly check if my live models are actually live and if not, load them. But this seems like quite a complicated process.
I would like to know how others have solved this problem.
Thanks in advance
I am using NUCLEO-H755ZI-Q board, Which has two cores cortex m4 and cortex m7, To enable the lwip I have to enable CPU ICache and CPU DCache
But during runtime the program exits through SCB_EnableDCache(); function. Kindly help me if had missed something.
I was able to resolve this issue. this was more specific to cube ide 1.7 when i rolled back to 1.6 it was working fine. Issue is with the code generation from cube mx
Reference from CMSIS-Core, the description for __STATIC_FORCEINLINE void SCB_EnableDCache(void)
Before enabling the data cache, you must invalidate the entire data
cache SCB_InvalidateDCache(), because external memory might have
changed from when the cache was disabled. After reset, you must
invalidate SCB_InvalidateDCache() each cache before enabling it.
So I think you can try to SCB_InvalidateDCache() before SCB_EnableDCache().
On the other hand, can you provide the error message or the state of the error?
I think that helps figure out the root cause.
I have a 600W digital step up converter with broken STM8S103K3T6C and another that is currently working OK. Is there a way to copy (dump) firmware from the working one and upload it to the new chip. Since I have only one working, I have to be extra careful not to damage the working controller. I do have some basic experience with STM32, but I am grateful for any help I could get. I have a copy of ST-Link v2 programmer. Apparently (if there is a way), it has to be done via SWIM (which I don't nothing about, started reading few days ago). Not sure what is the proper way to start. Converter itself has UART pins at the right side of the board.
Thanks in advance.
if the chip is not locked, yes it's possible using SWIM interface. use STVP tool to extract firmware from the old one or to program it to the new one. it is bundled in a package called "ST toolset" for STM8 and downloadable from ST website. the SWIM needs 1 pin (plus reset if target uses that pin). despite that the STM8s hvae 3~5V supply, it's better to use 3.3V supply for it for the sake of the other circuitry. you can extract it even when the device is on, so there's no need to connect a supply pin from programmer to it.
I am very new to scala and akka so forgive if this question is very lame.
I have build a reactive application and it creates events and stores perfectly in cassandra which I am using as journal.
There can be a scenario that my application might have some bug and I would have stored a wrong event in the journal.How would I deal with it? If I will release a new fixed version of application events after that will be right but I still be having a wrong event in my journal and during a restore it will play them wrong.