I know, there are many of this questions, but none of them could solve my issue.
I got a REST API. I'm currently trying to solve an issue where the first request to the server takes like 10 seconds and the following request like 3 seconds. After it gets warm, it gets cold again after like 20min. I can't find a way to solve this issue.
I read about cold queries etc, but non of them helped me. To solve it, I did this in my startup.cs
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
private void WakeupDB(IServiceCollection services)
Task.Run(async() =>
var cs = services.BuildServiceProvider().GetService<ICalendarService>();
var mrs = services.BuildServiceProvider().GetService<IMetadataRepository>();
while (true)
_ = cs.GetCalendarAsync(new DateTime(2020, 4, 1), new DateTime(2020, 4, 30));
_ = mrs.GetEmployeesAsync();
_ = mrs.GetGroupsAsync();
await Task.Delay(300000); // 5 Minutes
First I tried without the infinite loop, but as mentioned the request slow down again after like 20 minutes or so. So I did the infinite loop to "keep it warm".
But none of them actually had a positive impact on performance.
Can't find an answer on stackOverflow, nor in any documentation,
I have the following change stream code(listen to a DB not a specific collection)
Mongo Version is 4.2
public class DatabaseChangeStreamListener {
//Constructor, fields etc...
public void initialize() {
MessageListenerContainer container = new DefaultMessageListenerContainer(mongoTemplate, new SimpleAsyncTaskExecutor(), this::onException);
ChangeStreamRequest.ChangeStreamRequestOptions options =
new ChangeStreamRequest.ChangeStreamRequestOptions(mongoTemplate.getDb().getName(), null, buildChangeStreamOptions());
container.register(new ChangeStreamRequest<>(this::onDatabaseChangedEvent, options), Document.class);
private ChangeStreamOptions buildChangeStreamOptions() {
return ChangeStreamOptions.builder()
.filter(newAggregation(match(where(OPERATION_TYPE).in(INSERT.getValue(), UPDATE.getValue(), REPLACE.getValue(), DELETE.getValue()))))
//more code
I want the stream to start listening from system initiation time only, without taking anything prior in the op-log, will .resumeAt(Instant.now().minusSeconds(1)) work?
do I need to use starAfter method if so how can I found the latest resumeToken in the db?
or is it ready out of the box and I don't need to add any resume/start lines?
second question, I never stop the container(it should always live while app is running), In case of disconnection from the mongoDB and reconnection will the listener in current configuration continue to consume messages? (I am having a hard time simulation DB disconnection)
If it will not resume handling events, what do I need to change in the configuration so that the change stream will continue and will take all the event from the last received resumeToken prior to the disconnection?
I have read this great article on medium change stream in prodcution,
but it uses the cursor directly, and I want to use the spring DefaultMessageListenerContainer, as it is much more elegant.
So I will answer my own(some more dumb, some less :)...) questions:
when no resumeAt timestamp provided the change stream will start from current time, and will not draw any previous events.
resumeAfter event vs timestamp difference can be found here: stackOverflow answer
but keep in mind, that for timestamp it is inclusive of the event, so if you want to start from next event(in java) do:
private BsonTimestamp getNextEventTimestamp(BsonTimestamp timestamp) {
return new BsonTimestamp(timestamp.getValue() + 1);
In case of internet disconnection the change stream will not resume,
as such I recommend to take following approach in case of error:
private void onException() {
ScheduledExecutorService executorService = newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor();
executorService.scheduleAtFixedRate(() -> recreateChangeStream(executorService), 0, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
private void recreateChangeStream(ScheduledExecutorService executorService) {
try {
mongoTemplate.getDb().runCommand(new BasicDBObject("ping", "1"));
} catch (Exception ignored) {
First I am creating a runnable scheduled task that always runs(but only 1 at a time newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor()), I am trying to ping the DB, after a successful ping I am stopping the old container and starting a new one, you can also pass the last timestamp you took so that you can get all events you might have missed
timestamp retrieval from event:
BsonTimestamp resumeAtTimestamp = changeStreamDocument.getClusterTime();
then I am shutting down the task.
also make sure the resumeAtTimestamp exist in oplog...
I would like to set up an Rx subscription that can respond to an event right away, and then ignore subsequent events that happen within a specified "cooldown" period.
The out of the box Throttle/Buffer methods respond only once the timeout has elapsed, which is not quite what I need.
Here is some code that sets up the scenario, and uses a Throttle (which isn't the solution I want):
class Program
static Stopwatch sw = new Stopwatch();
static void Main(string[] args)
var subject = new Subject<int>();
var timeout = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500);
var factory = new TaskFactory();
factory.StartNew(() =>
Console.WriteLine("Batch 1 (no delay)");
factory.StartNewDelayed(1000, () =>
Console.WriteLine("Batch 2 (1s delay)");
factory.StartNewDelayed(1300, () =>
Console.WriteLine("Batch 3 (1.3s delay)");
factory.StartNewDelayed(1600, () =>
Console.WriteLine("Batch 4 (1.6s delay)");
private static void DoStuff(int i)
Console.WriteLine("Handling {0} at {1}ms", i, sw.ElapsedMilliseconds);
The output of running this right now is:
Batch 1 (no delay)
Handling 1 at 508ms
Batch 2 (1s delay)
Batch 3 (1.3s delay)
Batch 4 (1.6s delay)
Handling 4 at 2114ms
Note that batch 2 isn't handled (which is fine!) because we wait for 500ms to elapse between requests due to the nature of throttle. Batch 3 is also not handled, (which is less alright because it happened more than 500ms from batch 2) due to its proximity to Batch 4.
What I'm looking for is something more like this:
Batch 1 (no delay)
Handling 1 at ~0ms
Batch 2 (1s delay)
Handling 2 at ~1000s
Batch 3 (1.3s delay)
Batch 4 (1.6s delay)
Handling 4 at ~1600s
Note that batch 3 wouldn't be handled in this scenario (which is fine!) because it occurs within 500ms of Batch 2.
Here is the implementation for the "StartNewDelayed" extension method that I use:
/// <summary>Creates a Task that will complete after the specified delay.</summary>
/// <param name="factory">The TaskFactory.</param>
/// <param name="millisecondsDelay">The delay after which the Task should transition to RanToCompletion.</param>
/// <returns>A Task that will be completed after the specified duration.</returns>
public static Task StartNewDelayed(
this TaskFactory factory, int millisecondsDelay)
return StartNewDelayed(factory, millisecondsDelay, CancellationToken.None);
/// <summary>Creates a Task that will complete after the specified delay.</summary>
/// <param name="factory">The TaskFactory.</param>
/// <param name="millisecondsDelay">The delay after which the Task should transition to RanToCompletion.</param>
/// <param name="cancellationToken">The cancellation token that can be used to cancel the timed task.</param>
/// <returns>A Task that will be completed after the specified duration and that's cancelable with the specified token.</returns>
public static Task StartNewDelayed(this TaskFactory factory, int millisecondsDelay, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
// Validate arguments
if (factory == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("factory");
if (millisecondsDelay < 0) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("millisecondsDelay");
// Create the timed task
var tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>(factory.CreationOptions);
var ctr = default(CancellationTokenRegistration);
// Create the timer but don't start it yet. If we start it now,
// it might fire before ctr has been set to the right registration.
var timer = new Timer(self =>
// Clean up both the cancellation token and the timer, and try to transition to completed
// Register with the cancellation token.
if (cancellationToken.CanBeCanceled)
// When cancellation occurs, cancel the timer and try to transition to cancelled.
// There could be a race, but it's benign.
ctr = cancellationToken.Register(() =>
if (millisecondsDelay > 0)
// Start the timer and hand back the task...
timer.Change(millisecondsDelay, Timeout.Infinite);
// Just complete the task, and keep execution on the current thread.
return tcs.Task;
Here's my approach. It's similar to others that have gone before, but it doesn't suffer the over-zealous window production problem.
The desired function works a lot like Observable.Throttle but emits qualifying events as soon as they arrive rather than delaying for the duration of the throttle or sample period. For a given duration after a qualifying event, subsequent events are suppressed.
Given as a testable extension method:
public static class ObservableExtensions
public static IObservable<T> SampleFirst<T>(
this IObservable<T> source,
TimeSpan sampleDuration,
IScheduler scheduler = null)
scheduler = scheduler ?? Scheduler.Default;
return source.Publish(ps =>
ps.Window(() => ps.Delay(sampleDuration,scheduler))
.SelectMany(x => x.Take(1)));
The idea is to use the overload of Window that creates non-overlapping windows using a windowClosingSelector that uses the source time-shifted back by the sampleDuration. Each window will therefore: (a) be closed by the first element in it and (b) remain open until a new element is permitted. We then simply select the first element from each window.
Rx 1.x Version
The Publish extension method used above is not available in Rx 1.x. Here is an alternative:
public static class ObservableExtensions
public static IObservable<T> SampleFirst<T>(
this IObservable<T> source,
TimeSpan sampleDuration,
IScheduler scheduler = null)
scheduler = scheduler ?? Scheduler.Default;
var sourcePub = source.Publish().RefCount();
return sourcePub.Window(() => sourcePub.Delay(sampleDuration,scheduler))
.SelectMany(x => x.Take(1));
The solution I found after a lot of trial and error was to replace the throttled subscription with the following:
.Window(() => { return Observable.Interval(timeout); })
.SelectMany(x => x.Take(1))
.Subscribe(i => DoStuff(i));
Edited to incorporate Paul's clean-up.
Awesome solution Andrew! We can take this a step further though and clean up the inner Subscribe:
.Window(() => { return Observable.Interval(timeout); })
.SelectMany(x => x.Take(1))
The initial answer I posted has a flaw: namely that the Window method, when used with an Observable.Interval to denote the end of the window, sets up an infinite series of 500ms windows. What I really need is a window that starts when the first result is pumped into the subject, and ends after the 500ms.
My sample data masked this problem because the data broke down nicely into the windows that were already going to be created. (i.e. 0-500ms, 501-1000ms, 1001-1500ms, etc.)
Consider instead this timing:
factory.StartNewDelayed(300,() =>
Console.WriteLine("Batch 1 (300ms delay)");
factory.StartNewDelayed(700, () =>
Console.WriteLine("Batch 2 (700ms delay)");
factory.StartNewDelayed(1300, () =>
Console.WriteLine("Batch 3 (1.3s delay)");
factory.StartNewDelayed(1600, () =>
Console.WriteLine("Batch 4 (1.6s delay)");
What I get is:
Batch 1 (300ms delay)
Handling 1 at 356ms
Batch 2 (700ms delay)
Handling 2 at 750ms
Batch 3 (1.3s delay)
Handling 3 at 1346ms
Batch 4 (1.6s delay)
Handling 4 at 1644ms
This is because the windows begin at 0ms, 500ms, 1000ms, and 1500ms and so each Subject.OnNext fits nicely into its own window.
What I want is:
Batch 1 (300ms delay)
Handling 1 at ~300ms
Batch 2 (700ms delay)
Batch 3 (1.3s delay)
Handling 3 at ~1300ms
Batch 4 (1.6s delay)
After a lot of struggling and an hour banging on it with a co-worker, we arrived at a better solution using pure Rx and a single local variable:
bool isCoolingDown = false;
.Where(_ => !isCoolingDown)
i =>
isCoolingDown = true;
.Subscribe(_ => isCoolingDown = false);
Our assumption is that calls to the subscription method are synchronized. If they are not, then a simple lock could be introduced.
Use .Scan() !
This is what I use for Throttling when I need the first hit (after a certain period) immediately, but delay (and group/ignore) any subsequent hits.
Basically works like Throttle, but fires immediately if the previous onNext was >= interval ago, otherwise, schedule it at exactly interval from the previous hit. And of course, if within the 'cooling down' period multiple hits come, the additional ones are ignored, just like Throttle does.
The difference with your use case is that if you get an event at 0 ms and 100 ms, they will both be handled (at 0ms and 500ms), which might be what you actually want (otherwise, the accumulator is easy to adapt to ignore ANY hit closer than interval to the previous one).
public static IObservable<T> QuickThrottle<T>(this IObservable<T> src, TimeSpan interval, IScheduler scheduler)
return src
.Scan(new ValueAndDueTime<T>(), (prev, id) => AccumulateForQuickThrottle(prev, id, interval, scheduler))
.Where(vd => !vd.Ignore)
.SelectMany(sc => Observable.Timer(sc.DueTime, scheduler).Select(_ => sc.Value));
private static ValueAndDueTime<T> AccumulateForQuickThrottle<T>(ValueAndDueTime<T> prev, T value, TimeSpan interval, IScheduler s)
var now = s.Now;
// Ignore this completely if there is already a future item scheduled
// but do keep the dueTime for accumulation!
if (prev.DueTime > now) return new ValueAndDueTime<T> { DueTime = prev.DueTime, Ignore = true };
// Schedule this item at at least interval from the previous
var min = prev.DueTime + interval;
var nextTime = (now < min) ? min : now;
return new ValueAndDueTime<T> { DueTime = nextTime, Value = value };
private class ValueAndDueTime<T>
public DateTimeOffset DueTime;
public T Value;
public bool Ignore;
I got another one for your. This one doesn't use Repeat() nor Interval() so it might be what you are after:
.Window(() => Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500)))
.SelectMany(x => x.Take(1));
Well the most obvious thing will be to use Repeat() here. However, as far as I know Repeat() might introduce problems so that notifications disappear in between the moment when the stream stops and we subscribe again. In practice this has never been a problem for me.
Remember to replace with the actual type of your source.
Updated query to use Concat instead of Merge
I have stumbled upon this question while trying to re-implement my own solution to the same or similar problem using .Window
Take a look, it seems to be the same as this one and solved quite elegantly:
It's an old post, but no answer could really fill my needs, so I'm giving my own solution :
public static IObservable<T> ThrottleOrImmediate<T>(this IObservable<T> source, TimeSpan delay, IScheduler scheduler)
return Observable.Create<T>((obs, token) =>
// Next item cannot be send before that time
DateTime nextItemTime = default;
return Task.FromResult(source.Subscribe(async item =>
var currentTime = DateTime.Now;
// If we already reach the next item time
if (currentTime - nextItemTime >= TimeSpan.Zero)
// Following item will be send only after the set delay
nextItemTime = currentTime + delay;
// send current item with scheduler
scheduler.Schedule(() => obs.OnNext(item));
// There is still time before we can send an item
// we schedule the time for the following item
nextItemTime = currentTime + delay;
await Task.Delay(delay, token);
catch (TaskCanceledException)
// If next item schedule was change by another item then we stop here
if (nextItemTime > currentTime + delay)
// Set next possible time for an item and send item with scheduler
nextItemTime = currentTime + delay;
scheduler.Schedule(() => obs.OnNext(item));
First item is immediately sent, then following items are throttled. Then if a following item is sent after the delayed time, it's immediately sent too.
I have two hot observables, which are respectively a stream Q of requests to a network server, and a stream R of replies from the server. The replies are always delivered in the order of requests, and every request is going to receive exactly one reply eventually. Thus the first event in R, R1, is the reply to the first event in Q, Q1, and so on. I need to detect when a reply Rn takes longer than a defined timeout and signal this timeout condition.
Q --1---2---------3-------> // Requests Q1, Q2...
R ----1-------------------> // Replies
Out ------------------O-|> // Oops: Reply R2 to Q2 did not arrive within time τ.
Events Qn and Rn do not contain any identifying information (think of plain colorless round marbles), and the indices in the diagram are just sequential numbers introduced for explanation.
I seem unable to solve this riddle. I tried the approach below, but it appears I am matching the latest request Qi to the latest response Rj. In the sample Q contains 5 requests, spaced 500ms apart, and replies in R come 750ms apart, starting at 200ms, but only 4 of them (the 5th is delayed indefinitely). The code does not detect that, since that last reply R4 comes within the set timeout of 1000ms after the latest request Q5 (in 200ms, actually).
var Q = Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500)).Select(_ => Unit.Default)
var R = Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(750)).Select(_ => Unit.Default)
var dq = Q.Select(v => Observable.Return(v).Delay(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000)));
var dr = Observable.Zip(Q, R, (_1,_2) => Observable.Never<Unit>());
Observable.Merge(dq, dr).Dump().Switch().Dump();
I believe that you want to be notified that request 4 has timed out (due at 3s, but arrives at 3.2s) and also request 5 as it never arrives
void Main()
var scheduler = new TestScheduler();
var requests = scheduler.CreateHotObservable<int>(
ReactiveTest.OnNext(0500.Ms(), 1),
ReactiveTest.OnNext(1000.Ms(), 2),
ReactiveTest.OnNext(1500.Ms(), 3),
ReactiveTest.OnNext(2000.Ms(), 4),
ReactiveTest.OnNext(2500.Ms(), 5));
var responses = scheduler.CreateHotObservable<Unit>(
ReactiveTest.OnNext(0950.Ms(), Unit.Default),
ReactiveTest.OnNext(1700.Ms(), Unit.Default),
ReactiveTest.OnNext(2450.Ms(), Unit.Default),
ReactiveTest.OnNext(3200.Ms(), Unit.Default));
var expected = scheduler.CreateHotObservable<int>(
ReactiveTest.OnNext(3000.Ms(), 4),
ReactiveTest.OnNext(3500.Ms(), 5)
var observer = scheduler.CreateObserver<int>();
var query = responses
.Select((val, idx)=>idx)
.Publish(responseIdxs =>
return requests.SelectMany((q, qIdx) =>
Observable.Timer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), scheduler)
.TakeUntil(responseIdxs.Where(rIdx => qIdx == rIdx))
.Select(_ => q));
//This test passes
// Define other methods and classes here
public static class TickExtensions
public static long Ms(this int ms)
return TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(ms).Ticks;
I have a EF code first context which represents a queue of jobs which a processing application can retrieve and run. These processing applications can be running on different machines but pointing at the same database.
The context provides a method that returns a QueueItem if there is any work to do, or null, called CollectQueueItem.
To ensure no two applications can pick up the same job, the collection takes place in a transaction with an ISOLATION LEVEL of REPEATABLE READ. This means that if there are two attempts to pick up the same job at the same time, one will be chosen as the deadlock victim and be rolled back. We can handle this by catching the DbUpdateException and return null.
Here is the code for the CollectQueueItem method:
public QueueItem CollectQueueItem()
using (var transaction = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.Required, new TransactionOptions { IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.RepeatableRead }))
var queueItem = this.QueueItems.FirstOrDefault(qi => !qi.IsLocked);
if (queueItem != null)
queueItem.DateCollected = DateTime.UtcNow;
queueItem.IsLocked = true;
return queueItem;
catch (DbUpdateException) //we might have been the deadlock victim. No matter.
{ }
return null;
I ran a test in LinqPad to check that this is working as expected. Here is the test below:
var ids = Enumerable.Range(0, 8).AsParallel().SelectMany(i =>
Enumerable.Range(0, 100).Select(j => {
using (var context = new QueueContext())
var queueItem = context.CollectQueueItem();
return queueItem == null ? -1 : queueItem.OperationId;
var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();
var results = ids.GroupBy(i => i).ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.Count());
Console.WriteLine("Elapsed time: {0}", sw.Elapsed);
Console.WriteLine("Deadlocked: {0}", results.Where(r => r.Key == -1).Select(r => r.Value).SingleOrDefault());
Console.WriteLine("Duplicates: {0}", results.Count(r => r.Key > -1 && r.Value > 1));
//IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.RepeatableRead:
//Elapsed time: 00:00:26.9198440
//Deadlocked: 634
//Duplicates: 0
//IsolationLevel = IsolationLevel.ReadUncommitted:
//Elapsed time: 00:00:00.8457558
//Deadlocked: 0
//Duplicates: 234
I ran the test a few times. Without the REPEATABLE READ isolation level, the same job is retrieved by different theads (seen in the 234 duplicates). With REPEATABLE READ, jobs are only retrieved once but performance suffers and there are 634 deadlocked transactions.
My question is: is there a way to get this behaviour in EF without the risk of deadlocks or conflicts? I know in real life there will be less contention as the processors won't be continually hitting the database, but nonetheless, is there a way to do this safely without having to handle the DbUpdateException? Can I get performance closer to that of the version without the REPEATABLE READ isolation level? Or are Deadlocks not that bad in fact and I can safely ignore the exception and let the processor retry after a few millis and accept that the performance will be OK if the not all the transactions are happening at the same time?
Thanks in advance!
Id recommend a different approach.
a) sp_getapplock
Use an SQL SP that provides an Application lock feature
So you can have unique app behaviour, which might involve read from the DB or what ever else activity you need to control. It also lets you use EF in a normal way.
b) Optimistic concurrency
//Object Property:
public byte[] RowVersion { get; set; }
//Object Configuration:
Property(p => p.RowVersion).IsRowVersion().IsConcurrencyToken();
a logical extension to the APP lock or used just by itself is the rowversion concurrency field on DB. Allow the dirty read. BUT when someone goes to update the record As collected, it fails if someone beat them to it. Out of the box EF optimistic locking.
You can delete "collected" job records later easily.
This might be better approach unless you expect high levels of concurrency.
As suggested by Phil, I used optimistic concurrency to ensure the job could not be processed more than once. I realised that rather than having to add a dedicated rowversion column I could use the IsLocked bit column as the ConcurrencyToken. Semantically, if this value has changed since we retrieved the row, the update should fail since only one processor should ever be able to lock it. I used the fluent API as below to configure this, although I could also have used the ConcurrencyCheck data annotation.
protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
.Property(p => p.IsLocked)
I was then able to simple the CollectQueueItem method, losing the TransactionScope entirely and catching the more DbUpdateConcurrencyException.
public OperationQueueItem CollectQueueItem()
var queueItem = this.QueueItems.FirstOrDefault(qi => !qi.IsLocked);
if (queueItem != null)
queueItem.DateCollected = DateTime.UtcNow;
queueItem.IsLocked = true;
return queueItem;
catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) //someone else grabbed the job.
{ }
return null;
I reran the tests, you can see it's a great compromise. No duplicates, nearly 100x faster than with REPEATABLE READ, and no DEADLOCKS so the DBAs won't be on my case. Awesome!
//Optimistic Concurrency:
//Elapsed time: 00:00:00.5065586
//Deadlocked: 624
//Duplicates: 0
I have a bunch of events coming in and I have to execute ALL of them without a loss, but I want to make sure that they are buffered and consumed at the appropriate time slots. Anyone have a solution?
I can't find any operators in Rx that can do that without the loss of the events (Throttle - looses events). I've also considered Buffered, Delay, etc... Can't find a good solution.
I've tried to put a timer in the middle, but somehow it doesn't work at all:
item =>
// Process item
public static IObservable<T> IntervalThrottle<T>(this IObservable<T> source, TimeSpan dueTime)
return Observable.Create<T>(o =>
return source.Subscribe(x =>
new Timer(state =>
o.OnNext((T)state), x, dueTime, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(-1));
}, o.OnError, o.OnCompleted);
The question is not 100% clear so I'm making some presumptions.
Observable.Delay is not what you want because that will create a delay from when each event arrives, rather than creating even time intervals for processing.
Observable.Buffer is not what you want because that will cause all events in each given interval to be passed to you, rather than one at a time.
So I believe you're looking for a solution that creates some sort of metronome that ticks away, and gives you an event per tick. This can be naively constructed using Observable.Interval for the metronome and Zip for connecting it to your source:
var source = GetInitSequence();
var trigger = Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
var triggeredSource = source.Zip(trigger, (s,_) => s);
triggeredSource.Subscribe(item => Console.WriteLine(DateTime.Now));
This will trigger every 5 seconds (in the example above), and give you the original items in sequence.
The only problem with this solution is that if you don't have any more source elements for (say) 10 seconds, when the source elements arrive they will be immediately sent out since some of the 'trigger' events are sitting there waiting for them. Marble diagram for that scenario:
source: -a-b-c----------------------d-e-f-g
trigger: ----o----o----o----o----o----o----o
result: ----a----b----c-------------d-e-f-g
This is a very reasonable issue. There are two questions here already that tackle it:
Rx IObservable buffering to smooth out bursts of events
A way to push buffered events in even intervals
The solution provided is a main Drain extension method and secondary Buffered extension. I've modified these to be far simpler (no need for Drain, just use Concat). Usage is:
var bufferedSource = source.StepInterval(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
The extension method StepInterval:
public static IObservable<T> StepInterval<T>(this IObservable<T> source, TimeSpan minDelay)
return source.Select(x =>
I know this could just be too simple, but would this work?
var intervaled = source.Do(x => { Thread.Sleep(100); });
Basically this just puts a minimum delay between values. Too simplistic?
Along the lines of Enigmativity's answer, if all you want to do is just Delay all of the values by a TimeSpan, I cant see why Delay is not the operator you want
.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5)) //ideally pass an IScheduler here
item =>
// Process item
How about Observable.Buffer? This should return all the events in the 1s window as a single event.
var xs = Observable.Interval(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100));
var bufferdStream = xs.Buffer(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5));
bufferdStream.Subscribe(item => { Console.WriteLine("Number of events in window: {0}", item.Count); });
It might be what you're asking isnt that clear. What is your code supposed to do? It looks like you're just delaying by creating a timer for each event. It also breaks the semantics of the observable as the next and complete could occur before the next.
Note this is also only as accurate at the timer used. Typically the timers are accurate to at most 16ms.
your example becomes, and item contains all the events in the window:
item =>
// Process item