Can't modify user_defined context with Watson Assistant API v2 - ibm-cloud

I'm trying to migrate chatbot to use newly introduced Assistant API v2.
My chatbot infrastructure includes Middleware services which modifies the context after getting the response from Watson. In some case I used to remove particular properties from the context and it worked fine. However I noticed that after migration to API v2 this approach does not work anymore as the deleted properties are somehow stored on Watson side.
For example I received following context from Watson:
"assistantId": "---",
"sessionId": "---",
"messageInput": {
"Text": "Some text",
"Options": {
"Debug": "true",
"ReturnContext": "true",
"Restart": "false"
"Global": "null",
"Skills": {
"AdditionalProperties": {
"main skill": {
"user_defined": {
"id": "23",
"description": "Dont know"
"system": {---}
Then I remove 'description' from the context and send request to Watson once more. Surprisingly 'description' is still there with the same value ('Dont know').
Possible solution would be not to remove a property but to set it's value to empty string. But even in this case my dialog does not work correctly as Watson somehow stores the point in dialog it was visiting previously (or not, these are my guesses). I assume it might be related to system.state property which stores an encoded state of the dialog (again - or not).
My question is why is dialog behaving this way?
How does it store the context information so I can't remove properties from user_defined context?
And how can I reset dialog state to initial keeping the same conversation_id (session_id)?
P.S. I'm using Watson API v2: 2020-04-01


How to make child-card Discussion notes rollup to parent card?

How to make child-card Discussion notes rollup to parent card in Azure DevOps?
The way we use ADO is like this:
User Story -> Task 1
-> Task 2
-> Task 3
Both User Story cards and Task cards contain Discussion fields, and we have hit a quandary as to "which cards' discussion fields should we use to enter ongoing notes and discussions"? The Parent (user story)? Or the child (task)? It makes more sense for devs to enter discussion notes in the tasks, but our Support people and managers like to just look at the parent User Story card where they hope to see all discussion notes.
For now I am double-entering discussion notes in both tasks and their parent user story cards, which is not only an inefficient pain, but also violates DRY.
Then it occurred to me that the ideal solution would be for user story cards to be able to display (within the Discussion section) all discussion notes from all child cards. So if I enter a note in a Task (child) card and save it, automatically it would appear as a discussion note within its parent user story card. Ideally I could still enter user-story-specific discussion notes on occasion, but all child cards' notes would be automatically pulled in and displayed (maybe readonly? editable only in the child?) in the parent card, in all cases.
Is there an easy way to make this happen?
If the answer to #1 above is no, then is there a difficult way to make it happen? Maybe via customizations or custom API calls? What would be the best way to achieve my desired result?
This is not possible out of the box in Azure DevOps (at least not to my knowledge).
However I can think of a few ways to get this done, but it requires some custom scripting, and have some drawbacks that may of may not affect your use case.
Option 1. Create a custom extension that aggregates the comments on the parent
This option gives you complete freedom of how to visually design the feature. It is also completely DRY
You can develop your own custom extension for Azure DevOps and create a dynamic section on the User Story card that pulls in the comments from all tasks.
Option 2. Setup a Web Hook for the event "Workitem commented on"
This option does is not completely DRY, but it will at least automate the copying of comments across work items.
By configuring a web hook in Azure Devops to post a json object containing information about the new comment to a REST endpoint of your choice. The payload posted looks like below.
"subscriptionId": "5be97cbc-ee4b-4c21-91ea-866a61d624c4",
"notificationId": 4,
"id": "fb2617ed-60df-4518-81fa-749faa6c5cd6",
"eventType": "workitem.commented",
"publisherId": "tfs",
"message": {
"markdown": "[Bug #5]( (Some great new idea!) commented on by Jamal Hartnett."
"detailedMessage": {
"markdown": "[Bug #5]( (Some great new idea!) commented on by Jamal Hartnett.\r\nThis is a great new idea"
"resource": {
"id": 5,
"rev": 4,
"fields": {
"System.AreaPath": "FabrikamCloud",
"System.TeamProject": "FabrikamCloud",
"System.IterationPath": "FabrikamCloud\\Release 1\\Sprint 1",
"System.WorkItemType": "Bug",
"System.State": "New",
"System.Reason": "New defect reported",
"System.CreatedDate": "2014-07-15T17:42:44.663Z",
"System.CreatedBy": {
"displayName": "Jamal Hartnett",
"url": "",
"_links": {
"avatar": {
"href": ""
"id": "e5a5f7f8-6507-4c34-b397-6c4818e002f4",
"uniqueName": "Jamal Hartnett",
"imageUrl": "",
"descriptor": "ukn.VXkweExUVXRNakV0TWpFME5qYzNNekE0TlMwNU1ETXpOak15T0RVdE56RTVNelEwTnpBM0xURXpPRGswTlRN"
"System.ChangedDate": "2014-07-15T17:42:44.663Z",
"System.ChangedBy": {
"displayName": "Jamal Hartnett",
"url": "",
"_links": {
"avatar": {
"href": ""
"id": "e5a5f7f8-6507-4c34-b397-6c4818e002f4",
"uniqueName": "Jamal Hartnett",
"imageUrl": "",
"descriptor": "ukn.VXkweExUVXRNakV0TWpFME5qYzNNekE0TlMwNU1ETXpOak15T0RVdE56RTVNelEwTnpBM0xURXpPRGswTlRN"
"System.Title": "Some great new idea!",
"System.Parent": 26
"Microsoft.VSTS.Common.Severity": "3 - Medium",
"WEF_EB329F44FE5F4A94ACB1DA153FDF38BA_Kanban.Column": "New",
"System.History": "This is a great new idea"
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": ""
"workItemUpdates": {
"href": ""
"workItemRevisions": {
"href": ""
"workItemType": {
"href": ""
"fields": {
"href": ""
"url": ""
"resourceVersion": "1.0",
"resourceContainers": {
"collection": {
"id": "c12d0eb8-e382-443b-9f9c-c52cba5014c2"
"account": {
"id": "f844ec47-a9db-4511-8281-8b63f4eaf94e"
"project": {
"id": "be9b3917-87e6-42a4-a549-2bc06a7a878f"
"createdDate": "2022-07-03T12:30:03.0691717Z"
In particular you have the comment message under message, the author of the message under fields.System.ChangedBy, the date of the comment in fields.System.ChangedDate and the parent workitem id in System.Parent
Using this information your REST service that receives the json object can create a comment on the parent work item using the Comments Rest API or post an update to the workitem where you set the System.History field to the value of the comment. This also allows you to set the original comment time and author, given that the user account you use in your automation has the permission Bypass rules on work item updates granted.
If tasks can be moved from one user story to another, then the task comments on the user stories need to be moved. The same idea as above can be applied to solve this. By configuring a webhook for WorkItem updated you can listen for all updates to tasks.
By fetching the previous revision (Revision is found in resource.rev) from the Revision Rest API and comparing the field System.Parent you can determine whether the task has been moved or not and add the comments to the new parent and remove them from the old.
Similarly if you want to propagate comment updates and reactions, you would need to extend the webhook functionality even further.

POST request to JIRA REST API to create issue of type Minutes

my $create_issue_json = '{"fields": { "project": { "key": "ABC" }, "summary": "summary for version 1", "description": "Creating an issue via REST API", "issuetype": { "name": "Minutes" }}}';
$tx1 = $jira_ua->post($url2 => json => decode_json($create_issue_json));
my $res1 = $tx1->res->body;
I try to create a jira issue of type Minutes but POST expects some fields which are not available in the issue of type Minutes. The below is the response.
{"errorMessages":["Brands: Brands is required.","Detection: Detection is required."],"errors":{"versions":"Affects Version/s is required.","components":"Component/s is required."}}
I also tried to fetch the schema using createMeta api but don't find any useful info. The below is the response from createmeta.
"description":"A problem which impairs or prevents the functions of the product.",
"description":"An issue type to document minutes of meetings, telecons and the like",
"description":"Used to split an existing issue of type \"Bug\"",
"name":"Sub Bug",
It looks like there Jira Admin has added these as manadatory fields for all the issuetypes which I came to know after speaking with him. He has now individual configuration for different issue types and am able to create minutes.

Create Entities and training phrases for values in functions for google action

I have created a trivia game using the SDK, it takes user input and then compares it to a value in my DB to see if its correct.
At the moment, I am just passing a raw input variable through my conversation, this means that it regularly fails when it mishears the user since the exact string which was picked up is rarely == to the value in the DB.
Specifically I would like it to only pick up numbers, and for example realise that it must extract '10' , from a speech input of 'my answer is 10'.
"actions": [
"description": "Default Welcome Intent",
"name": "MAIN",
"fulfillment": {
"conversationName": "welcome"
"intent": {
"name": "actions.intent.MAIN"
"description": "response",
"name": "Raw input",
"fulfillment": {
"conversationName": "rawInput"
"intent": {
"name": "raw.input",
"parameters": [{
"name": "number",
"type": "org.schema.type.Number"
"trigger": {
"$org.schema.type.Number:number is the answer",
"My answer is $org.schema.type.Number:number"
"conversations": {
"welcome": {
"name": "welcome",
"url": "https://us-central1-triviagame",
"fulfillmentApiVersion": 2
"rawInput": {
"name": "rawInput",
"url": "https://us-central1-triviagame",
"fulfillmentApiVersion": 2
app.intent('actions.intent.MAIN', (conv) => { = answersArr; = questionsArr; = answersArr.length;
var thisQuestion =;
app.intent('raw.input', (conv, input) => {
if(input == (([0])){
app.intent('actions.intent.TEXT', (conv,input) => {
//verifying if input and db value are equal
// at the moment input is equal to 'my number is 10' (for example) instead of '10'
//therefore the string verification never works
In a previous project i used the dialogflow UI and I used this #system.entities number parameter along with creating some training phrases so it understands different speech patterns.
This input parameter I am passing through my conv , is only a raw string where I'd like it to be filtered using some sort of entity schema.
How do I create the same effect of training phrases/entities using the JSON file?
You can't do this using just the Action SDK. You need a Natural Language Processing system (such as Dialogflow) to handle this as well. The Action SDK, by itself, will do speech-to-text, and will use the actions.json configuration to help shape how to interpret the text. But it will only return the entire text from the user - it will not try to determine how it might match an Intent, nor what parameters may exist in it.
To do that, you need an NLP/NLU system. You don't need to use Dialogflow, but you will need something that does the parsing. Trying to do it with simple pattern matching or regular expressions will lead to nightmares - find a good system to do it.
If you want to stick to things you can edit yourself, Dialogflow does allow you to download its configuration files (they're just JSON), edit them, and update or replace the configuration through the UI or an API.

Watson Assistant action to call IBM Cloud Function fails with Direct CloudFunctions calls are not supported on this platform

We are trying to implement cloud functions in Watson conversation but am receiving message 'Direct CloudFunctions calls are not supported on this platform'. When I googled for the error, I see that the issue could be because the region for WA and the cloud functions are different or not in US South/Germany. But I can confirm that both my WA and cloud functions are in US South.
I was trying in the 'Try out' panel. Below is the mock json editor content for my dialog node.
"context": {
"my_credentials": {
"user": "jgjg",
"password": "khk"
"output": {
"text": {
"values": [
"response text"
"actions": [
"name": "/<myIBMCloudOrganizationID>_<myIBMCloudSpace>/get-http-resource/weather",
"type": "server",
"parameters": {
"location": "Austin"
"credentials": "$my_credentials",
"result_variable": "$my_result"
Can you pls advise me on what am I doing wrong. Thanks.
I was going through the same issue. Cloud functions are only available in some regions. If your app is hosted in sydney or somewhere you cannot use that service there. Create a new app and set the location to london
Are you sure your user and password are set correctly?
Your user should consist of LETTERS and NUMBERS and some HYPHENS. like so : ...a-32d7-7d...
Your password should be just a string ...gafhWhu6alirEVpD...
Both are found in your api key on your IbmCloudFunctions page :
Username is before the : of the api key and
Password after the : of the api key
If you already know this then i'm afraid i dont know how to help you.

Can't post node that requires a pre assigned value with services api

I have setup a content type with a subject field that has pre assigned values in a dropdown field.
I am using the services api to post new content from a polymer app.
When I POST to the api I send the field structure and value in json but get and error.
"406 (Not Acceptable : An illegal choice has been detected. Please contact the site administrator.)"
Even though the object I am sending matches one of the required values in the field.
Do I need to prefix the value with something? I assume I'm posting to the right place to get that response but don't know why it would accept anything other than the string value.
Here is what I sent to the api which is picked up by my Charles proxy.
"node": {
"type": "case",
"title": "my case",
"language": "und",
"field_subject": {
"und": {
"0": {
"value": "subject1"
"body": {
"und": {
"0": {
"value": "my details of subject"
And here is an example of what I have setup in my Drupal field
subject1| first
subject2| second
subject3| third
subject4| forth
For anyone else with the same problem, this subject is poorly documented, but the answer is simple, my subject did not need the value key despite devel suggesting thats how it would be formatted.
"field_subject": {
"und": [
I could also shorten my code with "und" being an array.