How can I learn the size of the EEPROM on a chip if documentation is unavailable? - eeprom

If I have an EEPROM integrated circuit but documentation is not available for it, how can I find out how much memory is available to me?
My first thought was to write some distinct bytes to the first several sequential addresses and then loop through the memory reading each byte until I read my distinct bytes and count how many bytes exist between reading the distinct bytes the first time and the second time. But then I realised that my unsigned data type could be too small and wrap from its largest value back to zero before the last address in the EEPROM was actually reached.
Any software or hardware tricks to learn this information about an unidentified EEPROM integrated circuit would be very much appreciated.

My solution to this problem ends up being pretty close to my theory stated in my question, where I write some recognisable pattern of bytes starting at byte zero of the EEPROM. I then loop through the EEPROM memory, starting at byte zero, and keep track of how many bytes exist between the first time we read our "recognisable pattern of bytes" and the second time. To ensure that I don't read from byte zero a second time before reading every other byte in the EEPROM memory once (due to our counting variable being too small to count up to the size of the EEPROM memory), I then increase the size of my counting variable datatype to be able to count to a higher number if needed. If the number of bytes between the first read of the "recognisable pattern of bytes" and the second is the same with the two different sized counting variable data types, then I know that I have found the correct size of the EEPROM in bytes.


What is the benefit of having the registers as a part of memory in AVR microcontrollers?

Larger memories have higher decoding delay; why is the register file a part of the memory then?
Does it only mean that the registers are "mapped" SRAM registers that are stored inside the microprocessor?
If not, what would be the benefit of using registers as they won't be any faster than accessing RAM? Furthermore, what would be the use of them at all? I mean these are just a part of the memory so I don't see the point of having them anymore. Having them would be just as costly as referencing memory.
The picture is taken from Avr Microcontroller And Embedded Systems The: Using Assembly and C by Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Sarmad Naimi, and Sepehr Naimi
AVR has some instructions with indirect addressing, for example LD (LDD) – Load Indirect From Data Space to Register using Z:
Loads one byte indirect with or without displacement from the data space to a register. [...]
The data location is pointed to by the Z (16-bit) Pointer Register in the Register File.
So now you can move from a register by loading its data-space address into Z, allowing indirect or indexed register-to-register moves. Certainly one can think of some usage where such indirect access would save the odd instruction.
what would be the benefit of using registers as they won't be any faster than accessing RAM?
accessing General purpose Registers is faster than accessing Ram
first of all let us define how fast measured in microControllers .... fast mean how many cycle the instruction will take to excute ... LOOk at the avr architecture
See the General Purpose Registers GPRs are input for the ALU , and the GPRs are controlled by instruction register (2 byte width) which holds the next instruction from the code memory.
Let us examine simple instruction ADD Rd , Rr; where Rd,Rr are any two register in GPRs so 0<=r,d<=31 so each of r and d could be rebresented in 5 bit,now open "AVR Instruction Set Manual" page number 32 look at the op-code for this simple add instraction is 000011rdddddrrrr and becuse this op-code is two byte(code memory width) this will fetched , Decoded and excuit in one cycle (under consept of pipline ofcourse) jajajajjj only one cycle seems cool to me
I mean these are just a part of the memory so I don't see the point of having them anymore. Having them would be just as costly as referencing memory
You suggest to make the all ram as input for the ALU; this is a very bad idea: a memory address takes 2 bytes.
If you have 2 operands per instruction as in Add instruction you will need 4 Byte for saving only the operands .. and 1 more byte for the op-code of the operator itself in total 5 byte which is waste of memory!
And furthermore this architecture could only fetch 2 bytes at a time (instruction register width) so you need to spend more cycles on fetching the code from code memory which is waste of cycles >> more slower system
Register numbers are only 4 or 5 bits wide, depending on the instruction, allowing 2 per instruction with room to spare in a 16-bit instruction word.
conclusion GPRs' existence are crucial for saving code memory and program execution time
Larger memories have higher decoding delay; why is the register file a part of the memory then?
When cpu deal with GPRs it only access the first 32 position not all the data space
Final comment
don't disturb yourself by time diagram for different ram technology because you don't have control on it ,so who has control? the architecture designers , and they put the limit of the maximum crystal frequency you can use with there architecture and everything will be fine .. you only concern about cycles consuming with your application

Paged virtual memory

I am currently studing exam questions but stuck on this one, I hope someone can help me out to understand.
Question: Assume that we have a paged virtual memory with a page size of 4Ki byte.
Assume that each process has four segments (for example: code, data, stack,
extra) and that these can be of arbitrary but given size. How much will the
operating system loose in internal fragmentation?
The answer is: Each segment will in average give rise to 2Ki byte of fragmentation.
This will in average mean 8 Ki byte per process.
If we for example have 100 processes this is a total loss of 800 Ki byte.
My question:
How the answer get the 2Ki byte of fragmentation for each segement, how is that possible we can calculate the size, am I missing something here?
If we have 8Ki byte per process, that would not even fit in a 4Ki byte page isn't that actually a external fragmentation?
This is academic BS designed to make things confusing.
They are saying probability wise, the last page in the sections in the executable file will only use 1/2 the page size on average. You can't count that size, they are just doing simple combinatorics. That presumes behavior of the linker.

How does program counter in 8085 actually work?

I have been reading about Program Counter of 8085. This material here states that the function of the program counter is to point to the memory address from which the next byte is to be fetched. When a byte (machine code) is being fetched, the program counter is incremented by one to point to the next memory location.
My question is how does it handle the condition if instruction size varies. Suppose the current instruction is of 3 bytes then PC should point to current address+3. How does PC knows the size of the current instruction?
I am new to 8085, any help would be appreciated.
The material you reference doesn't really say anything about that issue specifically - all it says is that the PC is incremented when a byte is fetched, which is correct (it doesn't say that there couldn't be multiple bytes to an instruction).
In general, a CPU will increment the program counter to point to the next instruction.
More precisely, during the instruction decoding phase, the CPU will read as many bytes as are needed for the instruction and increment the PC accordingly.

Virtual Machine Instruction Length

I'm creating a virtual machine and I'm encoding the instructions into byte code. The instructions are hexadecimal numbers like this: 0x1064, this instruction means load the value of 100 (hexadecimal 64) into register 0 and the number of the load instruction is 1. My question is, if I wanted to load a larger number I would change the 64 to a larger number 3E8 for example (1000 in hexadecimal) the instruction would be 5 characters long, is it possible to keep the instructions the same length some how?
It is certainly possible to keep the instructions the same length. In fact, it is possible to having a turing complete language using only one instruction! The question is what you want to do.
For simplicity of decoding, you may just decide to have all the instructions be the same length. It increases the size of the code, but either way it doesn't really matter. Just do whatever you think is the best.

Loading in 256bit vector register in AVX2 Haswell processor

I want to load a 256 bit YMM register with 32 values, each of length 1 byte. All the intrinsic I looked into load either double word, i.e., 4 byte integers or quad word, i.e., 8 byte values.
How to load data of size lesser than these?
Is there any mnemonic which does this but don't has a equivalent intrinsic?
I don't think there is a way to gather bytes only. But it sounds to me like you need to rethink your problem. Is this pixel data? For Example RGBA values? If so, maybe you can change your application so it read/writes out for example RRRRGGGGBBBB (SSE). Then you don't have to gather bytes. You can read in 128/256 bits at once and that will be the most efficient use of SIMD.
Note that you may gain efficiency by using short int operations. I mean extent to 16bits and use 16bit integer SSE/AVX instructions.
Here is an example of bi-linear interpolation with SSE which reads in integers of four bytes (RGBA), and extends them to 16bits. This is faster then extending them to 32bits. The SSE3 example converts RGBARGBARGBARGBA to RRRRGGGGBBBB.
This is a rather old question but I think what you might want is the AVX intrinsic __m256i _mm256_set_epi8 which takes 32 chars as input parameters.
There is no instruction which broadcasts single byte, but you can use _mm256_set1_epi8 intrinsic to achieve this effect.
You can simply use the _mm256_load_si256 intrinsic with a cast. This intrinsic corresponds to the VMOVDQA instruction.
Here is the code to read bytes from memory, and to store them in memory.
char raw[32] __attribute__ ((aligned (32)));
__v32qi foo = _mm256_loadu_si256( (__m256i*) raw ); // read raw bytes from memory into avx register
_mm256_store_si256( (__m256i*) raw, foo ); // store contents of avx register into memory
You can also load unaligned bytes, using _mm256_loadu_si256 if you prefer.
Where do you expect the 32 pointers to come from? Unless you're wanting to do 32 parallel lookups into a 256-byte lookup table, you don't really have space in the source operand to write the addresses required for the load.
I think you have to do four 8x32-bit gather operations and then merge the results; the gather operation supports unaligned accesses so you could load from an address adjusted to get the target byte in the right place within the YMM register, then just AND with masks and OR to merge.